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Some nouns can be either countable or uncountable

depending on the context.

• He’s a danger to society. (xã hội)
• Britain is a multi-racial society. ( 1 cộng đồng người)

people, things,
● a noun which is the name of a particular person, animals, places, abstractions
place, or thing
Proper nouns
● spelt with a capital letter
can be subject, object,
Ex: Paris, Thomas,...
or complement

● Nouns that have both singular

can be modified by
and plural forms Definition adjectives
● used to talk about countable
individual things
Countable nouns
● Used with either singular or
Determiner: a word which is used with a noun
plural verbs
and which can limit the meaning of the noun in
Ex: word – words, machine –
can be used with determiners some way
Determiner + Noun = Noun phrase ● Articles
Ex: a book, this table, his pen, some ● Demonstrative adjectives
apples, one window ● Possessive adjectives
● Nouns that do not usually
● Quantifiers
occur in plural forms
● Used to talk about things of
Types of nouns ● Numerals
Uncountable nouns
a mass
● Used with singular verbs
Suffix –s/–es added to
Ex: education, homework, harm rose + –s ➔ roses, fly + –es ➔ flies
the noun

a physical
Vowel change mouse ➔ mice, tooth ➔ teeth
thing, rather than a
quality, state, or action Concrete nouns (cụ thể)
Ex: book, house, Same forms aircraft, sheep, headquarters

● –en: ox ➔ oxen
Common nouns
a quality, state, ● –is ➔ –es: crisis ➔ crises
(not the name of
or action Abstract nouns (Trừu ● –us ➔ –i: nucleus ➔ nuclei
a particular person, Irregular plural endings
Ex: happiness, idea, tượng) ● –a ➔ –ae: antenna ➔ antennae
place, or thing.)
punishment ● –um ➔ –a: millennium ➔ millennia
● –on ➔ –a: phenomenon ➔ phenomena

Measure partitives: a
yard of cloth, an acre of Nouns with two plural ● brother ➔ brothers /
land forms, each with a brethren
different ● index ➔ indexes / indices
● phrases used to express quantity and How high is a tree?
meaning ● penny ➔ pennies / pence
Typical partitives: a used with an uncountable noun 1 meter
slice of cake, a stick of ● are always countable Partitive nouns (Bộ 2 meters
chalk ● can be used with both countable and phận) Plurality ● damage vs. damages 1.5 meter/meters

Nouns with a different
uncountable nouns ● saving vs. savings 0.5 meter/meters
meaning for the plural
Ex: a loaf of bread a packet of biscuits ● experience vs.
General partitives: a form
piece of paper/cake, a
bit of cheese/
cloth 1.0 points, 0.0001 degrees
0.75 (zero point seven five)

Ex: school, family, company

- nouns that refer to a collection of
- The government is going to look into the matter. ( nhóm người Collective nouns (tập 1/2: one-second
people, things, or animals as a group
như 1 thể thống nhất) hợp) 2/3: two-third
- can be used with both singular and plural verbs
- The government are going to look into the matter. (cá nhân, từng *Tử: numeral
thành viên) Mẫu: ordinal, nếu > 1 thì thêm "s"
express possession: Ex: three fouths of the apple ( 3/4 của 1 quả táo)
Julia’s coat three fouths of the apples (3/4 của đống táo)

express relations - 8 points : minus eight points

between people: the Tất cả số âm đều là số nhiều, trừ trường hợp -1
man’s father - 1°C :minus 1 degree Celsius
- 1°Cminus 1 degrees Celsius
person => people
express purpose: person => persons (nhấn
children’s playground equivalents to zero mạnh tính cá nhân, trang
trọng, lịch sự)
● possessive adjective + noun
express time when: ● possessive pronoun Single-word compound
yesterday’s newspaper ● noun + of + noun Possessive Case nouns: headache
● possessive case 's ‘s
Note: The possessive is not
fixed expressions: for adjective + noun:
used with non-living things.
pity’s sake blackbird

Fish - Fish/ Fishes

as adjectival use: a gerund + noun:
Food - Food/ Foods
man’s voice (= a male answering machine
Fruit - fruit/ Fruits
=> Nói về số lượng thì giữ nguyên, nói về chủng loại thì thêm s, es
Compound noun + gerund: radios
equivalent to a nouns sightseeing
=> tùy vào từ vựng dựa vào gốc nước ngoài hay tiếng Anh gốc
sentence: the residents’
protests = the
verb + adverb particle:
residents protested

noun + noun: air


Plurality of compound nouns:horsemen,

fathers-in-law, menservants

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