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The morning shift starts at six, doesn’t it? The team aren’t working overtime, are they?
You are the CMO, aren’t you? Your secretary hasn’t left yet, has he?
Our lawyer can be here at eleven, can’t she? HR can’t ask about your family status, can

There are three specials cases :

With I am, the question tag is aren’t I? I’m late again, aren’t I?
With Let’s, the question tag is shall we? Let’s move on, shall we?
With a command/request, the question tag is will Please take the minutes, will you?

1. The company is based in UK and subject to their law, ……………………………?
2. Your personal assistant speak fluent Japanese and Italian, ………………………...?
3. This hotel would be a suitable venue for next annual congress, ……………………….?
4. Excuse me Rendra, you don’t have an extra pen I could borrow, ……………………..…?
5. We can’t use this footage without the paying for the rights, ………………………….?
6. The new budget should allow enough money for new equipment, …………………………?
7. I don’t have to prepare the monthly expense report for tomorrow, ………………………….?
8. There aren’t any more clients waiting for me downstairs in the lobby, ……………………………?
9. We sent out the invitations to the promotional event on time, ………………………………..?
10. The management needs me to review and approve this proposal, …………………………….?
11. If we are late for the meeting tomorrow, please wait for us, ………………………………?
12. We should probably leave right now and hurry to the airport, ……………………………….?
13. Our contract with the government is going to expire next month, ……………………………….?
14. You won’t object if I take some time to consult with my team, …………………………………?
15. The tacky tie isn’t a part of the standard company uniform, ……………………………..?
16. The returns on this investment haven’t changed since last month,…………………………...?
17. You will finish your trial period and start full time tomorrow, …………………………….?
18. The use of company phone for private conversations is forbidden, ……………………………?
19. We’re not going to get into any trouble with the government for this, ……………………………?
20. Designs for the new booklets haven’t been sent to the printer, ………………………………?
21. The shareholders didn’t express any objections to the merger, …………………………….?
22. Our internship program is available to students and recent graduates, ………………………..?
23. We can’t simply file all expenses in the same category, ………………………………….?
24. Let’s start the meeting by reviewing the minutes from yesterday, ……………………………?
25. You never had any problems during your time at the company, …………………………..?

Result : 25-22= excellent, 21-16= very good, 15-12= good, 11 or less= study more

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