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Our topic in research is all about Factors affecting study habits of the student in this new normal

education. Study habits are termed as the method of the study of the students. The study habits ,with

proper environment, feedback and guidance help individual to develop a balance personality . In

school ,we have our teacher while at home we had our parents to guide us accordingly. By having study

habits students will able to learn or improved critical thinking ,time management and memorizing


It is usually affected by the sudden change of the nature of work or studies. We changed a lot from face

to face or actual class to modular and online classes that cause stress to students. As a side effect it

affects the academic performance include learning skills ,parental background ,peer influence, teachers

quality and learning infrastracture among others. Reduced learning time has likely impeded student

learning and also affected the development of the child .In study habits distractions have a negative

influence on study time and quality of learning. Therefore, it is important to eliminate the distractions

around us when studying.

Study habits assist students in better understanding their subjects and making their learning experience

more comfortable and pleasurable. A student's study habits are crucial since they will aid in the

improvement of their academic learning and skills. The outcomes of today's educational system are poor

since many students' homes are in disarray, especially with the advent of online programs. Because you
are at home and the people around you are noisy, there are many distractions when taking an online

class, which impacts a student's learning habits.


The way one studies is referred to as study habits. That is, the habits that students develop during their

academic careers. A student cannot achieve without proper study habits. Students' understanding and

implementation of effective study skills or approaches is referred to as study method. The phrase "study

habit" relates to how pupils study in a methodical, efficient, or inefficient manner. The study's findings

revealed that there is a link between students' study habits and their academic achievement. Academic

success is a complicated process that is influenced by a variety of factors, including study habits. To put

it another way, study habits are behaviors and skills that can boost motivation and turn studying into a

productive activity with high returns, resulting in increased learning.

Study habits reveal how much a person will learn, how far he wants to go, and how much money he

wants to make. All of this can be determined over the course of one's life by one's study habits.

According to Stella and Purtshothaman (1993), the researchers examined the students' achievements

using the classifications of high, average, and low achievers. Issa et al. (2012) suggested that students'

everyday reading activities had an impact on their studying skills and subsequent academic

achievement. There is a broad understanding that there is a correlation between healthy reading habits

and student academic success in general. Singh (2011) looked at the academic performance and study

habits of higher secondary students.

According to Deavers (2000), is a process of thinking, evaluation, judging, picturing reasoning, and

problem solving. Reading is an important instrument for knowledge transfer, and reading as a habit is an

academic activity that improves reading strategies. A child can educate himself about the world and its
environment through reading books, newspapers, and other media. Once a youngster has been taught

to read and has established a love for books, he can use reading to explore the vastness of human

experiences and knowledge for himself.

Richards et al. (1999) conducted research to predict first-year engineering course success. In this study,

the researchers looked into the elements that influence engineering students' achievement in their first

year courses, as well as the importance of study habits in their success. Student’s success was predicted

by using students study habits. There were no gender disparities in students' study habits, according to

Christian (1983).


This study sought to know all about the Factors affecting study habits of the student in this new normal

education. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. The purpose of this study is to know the differences between the new normal education and what are

the reasons that are affecting many students.

2. In this study we investigated whether the new normal education is effective to all the grade 11 abm

students in citech?

3. What are the advantages of new normal education?

4. What are the challenges facing students learning through this new set up of learning?

5. What are the main objectives of new and distance education?

The effects of the COVID-19 epidemic have wreaked havoc on many sectors of society, including

education. As we approach the post-COVID-19 era's new normal, there is a need to rethink education in

light of new opportunities and challenges. As a result, using the lens of curriculum studies, this short

paper tries to reimagine education in the new normal post-COVID-19 era. The consequences of the

ongoing crisis are examined for the four parts of curriculum: goal, content, approach, and evaluation.

Some emergent choices may make sense when examined through the lenses of these factors. Aside

from curriculum studies, this research argues that other factors should be considered.

Terry Anderson (2011) looked into the idea of developing an online education theory, starting with the

presumption that it would be difficult, if not impossible. He approached this project from the standpoint

of distant education, having spent much of his career at Athabasca University, Canada's largest higher

education distance education institution.

He also remarked that, as a subset of distance education, online learning has always been concerned

with providing access to educational experiences that are, at the very least, more flexible in time and

geography than campus-based education (Anderson, 2011, p. 53) Any attempt to develop a common

theory of online education is complicated by these two views (a subset of learning in general and a

subset of remote education). Even while blended learning models are becoming more common in

traditional face-to-face and online education environments, they do not easily fit into the distance

education schema.

Anderson looked at a variety of theories and models, but settled on Bransford, Brown, and Cocking's

(1999) theory that effective learning environments are framed by the convergence of four overlapping

lenses: community-centeredness, knowledge-centeredness, learner-centeredness, and assessment-


New Normal Learning Study Habits

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 presents the conceptual framework of the study. It consist of two variables, new

normal learning as an independent variable and study habits as dependent variable.

In Figure 1. New Normal Learning is new method of teaching where the teacher and the student

are in virtual classroom or called online class. Depending on local health circumstances, resource

availability, and the particular context of the learners in the school or neighborhood, schools may use

one or a mix of the following learning delivery methods.

1. Face-to-face

2. Blended Learning

3. Distance Learning

4. Homeschooling

Another variable, Study Habits refers to the the foundation for academic success It is an action

that students execute on a regular basis, such as reading, taking notes, and leading study groups, in

order to achieve their learning objectives. It can be classified as either effective or ineffective depending

on how well it helps the kids.


The researchers believes that this study will not only yield data that will be helpful to her, more

so to the following groups of people:

The Learners. In particular, the Grade 11 students will understand and improve their study

habits in new normal learning. This may improve their Learning habits contribute significantly to the

development of knowledge and perceptual skills. Study habits tell a person how much they want to

learn, how far they want to go, and how much they want to earn. All of this could be decided for a

lifetime with the help of one's own learning habits.

The development of good learning habits according to Marc (2011) is very important for all students

regardless of their educational level; as it strengthens students' ability to be self-disciplined, self-

directed, and ultimately successful in their degree programs.

The Teachers. The result of this study will enlighten teachers on how new normal learning

affects their student’s study habits. This study will increase teacher’s interest in study habits of their


Future researchers. The result of this study will guide them on the study habits concern of the

students in new normal learning and it will pave way for more expounded studies on similar field.


This research study was conducted mainly focusing on how study habits affect the development in

behaviors and skills of Students as a new normal online class. Evaluating their lived experience through

their beliefs, values, goals, and their commitment answering several questions through the form of


This researcher limited the study to eligible students of Cabuyao City, Laguna due to the lack of

communication and capabilities during this pandemic. Moreover, because of the limited time, this study

will be conducted only during (School Year 2021-2022) (The given time for the research).


The literature chapter shows a brief explanation about the theories that support this study. Study

deals with theories related to study habits .Its better for us to know definition of effective study habits

and the elements of study habits explanation .These aspects are chosen because they include straight

relation on student for reaching success in organizing study habits .

1. Effective study habits

are condition in student study habitually to reach maximum success of academic in school works. There

are steps toward effective study habits for student that have been modified to be nine steps of effective

study habits.

A. Positive and right mindset of students towards the study.

B. Place of study where we can concentrate learning.

C. Availability of things needed for class

D. Practice for testing yourself

E. Organizing the schedule of study time

In addition, there are five dimensions to construct a good study habits of students: reading and note

taking, concentration ,preparation for the examination ,interest and total study habits .Good study

habits called effective study habits ,because it has significant effects to student academic achievement in

their learning progress .

2. Components of study habits

Study habits have components to be applied by students in learning strategies for achieving student

success .There are seven components that includes in study habits that are discussed in this section

based on patel as following :

A .Home Environment planning of work

Home environment gives the important effects to student habit when they choose for studying at home

to review the school materials and prepares for the next lesson.Beside of home environment

characteristics in study, home environment includes parent role to support their child improving study

habits with a purpose of achievement .

B. Reading and note taking

Reading can be useful when students able making a note for their own word to get the best

understanding. Note taking is one of skill that is important to be learn for increasing the effectiveness of

study habits.

C. Planning of subjects

Learning some subjects was felt easier or not for some students when they are at home lonely

depended oneself

D. Concentration

Concentration is the most important one that offers aspiration outcomes in student learning progress.
E. Preparation of exam

Preparing examination for students that enclosed the real test can compose them depressive and

concern reaction.

F. General habits and attitudes

As their definition habit is some pattern of behavior adopted by students serve their learning .Attitude

is students attitude towards act of studying so habit and attitude are needed for those student increase

their learning lifestyle

G .Total study habits

By applying all of components of study habits in learning process, student can increase their

achievement .

3. Factor of study habits implementation

Implication of study habits applied by students can be successful increasing their achievement with

some factors in application .There are factors affect students study habit in reaching their academic

achievement ;

A. Teacher Consultation
It is the most influential factor to affect students study habit because teacher is one of the school

personal that can help and support students for improving in academic.

B .Socioeconomic status

It contribute toward the academic achievement of students .Students with low socioeconomic have

negative effect to their academic achievement ..

Academic Performance

Study habits itself influences the academic performance of students entering the Bachelor of
Accounting, as measured by their Overall Average Score (GPA). According to Nonis & Hudson (2010),
study habits can have both positive and negative effects on academic performance due to their direct
relationship with them. Study habits has a positive effect if the GPA is good or high, but negative if the
grades are below average. The positive or negative effect is based on the grades, as it represents the
academic achievement of each student. Every student wants to aim for a good grade and to achieve
this, students must know how to study effectively. In addition, many researchers conducted a study and
concluded that study habits and academic performance move in the same direction. It simply means
that a student's academic performance will dramatically improve if he does well. Furthermore,
according to Reed (nd), good and effective study habits that highly effective students regularly practice
include taking notes during discussions, and this was very important in the study because taking notes
makes it easier to study facts and remember them is important in the previous lesson. According to the
“Good study Habits” reading textbooks or materials, reading aloud before class, listening carefully in
class, and completing homework should also be observed regularly at all times.

According to (Conway n.d), good study habits also include the ability to practice daily answering
problems. Although, as mentioned in the study titled "How to Develop Good Study Habits for College",
the most important things are prioritized above all else. To be an excellent student is difficult to achieve,
you have to study hard and show that you are good at everything, especially in your academic field. In
addition, as he points out (Mayland Community College, 2002, p. 2), when a student performs well in
school, it means that he is adopting good study habits, and reflects her performance during the exam
and the results in a higher one. . Final level. In addition, according to (Robinson, 2001), cited in the study
"Influence of study habit in students" (2013), the school performance of students is expressed in the
form of high scores as a result of their questionnaires, seat work, activities and tasks. The questionnaires
and exercises given by the professors or professors are used to determine if the student is excellent or
not in the subject. It will also prove that they have good study habits.

Jhoselle Tus
IJARW| ISSN (O)-2582-1008 October 2 (4), 2020

Students' scholastic execution encapsulates an basic portion of the star grouping of components
determinant of understudy victory. Moreover, it plays an awfully critical part in instruction, essentially as
a concrete apparatus to survey the student's learning handle. Clinicians and analysts have endeavored
to comprehend how understudies change in preparing, holding, and recovering learning data and have
utilized different identity, attitudinal, cognitive styles, and capacity measures. Hence, this study's
essential reason was to decide the students' consider states of mind, consider propensities, and
scholastic execution. Encourage, this inspected the impact of consider states of mind and think about
propensities on their scholarly execution. The ponder respondents were the senior tall school
understudies in a Catholic School in Bulacan, Philippines.

The Descriptive-correlation inquire about strategy was utilized to depict the respondents'
profile in terms of their consider demeanors, think about propensities, and scholastic execution. A add
up to of one hundred thirty (130) senior tall school understudies taken an interest in this consider. The
invalid speculation at. 05 alpha level of importance was tried to decide the impact of think about
demeanors and think about propensities on the students' scholarly execution. The computed different
relapse examination comes about uncovered that think about demeanors and ponder propensities don't
essentially influence senior tall school students' scholarly execution.

Economics Financial matters

is one of the social science subjects that's prevalent and examined among understudies in
senior auxiliary schools. With this, one would anticipate the understudies taking the subject to do well
and have qualifications. Or maybe, their exhibitions in different examinations selected for drop below
credit pass within the subject. Hence, this ponder explored how consider propensities and students'
states of mind decide students' scholastic accomplishment in Financial matters in senior auxiliary
schools in Ogun State, Nigeria. The think about utilized a study investigate plan. Multi-stage inspecting
method was utilized to choose a add up to of 300 understudies from six out of the nineteen senior
auxiliary schools in Ijebu-North Neighborhood Government Region of Ogun state, Nigeria. Two inquire
about questions were raised and replied utilizing the taking after rebellious: Consider Propensity
Inventory,(r= 0.55) Understudies State of mind toward Financial matters Questionnaire,(r= 0.65) and
Financial matters Accomplishment Test,(r= 0.45). Information were dissected utilizing different relapse
investigation. The result of the discoveries uncovered that both ponder propensities and students' states
of mind are indicators of students' scholarly accomplishment in Financial matters with states of mind
contributing essentially higher coefficient than think about propensities to scholastic accomplishment in
Financial matters. Based on these discoveries, it is relevant that understudies ought to be energized to
develop great ponder propensities and states of mind towards the ponder of Financial matters in
arrange to improve their scholarly accomplishment within the subject.

A developing frame of studies in cognitive psychology and schooling studies is illuminating which
observe techniques are powerful for surest studying, however little descriptive studies specializes in
how undergraduate college students in STEM guides sincerely have a look at in real-global settings.
Using a practice-primarily based totally technique knowledgeable through located cognition theory, we
analyzed records from sixty one STEM college students approximately their take a look at behavior.

Results imply that reading is a multi-faceted method this is initiated through instructor- or self-
generated cues, observed through marshaling assets and coping with distractions, after which imposing
observe behaviors that consist of choosing a social placing and unique techniques. Variations in a few
observe behaviors also are obvious in step with the timing in their reading (e.g., cramming), path level,
discipline, and social placing. Three instances of person scholar practices monitor how reading is likewise
fashioned through how the path is designed and taught, college students’ personal ideals approximately
reading, and elements in their private lives.

The effects imply that reading includes numerous social, digital, and curricular sources, that
many college students persist in utilising low-effect observe techniques (e.g., re-studying text), and that
the usage of examine techniques varies throughout extraordinary situations. We propose that the point
of interest on converting coaching behaviors this is dominant inside STEM schooling be broadened to
encompass a focal point on educational layout that helps scholar self-regulatory behaviors and the
adoption of high-effect have a look at techniques.

Graphical abstract
The tiers of reading throughout 3 instances: Brianna, Larry, and Angelica.

As worries mount concerning the excellent of undergraduate schooling, specifically withinside
the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields, policymakers, educators, and
scholar affairs experts are an increasing number of that specialize in the way to aid scholar gaining
knowledge of at some point of their educational careers. Given that college students’ educational
achievement is fashioned via way of means of a complicated matrix of mental, cultural, and
organizational elements, students are investigating a whole lot of problems that could effect pupil
fulfillment such as underlying mental attributes together with engagement (Carini et al. 2006) and
perseverance or “grit” (Duckworth et al. 2007), what teachers accept as true with approximately
coaching and studying (Hativa and Goodyear 2002), and the kinds of coaching techniques used
withinside the study room (Freeman et al. 2014). However, even as those regions of studies shed mild
on key components of scholar getting to know, those foci forget about a key piece of the scholar
mastering puzzle—what college students genuinely do once they go away the school room and examine.

A enormous frame of literature exists on university scholar look at abilities and behavior, with
foci on college students’ cognitive patterns and techniques to studying (Biggs 1987; Riding and Cheema
1991), the usage of precise have a look at strategies (Karpicke et al. 2009) and the function of take a look
at behavior and time spent analyzing on general scholar achievement (Nonis and Hudson 2010; Robbins
et al 2004). Investigating the character of have a look at conduct is critical due to the fact elements
associated with reading together with motivation and particular observe strategies were connected to
instructional achievement. In a meta-evaluation of 72, 431 college students, Credé and Kuncel (2008)
located that motivation and take a look at abilties (e.g., time management) have been definitely related
to grade factor common and grades in man or woman publications. Furthermore, a complete evaluation
of studies on precise have a look at techniques discovered that a few (e.g., dispensed practice) brought
about gaining knowledge of profits while others (e.g., re-analyzing text) did not (Dunlosky et al. 2013)
and that many university college students aren't using those observe behavior (Hartwig and Dunlosky
2012), and expertise why college students persist in the use of useless look at practices and a way to
alternate this kingdom of affairs, from a situative perspective, is of specific significance to the sector of
STEM schooling. Thus, understanding whether or not or not (and why) college students are the use of
those practices is critical facts for teachers and scholar affairs/educational advising specialists.

Yet for the sector of postsecondary schooling in general, and STEM training in specific, distinctly
little is understood approximately scholar look at conduct, in large part because of the shortage of
sturdy descriptive studies that bills for college students’ behaviors in real-global settings.

According to Mapua (2016) Learning how to study is one of the most important aspects of
education. This is especially true for students, regardless of where they are or what programs they are
pursuing; whether they are enrolled in a top engineering school in the Philippines, a technical
communication school in Manila, or even the most advanced architecture university, their success will
be determined by one factor: effort. In addition to that, while studying is the most effective technique to
develop and achieve academic goals, it is nevertheless a difficult undertaking to complete. Given the fact
that distractions such as the internet, television, cellphones, and even friends are abundant in this

Furthermore, Furthermore, students participating in applied science courses had their study
habits and academic accomplishment analyzed, as well as their learning styles and preferences. The
pupils demonstrated a moderate level of study habits and skills, including time management, attention,
note taking, reading comprehension, test preparation and test taking, reading speed, writing
competence, and test anxiety management. The majority of the students are academically successful.
Similarly, when classified by academic standing in high school, writing skills, moms' education, and test
anxiety, substantial disparities were seen in their study habits according to Magulod, G. (2018).

The researchers found academic performers' study habits in Technological Institute of the
Philippines – Manila in the study done by Foz, et al. (2016), titled "Study Habits of Academic Performers
in Technological Institute of The Philippines." Only 76 scholars from the second semester's Excellence
Roll (Academic Year 2015-2016) responded to the survey, out of a total population of 105 scholars. The
survey also revealed that academic performers incorporated time management, learning
methodologies, and study environment into their study habits. While still working under pressure, these
academic performers made a "to-do" list that was prioritized and included time for leisure and fun. In
terms of learning approaches, the majority of the respondents searched out alternative reference
sources in addition to the specified books and made notes. Only a few claimed to reviewing at least a
week prior to the exam. On the other hand, academic performers preferred learning and studying with
classmates or groups at home, where there was silence and no interruptions.

On the other hand, students' inability to study is one of the factors contributing to their poor
grades. Students' study habits reflect this. Descargar and Cardona (2016) did a study to look into the
study habits and math performance of 108 Grade 7 students from three public schools in San Manuel,
Isabela, Philippines. They employed surveys, observation, and group interviews to acquire information.
In addition, they spoke with four teachers and 70 parents. As a result, the study discovered that study
habits have an important role in academic success. Teachers, on the other hand, have noticed that
today's kids have poor study habits. Parents, on the other hand, support their children's claims.
Furthermore, students' study habits are a good indicator of their academic performance.


The methodology that will be employed in the study is discussed in this chapter. It consists of
the research design, the target population, sample size and sampling design, data source and collection
procedures, and data analysis methodologies.
A descriptive survey was used for this research. In early and exploratory studies, descriptive
survey designs are used to collect, summarize, present, and analyze data effectively (Luck & Rubin 1992).
To collect individual opinions and experiences, a survey in the form of standardized questions in a
questionnaire was set up.


The respondents of the study were the selected Grade 11 ABM students of Cabuyao Institute of
Technology- CITech. The table below shows the number of target participants of this study from various
sections of Grade 11 ABM in Cabuyao Institute of Technology. The table below shows the number of
target respondent from the following sections of Grade 11 ABM in Cabuyao Institute of Technology
needed in this study.
11-ABM 1 10
11-ABM 2 10
11-ABM 3 10
11-ABM 4 10
11-ABM 5 10
11-ABM 6 10

This study utilized random sampling technique. Since It would be illogical and relentless to
concentrate in general populace given the range of time permitted to lead the review, subsequently the
specialists have chosen to decide the example through arbitrary procedure. Random sampling technique
as Tim Bock (n.d.) defines it “allows researchers to infer information about a population based on results
from subset of the population.” The researchers guaranteed that the understudies chose were
illustrative of the entire populace of Grade 11 ABM in Cabuyao Institute of Technology.


The survey questionnaire was used as the research-made-questionnaire for this study . The
questionnaire was divided into two main sections: a profile and the survey proper. The demographic
profile that provides age, gender, and time they spent in studying. The second portion is a Likert scale
questionnaire designed to determine students' perspectives of using discord as an academic platform at
Cabuyao Institute of Technology.


As indicated above, the researchers prepared survey questionnaire that used to determine the profile of
students regarding on their study habits . The survey questionnaires contained questions showing their
kind of study technique ,time management ang learning style as well as their economic status ,teacher's
personality towards them and their parents involvement when it comes on school matter.

This study used a survey questionnaire to gather information about the study habits. All
researchers develop the central ideas of the study habits, so that readers know what is stated here and
how important it is. As it is indicated, after the respondents accomplish the questionnaire ,the gathered
data was now ready for the data analysis.


The researchers will collect the responses to the survey questionnaire from respondents who
met the established criteria, and then they will collect the data from each respondent and collect the
main data point. Following the compilation of the results, the researchers will examine the major point
data and expound on the results provided by the respondents who took part in the study.

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