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Words to know

Building a House LEVELED BOOK • G

A Reading A–Z Level G Leveled Book
Word Count: 163

a House
Writing and Art
Design your own house. Draw it
and write about the steps you
would take to build the house.
Social Studies
Can a house be both a want and
a need? Discuss your ideas with a

Writ ten by Anthony Cu rra n

for thousands of books and materials.
First, the builders make a
Houses do not all look the strong base for the house.
same, but most home builders The base is called the
follow the same basic steps. foundation .
Building a House • Level G 3 4
First, the builders make a
Houses do not all look the strong base for the house.
same, but most home builders The base is called the
follow the same basic steps. foundation .
Building a House • Level G 3 4
Then, the builders cover the
roof and outside walls to keep
the rain out.
They leave the inside walls
Next, the builders add the open so things can go inside
floors, walls, and roof. them.
Building a House • Level G 5 6
Then, the builders cover the
roof and outside walls to keep
the rain out.
They leave the inside walls
Next, the builders add the open so things can go inside
floors, walls, and roof. them.
Building a House • Level G 5 6
Next, the builders put in Then, the builders put wires
the windows and doors. and pipes inside the walls.
Building a House • Level G 7 8
Next, the builders put in Then, the builders put wires
the windows and doors. and pipes inside the walls.
Building a House • Level G 7 8
Next, the builders fill the
empty spaces inside the Then, the builders close
walls and under the roof. up the walls and ceilings.
This helps keep the house Now the floors can be
warm in winter and cool covered and the walls
in summer. can be painted.
Building a House • Level G 9 10
Next, the builders fill the
empty spaces inside the Then, the builders close
walls and under the roof. up the walls and ceilings.
This helps keep the house Now the floors can be
warm in winter and cool covered and the walls
in summer. can be painted.
Building a House • Level G 9 10
Finally, the builders put in the
kitchen and the bathrooms.
Next, the builders put in all the Now, the house is ready to
lights and light switches. become someone’s home!
Building a House • Level G 11 12
Finally, the builders put in the
kitchen and the bathrooms.
Next, the builders put in all the Now, the house is ready to
lights and light switches. become someone’s home!
Building a House • Level G 11 12

1.Why do most home

builders follow the
same basic steps
when building a

2.Can a house be
both a want and a

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