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SY 2019-2020



A. Laws of Motion  I can describe the effect of force on an object.

A.1 Demonstrating how a body response to changes in motion.  I can illustrate Newton’s Law of Inertia.
 I can show situations when a body respond to changes in motion.
A.2 investigate the relationship between the amount of force applied and the  I can test the relationship of force, mass and acceleration.
mass of the object to the amount of change in the object’s motion  I can explain the effect on the acceleration of the change in mass.
 I can prove that the force is directly poportional to the acceleration of the
A.3 Infer that when a body exerts a force on another, an equal amount of force  I can explain that a body receives an equal amount of force when it is applied
is exerted back on it. to another body.
 I can analyze the action and reaction forces on objects from situations or
phenomena that occurs in daily life.
 I can generalize the AR forces how they are related by means of an
A.4 relate the laws of motion to bodies in uniform circular motion  I can predict what particular law of motion are involved in the bodies under
uniform circular motion.
A.5 inferring that circular motion requires the application of constant force  I can explain that in circular motion of the object there is a constant force in
directed toward the center of the circle the center of it.

B. Work, Power and Energy  I can define work

B.6 differentiating layman’s definition of work from mechanical work and  I can determine in a given scenario if work is present or not.
determining if work is present in a given activity.  I can solve for the value of work done in various situations.

 (based on Deped’s Learning Competencies/ skills, August 2016 ) REVISED 2019-2020

B7  I can determine the relationship of work with power and energy.
Describe how work is related to power and energy  I can solve work problems involving power and energy.
 I can distinguish between kinetic energy and potential energy.
B.8 Differentiating potential and kinetic energy.  I can compare the Potential Energy (PE) of different objects at different
 I can solve the KE based on the speed of the object as it is in motion.

B9  I can identify the energy possesed by an object based on its position.

Relating speed and position of object to the amount of energy possessed by a  I can identify the energy possesed by an object based on its movement

C. Sound  I can explain the speed of sound when there is a change in temperature.
C10. inferring how the molecular structure of a material affect speed of sound  Compare the quality of music created by different instruments with different
moving through it.- types of media;

C11. Investigate the effect on the speed of sound through solids, liquids and  I can compare the speed of sound through solids, liquids and gases.
gases.  I can create instruments with different media
 I can perform a song using the improvised instruments;
D. Light  I can compare the different colors of light in terms of their frequency or
D12. demonstrating the existence of the color components of visible light using wavelenggth.
a prism or diffraction grating  I can explain that color is a manifestation of visible light’s frequency or
D13.explaining the hierarchy of colors in relation to energy  I can relate energy to color hierarchy
 I can discuss how colors differ on their wavelengths and frequencies.

D14. explaining that red is bent the least and violet is bent the most according  I can explain which of the colors bends the least according to its wavelength
to their wavelengths or frequency. or frequency.
 I can explain which of the colors bends most according to its wavelength or
E. Heat and Electricity
E15. differentiating between heat and temperature at the molecular level.  I can compare heat and temperature.
 I can described how heat is being measured.
 I can distinguish a good conductor from a poor one.
 (based on Deped’s Learning Competencies/ skills, August 2016 ) REVISED 2019-2020
E16. inferring the relationship between current and charge.  I can relate electric current to voltage and electrical resistance.

E17. explaining the advantages and disadvantages of series and parallel  I can compare a simple series circuit with a simple parallel circuit
connections in homes.  I can compare the electric current and voltage drop for resistors connected
in series and in parallel.

E18. differentiate electrical power and electrical energy; and  I can discuss the safety guideline in the use of electricity by knowing the
functions of the circuit breakers, fuses earthing,double insulation, and other
safety devices
E19. Explaining the functions of circuit breakers, fuses earthing,double  I can explain the functions of circuit breakers, fuses earthing,double
insulation, and other safety devices at home. insulation, and other safety devices at home.

 (based on Deped’s Learning Competencies/ skills, August 2016 ) REVISED 2019-2020

SY 2019-2020


A. Understanding Typhoons  I can interpret signs of an upcoming typhoon.
A.1 Explaining how typhoons develop.  I can explain how typhoon begins.

A.2 infers why the Philippine archipelago is prone to typhoons.  1. I can interpret signs of un upcoming typhoon.
 2. I can determine a typhoon based on its wind speed.
 3.. I can explain the steps in typhoon development.
 . I can identify if the typhoon is within the PAR.
A.3 Explaining how landforms and bodies of water affect typhoons.  I can determine the PSWS based on the intensity of the storm.
 . I can explain the reasons why the Philippines is prone to typhoon
A.4 tracing the path of typhoons that enter the Philippine Area of Responsibility (PAR)  I can plot on the tracking chart and predict the path of a forthcoming typhoon.
using a topographic map and tracking data  I can use the online application to track a recent typhoon

B. Earthquakes and Faults  I can explain what a fault means.

B.5 using models or illustrations, explain how movements along faults generate  I can differentiate the types of faults.
earthquakes;  I can explain the movement along faults that generate earthquakes using models.

B.6 differentiate the epicenter of an earthquake from its focus;intensity of an earthquake  I can compare epicenter from focus.
from its magnitude;active and inactive faults;  I can compare intensity of an earthquake to its magnitude

B.7 demonstrate how underwater earthquakes generate tsunamis;  I can show how tsunamis are produced when there is an earthquake.
 I can explain what a tsunami is.

B.8 explain how earthquake waves provide information about the interior of the earth  I can explain what a seismic waves is.
 I can differentiate the types of earthquake waves
 I can explain that through these waves the interiors of the Earth was known.

 (based on Deped’s Learning Competencies/ skills, August 2016 ) REVISED 2019-2020

C. OTHER MEMBERS OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM Comets  Meteors   I can give the characteriastics of asteroids, comets, meteors
Asteroids  I can compare asteroids, metors and comets.
C.9 Compares and contrasts comets, meteors, and asteroids.  I can give examples of asteroids, comets and meteors

C.10. predict the appearance of comets based on recorded data of previous appearances;  I can tell what kind of comet it is based on its appearance.
and  I can compare long term from a short term comets.

C.11 explain the regular occurrence of meteor showers  I can differentiate meteors, meteoroids, meteorites.
 I can explain why there is a meteor shower that happens and why it is always mistaken
as a shooting star.

SY 2019-2020

 (based on Deped’s Learning Competencies/ skills, August 2016 ) REVISED 2019-2020

A Particulate Nature of Matter  I can describe the different properties of solids, liquids and gases using the
A.1 Explain the properties of solids, liquids, and gases using the particulate nature of particulate nature of matter.
matter.  I can give examples of these characteristics to describe comparison between
solids, liquids and gases.
A.2 Explain the physical changes in terms of the arrangement and motion of atoms and  I can describe the difference between solids, liquids and gases based on the
molecules. arrangement and movement of atoms and molecules

B. ATOMIC STRUCTURE  I can write the element notation symbol of an atom

B.3Determines the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in a particular atom.  I can differentiate a neutral atom, ionic atom to an isotpic atom.
 I can describe the atoms mass number, atomic number based on its numnber of protons,
electrons and neutrons.
C. PERIODIC TABLE OF ELEMENTS  I can identify the different scientist involved in the arrangment of peridoci table from
C.4 the oldest to the ones used nowadays.
Traces the development of the periodic table from observations based on similarities in  I can describe the element based on its position on the periodic table
properties of elements.

C.5  I can tell the chemical behavior of an element based on its position in the periodic table.
Uses the periodic table to predict the chemical behavior of an element.  I can if an atom based on its periodic trend.

SY 2019-2020



 (based on Deped’s Learning Competencies/ skills, August 2016 ) REVISED 2019-2020

A. Structures and Functions: Focus on the Digestive System  I can identify the six major nutrients that the body needs and know how important it is.
A.1 explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion.  I can appreciate the fact that I have something to eat when I’m hungry while others
have nothing
A.2 explain how diseases of the digestive system are prevented, detected and treated.
 I can identify the different organs of the digestive system
 I can demonstrate the role of saliva in tasting food and sensing food texture.

A.3 identify healthful practices that affect the digestive system. 

B. Heredity: Inheritance and variation of Traits 

B.4 compares mitosis and meiosis, and their role in the cell division cycle

B.5 explain the significance of meiosis in maintaining the chromosome number 

B.6 describes how the union of egg and sperm cells results to variation 

C7. explains the concept of species

C8. classifies organisms using the hierarchical taxonomic 

C9. explains the advantage of high biodiversity over low biodiversity 

D. Ecosystems 
D10. describes the transfer of energy through the trophic levels

D11. analyzes the roles of organisms in the cycling of materials. 

D12. explains how materials cycle in an ecosystem 

D13. suggests ways to minimize human impact on the environment 

 (based on Deped’s Learning Competencies/ skills, August 2016 ) REVISED 2019-2020

 (based on Deped’s Learning Competencies/ skills, August 2016 ) REVISED 2019-2020

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