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This is a Casual Class

which focuses on
practicing your speaking
How can I interact with the class?
skills with one another.
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We do not focus on error Quick tip: Can't see the toolbar?

correction in this class. Hover your mouse at the bottom of your screen and it will
automatically pop up.
Please note that these
classes are a bit larger to
ensure adequate partners send messages
to practice with.

audio setup
Intermediate During this class you will:

• Debate with your


• Discuss different
social issues.
Share your thoughts.

- In what ways do you express yourself?

- Do you like to debate? Why or why not? What
are the advantages and disadvantages of
And you can quote me…
Read and answer the questions.

"I'd rather be happy than right."

And you
-- Douglas Adams
(British Author, 1952-2001)
- What does this quote mean to you?
- Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not? me…
- Do you have to be right all the time? How do you feel
when you are confronted?
Speak your mind.
Share your thoughts and opinions.

Express yourself! Share your opinion with the class.

- Should violent video games be banned? Speak

- Is it unethical to eat meat?
- Should zoos be illegal?
- Should schools make it a requirement to teach arts
and music to their students?
Imagine that!
As a class, create a story.

Your class has just inherited $1 million USD. Before

you are allowed to spend the money, you all
must agree on what to do with it.

What will you do with the money together?.

Think about:
- Donate to a charity?
- Give to families?
- Build new houses?
- Travel? Where will you go as a class?
Answer me this!
Take turns asking each other questions.

1. Do you think the driving age in your country should be

lowered? Why or why not? Answer
2. Do you think that social networking is hurting our
society? Why or why not? me this!
3. What do you think about tablets being used in school
instead of books?

4. Do you think healthcare should be free?

5. Should plastic bags be banned?

Before you go!
Here’s some cultural fun:

Attorneys give legal counsel to people and

Before you
organizations and represent them in legal
proceedings. They need to be familiar with the go!
law and have excellent debate skills. The results
of many cases depend on how well the lawyers
argue their clients’ cases.

- Would you consider a profession in law? If so, what

kind? (defense, divorce, criminal etc.)
- Do you think lawyers are reliable?
- Is this a popular job in your country?
Pick one question to discuss: Wrap-up
about today’s class?
1. What did you like most today?

2. What do you need to improve on?

3. What did you do well on today?

Use this slide to extend an activity.


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