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Pee Aree ur us ea Humanities AA 100: ARTS APPRECIATION Instructor: Ma'am Aizl Labtic Ay. 2022-2023 architect uses different building materials, and a choreographer uses ‘movement and people in their creation, ‘Completion Stage (Form Creation) © is the Latin term “Humanus,” meaning educated, human, cultured, and refined. © Examples of | humanities _ include architecture, dancing, literature, music, painting, theater, and sculpting. © Humanities are interested in how their emotions are communicated. * Its also the study of different cultural aspects of man, his frailties in life, and the improvement it has to undergo. ‘© Humanities is a discipline of study that deals with people's thoughts, feelings, and relationships. © Humanities would help uplift value and dignity (Bascara and Avillanoza, 2006), According to scientific studies, the influence of art on the brain impacts the human quality of life. Art comes from the Latin “Arti” which means skill, naiveté, and mastery. Sta ees Cr errs Meera rus: Development Stage (Creation Stage) © Arlists create their artwork through thinking. Artists are highly sensitive people, incredibly aware of everything surrounding them (Sanchez, Abad, and Ja0, 2004). They usually wow people by employing their creative imagination Adaptation Stage (Materials Creation) © The variety of forms artists employ to communicate their ideas. It is viewed as a form of artistic expression that is classified as fine art. This form is used to describe the artwork’s physical characteristics. Artists have developed various forms that can be considered their finished product, Arts can be used for a variety of purposes in addition to design. From the earliest to the present, art has always been a component of our culture. It constitutes one of the oldest and most important means of expression developed by man. ee ‘* The functions of arts refer to the intended utilization of the artwork and have major classifications according to functional and non-functional © Functional is according to its, usefulness. For example, art was originally used for religion’ to have a representation, We also have the commemoration purpose under functional or secular function. © On the other hand, we have the Non-functional, which refers to ‘art for art.” You create art for the sake of beautification, leisure, and pleasure purposes. Individual or Personal Function © In this stage, the arlist frequently uses various mediums or materials to convey an idea. For example, a painter uses pigments, a sculptor uses stones, metal, or wood, authors use words, an an artist acts because they are passionate about the art genre in question, Artis a form of self-expression ( fulfilment for them, ‘Acellano, R.| 1 Public/Social Function © these go beyond the inherent value of the arts to the social benefits they provide. Through the performance of their art, the artist engages with others and raises societal consciousness, Commercial Function © art contributes to the state's economy directly and indirectly. Political Function © art provides a platform for exchanging ideas to increase power, position, employment, and prestige. For example, the running candidate employs art to create his poster during a campaign. Historical Function AA 100: ARTS APPRECIATION Instructor: Ma'am Aizl Labtic Da Vinci's painting. Aesthetic Function ‘© Any work of art is beautiful. Its a visual flavor for ornately decorated interiors that can highlight the most beautiful qualities of variousdécorpieces. It faithfully replicated graphical visuals that convey information through spectacular persuasions and meaningful sentences. Art is like love; is not easy to define. Art requires the creativity of a particular person, and creativity is defined as the fundamental basis of art. It is a trait of an artist that will continually develop in his life to express feelings or a way of solving problems. Aside from the fact that art can serve different functions, it also has a Purpose. Some purposes of art are as follows: Creates Beauty © Artis an essential tool for recording and preserving information. Its purpose is to record or re-create historical individuals and events, Cultural Function © Artis a way for us to express ourselves. It is the expression of thoughts that cannot be expressed solely through words. ‘Commemorates Experience © Artis the expression and dissemination of new ideas and values. Structural/Physical Function © Buildings are planned and built-in innovative ways to make living safer and more meaningful. Architects, industrial and graphic designers, and_ interior designers create a beautiful and funetional space. © Religious/Spiritual Functions Religious value can be bolstered through the arts. (One example is renowned Filipino artist Joey Velasco's Hapag ng Pag-asa (The Table of Hope, in photo), which depicts a distinct depiction of Christ's Last ‘Supper. It's also a replica of Leonardo © Art is used to transmit the artist's personal experiences and record the artist's impressions in his work. Creates Harmony ‘An artist uses composition as a technique used by artists to organize the disparate elements of their works, Provides Decoration © Artworks help to create a fun atmosphere, Its purpose is to beautify objects to satisfy and entertain visitors with their colors and patterns. Acellano, R.| 2 Reveals Truth © Artwork aimed to demonstrate how the world works and to seek the truth, Itis a language that transmits signals to the recipients’ spirits, assisting them in changing their attitudes, sensitivity, and ethics Expresses Values © Artists will be encouraged to enhance their creativity, challenge, and communication skills through the arts. It also boosts one’s self-esteem and overall health Artis not just for those born with talent, but itis also developed to sum things up. It was not Created just for leisure, but Art has been proven to be with us since the very beginning because everything we do and all that surrounds us is a product of our art Pee aa uci Esthetic © meaning perception, is derived from the Greek word “eisthesis.” Alexander Baumgarten, a German philosopher, popularized ‘it in the 18th century, a science dedicated to studying art and beauty (1714: 1762) © The laws that regulate nature and beauty, especially visual art, are thus referred to as esthetic arts (Rader, 1979). Handwerk © comes from the English word Kraft (Craft), meaning “power” or “capacity.” It is most frequently employed in decorative arts or artistic pursuits. It also refers to using your hands to utilize your skills for pleasure purposes AA 100: ARTS APPRECIATION Instructor: Ma'am Aizl Labtic or usage. ‘¢ It prefers to do things for other human purposes and shows its beauty for another purpose than the object itself {Dutton, 1990). William Morris * Due to his design reform, arts & crafts arose throughout Europe during the 19th century. Morris, a communist, felt a designer should produce finely interwaven designs using any medium for fruit, flower, or leaf pattem. If crafts are mass-produced, they can be classified as industrial design. Types of Arts and Crafts Textile Craft © Many countries are noted for their traditional textiles, including unique designs that reflect their culture. * Textile is derived from the Latin word “texere”, which means to braid or create, © Any craft that uses fabric, yarn, or surface design falls under this category. It makes practical and ornamental items ‘out of synthetic fibers. > Cross-stitch - this craft is a popular form of counted thread embroidery in which an X- shaped stitch pattem is used to form a picture. > Crocket - creates fabric from yam, thread, or other material strands using a crochet hook. » Sewing - is the craft of fastening or attaching objects using stitches made with a needle and thread. > Weaving - a fabric-making technique that involves interlacing threads at right angles to create a fabric or cloth. > Tatting - is a handcrafting skill that entails creating durable lace using a Acellano, R.| 3 series of knots and loops. Shoemaking - It is the ability to create footwear. Lace - is a hand- or machine-made fabric patterned with open holes in the work Macrame - a type of textile-making that requires only a few simple instruments and a basic understanding of knotting. Millinery - It is the art and craft of making hats. String art - I's a pre-arranged pattern of colored threads woven between points to create an abstract geometric design. Wood Craft > Carpentry - Itis a skill that is related to the woods. cutting, shaping, and installing building materials during structures is a skilled trade, Marquetry - refers to the art and craft of applying veneer pieces (thin slices of wood) to a structure to form decorative designs. Woodturning- a type of woodworking in which wooden items are created. Wood Carving - a style of woodworking in which a knife or a chisel is used to carve a wooden figure or object. Cabinetry - It is the ability to construct a box-shaped piece of furniture with doors and drawers to store various items. Upholstery: the art of making a cushion of piece of furniture. Metal Craft These terms allude to creating artistic metal designs for practical and aesthetic objectives. Among Asian metal crafts, metalwork offers elaborate and exciting designs. Jewelry such as anklets, bracelets, and neckpieces was also metalwork. Each metal object has geometric motifs engraved on it or is designed to be Instructor: Ma'am Aizl Labtic AA 100: ARTS APPRECIATION attractive or valuable. Examples include bronze, gold, tin, silver, lead, brass, and iron. Jewelry - brooches, rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets are examples of personal jewelry. Metal Casting - a method of transferring materials such as bronze, copper, glass, aluminum, and iron into a mold with a hollow space of the desired shape, which is then allowed to solidify Welded Sculpture - welding processes are used to create statues in this art form Paper Craft it is a tough plain-woven fabric that’s used to make backpacks, tents, marquees, and other environmentally friendly things. Bookbinding - the process of putting together a book from folded or unfolded paper or other materials, Card Making - a method of making greeting cards by hand. Collage = it is a method of creating artwork by combining various forms from various materials. Origami - it is an art of paper folding practiced by the Japanese as a culture. Paper Mache - a composite material made of paper or pulp fragments, occasionally strengthened with fabrics and held together with glue. Scrapbooking - the process of ‘organizing, preserving, and presenting personal or family history in the form of a book is referred to as bookbinding, Rubber Stamping - it is a craft wherein the ink is applied to the carved pattern ‘or molded into a rubber sheet. Plants Crafts ‘These refer to a skil, using plant part as Acellano, R.| 4 the medium. > Cor Dolly Making - it relates to creating shapes and figures (known as —dolliesl) from straw (such as barley, cats, and wheat). > Floral Design - it is the art of using plant materials and flowers to create a Pleasing and balanced composition. > Pressed Flower Craft - it consists of drying flower petals or leaves in a flower press to flatten them. necked is applied to determine the organization and standardization of visual aspects in art, This set of criteria is essential for the study and evaluation of art © The principle of art explains how an artist uses art to generate an outcome and communicate the artist's aim. Arts components are visual tools that artists Utilize to construct a composition, * Visual aspects include line, shape, color, value, texture, and space. The principles of art are created by blending components of art. Harmony Visual Harmony is established when all parts of one artwork are interconnected, Harmony creates. a cohesive composition by employing similar geometric shapes, lines, and colors. This means that each element must be Unified and must “hang together’ as one entity. Each element is necessary to its value and essential to the work. Variety © It isa stable concoction that demonstrates the mixing principle. There should be a dominant theme for you to base on to make it more appealing, so even if your presentation Instructor: Ma'am Aizl Labtic AA 100: ARTS APPRECIATION or designs will be varied, all are related and connected. I's done using varied lines, colors, and forms inside an artwork to draw attention to certain places or add visual interest. Balance ‘The proportion of conflicting visual forces is what this term alludes to. The axis or the center point is established to maintain balance. When forms, colors, textures, or shapes are harmoniously mixed, it is called art. There are three approaches to achieving balance: symmetrical, asymmetrical, and radically symmetrical Movement It is utilized to give a sense of direction Emphasi to a piece of art. The artist uses visual progression to draw the viewer's attention to the artwork's focal point. It refers to an arlist's requirement to create a focal point inside a work of art, This creative aspect is a vital part of the work, and spectators’ attention should be drawn to it, Proportion When the sizes of the elements in the artwork are harmoniously harmonized, a proportion is established. To show the human form in the appropriate proportion, the artist typically tries to rationally make all of the composition links. Leonardo da Vinc's Vitruvian Man is an excellent picture for displaying the human body's proportions. Acellano, R.| 5 Rhythm is the application of visual patterns to a piece of ar. Models are made by repeating specific colors, lines, or shapes in specified regions of an artwork. In a painting, they can be Uiized to create a variety of textures. Repetition of fines in artwork, for example, might make a rhythm by implying movement. Lesson Painting Line is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color, or another medium to a solid surface (called the "matrix" or "support”) It is a visual art form that shows how artists use their creative and imaginative brains to communicate their art subjects in various ways. eee iL ‘A mark made by a pointed tool such as a brush, pen, or stick; a moving point. It is the most basic and essential element of art. Also, the shortest distance between two points connects these points. It can also be implied in the space between two points even if they are not connected, A line always implies direction and has a distinct type and meaning, Vertical lines - these are lines posed for stress action, strength, and dynamism. They also tend to express and as well as arouse emotions, Horizontal lines - show repose, serenity, calmness, stability, and Instructor: Ma'am Aizl Labtic Shape AA 100: ARTS APPRECIATION quiescence Diagonal lines - these are lines that suggest action and express tension and movement, They give animation to any ‘composition in which they appear. Curve line - suggests grace and joyousness and appears soft, flexible, and gentle. They are never harsh or stem since they are formed by gradual changes in direction. They impart qualities to every work where they are used. Zigzag line - a line that travels straight with severe bends and angles. It conveys confusion and nervousness. It ‘may also imply danger and destruction. A flat, enclosed area that has two dimensions, length, and width. Artists use both geometric and organic shapes. Are two-dimensional works of art, flat areas created when two ends of a line are linked and space is enclosed. The shape can also describe an area of a composition that is created by other shapes surrounding it. It refers to the physical form or figure, implying weight ‘or volume. Shapes aid in the expression of thoughts or opinions. It promotes interaction and elicits anxiety, focus, and energy. The shape has various kinds, such as: Geometric shapes - refer to any shape that remains virtually unchanged if moved or flipped off a surface. Organic shapes - refer to any shapes with a natural look or curving appearance. These shapes are often referred to as curvilinear or free from shape. Biomorphic shapes - refer to any non-representational form or pattern that resembles a living organism in shape or ‘appearance. Acellano, R.| 6 Is one of the dominant elements and itis created by light © Isa property of light. It is the appearance or hue of an_ object concerning the wavelength of light being reflected. It is the most challenging element of art to define, «There are three properties of color © Hue (name) Value (shades and tints) © _ Intensity (brightness) # Saturation - intensity or purity of a hue Texture © Describes the fee! of an actual surface. The surface quality of an object; can be real or implied. © Itis the element that deals more directly with the sense of touch. It refers to the canvas look or the smoothness of the material. It is a two-sided or three-sided pattern element distinguished by its perceived visual and physical appearance. Texture has four distinct types such as: > Abstract texture - refers to modifying the actual texture for aesthetic and decorative purposes, > Real texture - refers to the actual feel and look of the surface of an object. This texture is @ mixture of how the paint is seen and feels to the touch. > Invented texture - a creative means of adding alternate materials to create an exciting and intriguing texture, just like in an abstract artwork wherein the artist Uses their imagination. > Simulated texture - refers to the surface character that looks real but it is not. AA 100: ARTS APPRECIATION Instructor: Ma'am Aizl Labtic Perspective ‘© It deals with the effect of distance upon the appearance of the objects, using which the eye judges spatial relationships. It's a technique for creating a three-dimensional. illusion with depth and Space. ‘* The level of perspective is projected, which is: > Foreground - the visual equilibrium that appears to be closer to the viewers. > Middle ground — is the area that lies between the foreground and the backdrop. » Background - the visual balance that appears farther from the viewers. > Linear perspective - the representation of distance appearance through converging lines. > Aerial perspective - represents relative distances of objects by gradations of tone and color. ‘Symbols © These are made up of specific meanings or messages. It's utilized to express concepts like death, hope, and life, among others. Cee ‘* Color Wheel © This color wheel system, based on three primary colors, is known as the Brewster System, © It was developed by David Brewster. It is also called the Prang System. Each color on the color wheel is a true “hus Primary Colors ‘¢ Red, Blue, and Yellow ‘* Primary colors cannot be man-made by mixing other colors together. Acellano, R.| 7 © A pigment is color from a biological source, which when used in housing and design applications can be natural or synthetic (manmade), Secondary Colors © Green, Violet, and Orange © Secondary colors can be “made” by mixing two primary colors together. © Blue and red make violet; red and yellow make orange; yellow and blue make green. Tertiary Colors © Yellow-green, Blue-green, Blue-Violet, Red-Violet, Red-orange, Yellow-orange © The tertiary colors are also referred to as the intermediate colors. © Tertiary colors are made by mixing a primary with a secondary color the primary color is always listed first. © For example, when the primary color of yellow is mixed with the secondary color named green, the new tertiary color is called yellow-green. Tertiary colors can be expanded further, such as by mixing blue and blue-green together. The result would be the color blue-blue-green. Perhaps we would name that color ‘teal’ to be less confusing A color wheel (circular color) is arranged on an achromatic basis. It is evenly divided into 12 parts, displaying varied colors by value. The other classes are the following colors: Complementary Colors © Complementary colors are those located directly opposite each other on the color wheel Analogous © Acolor scheme using 3 or more colors AA 100: ARTS APPRECIATION Instructor: Ma'am Aizl Labtic next to each other on the color wheel. Neutral Colors ‘* Neutral colors include black, white, and brown. They also include all the tints and shades of black, white, and brown... so include colors known as tan, beige, gray, cream, etc. ‘© Neutral colors can be made by mixing: black and white complementary colors. all three primaries together (plus some black or white). ‘* Neutral colors blend well with all other colors. ‘¢ They enhance and strengthen the other colors around them, ‘* Stone such as slate, brick, marble, ete; melallics such as brass, pewter, gold, chrome etc; and glass fall info the neutral category. * Black is the absence of ‘light’; white is the absence of “color” Warm Colors © Colors on the warm side of the, yellow, orange. They usually also include the neutral black and brown tones © Warm colors are especially good in rooms with northern exposures. Cool Colors * Colors on the cool side of the, violet, green, © They usually include the neutral white and gray tones. © Cool colors are especially good in rooms with southem exposures. ‘© In art, the term medium; refers to the materials used by the artist to make a work of art, I's a term used to define a articular type of art. There are different Acellano, R.| 8 mediums used in painting today: OIL - linseed oil, poppy seed, safflower, and walnut oil PASTEL- It consists of a pure powdered color and a binder. ACRYLIC - is a fast-drying paint containing pigment suspension in acrylic Polymer emulsion, which becomes water-resistant WATERCOLOR - a medium in which the paints are made of colors suspended in a water-soluble vehicle. INK - a liquid that comprises colors and dyes and is applied to a surface to create an image, text, or design. Itis for drawing and writing with a brush or pen. ENCAUSTIC - it is heated beeswax to which colored stains are added. The Paste is applied to a wood-based FRESCO - comes from the Italian word affresco, which means —fresh. It also refers to several related mural painting types executed on walls, ceilings, or flat surfaces, GOUACHE - is a water-based paint consisting of pigment and other materials designed in an opaque painting technique. ENAMEL - is a paint that air dries to a durable, usually glossy, and reliable finish. It is used for outdoor coating surfaces or is otherwise subject to variations in temperature, SPRAY PAINT - is the type of paint that comes in a sealed pressurized battle and is released in a fine spray. TEMPERA - is a permanent, fast-drying painting medium consisting of colored pigment mixed with a water-soluble binder method. AA 100: ARTS APPRECIATION Instructor: Ma'am Aizl Labtic Acellano, R.| 9

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