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DOLE Integrated Livelihood Program


Rev. 00
Name of Proponent: DOLE – SORSOGON PROVINCIAL OFFICE Eff. 15July 2021
Not for sale. Can be reproduced Project location: Brgy. Caricaran, Bacon District, Sorsogon City,Sorsogon
Project Code Number:


(Please file according to order of requirements) PFO RO Remarks
Proof of payment of micro-insurance
Post activity report of the conducted training such as Business Planning, Production
Skills, and the likes, based on the approved training activity for the beneficiaries
Photo documentation of the awarding of the livelihood project
Attendance Sheet of the beneficiaries that attended the training
Acceptance or Acknowledgment Receipt by the beneficiaries of the equipment,
materials and/or tools and jigs, whichever is applicable
Monitoring reports
Additional requirement if mode of implementation is under direct administration of DOLE-PFO:
Approved Purchase Request, if under direct administration by PFO
Additional requirements if mode of implementation is thru LGU/ACP:
One (1) Original Copy and two (2) Certified True Copies of Liquidation Report
stamped received by COA with supporting documents as indicated in the MOA
Agreement between the proponent and the beneficiaries
Note: Other documents may be required upon evaluation of submitted documents

Type of Workers Male Female Total For other reporting purposes Male Female Total
Parents of Child Laborers Sr. Citizen
Home-based worker Solo Parent
Non-Corporate Construction Workers Rebel Returnees
Vendors Victims of Armed Conflict
Small Transport Service Workers Other,
Agriculture Sector Workers TOTAL
Persons with Disabilities Evaluated by:
Indigenous Peoples
Total Number of Beneficiaries PFO Livelihood FP / Date TSSD Livelihood FP DOS Checker
/ Date

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