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College of Teacher Education


1st Semester 2022-2023


Alvarez, Jayn Harvey
Mallorca, Jezryl
Dacdac, Nick Andrie
Callos, Rica

Submitted to:


Assistant Professor II

September 2022
I. Introduction

The psychology of the self is the study of the cognitive or affective representation of
one’s identity. In modern psychology, the earliest formulation of the self-derived from the
distinction between the self as “I,” the subjective knower, and the self as a “me,” the object that
is known.
The self has many facets that help make up integral parts of it, such as self-awareness,
self-esteem, self-knowledge, and self-perception. All parts of the self-enable people to alter,
change, add, and modify aspects of themselves in order to gain social acceptance in society.

II. Body

Figure1. The picture shows the discussion about the description and differentiate I and Me Self,
Slef-Concept and its sub-categories which are material, social self and the spiritual self to be
discussed by Mr. Harvey F. Alvarez.

Topic: I and Me Self, Self-Concept, Sub categories

Person: Jayn Harvey F. Alvarez
Date: August 30, 2022
Strategy: Discussed with PPT
Figure 2. The picture shows the discussion about multiple vs. unified self by David Luster, when
you have a multiple seld you’ll have an identity crisis the ending goal of multiple self is to find
our unified self to be discussed by Mr. Nick Andie Dacdac.

Topic: Multiple vs Unified Self

Person: Nick Andrie N. Dacdac
Date: August 30, 2022
Strategy: Discussed with PPT

Figure 3. This picture shows the discussion about True vs. False self by Donald Winnicott, to be
discussed by Mr. Jesryl Mallorca.

Topic: True vs. False Self

Person: Jezryl B. Mallorca
Date: August 30, 2022
Strategy: Discussed with PPT
Figure 4. This picture shows the discussion about the importance of the Unconscious and the
three structures of personality the Id, Ego and Super Ego to be discussed by Ms. Rica Callos.

Topic: Importance of the Unconscious and the three structure of personality

Person: Rica Eliszabeth N. Callos
Date: August 30, 2022
Strategy: Discussed with PPT

Figure 5. This is picture shows the discussion about the self as proactive and agentic also the four
agentic perspective which are intentionally, forethought, self-awareness, self-reflective to be
discussed by Mr. Jayn Harvey F. Alvarez.

Topic: Pro-Active and Agentic and four Agentic Perspective

Person: Jayn Harvey F. Alvarez
Date: August 30, 2022
Strategy: Discussed with PPT
Figure 6. This picture shows the discussion about the self as the central archetypes and also the
five personality archetypes which are the persona, shadow, anima, animus, and as a whole is self
to be discussed by Mr. Nic Andrie Dacdac and Mr. Jezryl Mallorca.

Topic: Self as a Central Archetypes and the Five Personality Archetype

Person: Jezryl B. Mallorca and Nick Andrie N. Dacdac
Date: August 30, 2022
Strategy: Discussed with PPT

III. Specific Learning

Jayn Harvey F. Alvarez
I learned in this topic that it gives me a hint on what would have the ending of this topic.
Therefore, I conclude that psychological perspective of the self gives me a lot of point of view in
myself and how I look myself also how others see me. That’s why our topic helps to show me
that there are so many thinking selves that may leads me into a conclusion of myself.
Rica Elizabeth Callos
I learned in the psychological perspective of the self that there are various perspectives on
our self. It gives me the knowledge of the differences between my true self and my false self, my
multiple and unified self. That is why this lesson may help me gain a better understanding of
Nick Andrie N. Dacdac
One thing I learned about the psychological perspective of the self is being true to myself
isn’t always the best way. Having a positive false self helps me to cope and adapt to a certain
situation. Step by step, I slowly started to form concrete solutions and strategies to overcome any
hindrances. Combining my agentic and proactive ability helps boost my self-confidence and
dedication to represent the real me.
Jezryl B. Mallorca
In this lesson, I have encountered many philosophers who coined the Psychological
Perspective of the Self who taught and inspires me on how express my true self. I have also
learned about the ideal self which is me who I want to become. I have learned that there is a
thing called positive false self to attain my ideal self.

IV. Role Played by Each Member Of The Group

Mr. Jayn Harvey F. Alvarez

- Mr. Alvarez discussed about the description and differences of I and Me

Self, Self-Concept and its sub-categories which are material, social self
and the spiritual self. He also discussed the self as proactive and agentic.

Mr. Nick Andrie Dacdac

- Mr. Dacdac discussed about the multiple vs. unified self. He also
discussed the self as the central archetypes and also the five personality

Ms. Rica Eliszabeth Callos

- Ms. Callos discussed about the importance of the Unconscious and the
three structures of personality the Id, Ego, Super Ego. She also discussed
the self as proactive and agentic.
Mr. Jezryl Malloca

- Mr. Mallorca discussed the True vs. False self by Donald Winnicott. He
also discussed the self as the central archetypes and also the five
personality archetypes.
Table of Contents
I. Introduction………………………………………………………………………… 1
II. Body…………………………………………………………………………………. 1
III. Specific Learning…………………………………………………………………… 4
IV. Role Played by Each Member of the Group……………………………………… 4

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