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HAndOut 2.

1: Evaluate your Choices

a) Complete the following in the space provided:

• Have you ever made a bad choice or one you regret?
• Write down details of the choice and decision.
• Ask yourself: what made it a bad choice?
Write down all the different reasons you can think of.

A choice that I’ve made in the past that I regret was in when I chose not to complete a

Chemistry assignment when I had the time. It was a lab assignment and something that I

needed time to finish. This ended up affecting me negatively as I received more

assignments and other events that occurred that took my time and prevented me from

finishing this assignment ahead of time. I ended up making another bad choice by choosing

to stay up to complete the lab assignment and I lost sleep, which made me unprepared

for a math quiz that I had the next day. All in all, this was a terrible choice because

I didn’t submit my best work, I lost sleep and did poorly on my math quiz. If this

b) Now think of choices you were happy with – good choices.

• Have you ever made a good choice or one that gives you satisfaction?
• Write down details of the choice and your decision. • Now, ask yourself:
What made that a good choice? Write down all the reasons you can think of.
HAndOut 2.2: Analyzing Scenarios

Consider each case study in terms of the following categories. Provide answers in the space provided
using the case study about Steve to help you.

AGENT is the person whose actions you are going to think about:

INTENT refers to what the person (agent) wants to happen:

ACTION describes what the person did:

MOTIVE gives the reason(s) for the action:

MEANS answers the question: How did a person accomplish the action?

CIRCUMSTANCES describe the bigger picture; factors that surround the action, but are not
necessarily part of the action:

WITH OR AGAINST WHOM helps us understand that our actions must be seen not only in themselves,
but in relationship to others.

CONSEQUENCES direct our attention to how the action turned out:


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