2017 G3

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You can receive 1.5 points each for problems number 1 to 30.

In 1-6, add all the digits after solving

each question. (For example, if the 4.  
answer is , then write down as ×  
      .)

1.  
× 

5.   
×  

2.  
× 

6.   
×   

3.  
×  

G3 — 1
In 7-23, add the quotient and the
remainder after solving each question. 10.
(For example, if the quotient is  and   
the remainder is , then the answer is
    . If the quotient is  and
the remainder is , then the answer is
    .)

  

  

  

  
  

G3 — 2
13. 16.
     

14. 17.
     

15. 18.
      

G3 — 3
19. 22.
       

20. 23.
        

In 24-26, calculate.
    24.    ×    ÷ 

G3 — 4
25.    ×    ÷   
28.  
 

In 29-30, write the decimal part after

26.  ×       ÷   solving each question. (For example, if
the answer is  or , then
write as . If the answer is  or
, then write as .)

29.  
 

In 27-28, write the numerator after

solving each question as the mixed
number. (For example, if the answer
 
is   , make   and write as .)
 
30. 
 
27.     
 

G3 — 5
You can receive 2.0 points each for problems number 31 to 40.

31. A bus can carry  people at once. How many people can  buses carry?


32. There are  apples in a box. How many apples are there in  boxes?


33. A baseball team consists of  members. How many baseball teams can be
formed with  students?


34. The circumference of the field is  meters and trees are planted every 3
meters around the field. How many trees are planted?


G3 — 6
35. There are 6 bundles of colored papers packed with  sheets each. If five
people share them equally, how many colored papers would each person

colored papers

36. A shop sells  salmon in a box. If there are  salmon to be sold in
boxes, how many salmon are left?


37. A dozen pencils are equal to  pencils. If 6 dozen pencils are equally
divided by 8 people, how many pencils would each person get?


G3 — 7
38. There is a paper with a width of  cm and a length of  cm . If you cut
this paper into square pieces with  cm sides to make sure there is nothing
left on this paper, how many squares can you make?


39. It takes  cm of ribbon to tie a box. You have  cm of ribbon and
need to tie two boxes. How much ribbon will be leftover in centimeters?


 
40. Megan studied math for   hours and science for  of an hour. How
 
long did she study both math and science in minutes? (Note:  Hour = 


G3 — 8
41. How many shapes ( ) are required to fill this figure in the following

dot paper without overlapping?

Answer :

42. It takes  minutes to cut a log into 2 pieces. How long does it take to
cut the log into 4 pieces below?

Answer : minutes

G3 — 9
43. How many triangles would be made when the dotted lines are cut?

Answer : triangles

44. Find the picture that follows the pattern.

Answer :

G3 — 10
45. How many shapes ( ) are needed to fill in the following figure?

Answer :

46. When the following rectangles are cut along the dotted line, find the
number of figures that would produce the pieces that are all the same
shape and size.

Answer :

G3 — 11
47. The numbers  and  are 2-digit numbers that use all  numbers once
among    and . If you find the sum of 2-digit numbers that use
   and , how many different values will be there?

Answer :

48. The following numbers are arranged in a pattern. Find the sum of A and
B in the 󰊷 place.

3 6 9 A
15 13 11
⋯ B

󰊱 󰊲 󰊳 󰊷

Answer :

G3 — 12
49. Which of the following number would not be seen when a mirror is placed
on a dotted line below?

Answer :

50. In the example, the numbers in parenthesis indicate how the circles(○) are
arranged in the boxes.

(1, 2, 1)

(3, 1)

Find the ways in which the numbers     can be used to arrange
circles(○) in the boxes below.

Answer :

G3 — 13

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