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Report on visit to Laka - 13 February 2023

Meeting with Pastor Joshua

On the 13th February, 2023, a team from PPF together with the country director visited Laka on
account of Abibatu who is one of the PPF’s beneficiaries. The team had a meeting with who
happens to be one of the caregivers of Abibatu. Pastor Joshua expressed his frustration and
dissatisfaction on Abibatu's current behaviour. He noted that he became fed-up with her way of
life and had decided to let her reside with the mum. Abibatu resorted to disrespecting Pastor
Joshua and could not adhere to whatever he said to her. She also disrespected and made sarcastic
statements against the man sent to look for at her mum's place. She told the man that she was not
coming back to Pastor Joshua’s place. That was the clearest indication to demonstrate that she
had made up her mind not to stay at Pastor Joshua’s resident.

Pastor Joshua had a talk with Abibatu regarding a suspected love relationship or advances with a
boy close by their resident and she did not take kindly with the way the issues was handled. She
noted that Pastor Joshua threatened to kill the boy if he continues to go closer to her.

The country Director (CD) PPF Mrs Alice Brown alluded to the fact that Abibatu does not want
to stay in a structured home or environment. She encouraged all parties involved PPF, Pastor
Joshua and the family of to all come onboard with one focus in order to help structure her life. At
the end of the meeting, we agreed to visit the mother and then Abibatu in her school.

Outcome of Abibatu Mum's (Madam Fatmata Bangura) Visit at her resident.

The country Director ( Mrs Alice Brown) gave a recap of the past meeting with the family in
January, and the attitude of Abibatu. She echoed the rules stated in the beneficiaries agreement
form and that every beneficiary should do her best to abide by them if they want to continue in
the project. The mum strongly denied giving Abibatu rice cakes or any other products or items to
sell nor sent her to plant anybody. Her justification for her daughter coming to stay with her was
as a result of other children in Pastor Joshua’s home had accused and are still accusing her of
been thief.
Another issue came up about Pastor Joshua taking her phone because he caught her talking to a
boy with the phone, Pastor Joshua gave the phone to a woman in the home and Abibatu went
behind the woman and took the phone in her bag the woman said that her money was stolen
during the process. The mum expressed her disappointment towards that incident.

Pastor Joshua made it clear that taking things that does not belong to her is her weakness and that
has been proven multiple times. Abibatu's elder brother made mention that her sister is very
stubborn and requires to stay in a home and under the watchful eyes of strong disciplinarians
who can properly monitor her ways of doing things.

Visit To Abibatu's School

In her school, the country Director PPF told Abibatu that the project is investing on her so that
she will becomes a success story and not the other way round. Abibatu was given the opportunity
to tell the reasons for her behaviour. She made mention of her companions at Pastor Joshua
residents accusing her of been a thief and how the issue resulted to a boy going to her school to
threatening her with a knife. The issue of her joining the school beauty Pageant has been one of
the complaints of Pastor Joshua and he said that's the reason for her leaving the home and not
attending church service. She said if she attends service Pastor will hold her and not let her go.
She said she was the one who registered for the pageant and has told the organizers that she is no
longer interested. We encourage her to focus on her education and not social life.

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