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A. Choose the Best Answer!

1. The sun shines brigthly. It is a ….

a. Windy
b. Cloudy
c. Sunny day
d. Stormy

2. What season if the trees, houses, and land become wet?

a. Dry season
b. Rainy season
c. Windy
d. Cloudy

3. What is the weather today? When we using umbrella.

a. It is sunny
b. It is rainy
c. It is foggy
d. It is windy

4. In England, we have four seasons they are ……

a. Summer, autumn, spring, and rainy
b. Summer, autumn, spring, and dry
c. Summer, autumn, winter, and spring
d. Summer, rainy, windy and dry

5. In Indonesia, we have two seasons they are ……

a. Wet and snowy
b. Summer and winter
c. Rainy and dry
d. Summer

6. What’s season is like on the picture….

a. Falls
b. Summer
c. Spring
d. Autumn
7. We can see water falling from the sky at ….
a. Dry season
b. Summer season
c. Rainy season
d. Winter season

8. We can see snow in the ….

a. Autumn
b. Summer
c. Winter
d. Spring

9. Don’t forget to bring ……… It’s ……….. season!

a. Hat – Windy
b. Jacket – Rainy
c. Umbrella – Summer
d. Umbrella – Rainy

10. It is good to fly the kites in the weather of ……..

a. Rainy
b. Cloudy
c. Windy
d. Sunny

11. It is summer season. The weather is so …….

a. Cold
b. Hot
c. Warm
d. Cool

12. Shecil: What’s season is it ms. Ola?

Ms. Ola: Oh, it is ………. Season.
a. Winter
b. Summer
c. Spring
d. Autumn
13. Translate to Indonesia language
Today is sunny. Let’s play outside!
a. Hari ini cuacanya berangin. Ayo main diluar!
b. Hari ini cuacanya berawan. Ayo main diluar!
c. Hari ini cuacanya hujan. Ayo main diluar!
d. Hari ini cuacanya cerah. Ayo main diluar!

14. Ms. Lia: It’s so cold outside! Don’t forget to wear your …….. and ………..!
Qia: Okay, ms. Lia!
a. T-shirt and shoes
b. Jacket and short
c. Jacket and trousers
d. Hat and skirt

15. On rainy day, we wear …………., ……………, and ……………

a. Raincoat, boots and umbrella
b. Raincoat, umbrella, short
c. Umbrella, t-shirt, boots
d. Boots, jeans, sandals

16. When we go to the beach in summertime, we wear

…….. and ………

a. Jacket and trousers

b. Raincoat and umbrella
c. Sunglasses and summer dress
d. Skirt and blouse
17. When the rain stop falling, we can see a ……….
a. Stars
b. Rainbow
c. Sun
d. Cloud

18. In autumn the weather is cold.

We wear……… and …………
a. Scarf and t-shirt
b. Sweater and scarf
c. Trousers and tank top
d. Short and jacket
Look at the table to answer number 19 and 25!

19. What’s the weather on Saturday night?

a. Sunny
b. Rainy
c. Partly cloudy
d. Stormy

20. What’s the weather on Wednesday day time?

a. Cloudy
b. Rainy
c. Partly cloudy
d. Stormy

21. It will be snow on …….

a. Wednesday day time
b. Tuesday night
c. Monday night
d. Wednesday night

22. It will be sunny on ……. and ………..

a. Tuesday and Wednesday
b. Monday and Tuesday
c. Friday and Saturday
d. Thursday and Friday

23. What’s the weather on Friday night?

a. Sunny
b. Rainy
c. cloudy
d. Stormy

24. What’s the weather on Tuesday day time?

a. Sunny
b. Rainy
c. Partly cloudy
d. Stormy

25. What’s the weather on Sunday night?

a. Sunny
b. Rainy
c. Partly cloudy
d. Stormy

B. Fill in the blanks!

1. If the floods comes, make people feel so ________________________

2. How is the weather in dry season? It is __________________
3. “Today is foggy” In Indonesia means _________________________________
4. Wear your ______________________ (jas hujan) It rains!
5. Indonesia has two seasons. There are _________________ and ________________
6. When the water falls from the sky. It means will be ______________________
7. When the wind blows enough. It means will be ________________________
8. When the flowers bloom and the temperature is warm. It will be
9. The thunder is very _____________________ (menakutkan)
10. When the leaves falls from the tree, it is _____________________ season.
11. We can see snow in the __________________ season.
12. Please turn on the AC, It is so _______________
13. Wear your jacket! It is so __________________ outside!
14. Let’s go to the beach! Because it is _____________
15. When there are a lot clouds on the sky. It is ______________________

C. Answer the questions with the right answer!

1. Translate to English!
• Hari ini musim hujan _____________________________________
• Aku bermain layangan di musim berangin _______________________________________
• Di musim panas aku suka makan es krim ________________________________________
2. Mention 5 names of weather and the meaning!

3. Mention 4 names of seasons and draw it!
4. Mention all the name of winter outfits!

5. Match them!
• What are you doing on windy day?
• What are you doing on rainy day?
• What are you doing on sunny day?
• What are you doing on stormy day?
• What are you doing on snowy day?

• We are swimming
• We make a snowman
• We stay at home and play inside
• Turn off all the electronics
• We play a kite

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