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Student: Luis Gil

Teacher: Richard Hajek

Essay page 33:

The last month, I postuled to San Marcos university,

to the career of systems engineer. I had been
preparing for some months, approximately 7
months, so I was going to get the vacant, but it
wasn’t enough and I didn’t get my objective.
I used to have plans for after the exam, as in my
mind I was going to pass the exam, I had in mind
spend the five months that I could have if I were
pass the exam, doing exercise, practicing a sport, I
was between soccer, athletics and tennis, hang out
with my friends, my family, etc.
After that experience, I learned some things, for
example, to get my goals, I had to put all of me on
it, to it’s necessary do some sacrifices for be more
focus. Also, I sid on my mind to I would be between
the people that get a vacant on the March’s exam.

Essay page 67:

Two weeks ago, I began to play soccer with my
friends every Sunday, it’s something very funny for
us, from before pandemic we don’t do exercise or a
sport, so we hadn’t a good condition. We should
have remembered a lot of things for avoid troubles.
The first Sunday, was so hard, but I remembered a
lot of things, for example, always I ought to go with
sneakers, in my case, I couldn’t fine mine, so I had
to go with normal shoes, was horrible, also, I don’t
have to go with litttle water if you are in bad
conditions, in my case and my friends, we had to
bought a lot of water, and it made us loos time, so
you should have gone with you water or but that
before play. Another thing that I remembered was to
must not to play few after of were eating, was the
case of one friend, and I couldn’t play.
I remembered all it, and it’s something to people as
me or my friends can live, mi situation was similar
to my friends, so those recommendations could help

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