EPDA MT. SAMUGARA 27 at Jakarta 26 Nov 2022

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SNEPAC Perusahaan Keagenan

Perusahaan Keagenan


Date : 26 November 2022

To : Bapak Alfath PT Samugara
Vessel : MT Samugara 27
GRT : 753 T
Port : Tg Priok
A) Port Charges Tariff (PUP / PNBP) TARIFF IDR (Rupiah) REMARKS
1 Port Dues Grt 753 Rp 105 1 79.065 Est alongside 1 days
2 Pilotage
- Fix Tarif Rp 2 426.496 In & Out
- Variabel Tariff Grt 753 Rp 59,20 2 118 In & Out
3 Tugage (Jasa Tunda) In Out
- Fix Tariff Grt 753 Rp 505.920 2 1.011.840 In & Out / Hour
- Variabel Tariff Grt 753 Rp 8 2 16 In & Out / Hour
4 Garbage (Jasa Kebersihan) Fix Charge / Call Cbm 1 Rp 50.000 2 100.000
TOTAL 1.617.535
TAX 11% 177.929
SUB TOTAL 1.795.464
B) Harbour Dues Tariff ( PUP / PNBP )
1 Anchore Dues (Uang Labuh) Grt 753 Rp 90 67.770 GT/15 Days
2 Light Dues (Uang Rambu) Grt 753 Rp 250 188.250 GT/250/30 Days
3 Vessel Tracking Service (VTS) Rp 125000 125.000
4 Quarantine PHQC Free Pratique / Clearence Grt 753 Rp 100000 100.000
SUB TOTAL 481.020
C) Agency Renumeration and Micellaneous Cost
Clearance In/Out
- Port Clearance in and out (SPB) Rp 3.500.000 1 3.500.000
- Izin Gerak / Vessel / Movement Permits / SPOG Rp 1.700.000 1 1.700.000
- Hot Work permits ( valid for 3 day light only 07.00 hrs -17.00) Rp 3.000.000 1 3.000.000
- Handling fee Pilot Rp 1.000.000 1 1.000.000
- Port Agency Fee / Call Rp 1.500.000 1 1.500.000

1. All business transactions are subject to our standard trading conditions.
2. Indonesia port tariff rates and implementation are being reviewed by Government.
3. All Agency fees and cost are subject to 11% VAT according to indonesia Government Regulation. Best Regards, APPROVAL ACCEPTANCE
4. Term of payment 30 days after invoice receipt
5. If there is any job has not been included in this EPDA, it will be confirmed for approval first from owner before the job start
6. Tariff (PUP/PNBP) to charge 5%

Bank Account for payment Zulkhiri

No Rekening : 3355888342 Head Of PT Snepac Agency Asia
Beneficiary Name : PT SNEPAC AGENCY ASIA
Bank : Bank BNI

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