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SW Update Manual R10.6.

Intera MR

XW8000/W8000 Host
XW6000/W6000 Reconstructor

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2006-12-19 SW Update Manual R10.6.2 4522-210-27552 / 1.1

SW Update Manual R10.6.2

Intera MR

Author: Philips Medical Systems

Date: 2006-12-19
Intera Software package: R10.6.2
Document number: 4522-210-27552

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This document and the information contained in it is proprietary and confidential information of Philips Medical Systems ("Philips") and may not be reproduced,
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© 2005 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
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4522-210-27552 / 1.1 SW Update Manual R10.6.2 2006-12-19

Table 1-1 Checklist to Update or Install an R10.6.2 System





Step 1 up to 6 are preparation steps outside the Hospital.

Obtain from :

• Latest electronic version of this SW Update Manual R10.6.2
1. z - -
(Service library Æ Magnetic Resonance Æ Intera Achieva Æ R1 Æ

Check for:

• Firmware level + BIOS Settings Computers
2. z • Firmware level peripherals (DVD-ROM GDR-8163B!) etc.
(Service library Æ Magnetic Resonance Æ MR Download Area Æ MR
Computer Firmware)

• R10.6.2 Service Packs.
3. z • R10.6.2 Security Fixes. - -

(Service library Æ Magnetic Resonance Æ MR Download Area Æ

Service Packs/Security Fixes)


4. z For required FCO’s (e.g. FCO 781 00133 and FCO 781 00171), and - -
Newsletters with respect to MR.
(Service library Æ Magnetic Resonance Æ FCO/Newsletters)

5. z • Latest FCO’s, Newsletters with respect to - -
EasyVision/ViewForum, EasyAccess and EasyLink products.

• Attributes for the DICOM printer(s).
6. z - -
(Service library Æ Medical IT Æ Interoperability Knowledgebase Æ
Printer Validation Æ DICOM Attributes)

Step 7 up to 58 take place at the Hospital.

All patient data on R10.3/R10.4/R10.6.1 Host is lost and must be

7. z - -

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8. z All queued jobs on R10.3/R10.4/R10.6.1 Host are finished. - -

Register Computer Name + Network settings R10.3/R10.4/R10.6.1

• Open Command Window
• Enter
ipconfig /all > C:\temp\ipconfig.txt
• Enter
notepad c:\temp\ipconfig.txt

9. z • Click File → Print.. - -

• Exit Notepad.
• Enter
route print > C:\temp\route.txt
• Enter
notepad c:\temp\route.txt
• Click File → Print..
• Exit Notepad.

Obtain Host Proxy settings NetForum <MR User> (z) (see Figure 7-2
10. z 7.2 109
Proxy server settings for NetForum)

Obtain R10.3/R10.4/R10.6.1 Host “Hospital Connection” speed/duplex

11. z 51

12. z Perform PIQT on R10.3/R10.4/R10.6.1 Host - -

13. z Perform Save R10.3/R10.4/R10.6.1 ASW-Configuration on MO-disk. R10.3/R -

Perform Backup System Disk on R10.3/R10.4/R10.6.1 Host. You can

14. z 10.2.1 136
use Long-term storage to MOD28F z procedure in this manual.

15. z Shutdown/power-off Host, Reconstructor. - -

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When update from R10.3/R10.4

Implement FCO781 00133 Hardware Upgrade to R10.6.1
16. z When update from R10.6.1 - -
Implement FCO781 00171 Update to R10.6.2
Please see step 4, how to obtain.

Hospital ethernet Connection:

• Is connected.
Paper printer:
• Is disconnected (to avoid acknowledgement new hardware

17. z (External) MO-drive: - -

• Is connected via PCI SCSI-adapter on Host.
• Is powered on.
• Has no MO-Disk inside!
• Has no memory sticks; card readers; hard disks inside.

18. z Perform SW-installation on an XW6000/W6000 Reconstructor 3.3.1 20

19. z Perform SW-installation on Host (z 3.4.1 22

Optionally adjust Keyboard Layout and Input Language Configuration

20. z 3.4.2 23
<MR User> (z) (Default: US Keyboard, English (United States)

21. z Adjust Host date & time settings. 3.4.3 27

Reconnect Paper-printer.
22. z
Ackowledge to install: ”DOT4 USB printing support”

23. z Start Configuration Application 4.1 32

24. z Set System Reference Number 4.2 35

25. z Logoff Service Application – Reboot Host z 4.9 43

26. z Update R10.3/R10.4/R10.6.1 Configuration 9.1 129

27. z Perform ASW Service Pack “n” installation on Host. - -

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28. z Perform Security Fix Installation on Host. - -

29. z Adjust Host “Hospital Connection” settings (see step 9 for values) 5.1.1 47

30. z Adjust Host Computer and Workgroup name (see step 9 for values) 5.1.2 53

When Hospital has one of these subnets in use: (Loopback Connection) 5.1.3 53
31. z (Reconstructor Connection) 1 - -
The connection settings need to be changed.

When W6000 Reconstructor assign on board Ethernet adapter

IP address:

32. z - -

33. z Inform Firewall Administrator for access NetForum site. 7.2 109

34. z Start Configuration Application. 4.1 32

This setting should not be modified.
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35. z Re-activate Key(s) 4.6.1 38

36. z Set Patient Name Format (Japan only). 4.5 37

37. z Enable Knee-Foot coil (see Coil Administration) 4.7 41

38. z Add R10.6.2 Scan Protocol 4.10 45

39. z Disable Knee-Foot coil when not used (see Coil Administration) 4.7 41

40. z Configure Audit trail to Syslog 6.3.7 104

41. z Logoff Service Application – Reboot Host z. 4.9 43

Create <MR Users> (see <MR User> Management on Host and

42. z 7.1 107

43. z Adjust Host Proxy settings NetForum <MR User> (z). 7.2 109

44. z Configure Netmeeting on Host <MR User> z 7.3 110

45. z Optionally adjust Language set-up <MR User> (z). (Default: English) 7.4 113

Optionally adjust Left/Right Hand Mouse Setting < MR User> (z).

46. z 7.5 114
(Default: Right-hand mouse)

47. z Adjust Video-out option NTSC/PAL/SECAM . 8.1 123

48. z Adjust Paper-printer settings (see Installation of a Paper Printer). 8.2 125

49. z Perform Defrag C-partition on Host z 3.4.5 30

50. z Perform PIQT on R10.6.2 Host. - -

51. z Check connections with DICOM nodes (see DICOM Verify z) 6.3.5 100

52. z Perform Enable Remote User. 11.1 150

53. z Perform Look Over The Shoulder/Take Over. 11.2 151

54. z Perform Setup Incoming Connection. 11.3 153

55. z Perform Save R10.6.2 Configuration. 9.2 130

56. z Check SW levels z (creates output for next step) 3.1 17

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Perform “Site Hardware Configuration capture action”

57. z
Please see FCO 781 00171 for instructions (obtained via step 4)

Perform Long-term storage to MOD28F z and ask to store MO-disk(s)

58. z 10.2.1 136
in a safe location.

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4522-210-27552 / 1.1 SW Update Manual R10.6.2 2006-12-19

1. Introduction.............................................................................................. 12
1.1. Conventions used in this Bulletin .................................................................................................12
2. Description of R10.6.2 ............................................................................. 13
2.1. Features .......................................................................................................................................13
2.2. Solved FPR’s in R10.6.2..............................................................................................................13
2.3. Known Problems and Workarounds ............................................................................................15
3. SW Installation ......................................................................................... 17
3.1. Check SW levels z......................................................................................................................17
3.2. Firmware-installation + PMS BIOS settings.................................................................................19
3.3. Reconstructor SW-installation......................................................................................................20
3.3.1. SW-installation on an XW6000/W6000 Reconstructor ................................................................20
3.4. Host SW-Installation (z)..............................................................................................................21
3.4.1. SW-installation on Host (z) .........................................................................................................22
3.4.2. Keyboard Layout and Input Language Configuration <MR User> (z) ........................................23
3.4.3. Host date & time settings z.........................................................................................................27
3.4.4. Virus scanner set-up ....................................................................................................................29
3.4.5. Defrag C-partition on Host z .......................................................................................................30
4. ASW Configuration.................................................................................. 32
4.1. Start Configuration Application z ................................................................................................32
4.2. Set System Reference Number z...............................................................................................35
4.3. Set System Type..........................................................................................................................35
4.4. Set System Parameters ¡...........................................................................................................36
4.5. Set Patient Name Format (Japan only) .......................................................................................37
4.6. Software Options .........................................................................................................................38
4.6.1. Re-activate Key(s) .......................................................................................................................38
4.6.2. Register Permanent key ..............................................................................................................39
4.6.3. Edit Temporary key(s)..................................................................................................................40
4.7. Coil Administration .......................................................................................................................41
4.8. Scanner Hardware Configuration ................................................................................................42
4.9. Logoff Service Application – Reboot Host z ...............................................................................43
4.10. Add R10.6.2 Scan Protocol(s) .....................................................................................................45
5. Network configuration............................................................................. 47
5.1. Host Network Configuration .........................................................................................................47
5.1.1. Host “Hospital Connection” settings z ........................................................................................47 Host “Hospital Connection” dynamic IP-address .........................................................................48 Host “Hospital Connection” static IP address ..............................................................................49 Host “Hospital Connection” speed/duplex settings (z) ...............................................................51 Host “Hospital Connection” Advanced TCP/IP settings (zc„¡) ..............................................51
5.1.2. Host Computer and Workgroup name z.....................................................................................53
5.1.3. Host “Loopback Connection” settings..........................................................................................53
5.1.4. Host “Reconstructor Connection” settings ...................................................................................54 Host “Reconstructor Connection” static IP-address.....................................................................54 Host “Reconstructor Connection” speed/duplex settings ............................................................55
5.1.5. Host Port filter settings.................................................................................................................55
5.1.6. Host Certificates...........................................................................................................................55 Create Self-signed Root, MR-Host and PACS Certificates .........................................................56 Export Self-signed Root, MR-Host and PACS Certificates..........................................................57 Install Keys on Secure R10.6.2 Host ...........................................................................................60 Install Keys on Secure Remote DICOM Node.............................................................................70
5.1.7. Host Network configuration checks z .........................................................................................70 Host “Reconstructor Connection” check ......................................................................................72
5.2. Reconstructor Network Configuration..........................................................................................72
5.2.1. Reconstructor “Host Connection” settings ...................................................................................73

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2006-12-19 SW Update Manual R10.6.2 4522-210-27552 / 1.1 Reconstructor “Host Connection” static IP-address.....................................................................73 Reconstructor “Host Connection” speed/duplex settings ............................................................74
6. DICOM Connectivity Configuration........................................................ 76
6.1. General Concepts ........................................................................................................................76
6.2. Remote DICOM Node Templates ................................................................................................77
6.3. DICOM Basic Configuration.........................................................................................................78
6.3.1. DICOM Local System ..................................................................................................................78
6.3.2. DICOM image numbering direction .............................................................................................80
6.3.3. DICOM Printer(s) .........................................................................................................................81 Add DICOM Printer(s)..................................................................................................................81 Edit DICOM Printer ......................................................................................................................85 Delete DICOM Printer ..................................................................................................................87
6.3.4. DICOM network node(s) ..............................................................................................................87 ViewForum DICOM node.............................................................................................................87 EasyVision DICOM node .............................................................................................................90 Intera DICOM node......................................................................................................................90 RIS configuration .........................................................................................................................90 Archive configuration ...................................................................................................................91 Non-Philips Remote DICOM Node without private objects support ............................................92 Non-Philips Remote DICOM Node with private objects support .................................................94 DICOM Advanced Settings ..........................................................................................................95
6.3.5. DICOM Verify z.........................................................................................................................100
6.3.6. DICOM Survey ...........................................................................................................................102
6.3.7. Audit trail to Syslog ....................................................................................................................104
7. <MR User> Management on Host and Reconstructor........................ 107
7.1. Create <MR User> on Host (z).................................................................................................107
7.2. Host Proxy settings NetForum <MR User> (z).........................................................................109
7.3. Configure Netmeeting on Host <MR User> z...........................................................................110
7.4. Language set-up <MR User> (z) ..............................................................................................113
7.5. Left/Right Hand Mouse Setting < MR User> (z).......................................................................114
7.6. Change Password <MR User> ..................................................................................................115
7.7. Accept Blank Password <MR User>..........................................................................................117
7.8. Password never expires <MR User> .........................................................................................118
7.9. Unlock <MR User>.....................................................................................................................119
7.10. Regain access to Host ...............................................................................................................121
8. HW Configuration .................................................................................. 123
8.1. Video-out option NTSC/PAL/SECAM (z).................................................................................123
8.2. Installation of a Paper Printer z ................................................................................................125
8.2.1. Check Paper printer ...................................................................................................................126 Rename Printer ..........................................................................................................................126 Configure Paper size on HP DeskJet 5100 (Example)..............................................................127
9. Update/Save/Restore Configuration .................................................... 129
9.1. Update R10.3/R10.4/R10.6.1 Configuration ..............................................................................129
9.2. Save R10.6.2 Configuration.......................................................................................................130
9.3. Restore R10.6.2 Configuration ..................................................................................................132
10. System Backup/Restore Tool ............................................................... 134
10.1. Preparations to Backup System Disk ........................................................................................134
10.2. Backup/Restore System Disk ....................................................................................................135
10.2.1. Long-term storage to MOD z ....................................................................................................136
10.2.2. Restore System Disk from MOD................................................................................................138
10.2.3. Short-term storage to HDD ........................................................................................................139
10.2.4. Restore System Disk from HDD ................................................................................................140
10.2.5. Fast Backup on external USB Hard disk ...................................................................................141
10.2.6. Fast Restore from external USB Hard disk................................................................................143
10.3. Finalize Restore System disk procedure ...................................................................................146
11. Remote Service set up .......................................................................... 150
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11.1. Enable Remote User z .............................................................................................................150

11.2. Look Over The Shoulder/Take Over z......................................................................................151
11.3. Setup Incoming Connection z...................................................................................................153

List of Figures
Figure 3-1 Start About ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Figure 3-2 About info R10.6.2 Host (example)................................................................................................ 18
Figure 3-3 Date/Time Properties ..................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 3-4 Time zone selection ....................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 3-5 Date/Time Properties ..................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 4-1 Configuration Main Menu ............................................................................................................... 34
Figure 4-2 System Type configuration............................................................................................................. 36
Figure 4-3 System Parameters........................................................................................................................ 37
Figure 4-4 Coil Administration ......................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 4-5 Edit Hardware Configuration .......................................................................................................... 43
Figure 4-6 Edit Action in Service Log Book ..................................................................................................... 44
Figure 5-1 Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties ............................................................................................ 48
Figure 5-2 Static IP-address Hospital Connection .......................................................................................... 50
Figure 5-3 Advanced TCP/IP Settings............................................................................................................. 52
Figure 5-4 Computer name ............................................................................................................................. 53
Figure 5-5 Static IP-address “Loopback Connection” ..................................................................................... 54
Figure 5-6 Certificates to export ...................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 6-1 Local System is a secure node ...................................................................................................... 79
Figure 6-2 Basic Settings DICOM Node.......................................................................................................... 89
Figure 6-3 Enabled Software Options ............................................................................................................. 91
Figure 6-4 Dicom Network node advanced settings........................................................................................ 96
Figure 7-1 LAN Settings ................................................................................................................................ 110
Figure 7-2 Proxy server settings for NetForum ............................................................................................. 110
Figure 7-3 Control Panel ............................................................................................................................... 114
Figure 7-4 Mouse properties ......................................................................................................................... 115
Figure 7-5 Start Security Policies .................................................................................................................. 117
Figure 7-6 Local Security Settng ................................................................................................................... 118
Figure 7-7 Minimum password length ........................................................................................................... 118
Figure 10-1 Cancel Database server startup ................................................................................................ 146
Figure 11-1 Remote user settings ................................................................................................................. 151
Figure 11-2 Control Panel ............................................................................................................................. 154
Figure 11-3 Device manager ......................................................................................................................... 154
Figure 11-4 Location Information................................................................................................................... 155

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2006-12-19 SW Update Manual R10.6.2 4522-210-27552 / 1.1

1. Introduction

This Software Installation Manual contains information about the Intera Software package R10.6.2 .It is
mainly intended for the customer service engineer, who has to install/configure the new software release.
Furthermore this manual contains additional information about the software procedures.


As this paper document cannot be updated easily,

the updates are posted in the SIM document on the InCenter.
Here you can find always the latest version.
Follow link:

1.1. Conventions used in this Bulletin

Patient name Output from the computer is given in typewriter style.

J.B. Smith The expected input is presented in a bold typewriter style.

<Enter> The user must press the <Enter> key.

Note Notes are given in recursive text

Warnings are given in recursive text in a bold type style


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2. Description of R10.6.2

2.1. Features
See Newsletters on InCenter for features of Intera R10.6.2 release.

2.2. Solved FPR’s in R10.6.2

Main problems solved/ improvements made:
• All service packs have been included.
• All Windows XPE platforms (Host, Reconstructor ) have Microsoft SP2 installed.
• Quite a number of FPR’s causing the system to crash (see also overview below) have been solved.
• Several instances of ASW Freeze problems have been addressed, so these kinds of errors will
remarkably decrease.
MR00001356 3.0T: Large frequency offset message.
MR00018437 Hardcopy crash

MR00019046 Erratic behavior of Patient Intercom.

PMSta13191 OSIOTERM: Timeout interval has expired for communication to FEK1.
Customer: Patient communication is stopped.
MR00019256 10019: Crash in dmicom_nu.dll
MR00019940 3T Breast imaging F0 is incorrect and causes fat suppression to fail
MR00019942 PMSta10232 R6.7 data not retrieved correctly
MR00019960 Error Tuning Matching
MR00020073 SPT: Second scout fails for all Head exams.
FSE: Sometimes the automatic SPT procedure stops at the second scout scan with the
new head phantom.
MR00020875 RF-amp self test S23 does not work
MR00021159 LT Spine / Head Quad
MR00021160 Process Scanner Crashes with error message
MR00021296 Serious problem in case of large frequency drifts.
MR00021328 Scan hang-up by table out of limits - new patsup firmware
MR00021330 Customers pacs has trouble using our series
MR00028055 System crash when performing MPR for MRV
MR00028061 VIPER: Dark Images being sent over to PACS
MR00028089 system crashes, and disappearing studies
MR00028189 RF-amp gain test out of spec in mode low

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MR00028280, Re: Fw: SRN 05724 , RIS problem after upgrade to Rel 11 <Case ID:
MR00033690, MR20050829EM08> <Case ID: MR20050923FK01>
MR00028128 (Dakjes probleem)
MR00033489 Sybase Callback Error messages missing from Log files
MR00033499 VIPER: Dynamic Scan, incorrect sorting after DICOM
MR00034037 Study Comment (0032,4000) missing in DICOM
MR00034151 R11.1.3: GAD Tool Buffer overrun whem nr of repetitions is increased.
MR00035047 body coil frequency shifts and aborts using PV coil
MR00035086 SPIR fat suppression issues
MR00035267 recon PR den bosch, MR00035267
MR00035297 Zooming plan scan during HC
MR00035630 IAPServer should not use network connection but Reconstructor connection
MR00037784 Partly solve FSF robustness by automatically restarting the FSF server (copy R2)
MR00037791 System Locked up during Plan Scan
MR00037916 CCT: Configuration UI and Logging UI open in same window
MR00037922 CCT: hcserverprocess takes 1 cpu
MR00038173 Configuration should not support P10
MR00038198 Scanner Crashed
MR00038338 Shim tool calculates negative amount of iron for empty rails
MR00038338 Shim tool calculates negative amount of iron for empty rails
MR00038342 Shim tool shows iron distribution with wrong plate or shows non existing plates
MR00038342 Shim tool shows iron distribution with wrong plate or shows non existing plates
MR00038427 System crash
MR00038452 Shim tool does not show help information
MR00038467 Wrong allowed F0 freq. offset in prep phase parameters
MR00038596 PFEI MRX board causes bad image quality
MR00038785 Data transfer from R8.5.2 to R2: images lost, series added together
MR00038794 Software crash after "Copy from Temp".
MR00038836 FSF: FSF Crash occurred and problem with PMSSec
MR00038871 Nthost file corrupt after upgrade from VMS
MR00039013 AfterFCO78100133 Pat. pos has changed Plan Scan
PMSta12882 Slow DICOM transfers.
Customer: Long waiting times for DICOM network export jobs.
PMSta13426 Shift in spectral display in spectroscopic imaging.
Customer: In Spectroview, the displayed spectra are shifted with respect to the position of
the grid over a distance of half a voxel. The effect is mostly visible in spectroscans with a
low number of quite large voxels (like prostate spectroscopy), but it happens in all scans.

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PMSta13593 System interlocks: decoding problem only


PMSta13595 PPinstall loosing (Spectro) user protocols. Customer: After upgrading a VMS system to
R1/R11 sometimes customer protocols are lost (especially Spectro protocols). See
Appendix for pr PMSta13595 for the new upgrade procedure.
PMSta13685 PPinstall loosing (Spectro) user protocols.
Customer: After upgrading a VMS system to R1/R11 sometimes customer protocols are
lost (especially Spectro protocols).
PMSta13795 SPT testing CTL spine coil on 3T systems is very critical.
FSE: The positioning of the CTL spine coil is too critical and as a consequence a lot of
CTL spine coils do not pass the SPT test and are rejected.
PMSta13797 Physiotrack full functionality to be supported in R1.2.x.
Customer: The added functionality contains:
- Non Invasive Blood Pressure measurements (NIBP).
- PMS VCG samples are returned to the Monitoring Equipment Box (MEB) and are
used for displaying on the remote monitors.
- Performance gain, which could cause scan aborts in the past (immediately after start

PMSta14366 Hardcopy problems (GVHCserver crash). Customer: The solution is a temporary
workaround. The GVHCserver will be automatically restarted when crashed.
PMSta14393 Gyroview crash after subtraction. Customer: After a subtraction job is finished and
operator selects Exit, the message “Instruction at 0x00020026 referenced memory at
0x02c8950c. Memory could not be written to." and the system crashes.
PMSta14469 New exam crash

2.3. Known Problems and Workarounds

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This is an overview of the problems in the area of installation and test-software, which have been discovered
during or after the beta-test. These problems have not been resolved due to resource restrictions and priority
• Service PC needs Windows 2000 or higher, to support Remote Field Service Framework.
• Service PC fails to start LOTS session. Possible workaround on Service PC is:
• Start PMSSec by inserting smart card/dongle on Service PC and entering correct HW Key.
• Right click over PMSSec icon in task bar and select ‘Update Tasklist’ as follows for

• Verify that the new updated tasklist should not have IEXPLORE.exe in it.

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3. SW Installation
XW8000 Host 4522 132 34892 Dual Pentium IV (Xeon) 2.8GHz
W8000 Host 4522 132 51141 Dual Pentium IV (Xeon) 2.4GHz
XW6000 Reconstructor 4522 132 51441 Dual Pentium IV (Xeon) 2.8GHz
W6000 Reconstructor 4522 139 51431 Dual Pentium IV (Xeon) 2.2GHz

Table 2 Supported Platforms

4522 210 28081 12NC

System Backup/Restore DVD v1.3 4522 210 27672

MR SW Preinstallation DVD 4522 210 27971

Application SW DVD R10.6.2 4522 210 27452

XW6000 BOS CD 4522 210 28151

W6000 BOS CD 4522 210 28131

XW Series Diagnostic CD 4522-210-27861

User Documents CD R10.6.2 4522 210 27531

Table 3 Required SW

3.1. Check SW levels z

To avoid unnecessary SW-installation and firmware upgrades, we check
• Firmware levels first (During BIOS-boot phase, the version can be identified)
• Pre-installed SW on Host and Reconstructor

Status (2006-12-19):
XW8000 Firmware 2.0
W8000 Firmware 1.29
XW6000 BOS
Firmware 1.22
Firmware 1.29

Prerequisites Host:
Note • Reconstructor is switched on.
• Ethernet Host Reconstructor cable is connected.
• Login MRService + <Password> on Host.
Password = Manager (DVD installed Host).
Password = MRService (Factory installed Host).

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• Click Start → MR System Management → Diagnostics → About:

Figure 3-1 Start About

Number 1: Release
Number 2: Version
Number 3: Level
Number 4: Service Pack level

Figure 3-2 About info R10.6.2 Host (example)

• Important about info are:

• Application SW Release (see ASW Installation DVD R10.6.2,
4522 210 27452)
• MR Service Pack x level
• Security Fixes MR_SF_mmmyyyy
• SW-Level Reconstructor

(see for actual levels

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3.2. Firmware-installation + PMS BIOS settings 1

XW8000 Host:

1. Insert the newly created floppy disk containing the Firmware + PMS BIOS-settings and
restart the computer.

2. Select option A Flash BIOS to update the Firmware (Firmware level



3. Wait till the audible sound and press any key.

4. The computer will now reboot and it will boot from floppy.

5. Select option B Exit without Flashing

6. type: bset16 -w bios.bin

(to restore PMS BIOS-settings)

7. Remove the floppy from the system and restart the computer.

W8000 Host & (X)W6000 Reconstructors:

1. Insert the newly created floppy disk containing the Firmware + PMS BIOS-settings and
restart the computer.
2. Press <Return> to continue after:
The 'Welcome to ROMPAQ' window.
3. Select HP System BIOS, press <Return> to continue.
4. Select the latest version and press <Return> to continue.
5. Press <Return>, if necessary, after the message appears:
Do you still want to reprogram your firmware with this image?
6. Press <Return> after the message:
A backup image of your current system ROM has been created.
7. Press <Return> after the message:
If you continue, your firmware will be reprogrammed.


8. Press <Return> to continue after the message:
The system ROM has been successfully reprogrammed.
9. Press <Esc> after the message:
Do you want to reprogram another device?

This section is optional
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10. Switch the computer off, wait 15 seconds and on again.

11. Press <F10> during the boot of the computer. Setup will appear in the lower right corner
of the startup screen.
12. Select English as the default language and press <Return>.
13. Select Set Time and Date in the File menu. Press <Return> to continue. Verify if the
time and date settings are correct.
14. Press <F10> for acceptation of the settings as displayed.
15. Select Restore from Diskette in the file menu. Press <Return> to continue.
16. Press <F10> after the message:
Please insert a Save/Restore diskette into drive A:
17. Press <Return> after the message:
Save/Restore was successful
18. Change boot order on Reconstructor (select Storage Tab; Boot Order)
1) Diskette drive A:
2) IDE CD-ROM drive
3) Hard drive C:
4) etc.
19. Select Save Changes and Exit in the File menu and press <Return>.

20. Press <F10> after the message

Are you sure you want to save Changes and Exit

21. Remove the floppy from the system and restart the computer.

3.3. Reconstructor SW-installation

The sections below describe the various steps to install the initial R10.6.2 software on an XW6000 or W6000

See Table 3 Required SW p. 17, to install R10.6.2 Reconstructor.

3.3.1. SW-installation on an XW6000/W6000 Reconstructor

• Power on LCD-screen

• Place CD into the internal DVD ROM-drive.

• Click Start → Turn off Computer → Restart

The Reconstructor will boot from CD, the installation menu window will appear:

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XW6000 Version Reconstructor Software

Please use one of the following options:
0 - Exit to DOS
1 - Install Reconstructor Operating System

Remove the CD-Rom before rebooting the system

Press CTRL+ALT+DEL to reboot the system

Give your selection (0/1) :

• Enter 1 to Install Operating System

• Enter “Y”:
XW6000 Version Reconstructor software
Install Reconstructor Operating System
0 - Return to Menu
Y - Start installing Reconstructor Operating System

(See the Software Installation Manual for


Give your selection (0/Y) :

The Ghost application will start.

After the installation is completed (approximately 80 sec.)

• Press <CTRL>+<ALT>+<DEL>, to reboot Reconstructor and configure Operating System

• Remove simultaneously CD-ROM from the internal CD ROM-drive.

• Click “Yes” to reboot Reconstructor:

• Power off LCD-screen or disconnect Monitor.

3.4. Host SW-Installation (z) 1

The sections below describe the various steps to install the R10.6.2 software on an
XW8000 or W8000 Host.

The SW installation is only required in case of a:

• Software upgrade.

• Software corruption system disk.

• Replacement System disk.

Depends on result section 3.1Check SW levels z p. 17
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3.4.1. SW-installation on Host (z) 1

A DVD SW installation takes about 45 minutes and requires user input only at the

• Is connected via Ethernet with Hospital LAN
• USB-slots have no Memory sticks/Card readers/Hard disks connected.
• Is powered on
Notes • Is connected via Ethernet with Host.
Paper printer:
• Is disconnected (to avoid acknowledgement new hardware detected).
(Ex/In)ternal MO-drive:
• Is powered on.
• Has no MO-Disk inside!
• Is connected via PCI SCSI-adapter on Host.
• External MO-drive has SCSI-termination enabled (dipswitch F only)

Please see Table 3 Required SW p. 17

• Power on or Host.

• Place in the meantime the Preinstallation DVD 4522 210 27971 into the internal DVD Rom-drive.

The R10.6.2 Host will boot from DVD.

When R10.6.2 Host crashes with Blue screen please verify firmware level
DVD-ROM (see Table 1-1 Checklist to Update or Install an R10.6.2
Warning System step 2)
The Software Installation Tool menu pops up.

• Please remove Preinstallation DVD form DVD-ROM drive and insert Application Software DVD.

• Click “Yes”:

Depends on result section 3.1Check SW levels z p. 17
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• Click “Software Installation”:

• Click “Yes” when this Warning Message Box appears:

Installation is started…

• The R10.6.2 Host will reboot a couple of times during the installation!

• Sometimes, the R10.6.2 Host looks frozen don’t worry!

• The SW-installation is ready when the MR System login screen appears:

Warning Release XX.Y YYYY-M

• Remove Application Software DVD from internal DVD ROM-Drive.

Notes • All error messages are related to the non-configured status of the Host!

3.4.2. Keyboard Layout and Input Language Configuration <MR User> (z) 1

In this example a German keyboard is configured.

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This procedure needs to be repeated for every interactive user.

• Login MRService
Password = Manager 1 (DVD installed Host).
Password = MRService (Factory installed Host)
• Click Unblock when Windows Security Alert pops up:

• Click Start → Settings → Control panel

• Double-click Regional and Language options

• Click tab Language → Details:

MR-Host will ask for a new password.
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• Click Add:

• Click T to select Keyboard layout/IME:

• Click T to select Input language “German (Germany)” → Ok:

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• Click T to select Default Input language “German (Germany)”→ Apply → OK:

• Close Control Panel

Please keep format settings England (United States):


• Logoff Repeat this procedure for all interactive users.

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3.4.3. Host date & time settings z

• Login MRService
Password = Manager 1 (DVD installed Host).
Password = MRService (Factory installed Host)

• Click No when message pops up to start without @@ and/or

Unblock when Windows Security Alert pops up:

• Double-Click Time field on Taskbar

• Click Tab “Date & Time” and make your adjustments:

• Click Tab “Time Zone”

MR-Host will ask for a new password.
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• Click T Dropdown list:

Figure 3-3 Date/Time Properties

• Click Time zone of Hospital:

Figure 3-4 Time zone selection

• Click (If applicable) checkbox “Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving

Figure 3-5 Date/Time Properties

• Click “Ok”

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3.4.4. Virus scanner set-up

The Hospital may request, to install his preferred Virus Scanner on R10.6.2 Host.
Note McAfee Virus Scan Enterprise v7.1.0 and v8.0.0 were installed on the R10.6.2 Host
during development of this release.
Requirements for a proper installation are:
• Hospital approved Virus scanner installation/(update) configuration instructions for
Virus scanner.
• A Virus scanner installation CD.
• Activate on Access scan.
• Do not activate full scans.
• Do not install an additional firewall on R10.6.2 Host. This will conflict with existing
• Update virus scanner signature files only manually via HospitalAdmin user, when no
patient scanning is active.

When McAfee v8.0.0 is installed:

McAfee patch 11 is a minimal requirement and settings must be set according following
procedure 1:

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Right-Click McAfee symbol in Taskbar and

• Click VirusScan Console...:

Otherwise RSN support via SSH and SFTP is not possible.
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• Right-Click “Buffer overflow protection” and

• Click “Disable”:

Virus scanning slows down (re) store R1.1, R10.3 or R10.4 Spectro DICOM data

3.4.5. Defrag C-partition on Host z

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → Programs → Accessories → System Tools →

Disk Defragmenter:

• Click System (C:) → Defragment:

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When this message about lack of free space appears, please click “Yes”:


• Wait until the Disk Defragmenter has finished (takes about 10 minutes).

• Click Close →

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4. ASW Configuration

4.1. Start Configuration Application z

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

Ignore error messages (indicates R10.6.2 Host is not configured

• Click Start → MR System Management → Configuration →
Configuration Application:

Welcome screen pops up:

Fill in Service entries of the Service Logbook

• Enter Username

• Enter General Remarks

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• Click “Ok”

• Fill in Service Log Book to describe Activity:

• Select Type of Action

• Enter Reason for Action

• Enter Description of Action

• Click “Ok”

• Click “Ok”:

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4.2 p. 35
4.4 p. 36

4.5 p. 37

4.6.2 p. 39
4.6.3 p. 40

4.7 p. 41
6.3.2 p. 80 p. 81 p. 87 p. 85

4.8 p. 42

6 p. 76

Figure 4-1 Configuration Main Menu

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4.2. Set System Reference Number z

• Click Configuration → System → System Reference number:

• Enter Correct SRN 1 (can be found on a sticker in the MDU cabinet):

Fill in System
reference number.

• Click “Check”→“Apply”→“Ok”→“Yes”:

• Click “Ok” (3x)

4.3. Set System Type

• Click Configuration → System → Edit system type:

• Click Main System Type: T to select Txx:

Warning the System Reference number cannot be changed afterwards.
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• Click System type: T to select “scanner”:

Figure 4-2 System Type configuration

• Click “Check”→“Apply”→“Ok”→“Yes”:

• Click “Ok” (3x)

4.4. Set System Parameters ¡

• Click Configuration → System → Edit system parameters:

1. Enter Institution name

2. Enter Department name

3. Select Date Registration Format

4. Select Video-out: None or PAL/NTSC

5. Select Magnet Display: None or PHD

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Figure 4-3 System Parameters

• Click “Check”→“Apply”→“Ok”→“Yes”:

• Click “Ok” (3x)

4.5. Set Patient Name Format (Japan only)

• Click Configuration → System → Patient Name Format:

• Configure Appropriate entries:

• Click “Check”→“Apply”→“Ok”→“Yes”:

• Click “Ok” (3x)

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4.6. Software Options

4.6.1. Re-activate Key(s)

After 9.1 Update R10.3/R10.4/R10.6.1 Configuration p. 129
the Software Options need to be re-activated.

• Click Configuration → Software Options → Register Permanent Key:

• Click “Check”→“Apply”→“Ok”→“Yes”:

• Click “Ok” (3x)

When Temporary Keys are in use:

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• Click Configuration → Software Options → Edit Temporary Key:

• Click Checkbox, to activate temporary key(s):

• Click “Check”→“Apply”→“Ok”→“Yes”:

• Click “Ok” (3x)

4.6.2. Register Permanent key

• Click Configuration → Software Options → Register Permanent Key:

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• Enter The permanent key obtained from PMS InCenter Server into the Value field (remove the
# symbols first):

• Click “Check”→“Apply”→“Ok”→“Yes”:

• Click “Ok” (3x)

4.6.3. Edit Temporary key(s)

If you have temporary SW key(s), they must be entered too. (The temporary key must
have the same locktype as the permanent key. If not, you will have to contact the
department that authorizes the keys).

• Click Configuration → Software Options → Edit Temporary Key:

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• Enter The temporary key(s) into the Value field (remove the # symbols first), enable the key(s)
by selecting the checkboxes in the column to Activated:

• Click “Check”→“Apply”→“Ok”→“Yes”:

• Click “Ok” (3x)

4.7. Coil Administration

• Click Configuration → Coil Administration:

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• Configure The appropriate entries:

Figure 4-4 Coil Administration

• Click “Check”→“Apply”→“Ok”→“Yes”:

• Click “Ok” (3x)

4.8. Scanner Hardware Configuration

• Click Configuration → Scanner Hardware → Edit Hardware Configuration:

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• Configure The appropriate entries:

Figure 4-5 Edit Hardware Configuration

• Click “Check”→“Apply”→“Ok”→“Yes”:

• Click “Ok” (3x)

4.9. Logoff Service Application – Reboot Host z

• Click Logoff:

• Click “Yes” to accept changes:

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• Click “Ok” 2x, to accept settings:

• Enter “General Remarks”:

• Click “Ok”

• Click “Next” when you want to edit the current Site Log Entry or
“Cancel” when you are ready → “Yes” on Do you want to cancel?

Figure 4-6 Edit Action in Service Log Book

• Enter Action fields in Service Log Book:

• Click “Ok”:

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• Reboot R10.6.2 Host: Click Start → Shutdown → Restart:

4.10. Add R10.6.2 Scan Protocol(s)

This procedure will add R10.6.2 Philips Scan Protocol(s) to the original R10.3/R10.4/R10.6.1 Scan Protocol
Database (see step 26 Table 1-1 Checklist to Update or Install an R10.6.2 System)
• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

Prerequisite for this procedure is that the Knee-Foot coil is enabled, see section 4.7 Coil
Administration p. 41.

• Click Start → Run..

• Enter Cmd <Enter>

• Enter Q_ppin_eprotocol_nu.exe c:\nmr\gyroscan\site_origin\q_presupdate.dat

• Click “Ok”:

• When the enabled Knee-Foot coil is not used, it must be disabled again, see section 4.7 Coil
Administration p. 41.

• Click Exit

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• Logoff

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5. Network configuration
In the next table a default network overview is given for the R10.6.2 Host and
Reconstructor computer. This is the situation after SW loading or Factory Pre-installed
SW. This section describes the procedures to change the default settings to site-specific
The default TCP/IP network settings are:
In the table below, a default network overview is given for the Host and Reconstructor . This is the
situation after SW loading or Factory Pre-installed SW. This section describes the procedures to change
the default settings to site-specific settings.

The default TCP/IP network settings are:

R10.6.2 Host

Computer name: PMSN-GRJHTDFK

Workgroup: PHILIPSMR

“Hospital Connection”:

Obtain an IP address Hospital LAN port


Speed/duplex: AUTO/AUTO

“Loopback Connection”: R10.6.2 Reconstructor

IP-Address: Computer name: OEM-HJGFKHJH

Workgroup: WORKGROUP

“Reconstructor Connection”: “Host Connection”:

IP-Address: IP-Address:

Speed/duplex: AUTO/AUTO Speed/duplex: AUTODETECT

RAS Connection COM1:

Modem connection CSS

Table 5-1 Default Network settings

5.1. Host Network Configuration

5.1.1. Host “Hospital Connection” settings z

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When Hospital has a DHCP-server, that will assign an IP- address to the R10.6.2 Host,
see section p. 48.
The alternative is to assign the “Hospital Connection” a fixed IP-address, see section p. 49 Host “Hospital Connection” dynamic IP-address

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → Settings → Network Connections:

• Double-Click “Hospital Connection”

• Click Properties

Figure 5-1 Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties

1. Select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”

2. Click “Properties”

3. Select Obtain an IP address automatically

4. Click “Ok” or

When IP-address DNS-server is not obtained from DHCP-server:

• Select “Use the following DNS Server address”

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• Enter IP Address DNS Server:

• Click “Ok”

• Click “Close” 2*

• Close Network Connections menu Host “Hospital Connection” static IP address

When Hospital LAN does not have a DHCP-server, the R10.6.2 Host “Hospital
Connection” needs a static IP-address.

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → Settings → Network Connections

• Double-Click “Hospital Connection”

• Click Properties

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3 4



Figure 5-2 Static IP-address Hospital Connection

1. Select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”

2. Click “Properties”

3. Select Radio button “Use the following IP address”

4. Enter <IP-Address>,
this address has the form of nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where 1<= nnn <= 254.
In this example, has been assigned as the IP-address.

5. Enter <Subnet mask> for this network.

In this example, the Subnet mask is,
which will overwrite the given default.

The R10.6.2 Host might incorrectly prompt the network mask of the previous Host
network configuration.
In principle, the subnet mask is configured according the network class (A, B or
Warning C) unless the network is divided into additional subnets.
6. Enter <IP-Address> Default Gateway Hospital.
This may left blank, when Hospital has no Gateway.

IP-address DNS-server needs a value!

7. Enter IP-address DNS-server or when not available.

8. Click “Ok”

• Click “Close” 2* Network Connections menu

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4522-210-27552 / 1.1 SW Update Manual R10.6.2 2006-12-19 Host “Hospital Connection” speed/duplex settings (z) 1

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → Settings → Network Connections

• Double-Click “Hospital Connection”

• Click Properties

• Click Tab General → Configure…→ Tab Advanced:

• Click Property Link Speed & Duplex

• Click T To select “Speed/duplex” setting (AutoDetect default):

View depends upon Chipset network adapter

• Click “Ok”

• Click “Close”

At this point, all basic units of the Intera workgroup have been configured with the
correct network settings. Host “Hospital Connection” Advanced TCP/IP settings (zc„¡) 2

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → Settings → Network Connections

• Double-Click “Hospital Connection”

• Click “Properties”

Only required AutoDetect is not functioning
Only required when Hospital uses DNS Domain suffix
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7 8

Figure 5-3 Advanced TCP/IP Settings

1. Select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”

2. Click “Properties”

3. Click “Advanced”

4. Click “DNS” tap

5. Click Radio button “Append these DNS suffixes”

6. Click “Add”

7. Enter TCP/IP Domain suffix

8. Click “Add”

• Click “Ok” 2x Æ “Close”

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5.1.2. Host Computer and Workgroup name z

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click: Start → Settings → Control Panel

• Double click: System

• Click: Tab Computer Name → Change

• Enter Computer name (Example MRIntera)

• Enable Radio button Workgroup

• Enter Workgroup (Example PHILIPSMR):

Figure 5-4 Computer name

• Click “Ok” → “Ok” → “Ok” → “Yes” to restart the computer.

5.1.3. Host “Loopback Connection” settings

This procedure is only applicable, when “70” Subnet “Loopback Connection” is

already in use on Hospital LAN!
• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → Settings → Network Connections

• Double-click “Loopback Connection”:

• Click Properties

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3 4


Figure 5-5 Static IP-address “Loopback Connection”

1. Select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)”

2. Click “Properties”

3. Select Radio button “Use the following IP address”

4. Enter <IP-Address>,
this address has the form of nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where 1<= nnn <= 254.
In this example, has been assigned as the IP-address.

5. Enter <Subnet mask> for this network.

In this example, the Subnet mask is,
which will overwrite the given default.

The R10.6.2 Host might incorrectly prompt the network mask of the previous Host
network configuration.
In principle, the subnet mask is configured according the network class (A, B or
Warning C) unless the network is divided into additional subnets.
• Click “Ok” (2*)

• Click “Close”

• Reboot R10.6.2 Host when all adjustments are done

5.1.4. Host “Reconstructor Connection” settings Host “Reconstructor Connection” static IP-address

Please do not change IP-address settings, because network link between

Reconstructor and Host is lost!

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4522-210-27552 / 1.1 SW Update Manual R10.6.2 2006-12-19 Host “Reconstructor Connection” speed/duplex settings

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → Settings → Network Connections

• Double-Click “Reconstructor Connection”

• Click Properties → Tab General → Configure…→ Tab Advanced:

• Click Property Link speed & Duplex

• Click T To select “Speed/duplex” setting (Auto default)

• Click “Ok”

• Click “Close”

5.1.5. Host Port filter settings

Note With the introduction of Windows XPE SP2 this procedure has become obsolete:
• All network traffic, initiated on Host, is allowed,
• Firewall is pre-configured, to support all required functionality.

5.1.6. Host Certificates

Note This procedure is only applicable, when secure DICOM connections are required.
Digitally signed certificates are introduced to facilitate secure DICOM connections. The
following steps have to be performed, to create the root, server and client certificates:

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1. Create a self-signed Root 1, MR-Host and PACS 2 certificates.

2. Export self-signed Root, MR-Host and PACS certificates to
private key files.
3. Install Root public key, MR-Host private key and PACS public
key on R10.6.2 Host.
4. Install Root public key, PACS private key and MR-Host public
key on PACS.

When R10.6.2 Host is set to secure DICOM node, it can transmit data to both
insecure and secure Remote DICOM nodes.
When R10.6.2 Host is set to insecure DICOM node, it cannot receive data from a
Warning secure Remote DICOM node. Create Self-signed Root, MR-Host and PACS Certificates

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → Run…

• Enter CMD

• Enter cd C:\nmr\gyroscan\certificates <Enter>

c: <Enter>:

• Create Self-signed Root certificate:

• Enter > createcert “CN=YourRootCA,O=Your Org.,OU=Your Org.Unit,

C=Your Country” -u 3 -m 120 3<Enter>
• Create MR-Host certificate, based on Root certificate:

• Enter > createcert “CN=MR1,O=Your Org.,OU=Your Org.Unit,

C=Your Country” -u 3 -m 120 –is “YourRootCA” my u<Enter>
• Create PACS certificate, based on Root certificate:

• Enter > createcert “CN=PACS1,O=Your Org.,OU=Your Org.Unit,

C=Your Country” -u 3 -m 120 –is “YourRootCA” my u<Enter>

When Hospital already has a self-signed Root certificate, this can be used to create the certificates.
PACS is used as an example.
Certificate is valid for 10 years
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4522-210-27552 / 1.1 SW Update Manual R10.6.2 2006-12-19 Export Self-signed Root, MR-Host and PACS Certificates

During creation of the Certificates in section Create Self-signed Root, MR-
Host and PACS Certificates p. 56, the public key *.cer files are created automatically:
Private key’s are exported from Windows registry manually to a file on floppy or
USB-stick: <CertificateName>.pfx

• Click Start → MR System Management → Certificate Management:

• Click Certificates – Current User → Personal → Certificates

• Right-click Certificate to export (Example: MR1)

• Click All Tasks → Export..:

Figure 5-6 Certificates to export

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• Click Next >:

• Click Radio button “Yes, export the private key” → Next>:

• Click Next >:

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• Click Next > : 1

• Save As • Save in: C:\nmr\gyroscan\certificates

• Save as type: *.pfx
• File name: MR1.pfx (Example!)
• Click Save:

• Click Next >:

• Click Finish:

• Repeat These “Certificate Export steps” for YourRootCA and PACS1 certificates.

No password is needed, when certificate files are kept in a safe place.
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• Delete the certificates stored in Certificates\Current User\Personal folder during creation


• Click Certificates – Current User → Personal → Certificates

Select all certificates

• Right-click On selected certificates

• Click Delete

• Click Yes:

• Store *.pfx files in C:\nmr\gyroscan\certificates in a safe place and store public key’s (.cer) on
an USB-key or floppy, to export them to (another) R10.6.2 Host or secure DICOM-node Install Keys on Secure R10.6.2 Host

• Install YourRootCA Public Key:

• Login Mrservice + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → MR System Management → Certificate Management:

• Click Certificates (Local Computer)

• Right-click Trusted Root Certification Authorities

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• Click All Tasks → Import..

• Click Next > → Browse…

• Browse On USB-key or floppy where certificate files are stored.

• Click YourRootCA.cer (Example) → Open:

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• Click “Next>”:

• Click “Next>”:

• Click “Finish” → “Ok”:

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• Double-Click YourRootCA:

Result must be:

• Click “Ok”

• Install MR-Host Private Key on R10.6.2 Host:

• Click Certificates (Local Computer)

• Right-click Personal

• Click All Tasks → Import..

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• Click Next > → Browse…

• Browse On USB-key or floppy where certificate files are stored.

• Click T to select “Personal Information (*.pfx;*.p12)”

• Click MR1.pfx (Example) → Open

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• Click “Next>”:

• Click “Next>”:

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• Click “Finish” → “Ok”:

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• Double-Click MR1:

Result must be:

• Click “Ok”

• Install PACS Public Key on R10.6.2 Host:

• Right-Click Enterprise Trust

• Click All Tasks → Import..:

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• Click Next > → Browse…

• Browse On USB-key or floppy where certificate files are stored.

• Click PACS1.cer (Example) → “Open” → “Next>”:

• Click “Next>” → “Finish” → “Ok”:

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• Double-Click PACS1:

Result must be:

• Click “Ok”

• Reboot R10.6.2 Host to register Certificates.

• Enable DICOM connectivity configuration for a secure connection.

See sections:
6.3.1 DICOM Local System p. 78 where
• R10.6.2 Host is enabled as a secure node.
• Client Private Key on R10.6.2 Host can be selected. DICOM Network Node Advanced settings p. 95.
• Remote DICOM Nodes are enabled as a secure node.
Default certificate switched to “Yes”.

• Delete the Private Key Certificate (*.pfx) files stored in C:\nmr\gyroscan\certificates folder
during creation process:

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2006-12-19 SW Update Manual R10.6.2 4522-210-27552 / 1.1 Install Keys on Secure Remote DICOM Node

Please follow instructions available with Remote DICOM Node, to
• YourRootCA Public Key,
• PACS1 Private Key,
• MR1 Public Key

5.1.7. Host Network configuration checks z

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click “Start” → “Run”

• Enter cmd <Enter>:

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• Enter ipconfig /all <Enter>:

• Enter route print <Enter>:

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2006-12-19 SW Update Manual R10.6.2 4522-210-27552 / 1.1 Host “Reconstructor Connection” check

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → Settings → Network Connections

• Double-Click “Reconstructor Connection”

• Check Network speed is 1.0 Gbps and status is: Connected:

• Click Close

• Click Start → Run

• Enter cmd <Enter>

to ping continuously:

• Enter Ping Reconstructor -t <Enter>

to stop pinging:

• Press <Ctrl> C

• Enter Exit

See section 5.1.4 Host “Reconstructor Connection” settings p. 54 and 5.2.1 Reconstructor “Host
Connection” settings p. 73 when result is nok.

5.2. Reconstructor Network Configuration

We use Remote Desktop on Host to have access on Reconstructor.

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• Click Start button → Programs → Accessories → Communications →

Remote Desktop Connection:

• Enter Reconstructor:

• Click Connect

• Enter User name: mrsystem

Password: manager

• Click Ok

5.2.1. Reconstructor “Host Connection” settings Reconstructor “Host Connection” static IP-address

Please do not change IP-address settings, because network link between

Reconstructor and Host is lost!

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2006-12-19 SW Update Manual R10.6.2 4522-210-27552 / 1.1 Reconstructor “Host Connection” speed/duplex settings

• Continue from section 5.2 p. 72

• Click Start → Control Panel

• Double-Click Network Connections

• Right-Click “Host Connection”

• Click “Properties”

• Click Configure…:

• Click Tab Advanced

• Click Property Speed & Duplex

• Click T To select “Speed/duplex” setting (Auto default)

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• Click “Ok”

• Close the Network Connections menu

• Close Remote Desktop link with Reconstructor

• After this modification on the Reconstructor, you have to perform Host “Reconstructor
Connection” static IP-address p. 54.

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6. DICOM Connectivity Configuration

The Intera Host offers the following DICOM functions:

• A DICOM Image Export function to transfer MR and Secondary Capture images

and image related data (Presentation States, Spectro and scan data) from the
Intera Host to a Remote DICOM Node. After the Remote DICOM Node has
received the images, a Storage Commitment request can be sent to the Remote

• A DICOM Media Export function, to read and write DICOM MO-disks.

• A DICOM File Export function to write to the local hard disk drive (E:\DICOM).
These files can subsequently be copied from R10.6.2 Host via SFTP or via other
file transfer/copy.

• A DICOM RIS (Radiology Information System) interface to retrieve the work list
of patients that are scheduled to be examined and to send an MPPS (Modality
Performed Procedure Step) request/status report to the RIS or PACS (Picture
Archiving and Communication System).

• A DICOM Image Import function to receive MR and Secondary Capture images

and image related data (Presentation States, Spectro and scan data) originating
from the same or other MR Systems from a remote DICOM node.

6.1. General Concepts

The Intera Host offers two AE’s (Application Entities):

• Intera Network AE – application on R10.6.2 Host, that offers all DICOM SCU
(Service Class User) and SCP (Service Class Provider) services mentioned in
Table 2 DICOM Interoperability p. 77 except the Print SCU/SCP services.

• Print AE – application on R10.6.2 Host that offers DICOM Greyscale print

SCU/SCP services.

The DICOM AETitle uniquely refers to an application on a DICOM network node that
offers DICOM service(s). The name cannot be used on another DICOM network node.
The characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, composite characters Ä and ‘underscores’ _ are allowed;
spaces and special characters `-/ are not allowed.

The DICOM AETitles and IP-Hostnames are CaSe SeNsItIvE!. We advice to use
UPPERCASE characters only.

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MR image storage No SCP

Secondary capture SCU SCU SCU SCU SCU

Query / Retrieve SCU SCU SCU SCP SCU
Modality work list SCU SCU No No No SCU
Storage commitment SCU SCU SCU No No No
Modality performed
SCU SCU No No No No No
procedure step
Study content
No No No No No No
Gray scale print SCU SCU SCU SCU No SCU No
Verification SCP
Queue management No No No No
Structured reporting No No No No No SCP
Basic structured
No No No No No SCP

Gray scale softcopy SCU SCU SCU

No No No
presentation state SCP SCP SCP
No No No No No
Media service and
R+W R+W No R+W No R+W No
file format

Table 2 DICOM Interoperability

6.2. Remote DICOM Node Templates

On an R10.6.2 Host, the configuration of Remote DICOM nodes has been simplified,
through the use of so-called templates.
Each of the available templates is pre-configured with most of the DICOM settings.

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The general working procedure with DICOM node templates is as follows:

• For Philips equipment use the pre-configured templates.
• For other non-Philips remote DICOM nodes select one of the templates “Other”
(with or without private SOP’s (Service Object Pair)) add a copy of it to the R10.6.2
• For any RIS use the RIS template
• Give the added new DICOM node a name; fill in the necessary data and
check/change parameters
• Save the new DICOM node to disk.
• You have just defined a new DICOM node on the Intera Host.
• Check DICOM connectivity with remote DICOM node

6.3. DICOM Basic Configuration

To be able to use the DICOM Import/Export functionality, the following steps are

1. Configure DICOM Local System (see section 6.3.1 p. 78)

2. (Optional) configure DICOM image numbering direction (see section 6.3.2 p. 80)
3. Configure remote DICOM nodes on R10.6.2 Host.
4. Restart the R10.6.2 Host
5. Configure R10.6.2 Host on remote DICOM nodes.
6. Check DICOM connectivity with remote DICOM nodes.

6.3.1. DICOM Local System

When applicable:
• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → MR System Management → Configuration →

Configuration Application.
See 4.1 Start Configuration Application p 32 for details.

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• Click Configuration → Connectivity Configuration → Local System:

• Enter AE Title for Host:

Port Number is only

used when Host offers
SCP functionality.
Keep it “No”

• Click Advanced settings 1, e.g. to enable R10.6.2 Host as a Secure Node:

That enables other entries like:
• Encryption (Do not use!)
• Default Certificate
• Selection of Certificates: select private key installed in section Install Keys
on Secure R10.6.2 p. 60

Figure 6-1 Local System is a secure node

See Help text for explanation of the other local configuration parameters.
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• Click “Check”→“Apply”→“Ok”→“Yes”:

• Click “Ok” (3x)

• Click “Up”

6.3.2. DICOM image numbering direction

DICOM Image Number direction is used to sort the images in a DICOM viewer or PACS.
Some hospitals want the revert ordering of image slices in one or more of the main
anatomic directions. Sagital, Transversal or Coronal. This configuration setting applies
only for the slice order! For additional information refer to the Gyroweb link:

When applicable:
• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → MR System Management → Configuration →

Configuration Application.
See 4.1 Start Configuration Application p 32 for details.

• Click Configuration → DICOM Image Number Direction:

Change settings according to the customer requirements:

• Click Transversal:T

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• Click “Check”→“Apply”→“Ok”→“Yes”:

• Click “Ok” (3x)

6.3.3. DICOM Printer(s) Add DICOM Printer(s)

When applicable:
• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → MR System Management → Configuration →

Configuration Application.
See 4.1 Start Configuration Application p 32 for details.

• Click Configuration → Hardcopy Facilities → Add DICOM Printer:

• Click T → to Select template for new DICOM printer:

• Click “Apply” → “Next”:

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• Enter • Printer Name (e.g. AGFA_14X17, less than 30 characters!)

• SCU AETitle
• SCP AETitle
• Port Number
• IP-Address

DICOM print defines the R10.6.2 Host as Service Class User (SCU) and the hardcopy
printer as Service Class Provider (SCP).
If the DICOM hardcopy printer provides print services to more than one MR-Host (e.g.
MRI 1, MRI 2, etc), an unique SCU AE Title must be defined for each MR-Host e.g.
MR1, MR2.
For the AETitles the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and underscore are allowed. Spaces and
other characters are not! To prevent problems, we advice to use Upper Case characters
The AETitle must be unique for every DICOM node at the Hospital.

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All the other fields of the selected DICOM printer can also be modified if necessary. contains a list of tested printers including all the
parameters and their optimum values. In case of problems with the printer, check these
parameters first.

• Click “Check”→“Apply”→“Ok”→“Yes”:

• Click “Ok” (3x) Add a DICOM Printer with a 2nd film size

You can also configure the same printer 2 times when the printer has more than 1 film
magazine (film size). It is important to realize that, in this example, to change from
AGFA_14x17 to AGFA_8x10, it is not enough to just select the printer with the other film
size in the Print Control UI. It is still necessary to manually change the selected film size
on the printer too.

• Click Hardcopy Facilities → Add DICOM Printer

• Click T → AGFA_14X17:

• Click “Apply” → “Next”

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• Enter • New film size: 8INX10IN

• Printer: AGFA_8X10 (less than 30 characters!)
• Film size ID: 8INX10IN:

• Click “Check”→“Apply”→“Ok”→“Yes”:

• Click “Ok” (3x)

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4522-210-27552 / 1.1 SW Update Manual R10.6.2 2006-12-19 Edit DICOM Printer

When applicable:

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → MR System Management → Configuration

→ Configuration Application.
See 4.1 Start Configuration Application p 32 for details.

• Click Configuration → Hardcopy Facilities → Edit DICOM Printer:

Do NOT modify the standard DICOM printer templates starting with ISGDICOM
• Click T to select KODAK_14 (Example)

• Click “Apply” → “Next”

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• Enter Modifications:

• Click “Check”→“Apply”→“Ok”→“Yes”:

• Click “Ok” (3x)

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4522-210-27552 / 1.1 SW Update Manual R10.6.2 2006-12-19 Delete DICOM Printer

When applicable:

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → MR System Management → Configuration →

Configuration Application.
See 4.1 Start Configuration Application p 32 for details.

• Click Configuration → Hardcopy Facilities → Delete DICOM Printer:

Do NOT delete a standard DICOM printer templates starting with ISGDICOM

• Click T To select DICOM printer to delete:

DICOM printers
that can be deleted.

• Click “Apply” → “Next” → “Ok” → “Yes”:

• Click “Ok” (3x)

6.3.4. DICOM network node(s) ViewForum DICOM node

The ViewForum DICOM node has to be connected to the network and must be
switched on.

When applicable:

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

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• Click Start → MR System Management → Configuration →

Configuration Application.
See 4.1 Start Configuration Application p 32 for details.

• Click Configuration → Connectivity configuration → DICOM Network


Not used!

• Click T to select ViewForum in the list of Available Templates:

• Click “Add”

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• Enter • Name
• AE Title
• IP HostName
• IP Address

Figure 6-2 Basic Settings DICOM Node

When Hospital has a DNS-server (see also section 5.1 Host Network Configuration p.
47), the IP Address that belongs to “IP HostName”, is filled in automatically when you
click “Check” or “Apply”.

• Click “Apply” → “OK”

• Click “Yes” in case of a new IPAddress/IPHostName:

• Click “Ok” → “Yes” → “Ok” (3x) → “Up”

• Logoff the Configuration Application

• Restart R10.6.2 Host

• Check in the Intera application if it is possible to export images to the just configured Remote
DICOM node.

• Check with the Queue Manager if all the queues are enabled and if the transfer passes with
status “success”.

In case of status “failed” one can continue with the advanced configuration as described
in section DICOM Network Node Advanced settings p. 95 or do a DICOM
Verify test as described in section 6.3.5 DICOM Verify z p. 100.

To delete or modify a configured DICOM Network Node, in this example


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• Click T To select ViewForum_SIM in the list of Configured DICOM Network Nodes:

• Click Delete or Modify → “Next” → “Ok” → “Yes” → “Ok” (3x) EasyVision DICOM node

To configure an EasyVision, use the procedure as given for the ViewForum, but now
select the “EasyVision R4” or “EasyVision R5” template instead. Intera DICOM node

To configure a Remote Intera DICOM Node, use the procedure as given for the
ViewForum, but now select the “Remote Intera” template instead. This template contains
the private attributes for the SOP classes Private MR Spectrum and Private MR Series
Blob set. RIS configuration

To configure a RIS use the procedure as given for the ViewForum, but now select the
“RIS” template instead.

Be aware that only 1 Worklist Management and only 1 MPPS node should be
configured! These may be the RIS Node, but the MPPS node can also be a PACS. In
this latter case the applicable SOP classes should be (un) configured in the applicable
nodes with Advanced Settings.

Warning • Worklist Management is only available when Software Option “RIS” is enabled.
• MPPS is only available when Software option “IHE 2/3: MPPS and SC” is enabled:

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• Click Configuration → Software Options → Show Enabled Software



Figure 6-3 Enabled Software Options Archive configuration

Storage Commit is only available when Software option “IHE 2/3: MPPS and SC” is
enabled (See Figure 6-3 Enabled Software Options p. 91)

For the configuration of an Archive with the Storage Commitment service you can select
one of the Philips templates EasyAccess (Store), EasyWeb, Xcelera or use the non-
Philips templates “Other - without private SOPs” or “Other - with private SOPs”.

For example in case of an EasyAccess 8.2 with different AETitles for Store and for
Query/Retrieve, configure the Store AETitle with the template EasyAccess (Store), and
the Query/Retrieve AETitle with the template EasyAccess (Query/Retrieve). In cases
where a different StorageCommit AETitle has to be configured, this AETitle can be set
while configuring the EasyAccess (Store).

Under Advanced Settings there are two different attributes:

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Name Description Default

Storage Commit Node Name The name (within the configuration database) of the Name of PACS
configured nodes. (store)
(only for Archive nodes)
Storage Commit Max For “synchronous” storage commit event report
message, we recommend 60 sec.
Reply Waiting Time
For “asynchronous” storage commit event report -1
(only for Archive nodes)
message from PACS to Intera MR, we recommend
-1. Non-Philips Remote DICOM Node without private objects support

Most non-Philips Workstations, DICOM viewers, PACS ’s do not support the private
objects and new Presentation State SOP class

To configure such a remote node, use the template “Other - without private objects”. This
template almost has all SOP classes configured. Manually, unwanted SOP classes can
be moved to the un-configured column.

• Click Connectivity Configuration → DICOM Network Nodes

• Click T to select Other - without Private SOPs in the list of available templates.

• Click Add:

• Enter • Name
• AE Title
• IP HostName
• IP Address

• Click Yes When Remote DICOM Node supports Storage Commitment

No When Remote DICOM Node does not support Storage Commitment:

In case the Remote DICOM Node doesn’t support the Grayscale Softcopy
Presentation state SOP class un-configure this as follows:

• Click Advanced Settings

• Click Select Custom at the Revert SOP classes

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In the SCU SOP classes’ window, in the configured column, select the Grayscale
Softcopy Presentation State storage by clicking on this field and move it to
the un-configured column with the mouse pointer.

In case the Remote DICOM Node doesn’t support Secondary Capture Image Storage
un-configure this as follows:

• Click Advanced Settings

• Click Select Custom at the Revert SOP classes

In the SCU SOP classes window, in the configured column, select the Secondary
Capture Image Storage by clicking on this field and move it to the un-configured column
with the mouse pointer:

In case the Remote DICOM Node doesn’t support MPPS un-configure this as follows:
In the SCP SOP classes window, in the configured column, select the Modality
Performed Procedure Step by clicking on this field and move it to the un-configured
column with the mouse pointer.

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• Click “Yes” for the parameter “Combine MR Rescale” (to not export rescaling parameters):

• Click “Apply”

• Click “Yes” In case of a new IPAddress/IPHostName

• Click “Ok” → “Yes” → “Ok” (3x) → “Up”

• Logoff from the Configuration Application

• Restart R10.6.2 Host

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Check in the Intera application if it is possible to export images to the just configured Remote
DICOM node.

• Check with the Queue Manager if all the queues are enabled and if the transfer passes with
status “success”.

In case of status “failed” one can continue with the advanced configuration as described
in section DICOM Network Node Advanced settings p. 95 or do a DICOM
Verify test as described in section 6.3.5 DICOM Verify z p. 100. Non-Philips Remote DICOM Node with private objects support

To configure such a remote node, use the template “Other - with private objects”:

This template has almost all SOP classes configured. Manually SOP classes can be
moved to the unconfigured column. These template are meant for Remote DICOM
Nodes that support the receiving / processing of "private attributes" (Spectro data and
Series (scan) Data Blob sets)

Example procedure for PACS with private objects see section Non-Philips
Remote DICOM Node without private objects support p. 92.

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4522-210-27552 / 1.1 SW Update Manual R10.6.2 2006-12-19 DICOM Advanced Settings

Besides the standard ‘Basic’ settings, a few ‘Advanced’ settings can be configured. The DICOM File and
MOD settings can be adjusted. For a new installation, these settings can be kept to the default values. Also
the Advanced configuration of a DICOM Node is described in this section. DICOM Network Node Advanced settings

When applicable:
• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → MR System Management → Configuration →

Configuration Application.
See 4.1 Start Configuration Application p 32 for details.

• Click Connectivity Configuration

• Click DICOM Network Nodes

• Click T To select ViewForum_SIM in the list of Configured DICOM Network Nodes:

• Click Modify

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• Click Advanced Settings:

Figure 6-4 Dicom Network node advanced settings

1. The ArtimTimeout value (default 60 sec.) determines the timeout between the
establishment of a tcp/ip connection and the association request. Decline it
specifies also the maximum timeout between an association reject or association
release and the actual disconnect of the tcp/ip connection.
2. The value of AssociationTimeoutSCU (default 60 sec.) is the allowed period of
inactivity (in seconds) for an open association. Even if the association is released
after the timeout period due to inactivity, a ’virtual’ association still exists on the
SCU side; i.e., DICOMNetworkRepositoryConnection at the repository level stays
open while the DICOM network association at tcp/ip level is temporarily closed and
reopened when needed:

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3. the Transfer Syntaxes can be adjusted by shifting the Syntaxes from “Configured”
to “Unconfigured” or vice versa:

4. The SCU and SCP SOP classes can be (un)configured. Choose “Custom” to
(un)configure individual SOP classes. The selection “Full” contains the same SOP
classes as “Custom”, only in Custom the (un)configured SOP classes can be made
visual. The selection “Standard DICOM” is the same as the “Full” setting except
the private objects Spectro data and Series Data (Blob) sets are removed. The
following parameters can be adjusted:

5. Finally
The DICOM node can be set as a SecureNode. That enables other entries like
• Encryption (do not use!)
• Default Certificate

• Click “Apply”

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• Click “Yes” in case of a new IPAddress/IPHostName

“No” in case the Hospital has a DNS-server (see section 5.1 Host Network
Configuration p. 47):

• Click “Ok” → “Yes” → “Ok” (3x) → “Up”

• When modification(s) on configuration are ready, perform 4.9 Logoff Service Application – Reboot Host
z p. 43

In case you still have problems with DICOM networking please refer to the document
“WinMRI and DICOM”, which is available via the DICOM-DVD Advanced settings

When applicable:
• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → MR System Management → Configuration →

Configuration Application.
See 4.1 Start Configuration Application p 32 for details.

• Click Connectivity Configuration → Local Media → DICOM File:

• Select DICOM-DVD from dropdown list:

• Click Modify → Advanced Settings

Here the DVD settings can be configured. For a new installation, these settings can be
kept to the default values. The default settings for Name is “DICOM-DVD” and all other
settings are set to “No”.

• Click “Apply” → “Ok” → “Yes” → “Ok” (3x) → “Up”

• When modification(s) on configuration are ready, perform 4.9 Logoff Service Application – Reboot Host
z p. 43

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When applicable:
• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → MR System Management → Configuration →

Configuration Application.
See 4.1 Start Configuration Application p 32 for details.

• Click Connectivity Configuration → Local Media → DICOM File:

• Select DICOM-File from dropdown list:

• Click Advanced settings:

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Here the DICOM File settings can be configured. For a new installation, these settings
can be kept to the default values.
In the “Suppressed Patient Info” list, the attributes can be specified which will be
suppressed in case of anonymous export to DICOM Files. By default, the patient name,
Patient ID (in the <MR User> Interface this is called Registration ID) and Patient Birth
date will be suppressed.

• Click “Apply” → “Ok” → “Yes” → “Ok” (3x) → “Up”

• When modification(s) on configuration are ready, perform 4.9 Logoff Service Application – Reboot Host
z p. 43

6.3.5. DICOM Verify z

With an Intera MR it is possible to verify several items via one test button.

The following tests are performed one after the other in the listed order:
1. Perform a TCP/IP ping to the remote DICOM node (Network Connectivity);
2. Check what DICOM services are supported by both the Intera Host and the
Remote DICOM Node (Associate Configured DICOM Node);
3. Make a DICOM association with the Remote DICOM Node via the DICOM
Verification service class (Verify Configured DICOM Node);
4. Check if the Remote DICOM Node accepts a DICOM secondary capture image and
if so, check the storage of that image via the query SOP class (Network Store

The ViewForum DICOM node has to be connected to the network and must be
switched on.

When applicable:
• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → MR System Management → Configuration →

Configuration Application.
See 4.1 Start Configuration Application p 32 for details.

• Click Configuration → Connectivity configuration → DICOM Network


Modified automatically
after logoff/logon

• Click Connectivity Configuration → DICOM Verify → DICOM Network Node

Test → Configured

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• Select DICOM-node to test.

Here the Name, ImageBitsStored (16), ImageColumns (128) and ImageRows (128)
can be specified. The defaults can be left as they are.

Select which of the above tests have to be done. Normally the NetworkStoreQuery test
will fail so it is better to de-select this test.

• Click “Apply” → “Next>”:

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• Click “Ok”:

Here the results of the tests are shown in detail. When the Remote DICOM Node is
switched on and configured correctly, at least the first three tests should pass correctly.
The result of the 4th test is dependent of the store/query capabilities of the Remote

• Click “Ok” → “Up” (2x)

• Logoff from Configuration Appliocation.

In case you still have problems with DICOM networking please refer to the document
“WinMRI and DICOM”, which is available on

• When modification(s) on configuration are ready, perform 4.9 Logoff Service Application p. 43

6.3.6. DICOM Survey

The DICOM Survey functionality gives an overview of all configured DICOM
configurations. This means the LOCAL Node, the DICOM media (DICOM File or MOD)
or remote DICOM nodes.

When applicable:
• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → MR System Management → Configuration →

Configuration Application.
See 4.1 Start Configuration Application p 32 for details.

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• Click System information → Survey Links:

• Click Survey DICOM:

• Checkmark Select All:

• Click “Next”

Every medium (DICOM File or MOD) or DICOM Node (LOCAL or Remote) can be
expanded to see the basic and advanced settings.

If you want to send the DICOM configuration e.g. by e-mail to the Helpdesk for
reviewing than you can save the DICOM survey frame as HTML file as follows:

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• Right-click in the left window and click: Save Frame As:

• Click Browse and select a location to store the file:

• Enter An appropriate file name:

• Click Save → “Ok” (2x) → “Up”

• When modification(s) on configuration are ready, perform 4.9 Logoff Service Application – Reboot Host
z p. 43

6.3.7. Audit trail to Syslog

In order to comply to HIPAA , the Security Eventlog can be shadowed to an External Syslog

When applicable:
• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → MR System Management → Configuration →

Configuration Application.
See 4.1 Start Configuration Application p 32 for details.

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• Click Configuration → Connectivity Configuration → Audit Trail:

When the Syslog can not be logged on an external system it needs to be disabled!

• Enter <IP Hostname>

<IP Address>
<Port Number>:

Note UDP is preferred protocol: no local buffering/hangup when syslog server is not available.

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• Click “Check”→“Apply”→“Ok”→“Yes”:

• Click “Ok” (3x)

• When modification(s) on configuration are ready, perform 4.9 Logoff Service Application – Reboot Host
z p. 43

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7. <MR User> Management on Host and Reconstructor

Users on the R10.6.2 Host:

User name Member of Initial Description Additional

Groups 1
password settings 2

Administrator SystemAdmins Qw57stricgW Disabled account, that becomes active A; N2

during “Safe mode” startup.

MRService SystemAdmins Manager or Local Service Engineer M2

MRService 3

HospitalAdmin HospitalAdmins Hospital Hospital user to manage <MR User> M2


Remote SystemAdmins Manager Remote Service Engineer A; D2

Export NetworkUsers scandata User, to share data only with external N2


MRUser MRUsers Philips Standard Application user M2

Table 7-1 Users on R10.6.2 Host

User on the Reconstructor:

User Default user Privileges Default Password1 Enabled at the
MRSystem X Administrator manager Yes

Table 7-2 User on Reconstructor

7.1. Create <MR User> on Host (z) 4

• Login HospitalAdmin + <Password> 5 on Host.

Passwords are case sensitive and expire default after 42 days.
Additional settings: M: User must change Password at first login; C: User cannot change password; N: Password never
expires; A Account Disabled; D: Dial in permission granted
Password is MRService when system is Pre-installed in factory.
Password is Hospital, when system is via DVD or factory pre-installed.
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• Click Start → MR System Management → System Management → User


• Click “User” → “New User”:

• Enter • “User name”

• “Full Name” (optional)
• “Description” (optional)
• “Password”
• “Confirm password”:

• Click “Add”

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• Click “Ok”

• Repeat this procedure when more <MR Users> need to be created.

• Press <CTRL> <ALT> <DEL> to logoff HospitalAdmin

7.2. Host Proxy settings NetForum <MR User> (z) 1

When Hospital has a Proxy server, you need to configure Proxy
settings on the R10.6.2 Host to access the NetForum community
on the Internet: or
• Consult Local Hospital Network Manager for Proxy settings.

• Inform Local Firewall Administrator to enable access to: port 80 port 443
• Login <MR User> + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → Programs →Internet Explorer:

• Click Tools → Internet Options:

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• Click Tab Connections →”LAN Settings…”:

Figure 7-1 LAN Settings

• Enter LAN Settings (Example):

Consult the Network

Administrator for
IP address and Portnumber
Proxy server.

Figure 7-2 Proxy server settings for NetForum

7.3. Configure Netmeeting on Host <MR User> z

• Repeat the procedure for all <MR users> that need LookOverTheShoulder/TakeOver support.

Example to enable the MRUser user:

• Login MRUser + <Password> on Host.

Password = Philips (DVD installed Host).

• Press Windows button

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• Click Start → Programs → Accessories → Netmeeting:

• Click Tools → Options…

• Enter Subsequently the following fields, to identify the Host in the Hospital:

• Click “Ok”

• Click “No”:

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• Click Tools → Sharing…

• Click Checkbox “Share in true color”:

• Click “Close”

Optional this procedure might be repeated for MRSERVICE user.

• Close NetMeeting

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7.4. Language set-up <MR User> (z) 1

The Host Login screen reflects the language used by the previous <MR User>!

• Login <MR User> + Password on Host

• Click Start → Settings → Control Panel:

• Double-Click Regional and Language Options:

1. Select Language used in menus and dialogs

2. Click “Apply”

3. Click “Ok”

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4. Click “Ok”:

• Logoff <MR User> to take UI language changes into effect.

• Repeat this procedure for every <MR User> that needs UI language to be changed.

Optionally Keyboard layout and Input language can be adjusted (see 3.4.2 Keyboard
Layout and Input Language Configuration <MR User> (z) p. 23)

7.5. Left/Right Hand Mouse Setting < MR User> (z) 1

• Login <MR User> or
HospitalAdmin or
MRService + <Password> on Host
• Click Start → Settings → Control panel:

• Double-Click Mouse:

Figure 7-3 Control Panel

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Enable Switch primary and secondary button:

Figure 7-4 Mouse properties

7.6. Change Password <MR User>

The <MR User> password is managed by the <MR User> or HospitalAdmin user.


• Login HospitalAdmin + <password> on Host (initially Hospital, enter new


• Click Start → MR System Management → System Management → User


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• Click <MR User> → User → “Properties” to assign a new password:

• Enter Password & Confirm password:

• Click Ok

• Inform <MR User> about their new password

<MR User>:

MR Users may change their password only once a day.

• Login <MR User> + <Password> on Host

• Wait for the UI starts up

• Press Ctlr+Alt+Delete

• Click Change password

• Enter old password

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• Enter new password

• Enter confirm password

• Click “Ok”

7.7. Accept Blank Password <MR User>

For security reasons we advise against this setting!


• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → MR System Management→ System Management → Security


Figure 7-5 Start Security Policies

• Click Password Policy

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• Double-Click Minimum Password length:

Figure 7-6 Local Security Settng

• Click T to 0 characters:

Figure 7-7 Minimum password length

When user changes password now (see section 7.6 Change Password <MR User>
p. 115), blank passwords are allowed.

7.8. Password never expires <MR User>

For security reasons we advise against this setting!

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → Run

• Enter compmgmt.msc:

• Double-Click Local Users and Groups

• Click Users

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• Right-Click <MR User>

• Click Properties:

• Click Checkbox “Password never expires”:

• Click “Ok”

• Exit “Local Security Settings”

7.9. Unlock <MR User>

To remove the lock out from an account (after 5 times entering with a wrong password:
the account is locked) proceed with this procedure or wait 30 minutes (the lockout will

• Login HospitalAdmin + password on Host

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• Click Start → MR System Management → System Management → User


• Click <MR User> → User → “Properties”:

• Click “Account is Locked Out”, to remove checkmark:

• Click “Ok”

Remark 1: If the MRService account password is not known anymore, you can use the
Remote account if this account was enabled before. Then you can set a new password
on the MRService account. Another possibility is remotely login into the Remote account
and give the command via SSH: > net user MRService <new password>.

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7.10. Regain access to Host

For different reasons you may have no access to the Host:

- MRService user is locked.
- Password is forgotten.
- After Restore System disk with unknown passwords.
• Restart Host

• Press F8 right in front of Windows startup, to enter Safe Mode.

• Login Administrator + <Password> 1 on Host.

• Click Start → Run

• Enter compmgmt.msc:

• Double-Click Local Users and Groups

• Click Users

• Right-Click MRService user

• Click Set Password…

• Click “Proceed”

See section 7 <MR User> Management on Host and Reconstructor p. 107 for value
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• Enter Password 2* → “Ok” → “Ok”:

• You may repeat this procedure for all <MR Users> with unknown password.

• Restart Host

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8. HW Configuration

8.1. Video-out option NTSC/PAL/SECAM (z) 1

This procedure describes how to change the video-out signal format


• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Right-click “Netmeeting Icon”:

• Click “Stop Netmeeting” 2:

• Right-click Desktop:

• Click “Properties”:

1. Click “Settings” tab

2. Click “Monitor 2”

This disables “Look over the shoulder/Take over” until you logon again!
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3. Click “Advanced”:

1. Click NVidia “Video adapter tab”

2. Click “TV settings”

3. Click T “Signal Format”:

4. Select Signal format TV-set or Video-recorder.



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• Click “Apply”:

• Click “Ok”:

• Click “Yes”:

• Click “Ok”:

• Click “Ok”:

8.2. Installation of a Paper Printer z

Likely, the Host will automatically install the appropriate printer driver when the printer is

Exceptions like HP Deskjet 3940 need to be installed from HP-CD, while language
Note setting for MRService user is English! (see section 7.4 Language set-up <MR User>
(zc„…¡)22F p. 113)
Printers verified by PMS-MR are: Hp DeskJet 697/840/940/5150/3940 and HP LaserJet

Printer name < 27 characters e.g. HP 840 Deskjet!


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Some printers may get a name longer than 27-characters (HP 840 DeskJet for
example). They need to be renamed! (see Rename Printer p. 126)

8.2.1. Check Paper printer

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Connect printer with LPT1 or USB-port on Host and switch it on.

• Click Start → Settings → Printers and Faxes:

Host has identified HP LaserJet 1300 automatically: Rename Printer 1

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Right-click <Printer icon>

E.g. when Printer Name ≥ 27 characters
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• Click “Rename”: Configure Paper size on HP DeskJet 5100 (Example)

Every user on the Host needs to set default printer settings (Letter, A4 etc)!
• Login For every interactive user on Host.

• Click Start → Settings → Printers and Faxes:

• Double-click HP DeskJet 5100 Icon → Printer → Printing Preferences..:

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• Click Tab Paper/Quality → select T Size is: → Letter A4 etc. → “Ok”

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9. Update/Save/Restore Configuration

9.1. Update R10.3/R10.4/R10.6.1 Configuration

Prerequisite: the System Reference number is set! (see 4.2 p. 35 Set System
Reference Number)
Update R10.3/R10.4/R10.6.1/R10.6.2 Configuration is always required after R10.6.2
DVD SW-Installation.
• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → MR System Management → Configuration →

Update Configuration:

• Press <Enter>

• Place MO-Disk with saved R10.3/R10.4/R10.6.1/R10.6.2 configuration into

• Enter 2 <Enter> → <Enter>→ Y<Enter>:

Note Logoff/logon when R10.6.2 Host replies:

Check presence of device in MO-Drive, drive = H:
Unable to change directory to H:
Press Enter to exit

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• Press <Enter> to Exit:

• Check G:\log\Update_actions_yyyymmddhhmmss.log for errors:

• Start Windows Explorer

• Browse to g:\log


• Double-click

• Remove MO-Disk with saved R10.3/R10.4/R10.6.1/R10.6.2 configuration from the MO-drive.

• Select Start → Shutdown → Restart

9.2. Save R10.6.2 Configuration

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → Programs → Accessories → Windows Explorer

• Right-Click G:\Site

• Click Properties to see size (must fit on MO-side!)

• Click Start → MR System Management → Configuration →

Save Configuration:

• Press <Enter> (when ready)

• Insert writable MO-disk into MO-drive.

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• Press <Enter> (when ready)

• Enter Y <Enter> (when you are sure to format MO-disk):

• Press <Enter> (to exit):

• Check G:\log\Save_actions_yyyymmddhhmmss.log for errors:

• Start Windows Explorer
• Browse to g:\log
• Double-click logfile:

• Remove MO-disk with saved R10.6.2 configuration from the MO-drive.

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9.3. Restore R10.6.2 Configuration

SW-Level Host (see 3.1 Check SW levels z p.17) must be ≥ than “SW-

Level” Configuration!
• Restore R10.6.2 Configuration is only meant to replace current R10.6.2
• Prerequisite: the System Reference number is set! (see 4.2 p. 35 Set
System Reference Number).
• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → MR System Management → Configuration →

Restore Configuration:

• Press <Enter>

• Enter 2 <Enter>

• Place MO-Disk with saved R10.6.2 configuration into MO-drive and wait until busy led is off.

• Press <Enter> (when ready)

Note Logoff/logon when R10.6.2 Host replies:

Check presence of device in MO-Drive, drive = H:
Unable to change directory to H:
Press Enter to exit
• Enter “Y”

• Press <Enter> (to Exit):

• Check G:\log\Restore_actions_yyyymmddhhmmss.log for errors.

• Start Windows Explorer

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• Browse to g:\log


• Double-click

• Remove MO-disk with saved R10.6.2 configuration from MO-drive.

• Select Start → Shutdown → Restart

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10. System Backup/Restore Tool

A System Backup is essential to recover after:
• A failed DVD SW Installation/Configuration.
• Replacement System disk.
When the R10.6.2 Configuration is saved …
An alternative for Restore System Disk is to:
• Perform a SW re-installation, see Table 1-1 Checklist to Update or Install an R10.6.2 System p. 3.
Column: “R10.3/R10.4/R10.6.1 UpDate/UpGrade” starting step 20 followed by
• Section 9.1 Update R10.3/R10.4/R10.6.1 Configuration p. 129

10.1. Preparations to Backup System Disk

Note The Data disk D: is used by Short-term storage to HDD (permanent storage of Ghost
• First, we calculate the quantity to backup.
• Second, we check available disk space on Data disk D:
• Login MRService + <Password> on Host.

• Click Start → Programs → Accessories → Windows Explorer

• Click “My Computer”

• Click View → Details

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2) Free Space on D:

1) Calculate
SUM = (Total Size – Free Space) drive C:
+ (Total Size – Free Space) drive E:
+ (Total Size – Free Space) drive G:

Note Backup capacity:

MO-disk: ± 4Giga Byte/side
When you want to perform “Short-term storage to HDD” and

SUM > 2 x (Free space on drive D:) – 1,

we need to free space on D:

• Click Start, to start the Application SW:

• Archive Patient Data and remove archived Patients.

• Logoff MRService user

10.2. Backup/Restore System Disk

When Backup System Disk:

• Perform section 10.1 Preparations to Backup System Disk p. 134

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After Restore System Disk:

• Patient data is lost.
• User defined Preset Procedures,
Application SW Configuration items and
Windows XPE settings,
created/modified since backup System disk or
“Save Configuration”, are lost.
• And new hard disk, driveletter assignments might be lost (see section 10.3 Finalize
Restore System disk procedure p. 146)

• Power on or R10.6.2 Host.


• Place in the meantime the System Backup/Restore DVD 4522 210 27672 into the internal DVD Rom-

The R10.6.2 Host will boot from System Backup/Restore DVD.

When R10.6.2 Host crashes with Blue screen please verify firmware level
DVD-ROM (see Table 1-1 Checklist to Update or Install an R10.6.2 System step 2).
The System Backup/Restore Tool menu pops up.

• Remove the System Backup/Restore DVD 4522 210 27672 from internal DVD Rom-drive.

10.2.1. Long-term storage to MOD * z

• Continue from section 10.2 Backup/Restore System Disk p. 135

When MO-Disks need to be formatted (see quantity estimation in 10.1 p. 134):

• Insert MO-disk into MO-drive and wait until busy LED is green.

• Click “Format MOD”:

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• Click “OK”:

Note MO-disk is ejected automatically.

• Repeat these steps for required number of MO Volumes (see section 10.1 p. 134)

• Insert MO-disk Volume-1 into MO-drive.

Messages and progress are not synchronous with write-process on MO-disk,

because of disk caching.
Please check busy-led of MO-drive, to verify write process to MO-disk is
Warning stopped.
• Click “Long-term storage to MOD”:

When asked for, insert next MO-Volume into MO-drive and click “Ok”:

Re-insert MO Volume-1 and click “Ok”:

• Click “Ok”:

• Click “Reboot” to Reboot Host.

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• Remove MO-disk from MO-drive and put it in a safe place.

10.2.2. Restore System Disk from MOD*

• Continue from section 10.2 Backup/Restore System Disk p. 135

• Insert MO-disk Volume-1 into MO-drive.

• Click “Refresh Dates”:

• Click “Restore from MOD”:

• Click “Ok”:

• Insert next backup MO-disk in MO-drive, when system asks for and

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• Click “Ok”:

• Click “Ok”:

• Click “Reboot” to Reboot Host

• Remove MO-Disk from MO-Drive and DVD from internal DVD ROM-drive.

• Perform 10.3 Finalize Restore System disk procedure p. 146

10.2.3. Short-term storage to HDD

This procedure offers the Service Engineer a fast alternative for the Long-term
storage procedures. It can be used right before system modifications like Service
Note Pack/Security fix installations.
To Backup 10 GB takes ± 10 minutes! (see section 10.1 p. 134 for quantity

Short-term storage is lost after DVD SW-installation!

• Continue from section 10.2 Backup/Restore System Disk p. 135

• Click “Short-term storage to HDD”:

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• Click “Ok”:

• Click “Ok”:

• Click “Reboot” to restart Host

10.2.4. Restore System Disk from HDD

When Service Pack/Security Fix installation was not successful, Restore from HDD
offers a fast recovery.
• Continue from section 10.2 Backup/Restore System Disk p. 135

• Click “Restore from HDD”:

• Click “Ok”:

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• Click “Ok”:

• Click “Reboot” to restart Host

• Perform 10.3 Finalize Restore System disk procedure p. 146

10.2.5. Fast Backup on external USB Hard disk

This non-automated procedure offers the Service Engineer a fast alternative for
the standard Backup System disk procedure. It can be used right before system
modifications are made.
To Backup 10 GB takes ± 10 minutes.
Continue from 10.1 Preparations to Backup System Disk p. 134.

• Click “Return to Shell”:

• Enter \ghost\ghost32 <Enter>:

• Click “OK”:

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• Click Local → Disk → To Image:

• Click System drive 1 (here 18 GB) to backup → “Ok”:

60 GB USB Disk

18 GB System Disk

18 GB Data Disk

• Click T → USB-drive

Selection based upon 1) Size and 2) System disk always above Data disk.
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• Enter Filename 1 Ghost-image → Click “Save”:

• Click “High” compression → “Yes”:

• Click “Continue” → “Quit”:

• Click “Yes” on question “Are you sure you want to quit?”

• Click “Exit” t Reboot

• Remove System Backup/Restore Tool 4522 210 27672

• Disconnect external USB 2.0 disk.

10.2.6. Fast Restore from external USB Hard disk

This non-automated procedure offers the Service Engineer the possibility to
restore Fast Backup on external USB Hard disk.

Filename ≤ 8 characters.
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Patient data is lost.

User defined Preset Procedures and ExamCards,
Configuration items and System parameters, created/modified since “Short-term
Warning storage to HDD” or “Save Configuration”, are lost.
Continue from 10.1 Preparations to Backup System Disk p. 134

• Click “Return to Shell”:

• Enter \ghost\ghost32 <Enter>:

• Click “OK”:

• Click “Local” → “Disk” → “From Image”:

• Select T → Drive → (Sub)Folder → “FileName Ghost image”:

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• Click

• Click System drive 1 (here 18 GB) to restore → “Ok”:

• Click “Ok”:

• Click “Yes”

Selection based upon 1) Color black; 2) Size and 3) System disk always above Data disk.
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• Click “Reset Computer”:

• Disconnect External USB 2.0 Harddisk

• Remove System Backup/Restore Tool 4522 210 27672 from internal DVD Rom-drive.

• Perform 10.3 Finalize Restore System disk procedure p. 146

10.3. Finalize Restore System disk procedure

When a Harddisk is replaced, driveletter assignments need to be adjusted.
Please check SPD-document on for

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

Database Server and other processes are unable to start, because of mismatch
between Patient Database on Data Disk and transaction logging on System Disk.
This requires a “Reinstall Databases”. See following steps:
• Click “Cancel”:

Figure 10-1 Cancel Database server startup

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• Click Start → Programs → MRSybase→ Reinstall Databases

• Click “OK”:

• Click Start → Shutdown → Restart

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host.

• Wait until background processes are started.

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• Click Start → MR Applications → SPT & PIQT → SPT:

• Resize and drag Window, to unhide Icon on Taskbar:

Wait until import of spec files is concluded; Icon


• Click File t Exit

• Check for all Service Packs and Security fixes applicable for this
release R10.6.2, please see Table 1-1 Checklist to Update or Install an R10.6.2 System step 3 for how to

• Perform 3.1 Check SW levels z p. 17

When current SW-level is not up to date:

• Perform ASW Service Pack installation and/or

Security Fix installation.

When saved R10.6.2 configuration on DVD is newer than Backup system disk:

• Perform Section 9.3 Restore R10.6.2 Configuration p. 132

• Logoff MRService

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11. Remote Service set up

11.1. Enable Remote User z

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → Run

• Enter compmgmt.msc:

• Click Ok

• Double-Click Local Users and Groups

• Click Users

• Double-Click Remote user:

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• Click Account Disabled setting to enable Remote user:

Figure 11-1 Remote user settings

• Click “Ok”

• Close Window

11.2. Look Over The Shoulder/Take Over z

Look Over The Shoulder/Take Over makes it possible to view or take over the control
of the operator’s desktop.

These menu items are only accessible when being remotely connected to an
Intera MR Host.
• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Perform Start Configuration Application z (see section 4.1 p. 32)

• Click “Specific System Functions”

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• Click “Look Over The Shoulder/Take Over”:


• Click “Call Other Session”

These menu items are only accessible when being remotely connected to an
Intera MR Host.

Note The other party will automatically accept the request and a connection has been
When the operator presses “Accept” a window with the operators desktop will
• Click “Control”

• Click “Request control” to request control of the operators desktop

Remote user display Operator console

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When the operator presses “Accept” the window can be remotely controlled. The
operator can always interrupt the take over session by pressing Any Key.

Remote user display Operator console

• Click “End Session” to end the Look Over The Shoulder / Take Over session.

• Click “Up” to return to the main menu.

11.3. Setup Incoming Connection z

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Connect Plug & Play Modem on port COM1

• Restart R10.6.2 Host

• Login MRService + <Password> on Host

• Click Start → Control Panel

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• Double-click System:

Figure 11-2 Control Panel

• Click Hardware tab → Device Manager:

• Check presence of Modem:

Figure 11-3 Device manager

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• Double-click Phone and Modem Options within Control Panel:

• Click Country/Region

• Enter Area code:

Figure 11-4 Location Information

• Click “Ok” → Modems tab → “Ok”:

• Click Start → Settings → Network Connections

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• Double-click “New Connection Wizard” → “Next”:

• Click Radio button “Set up an advanced connection” → “Next”:

• Click Radio button “Accept incoming connection” → “Next”:

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• Click Checkbox modem connected with COM1 → “Next”:

• Click Radio button Do not allow virtual private connection → “Next”:

• Check Remote user is enabled → “Next”:

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• Click ST to select Internet Protocol t “Properties”

• Click Radio button “Specify TCP/IP addresses”

• Enter and

• Click Ok

• Click Finish → Check Presence Incoming connection:

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