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The only thing you didn't touch on was the unleavened bread.

The reference to what was implied

when Jesus said Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees! When you eat of something you are
essentially learning of it when you're eating leavened bread, you are eating of bread that has had
something added to it or raise up. Jesus said that we should eat unleavened bread as a symbol of
his body. Not that it was his broken body, but as in John said that he was the word. But also Jesus
taught that he would reveal hidden things from the foundation of the world. The reason why people
miss this every time is only because they have not followed the command! Jesus said that we
should fast, or remove ourself from the teachings of the Pharisees! And he would come and dine
with us, that he would feed us from his body which is the bread of life!

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