Pages from CSA A23 (1) .3-04 - 加拿大标准协会 Design of Concrete Structures-2

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© Canadian Standards Association Design of concrete structures

11.3 Design for shear and torsion in flexural regions

11.3.1 Required shear resistance

Members subjected to shear shall be proportioned so that

Vr ≥ Vf (11-3)

11.3.2 Sections near supports

Sections located less than a distance dv from the face of the support may be designed for the same shear,
Vf , as that computed at a distance dv, provided that
(a) the reaction force in the direction of applied shear introduces compression into the member; and
(b) no concentrated load that causes a shear force greater than 0.3λφc fc′ bw dv is applied within the
distance dv from the face of the support.

11.3.3 Factored shear resistance

The factored shear resistance shall be determined by

Vr = Vc + Vs + Vp (11-4)

However, Vr shall not exceed

Vr,max = 0.25φ c fc’ bwdv + Vp (11-5)

11.3.4 Determination of Vc
The value of Vc shall be computed from

Vc = φc λ β fc′ bw dv (11-6)

where β is determined as specified in Clause 11.3.6.

In the determination of Vc , the term fc′ shall not be taken greater than 8 MPa.

11.3.5 Determination of Vs
For members with transverse reinforcement perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, Vs shall be computed
φs Av fy dv cot θ
Vs = (11-7)
where θ is determined as specified in Clause 11.3.6.
For members with transverse reinforcement inclined at an angle α to the longitudinal axis, Vs shall be
computed from
φ sA v fydv (cot θ + cot α ) sinα
Vs = (11-8)
where θ is determined as specified in Clause 11.3.6.

December 2004 57

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