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Organisation OID Number E10298822

Our courses
Our courses are taught by experienced leaders with knowledge of multiple national education systems.
Each course is flexible enough to adapt to the needs of each group of participants. Our courses follow
European high quality standards:
- is both engaging and interactive, facilitating a productive dialogue between participants
- focuses on the development of teachers' professional competences
- offers a balance between theory and practical application of approaches
- includes selected activities as appropriate to course content to both engage participants in sessions and
inspire innovations in future practice
- flexible in content according to participants' needs (eg language, proficiency levels, previous experience)
- Provides various tools for participants to share and reflect on what they have learned.
Can't find a course that meets your expectations? Contact us, we can prepare it for you! (Valid for groups
of 6 or more)

Our Location: Nevşehir ( Cappadocia ) A historical and cultural capital dating back centuries.
Unique natural wonders inside the fairy chimneys.
Take part in balloon flights. Watch history from the sky.
Enjoy your time in one of Europe's most multicultural countries.


In corporate communication, it is essential to use all communication tools that will

contribute to the corporate identity and reputation in a continuous, systematic and balanced
manner. In an age where technological developments are reshaping all forms of business and
communication, the faster the new technologies are applied by corporate companies, the more
competitive advantage they provide. Moving from this point, it is very important for
institutions to follow and undertand these developments and realize how to take advantage of
new trends. In this study, the development of corporate communication was briefly
mentioned, and the reflections of the developments in the communication technologies sector
since the 1980s in the field of corporate communication were examined by using a descriptive
method. The study draws a conceptual framework on the technological applications adopted
by institutions in communication management in an effort to contribute to future research.


In order to better achieve their teaching goals, effective teachers should also act as effective
classroom managers. In successful classroom management, children's and student's needs are
at the heart of the teaching process. Effective classroom management strategies and skills are
essential even for the most talented teacher: learning simply cannot occur alongside
misbehavior and chaos. Instruction flourishes upon leading a classroom environment that
promotes a collaborative community, encouraging student voice, creativity, leadership,
critical thinking, and effective teamwork. By taking part in this training course on effective
classroom management, you will learn how to include reflective moments and peer education
in your teaching practice in order to monitor and improve motivation and classroom
behaviors. At the end of the training course, you will be able to implement modern proactive
practices including the Flipped Classroom approach, and set up a classroom structure based
on a positive, accepting, inclusive, motivated, engaging, and safe learning environment in
order to improve your classroom management and teaching skills and ease your tasks in the


Thematic and interdisciplinary content will be introduced in nine modules by several tutors.
You will work within a group instructional setting; guidance will be given on current
theoretical knowledge without being lecture orientated. From practical examples to designing
your own tasks and lesson plans, you will exchange ideas and gain new skills in a positive,
“learning by doing” training through various collaborative and reflective activities.


This training course allows participants to develop their classroom management skills by
using interactive, engaging techniques and reflective methods in order to resolve conflicts and
create a positive and safe learning environment. Participants will also learn how to structure
and deliver their teaching in a more practical, impactful, and effective way. The general aim
of this course is to foster excellence and innovation in education by equipping teachers and
education staff with the basic knowledge and skills about classroom management strategies
and how to include them in their education programs.
Thanks to this course the participants will:
Learn and practice reflective tools for establishing common rules and developing conflict
management and resolution skills;
Develop working methods and approaches for building a positive and welcoming
Analyze and improve current practices to develop a student-centered teaching approach;
Get to know and experiment with practical activities, ICT tools, and cooperative techniques to
use for interactive learning opportunities;
Learn about the Flipped Classroom approach and concrete strategies to adopt it;
Develop effective classroom management strategies for personal, social, and relational
development (e.g. self-confidence, team building, leadership…);
Get an overview of the trending innovative teaching methods and their benefits for the student
learning process and attitude;
Exchange best practices and share experiences about classroom management with teachers
and education staff coming throughout Europe;
Network with individuals and organizations working in the education field in Europe through
everyday cooperation and team-building activities.


Trainees will be given soft and hard copies of all lesson materials, which they can present to
their colleagues in their own organizations to generate interest in project writing. In addition,
a mailing list of participants will be created in order to exchange ideas/experiences. At the end
of the course the participants will fill in a questionnaire in order to get a detailed feedback for
the effectiveness of the training event.






Classroom Management Survival Camp Daily Schedule

Arrival day: Typical Turkish Aperitif (optional)
Day 1 – MONDAY
Welcome and registration
Introduction to Flipped Classroom
The origin of Flipped Classroom – What does it mean to flip the classroom?
Technology and Education – how to maximize learning potential by using technology
Key terminology of digital classroom and E-learning
Teacher and Google – Who is a better educator in the 21st century? – Critical debate
Dealing with typical classroom management
problems and techniques to solve them;
Establishing classroom rules with logical
Providing clear and concise instructions.
Monitoring pair and group work;
Managing pair and group work;
Looking at typical classroom management case studies;
Asking students to reflect on their behavior;
How to use behavior rubrics;
How to maintain student-centered learning.
How to implement E-learning in classrooms in different subjects
Tools for online learning: Khan Academy
Creating a lesson in Ted-Ed Lesson
Advantages and Disadvantages of Flipped Classroom
Working on Vision and Mission statements with Classroom Management in mind;
Looking at our own classroom management behaviors as teachers;
Assessment: Rubrics and Portfolios;
Managing the Flipped Classroom;
Creating a Flipped Classroom lesson
How to start a lesson with digital activities: Ice-breakers, energizers, and warm-ups
Using blogs in the classroom
WordPress – create your own blog
How to find resources online
Introduction to Edmodo: Facebook for teachers
How to manage your class via online classroom
Examples of good practices of flipping the classroom
How to create a digital environment in school
Working on Motivation: basic notions and ICT
tools to captivate students’ attention and facilitate learning.
Day 5 – FRIDAY
Managing different cultures in your classroom;
Cooperative Learning;
How can everyone evaluate and provide feedback;
Professional Development;
Class discussion of personal cases and
brainstorming possible strategies;
Technology as a vehicle for learning;
Useful educational programs online: Kahoot, Socrative, and other programs
Online tests
Course evaluation: round-up of acquired competencies, feedback, and discussion;
- Space for discussion of future cooperation and planning follow-up activities
- Validation of learning outcomes and certification ceremony
- Excursion and other external cultural activities.
-Workshops and Cultural/Sightseeing Activities
- Participants departure

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