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Career Goals

I am a small business owner/consultant who works primarily with small and midsized
call centers. My focus has been to drive the skill sets that promote customer satisfaction for call
centers. I do so by analyzing current call quality, performance and overall floor management
and implementing training and coaching strategies to modify behaviors and mainstream
process on the floor. More recently, I have been looking to expand the business structure by
offering services that promote business growth. Two of the biggest opportunities new
businesses struggle with are marketing and staying on top of their finances. I have partnered
with a few consultants and strategized about how we could help one another, and we have
been successful in coordinating the marketing side of things. I am here to ensure I can fill in the
holes on the bookkeeping side. My overall goal is to grow my business into a hub for small
business services. My certificate will be a major step in that direction.

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