Spookdblog - Does Treasury Now Own The Federal Reserve Bank

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Thursday, February 16, 2023 T

Does Treasury Now Own @

the Federal Reserve Bank? P


                                                                 Federal Reserve Bank [formerly]        

The following is an edited extract of a post by Joe Lange, a fellow "Conspiracy Theorist" who has
excellent insight into a variety of issues of interest to me - and to you.  I recommend you tune in to his blog site
for in-depth revelations.  I've taken the liberty of adding comments and links to topics and terms which may be
unfamiliar to the average reader since this could be categorized as Econ 102+; I've also added graphics and
references to better explain the processes that Lange covers in his blog.
I recommend reading Lange's original blog, as well as his supplementary material since it is all relevant to the
financial restructuring ongoing now.

The Rothschilds are no longer the puppet masters                                           of the most powerful Central S

Bank in the world! D

The Rothschilds controlled the entire global financial system for generations. They created the Federal Reserve Bank to
be the most powerful Central Bank on the planet in order to control every government in every country. D

By controlling the money supply of every nation, the Rothschilds made the entire population of the world debt-slaves, as
every government borrowed money from Rothschild-controlled central banks in order to finance everything, up to and
including wars, their most profitable venture. L
As far back as the Napoleonic Wars, where they manipulated the
English Pound Sterling Bonds by causing a panic sell and buyback,
thus giving them full control of the Bank of England while also putting M
the English Empire into massive debt.  The Rothschilds have financed C
both sides of all wars.  P
In fact, the Rothschilds even funded both sides of WW1 and WW2 C
before establishing the US dollar as the Global Reserve Currency. P
How did they do it?
The Rothschilds established a gold standard again for global currencies, which had fallen apart during WW1, as countries C
hoarded their gold rather than fulfilling their contractual obligations to each other. After WW2, the United States held the L
largest gold reserves, paving the way for the standard to come. C

Touted as a way to create a global gold standard for S

currencies, the Bretton Woods Agreement pegged the US
Dollar to a gold standard, making it the world’s reserve E
currency. G
At this moment, the Federal Reserve Bank became the N
most powerful bank on the planet! S
The Rothschilds thus controlled the world’s currency which
gave them control of everything.
1) How do you free the World of the stranglehold the Rothschilds have over the entire global financial system? K
2) How do you bring down the whole corrupt global debt system so you can replace it? M
You bankrupt the system! R
As a famous saying goes,
“When you owe the bank three hundred thousand dollars and can’t pay it back, you are in trouble. But when you owe the V
bank three hundred million dollars and can’t pay it back, then the bank is in trouble.” a
The world is drowning in debt. Three hundred trillion dollars of debt, to be precise.
None of it can be paid back, which is why the WEF [World Economic Forum] is desperate for a global reset, allowing A
them to confiscate all the assets. All of OUR assets. B

But, as we know, Trump is always ten steps ahead of them. B

Bloomberg explains:
The Fed will finance a special purpose vehicle (SPV) for each acronym to conduct these operations. The Treasury, C
using the Exchange Stabilization Fund, will make an equity investment in each SPV and be in a “first loss” position.  D

What does this mean?  D

In essence, the Treasury, not the Fed, is buying all these securities and backstopping of loans; the Fed is acting as E
banker and providing financing. The Fed hired BlackRock Inc. to purchase these securities and handle the
administration of the SPVs on behalf of the owner, the Treasury.
In other words, the federal government is nationalizing large swaths of the financial markets. The Fed is providing the G
money to do it.  G

     BlackRock will be doing the trades. G

This scheme essentially merged the Fed and Treasury into one organization. So, your new Fed chairman became Donald J.
Trump. H
The Exchange Stabilization Fund was a fund set up in 1934, and most people didn’t know existed. It was completely In
controlled by the Treasury and the President, exempt from Congressional approval. It was originally set up as a means of S
intervening in currency markets to benefit the US economy, but has since become a loan program for other countries’ Je
Central Banks when they are in distress. Think of it as a permanent bail-out option for global Central banks. B

Instead of bailing out Central Banks, Trump used this fund to bail out American companies that were struggling to survive L
during the Plandemic, and forced the Federal Reserve to finance all of it.
The Federal Reserve and the US Treasury are now working for the American people, not the Central Banks. M
With the Federal Reserve Note (US dollar) being the world’s reserve currency, and with countries forced to purchase oil in M

dollars, the Rothschilds and their global debt system are now hanging on the edge of a cliff. They no longer control the M
Fed or the dollar.
Remember how Q told us to "think mirror"? N
From Q post 1953: N
Think MIRROR. Know your enemy. "Every battle is won before it's ever fought." Knowledge is POWER. — Q
Remember when Trump first became President? P
The Rothschilds controlled the Federal Reserve, and they quickly started jacking up interest rates on Trump’s P

administration in order to crash the market in an effort to stave off his chances of re-election. P
But Trump used his bully pulpit to bash the Fed at the time for raising rates when all other Central Banks in the world were
cutting theirs. He then started filling all the Fed governors vacancies, giving him total control. R
Think Mirror R
What has Powell and the Fed done since Biden became president? S
They’ve raised interest rates faster and more aggressively than anybody expected, which has nearly crashed the market. S
The market is likely going to go down further still, and that we may be entering a recession while Biden is president, S

earning him the blame. S

Trump is master of the boomerang! T
Crashing the market on Biden and the democrats to help destroy the Democrat Party was one benefit of the Fed raising T
rates to battle inflation, but not the biggest benefit. T
What was?
When the Fed raised rates aggressively, it drove up the value of the dollar that every central bank is required to use in W
order to buy oil for their economies. Every central bank in the world was instantly put in financial trouble because their Y
currencies were losing value against the dollar. In fact, three central banks have recently needed an emergency bailout L
because of this. c
The dollar is actually the global debt system’s Achilles Heel.
Thus, these Central Banks—along with many countries, especially the BRICS alliance—are buying record amounts of h
gold. in
This has all been part of the plan from the beginning. la
Q shared this very important post: p
As I have said many times, this is not talking about the Federal Reserve.

It doesn’t say, ‘Gold shall destroy THE Fed.’

                            It says:  "Gold shall destroy F.E.D." T

That’s an acronym for the

Foreign Exchange Department for COMMERCIAL BANKS. S

The Rothschilds engineered the US getting rid of the gold standard in 1971, which made the global reserve currency a
Fiat currency backed by nothing. At that moment, the Rothschilds had full control of the printing of currency and issuance
of debt. Our debt has done nothing but grow ever since, now sitting at almost $32 trillion and counting.  

[Ed Note:  To be clear, the Gold Standard ended in 1933 by edict of President Franklin Roosevelt (D) reinforced by ►
President Johnson (D) to fund the Vietnam War and his massive welfare programs, and finally, officially, by President ►
Nixon (R), in 1971.] ►

(Live debt clock)

The rest of the world is also drowning in debt.

None of this debt was ever going to be paid back. You can’t keep borrowing forever and only make minimal interest
payments. At some point, the interest payments become too high and you default. We were inevitably going to reach the
point of bankruptcy!

The question is, WHO is going to go bankrupt?

Is the United States going to go bankrupt like Germany did after World War 1, or, more recently, Venezuela?

Or is the global Central Bank debt system going to go bankrupt?

There are several significant stories of which many people are unaware. They reveal not only who is winning this war, but
they also predict the future.  
Story One

The Swedish Central Bank lost 81 billion Krona 

[almost US$8 billion] in 2022 due primarily to higher Market
interest rates.

Reuters reported "The unrealised loss is mainly due to globally rising

market interest rates, which has reduced the market value of the
Riksbank's assets".  Globally rising market interest rates have reduced
the market value of the bank’s assets.

Swedish Krona [Crown]

That resulted from Trump’s Federal Reserve Bank aggressively
increasing interest rates and thus the value of the US dollar. It crushes
the value of Central Bank assets.

 Story Two
The Swiss Central Bank posted it’s largest loss in its history.

Swiss Franc

Bloomberg: "Switzerland’s government will not receive a payout from the Swiss National Bank [SNB]
for 2022, as the central bank projects the biggest loss in its 116-year history.  The SNB expects an
annual loss of about 132 billion francs ($143 billion), more than five times the previous record, it said
Monday in preliminary results. The largest part of this, 131 billion francs, stems from collapsed
valuations of its large pile of holdings in foreign currencies, accrued as a result of decade-long
purchases to weaken the Franc."

"Collapsed valuations of its large pile of holdings in foreign currencies"

The cracks are beginning to show in the global debt system.

The Rothschilds no longer control the Fed or the US dollar, and the exchange rates AGAINST that dollar are causing them
heavy losses. They are used to being able to manipulate the US dollar anytime they wanted to, but now they can only react
to what the Fed is doing.

There are three reasons for the strength of the dollar over the last few years:

Elements: "The rapid raising of interest rates by the Federal Reserve Bank and tightening of their balance sheet has
resulted in US dollars becoming a more scarce and more valuable yield-bearing asset. As interest rates have risen, so
have yields for savings accounts and fixed-income securities like US treasuries, making them a more attractive alternative
for investors.  Simultaneously, falling equity prices (especially in the technology sector) only further incentivized investors
to pull out of riskier equity markets into the safety of the dollar.

    "Compared to many other global economies, the US economy has remained resilient with the fewest risks on its
horizon. Europe continues to face an ongoing energy crunch with the Russia-Ukraine conflict nearby, while China’s
zero-COVID policies have hampered China’s manufacturing sector and other industries"
So, now the Rothschilds’ Central Bank debt
system is competing with the US Federal Reserve
Bank rather than controlling it.

[And don't overlook the

  World Economic Forum]

But there’s a much larger problem out there for the Central
Banks that not many people are discussing.

Foreign Exchange Swaps

The Foreign Exchange Market (FOREX) is the largest market in the world, with US$Trillions traded daily. 

So who uses Foreign Exchange Swaps? [Elements]:

Financial institutions
Central Banks

"To understand Forex Swaps is to look at the role of Currency Risk.  The US dollar in 2022 was on a tear. But, when
this happens, it hurts company earnings that generate revenue across borders. That’s because they earn revenue in
foreign currencies (which likely declined in value against the dollar) but end up converting earnings to US dollars.

"To reduce currency risk, market participants buy Forex Swaps where two parties agree to exchange one currency for
another. This helps protect the company from unfavorable foreign exchange rates.

"However, due to accounting rules, Forex swaps are often unrecorded on balance sheets, and as a result are quite

        Accounting rules allow FOREX swaps to not be recorded on balance sheets?

A market that trades trillions of dollars daily and is not required to be on the balance sheet is a massive bubble. Think
about how dangerous this is to a global debt system based on a Fiat currency backed by nothing?

Gold will destroy F.E.D.!

Foreign Exchange Department

What does the Foreign Exchange Department specifically do?


The main function of a foreign exchange department is to make money for the bank by speculating on whether a
particular currency will rise or fall against another. Banks compete fiercely with each other using experienced market
traders and millions of dollars or currency equivalents are exchanged daily.

Each bank has direct links to the main foreign exchange market in the country via dedicated phone lines and
computers. The departments contain an array of screens providing constantly updated statistical and analytical
data. Complex programs attempt to predict the future movement of currencies and instant decisions, as to whether
to buy or sell a currency, can result in a bank making or losing substantial sums in seconds.

These Foreign Exchange Departments speculate daily on currencies and can lose huge amounts of money in mere
seconds. This is a huge risk made much greater with the Rothschilds no longer controlling the Fed and losing their ability
to manipulate the US dollar.
[ED NOTE:  I met a Bank of America FOREX trader who spent all his time traveling internationally speculating on
overnight currency exchange rates.  He advised that even a marginally small change in exchange rates might be worth
US$Millions in overnight fluctuations.  So, FOREX is a major game changer in this process.]

So how big is this hidden dollar debt?

Elements explains:

US$65 trillion in unrecorded dollar debt circulates across the global financial system in non-US and Shadow Banks. 

                    To put that in perspective, current [2023] global GDP sits at $104 trillion.

[ED Note:  When I (SpookdBlog] worked at at the State Department Bureau of
Intelligence and Research [INR], I would brief Secretary Schultz weekly on
financial "instability" in regions across the globe.  Schultz had previously been
Secretary of the Treasury, and cautioned me on using World Bank/IMF figures
since they were blatantly false.  However, the rule of thumb became that these
figures were acceptable solely for comparison purposes.

     Notably, NY Fed President Geithner transferred US$15 Trillion to China in 2008,

doubling China's GDP in one year, creating China's "Economic Miracle".  0bama
appointed Geithner to be the Secretary of Treasury in 2009, ending the
World Bank criminal investigation of the illegal cash transfer.] 
GDP by Country [2014]

This US dollar debt is in the form of

foreign-exchange swaps, which exploded
over the last decade due to years of
Monetary Easing and ultra-low interest
rates, as investors searched for higher

Today, unrecorded debt from these foreign-

exchange swaps is worth more than
double the dollar debt officially recorded
on balance sheets across these

This hidden dollar debt is a ticking time bomb.

Now, as interest rates have been rising, Forex

swaps have increased amid higher market
volatility as investors look to hedge currency

This appears in both non-US banks and non-

US shadow banks, which  are unregulated
financial intermediaries!

Overall, the value of unrecorded debt is

staggering. An estimated $39 trillion is held
by non-US banks along with $26 trillion in
overseas shadow banks around the world

This is unrecorded debt in unregulated

financial intermediaries.
Is the US dollar the Achilles Heel of the whole global Central Bank Debt System?

The Rothschild puppet masters used the dollar and the Federal Reserve as a weapon against the world since the end
of WW2.

You'll be pleased to know, that has now come to an end!

And then came Trump!

Recall the history of Trump before he was President; recall also that he was condemned because he filed for bankruptcy
several times. He didn’t file for personal bankruptcy, but rather for Chapter  11 [Reorganization] for several of his
businesses, and each emerged stronger, with all debts paid.

Trump, a master of business, understands the value of bankruptcy laws.  As a result, Trump is always weak ahead of his
competitors, and the banks.

How did Trump defeat the Rothschilds and gain control of the Federal Reserve Bank?
It started when Trump was first elected. The POTUS appoints the Board of Governors to the Federal Reserve Bank. There
are seven total governors on the Board, and when Trump was elected, there were already two vacancies that Obama had
left for Hillary Clinton—his presumed successor—to fill.
‘They never thought Hillary would lose.’

Trump then got three more resignations, including some that look like they
may have been forced by Trump himself, such as Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer,
who stepped down in 2017.

Fischer is an Israeli American economist who served as the 20th Vice Chair of the Federal

Reserve from 2014 to 2017. [Fischer previously served as the eighth governor of the Bank
of Israel from 2005 to 2013.]

 [An Israeli financier appointed to the US Federal Reserve Bank?]            It seems Mr Fischer's
history included linkage to the Rothschild empire, which was linked to Rockefeller's Bellagio
Group, linked to the Group of 30, found its way to Las Vegas, where the Bellagio Hotel became
Stanley Fischer the site of the mass shooting.  What was the linkage of that incident to the Fed -  and
8th Governor Bank of Israel    International Finance? 

So, two vacancies and three early resignations allowed Trump to appoint five of the seven governors to the board of
the Federal Reserve.

Trump then appointed Jerome Powell, already on the Board of

Governors, to the position of chairman, replacing Obama
appointee Janet Yellen, who then became US Secretary of Treasury.

That freed up another vacant position on the board of governors, which gave
him six out of seven total positions and near full control of the Federal

Ed Note:

Now, political wags would say that all this Trump maneuvering was for naught since we
are now suffering under the Biden Administration - and Trump's appointees have been
But, is Biden, rumored to have died during his "faux inauguration" and replaced by Hollywood stunt actor, Arthur Roberts, and of late, a
robot capable of a rapid fire speech lasting one hour and 40 minutes without a sip of water, may not actually be in office?  Rumors continue
that Trump orchestrates key elements of the government from behind the scenes, allowing all the democrat scandals to be fully exposed and
play out, revealing the full corruption of the Biden family and of the democrat [and RINO] Congress.
WikiLeaks reportedly has released a massive number of previously damning documents hidden by the Deep State for decades.  Within
those documents, you'll find much evidence of unimaginable criminality, and financial manipulation supporting all that you've now read.

According to Zerohedge [November 2019]:

    The Fed announced that in a previously unannounced meeting not on the official White House calendar, Fed
Chairman Powell met with Trump and Mnuchin at the White House  "to discuss the economy, growth, employment
and inflation", marking the second face-to-face meeting between the world's two most powerful people amid Trump's
relentless criticism of the Central Bank. As a reminder, Powell had dinner with the President in February and the two
have spoken by telephone since.

An unannounced meeting that also wasn’t on the White House schedule?


Several face-to-face talks, dinner together and phone calls? 

Nothing to see here, folks!

They talked about inflation?

Interesting, considering inflation was unleashed during the Biden Administration AFTER Trump left office and it has now
helped trigger the collapse of the central banks debt system.

How’s that for timing?

So with Trump having appointed all but one member of the board of governors over the Federal Reserve and the chairman
he appointed cozying up to him, should it have been a surprise when this huge news hit?

Trump Rolls the Fed Into the Treasury

This was a massive story back in March 2020, right before Trump’s presumed imminent re-election, but it wasn’t talked
about much in the media—aside from some of the financial media—and almost nobody knows about it.

I believe Trump used the plandemic the enemy launched on the world as the excuse he needed to roll the Federal Reserve
into the US Treasury, which the President controls as part of the Executive Branch.

In essence, the all powerful Federal Reserve Bank [FRB] (currently staffed with Biden stooges), is now subordinate to the
US Secretary of the Treasury, who will replace the powers of the FRB, with a Treasury staff element [much like the Office
of the Comptroller of the Currency].  

[Yellen is rumored to soon be replaced as Treasury Secretary; her replacement is predicted to be Brian Moynihan
[currently CEO of the Bank of America. (Interestingly, BofA is the bank selected to redeem the Trump Gold-Backed

        Treasury will then replace the fiat Federal Reserve notes

Fiat Federal Reserve Note                                      

                             with Treasury Certificates redeemable in gold or silver 

Treasury Certificate

        Our currency system then reverts to that which existed prior to the FDR debacle. 

Specifically, the US Treasury Certificates will be redeemable in Gold or Silver, and the US dollar will once again be the
most valuable, and stable currency in the world.

[Now, there are unforeseen consequences of this change-over, but the negatives are solely for criminal and hostile
foreign elements. 

[We'll discuss those in a future blog post.]

at 6:52 PM
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