Paket Bahasa Inggris

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Soal Bahasa Inggris

Text for question 1 – 5

In almost every developing country, the lack of adequate supplies of cheap, convenient
and reliable. Fuel is a major problem. Rural commodities depend largely on kerosene, wood,
and dung for their cooking and lighting needs, but kerosene is now priced out of reach of many
people, and wood, except in heavily forested areas, is in short supply. The search for firewood
occupies a large part of the working day and has resulted in widespread deforestation.
Dung is in constant supply wherever there are farm animals and when dried, it is convenient to
store and use. But burning dung destroys its value as fertilizer, thus depriving the soil of a
much-needed source of humus and nitrogen. Rural areas of developing countries are also
plagued by a lack of adequate sanitation, improper waste disposal spreads disease,
contaminates water sources, and provides feeding grounds for disease-carrying insects.

The problem of improving environmental hygiene, conserving sources, and finding

alternative sources of fuel may be unrelated. Their solution, however, is not, as many countries
experimenting with biogas technology are discovering. Biogas, a mixture of methane and
carbon dioxide, is produced by anaerobic fermentation is a natural one. Occurring whenever
living matter decomposes. By keeping the matter and the process in a digester or biogas plan,
the combustible gas can be trapped and used as fuel for household lighting and cooking. The
digested slurry that remains can be used on the land as a soil conditioner and fertilizer.

1. What are the two problems mentioned in the text?

A. Pollution and the high price of fuel
B. The lack of humus and nitrogen in the soil
C. Contaminated water sources and rural areas
D. Widespread deforestation and the use of dung
E. The lack of adequate fuel and hygienic conditions

Jawaban: E
Masalah utama yang dipaparkan pada bacaan di atas adalah kurangnya bahan bakar yang
cukup atau layak, serta kondisi kesehatan yang bisa disimpulkan dari paragraf awal hingga
paragraf akhir.

2. What is the text mainly about?

A.Socio-economic problems in developing countries
B.Biogas as a solution so many problems
C.The effect of burning dung on the soil
D.The advantages of using dung as fuel
E.The process of producing biogas

Jawaban: A
Isi teks di atas memaparkan permasalahan sosial dan ekonomi yang terjadi di negara
berkembang yang dapat disimpulkan dari seluruh paragraf.

3. The disadvantage of traditional fuel used in developing countries is that they…

A.Reduce people’s energy
B.Are difficult to extract
C.Make the soil poor
D.Do not meet people needs
E.Cause damage to the environment

Jawaban: E
Kerugian yang didapatkan dari bahan bakar tradisional jika diterapkan di negara
berkembang adalah bisa menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan.

4. The main factor causing the lack of adequate sanitation is .…

A.The domestic use of biogas
B.The great number of farm animals
C.The pollution of water sources
D.The badly-managed waste disposal
E.The increase of disease-carrying insects

Jawaban: D
Faktor utama penyebab kurangnya sanitasi yang layak adalah pengaturan limbah yang

5. Why is the digested slurry of the fermented organic matter considered valuable?
A. It increases the export from developing countries
B. It improves the quality of soil for agriculture
C.It is considered a relatively cheap fertilizer
D.It is the best fertilizer in the world
E.It can be used as fuel for cooking

Jawaban: B
Alasan ampan biogas berbahan kotoran ternak dan air melalui proses tanpa oksigen atau
anaerobik dianggap bernilai karena ampas biogas bisa meningkatkan kualitas tanam untuk
bercocok tanam atau untuk pertanian.

Text for question 6 & 7

In 1979, two British farmers reported that, while sitting on a hill, they suddenly saw the
crops below flattened in a perfect circle. They inferred that some great force must have come
down directly from above to squash the corn and barley. This started a public hysteria about so-
called crop circles. The patterns pressed into the crops (not all of them were circles) seemed to
have no entry or exit points. Many people hypothesized that only alien spaceships could make
such bizarre imprints.
Others, including Britain’s police, assailed such wild conclusions. They had a contrary
theory: Someone was playing a big hoax. Teams of investigators took samples of the plants and
the soil, trying to objectively analyze the crop circles as if they were a crime scene.
Public curiosity often impaired the investigators, who had to tolerate busloads of tourists
flocking to the circles. The farmers in the area, long suspicious of the police, approached the
case as an instance of police versus the people. If the local farmers knew the circles were a
hoax, they wouldn’t say so.

Taken from: McGraw-Hill’s Must-Have Words p. 141

6. Which of the following can be inferred from the statement ‘Many people hypothesized that
only alien spaceships could make such bizarre imprints’ in the first paragraph?
A. The crops seemed to have no entry or exit points.
B. The phenomenon interest lots of tourist to sightsee the crops.
C. The government believes that someone was playing a big hoax.
D. Most people do not believe that humans are able to make crop circles.
E. Some great force must have come down directly from above to make the crops.

Jawaban: D
Pernyataan many people hypothesized that only alien spaceships could make such bizarre
imprints membicarakan mengenai hipotesa kebanyakan orang yang menyebutkan bahwa
hanya makhluk luar angkasa sejenis alien yang hanya bisa membuat jejak aneh tersebut.
Pahami bahwa frasa such bizarre imprints merujuk pada crop circles yang disebutkan di
kalimat sebelum pernyataan soal. Selain itu, kata kerja hypothesized merupakan kata kerja
yang menggambarkan suatu hipotesa atau dugaan. Berdasarkan hal ini dapat dipahami
bahwa pernyataan pada soal mengindikasikan bahwa kebanyakan orang tidak
mempercayai kemampuan manusia bisa membuat hal seperti crop circles ini–yang
kemudian menyebabkan mereka berhipotesa mengenai alien. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang
paling tepat adalah most people do not believe that humans are able to make the crop

7. “She dances….(beauty-beautiful-beautifully-beautified beautify).”

To answer that question, we need to do … techniques in reading.
A. cloze procedure
B. vocabulary improvement
C. reading
D. scanning
E. understanding the sentence

Jawaban: A
That kind of question is using derivatives form. That’s why we have to do a cloze procedure
and know exactly about parts of speech.

8. I am planning to go to the party tonight but it is not raining. It’s raining very hard now. I wish
A. It had stopped
B. It stops
C. It would stop
D. It will stop
E. It stopped

Jawaban: C
Ingat bahwa would digunakan berdasarkan pandangan atau perspektif dari masa lalu
dengan rumus past future tense. Kemudian, perhatikan bahwa kejadian hujan berhenti
merupakan harapan untuk kondisi nanti namun menggunakan pengalaman dari kondisi
sebelumnya. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah it would stop.
9. Dian: Let’s go swimming.
Dina: I wish I ... We have a test next Tuesday.
A. will be able to
B. am able to
C. be able to
D. could
E. could be

Jawaban: D
Dina sebenarnya ingin pergi berenang namun ada tes di hari berikutnya. Oleh karena itu,
kata yang tepat untuk mengisi titik-titik pada soal adalah could.

10. Your sister always gets up late on Sundays …

A. doesn’t she
B. isn’t it
C. does it
D. will she
E. should she

Jawaban: A
Kata penegasan atau question tag yang tepat ketika subjectnya adalah she adalah yang
mengandung kata she. Akibatnya, pilihan B dan C salah. Kemudian, kalimat utama pada
soal bersifat positif, maka kalimat penegasnya haruslah negatif atau mengandung kata not.
Di antara pilihan A, D, dan E, yang mengandung kata not adalah A. Oleh karena itu,
jawaban yang tepat adalah A.

11. Ulfa went to the blackboard as if she knew how to solve the problem. The underlined words
mean …
A. she succeeded in solving the problem
B. She actually couldn’t solve the problem
C. she definitely knew how to solve the problem
D. She ought to know how to solve the problem
E. She should know how to solve the problem

Jawaban: B
Perhatikan bahwa as if she knew artinya hanya jika dia (Ulfa) mengatahui. Oleh karena itu,
sebenarnya, dia (Ulfa) tidak maju ke depan untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang ada karena
dia tidak mengetahui cara menyelesaiakan masalah tersebut.

This text for 12 – 15.

Cities are full of cars, so there’s often (……)12 on the roads. This often leads to a (……)13, which
means delays. The cars couse pollution, along with the smoke from factories, and dirty air is
bad for our health. You can also hear the (……) 14 of the traffic all over the cities can be ugly,
too. Most of the land has high-rise buildings and (……)15 sidewalks on it.

12. Choose the most appropriate word to fill the blanks above.
A. traffic
B. traffic jam
C. trash
D. noise
E. accident

13. Choose the most appropriate word to fill the blanks above.
A. traffic
B. traffic jam
C. trash
D. noise
E. accident

14. Choose the most appropriate word to fill the blanks above.
A. traffic
B. traffic jam
C. trash
D. noise
E. accident

15. Choose the most appropriate word to fill the blanks above.
A. long
B. savety
C. traffic
D. strong
E. concrete

12. A
13. B
14. D
15. E

Cities are full of cars, so there’s often (traffic)12 on the roads. This often leads to a (traffic jam)13,
which means delays. The cars couse pollution, along with the smoke from factories, and dirty air
is bad for our health. You can also hear the (noise)14 of the traffic all over the cities can be ugly,
too. Most of the land has high-rise buildings and (concrete)15 sidewalks on it.

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