Prelim STS Module 2

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The start of this period was marred by massive invasions and migrations. Wars were
prevalent thus, great technology was needed in the fields of weaponry, navigation, mass
production of food and farm, and health.
1. Printing Press
- After the Chinese developed woodblock printing, Johann Gutenberg was able to invent
the printing press, a more reliable way of printing using a cast type.
2. Microscope
- Zacharias Janssen developed the first compound microscope. The microscope was the
key in discovering new means in preventing and curing various illnesses.
3. Telescope
- the invention of the telescope helps in the observation of remote objects, was a great
help for navigators.
4. War Weapons
- For open-area battles, people developed cross bows and long bows so that they could
attack the enemies at long ranges. Additionally, in close-range hand-to-hand combat,
soldiers should wear armors, a need address by the creation of iron body armors.
However, body armors were heavy so it leads to the invention of the chainmail.

Nineteenth century onwards demanded more goods production at a faster rate, efficient
means of transportation and easier means of communication. All these needs resulted in
the development of industries. Conversely, due to massive industrialization, the modern
times again faced more complicated problems. Food processing and medicine posed some
of the bigger challenges since was of great concern.
1. Pasteurization
- Louis Pasteur, a French biologist, microbiologist, and chemist, invented pasteurization,
the process of heating dairy products to kill the harmful bacteria that allow them to spoil
faster. Other contributions of Pasteur include his work on molecular asymmetry,
fermentation, and vaccination.
2. Petroleum Refinery
- Samuel M. Kier invent kerosene by refining petroleum. Kerosene was referred to as
“illuminating oil” because it was used at first to provide lighting to homes. After some
time, it was applied for heating purposes. Now, petroleum is widely used in powering
automobiles, factories, and power plants.
3. Telephone
- Development of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell was one of the most
important invention of modern time.
4. Calculator
- The creation of modern calculator did not only pave the way for easier arithmetic
calculations, but also resulted in the development of more complex processing machine
like the computer.

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