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is a writing signed by the shipmaster declaring that goods

less complete, and Aegean art continued to languish, cut off

and carriages may ascend. The chapel of St Hubert, said to

was obviously intended to give an heir to the Stuart prince,

in the country. The general impression was that inasmuch as

CH3COCH3. E. R. Squibb (Journ. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1895,

(Bu-Grara), Gafsa (Capsa), Kef (Sicca Veneria), Bulla Regia, &c.

animistic beliefs; their original social organization in

arguments from faith and religion, as it is for the physicist

of common were exercised by yeomen, some of whom had acquired

verse of Longfellow and Emerson there is the noble stamp

very well, and has been widely introduced both in Great Britain

1453, when Constantinople fell. It was occupied by the

of caustic soda. This is always made from the carbonate by

aesthetic contemplation, and to the mutual sharing of aesthetic

and Bragg in the struggle for Tennessee. In October Lee

Cameroon in the month of July 1884. In Cameroon Germany

after the Peasants' War of 1525 he ranged himself definitely

160 deg. --200 deg. . Other reactions which introduce carboxyl groups

of number of farms, total and improved acreage by decades.

design of reducing the power of the English in the council by

confidence of all those who are engaged in production, who

edible snail (Helix pomatia) into England, and the common

goat. Both hides and wool are also exported from Algeria and

of Eminent Men of Aberdeen (1841); J. Gordon, Description

Melle in the 11th, Songhai in the 14th, and Bornu in the 16th.

ushered in by volcanic eruptions on a scale such as the earth

to some extent with that of his fellows, their opposition


mixtures. On gentle heating, it is decomposed into water

to say that the fall can be deferred for a long time by

antithesis to ``gnostic''; but the meaning remains the same

In its main lines the Spanish conquest was complete by

campaign of 333. He was through the Cicilian Gates before the

needed some softening appendix, and this the editor provided.

endeavoured to end the rivalry between various princes

China, province Hei-lung-kiang, in northern Manchuria, situated

28th of May 1900, proclaimed by Lord Roberts a British colony

by fierce campaigns between Guxa, ras of Gondar, and Wolda

the first division of Poland, renewed the Family Compact,

called the principal, and who is, in consequence of, and to

from half an hour to a whole hour the conversion of sodium

time. The palace is an imposing building in the classical

ft.). This region, which is not accurately known, is studded

advance on those of Plato. He distinctly recognized (in the

E., and then north again to the frontier of the Congo State.

permanently incorporated in the vocabulary of science.

from the great absorption at the blue end of the spectrum,

metallic central-fire cartridge case in the Enfield rifles,

of a system of philosophy was Baumgarten (Aesthetica) .

these principles in Norfolk made it, according to Arthur Young

swamp. Soon afterwards Marshal Clausel began to build a

intercession on the part of his community for all the souls in

striven to prevent secession, and soon became itself a state

or the mother of the king of Jerusalem suggesting the draught.

In England the Agricultural Society was founded in 1838, with

summer, autumn and winter respectively: at Holy Cross Mission 20 deg. ,

Tzintzuntzan Michoacan, Mexico. (?) Tarascan culture.

1903 897,645 825,679 569,920 27,719

and Ovelgonne were incorporated. Without these suburbs the

to learn Greek, an Armenian Christian liierature became a

related that, when Charles interrupted a complimentary address

three books ``on spiritual friendship''; a life of Edward the

origin, resulting from the decomposition of various aluminous

i.) By the Juries Act 1870, s. 8, aliens who have been domiciled

rule was commonly set aside, and we find frequent complaints of

Agde is a place of great antiquity and is said to have

to classify proteids by those groups. ``Nucleo-proteids,''

Fimber Pass (Remus to Ischgl), bridle path. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8,570

the former case the light penetrating between the particles

C. Ulothrix sp., zoospores escaping. C23, stages of conjugation.

incorrect. But it may be noticed here that the phrase ``the

the valley are Wansfell on the east, Loughrigg Fell on the

concerning the liberties of the Gallican church. Charities

and a theory of morality. Of these the two former are

Besides its boulevards Amiens has the ample park or Promenade

Review, which was founded in 1815, and was long the chief

prepared by reducing trimethylene cyanide in ether solution by

society or any of its members are making systematic efforts

was decided to institute, and French and Spanish officers

advanced to within four miles of Carlisle with a large

semi-barbarous Dorian tribes, so the same result seems to

situated among low wooded hills at the junction of the small

chemists. Each of these three had two associates, and,

practice of plying possible purchasers with printed letters and

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