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development in science and technology

Lesson 1: History of Science and

and are still a marvel up to the present.
Technology in the World: Ancient, Middle
● During the Middle Ages (450 - 1450
and Modern Ages
A.D.) gave birth to many scientific and
● Science and technology can be traced technological development. Also during
from the origin of human life 2 million the Middle Ages (often called Dark
years ago and each era has significant Ages), warfare had improved
advancement. tremendously. The Renaissance Era in
● The earliest form of science and Europe that began in 1450 and lasted
technology were human artifacts found until 1600 A.D. was the period known as
during prehistoric times about 2.3 million the rebirth of knowledge.
years ago. ● In Germany, Gutenberg developed the
● They were roughly shaped stones used printing press which resulted in books
for chopping and scraping, found being printed instead of the huge
primarily in Eastern Africa. volume of texts being handwritten.
● Some of the earliest records of science ● In Italy, Leonardo da Vinci, a great
came from Mesopotamian cultures pioneer in Arts, architecture,
around 400 B.C., disease symptoms, engineering, and science, stressed the
chemical substances, and astronomical importance of experiments. He
observations were some of the evidence produced a vast series of notebooks
of emerging science. with observations on anatomy, cloud
● From 300 to 400 B.C. there was a rise in formations, plans for sites, military
the number of philosophers who wrote inventions, tanks, flying machines, and
topics on psychology, biology, and a submarines.
host of other topics. ● Copernicus rediscovered what some of
● There was Euclid, the founder of the ancient Greeks had known that the
modern geometry, and Archimedes, the sun was at the center of the solar
founder of engineering mechanics, and system and that the earth revolves
calculated a value for pi which is still around it. This aided Prince Henry, the
used to this very day. 3000 B.C. gave navigator, to travel around South Africa,
rise to the Bronze Age in the search for and Portugal, to reach India.
finding pigments used to color human
skin, copper was discovered, and then it Modern Science and Technology around
was realized that alloying copper with tin 1600 A.D.
resulted into bronze which in those days
were used to make swords and other ● Galileo was the first to use modern
weapons. scientific methods based on
● By 3500 B.C. in Mesopotamia, experiments and testable observations.
two-wheeled carts had been created In 1608, some spectacle makers came
and it became the most frequently used to the Republic of Venice where Galileo
mode of transporting heavy goods from was staying with their new invention, a
one place to another Urbanization is the spyglass for identifying ships well before
development of a large cities, and the they enter a harbor. Galileo heard about
first city popped around 3000 B.C. it and promptly set about figuring out
● In Egypt during this same time, the first how it worked. He not only succeeded in
pyramid was built. Pyramids are constructing his own spyglass, but went
undoubtedly the most outstanding on to build a second one with the

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magnification stepped up by eight, and the archipelago including the University
finally thirty times which is now known of Santo Tomas.
as the telescope. He was able to
discover craters and mountains on the American Period and Post-Commonwealth
moon. He later invented the microscope Era
and the thermometer.
● Isaac Newton was born in 1642. He ● The progress of science and technology
helped define the laws of gravity and continued under the rule. On July 1,
planetary motion, co-founded calculus, 1901, the Philippine Commission
and explained the laws of light and established the American Bureau of the
color. Albert Einstein became the most Department of Interior, the ring was
famous scientist of the 20th century. His placed under the Department of I
work had a profound impact on Government Laboratories which was the
everything from quantum theory to Spanish era. On October 26, 1905, the
nuclear power and the atom bomb, and Bureau of Government Laboratories
came up also with the famous equation was replaced by the Bureau of Science
e = mc2 used in Calculus. with tropical diseases. With the progress
of science and technology, on
December 8, 1933, the National
Lesson 2: Science and Technology in the
Research Council of the Philippines was
recognized.The Bureau of Science
● A Historical Perspective Philippine became the primary research center of
science and technology have a long the Philippines until The Bureau
history. It started before Spain colonized replaced the Laboratorio Municipal
the country where some indigenous which was established during The
technology already existed with regard Bureau dealt with the study of World
to wet rice and dry rice agriculture. The War I.
use of technology was also evident in
the handicrafts, pottery, weaving, metal Marcos Era and Martial Law
ware, and boats used by ancient
Filipinos. ● Science was given importance during
the Marcos Regime.
Spanish Colonial Period ● In the amended 1973 Philippine
Constitution, Article XV, Section 9 (1),
● The colonization of the Philippines he declared that the "advancement of
contributed to the growth of science and science and technology shall have
technology in the archipelago. The priority in national "Development".
Spaniards introduced formal education ● In his two terms of presidency and
and founded scientific institutions. during Martial Law, many laws were
During the early years of Spanish rule in enacted promoting science and
the Philippines, Parish schools were technology. On January 23, 1967, he
established where religion, reading, declared that science was necessary for
writing, arithmetic, and music were the development programs, and thus,
taught. Sanitation and more advanced directed the Department of Education to
methods of agriculture were taught to revitalize the science courses in public
the natives. Later the Spaniards high schools.
established colleges and universities in ● DepEd and the National Science
Development Board (NSDB) organized

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a project to provide selected high ● In 1979, the government funded
schools with science teaching scientific research conducted by
equipment over a four-year period. National Science Development Board
● In 1968 technology was recognized as (NSDB), the Philippine Council for
the leading factor in economic Agricultural Research and Resources,
development and thus additional funds the Plant Breeding Institute, the
were channelled to support projects in International Rice Research Institute,
applied sciences and science education. the Bureau of Plant Industry, and the
● The National Science Development Bureau of Forest Products.
Board established the Philippine Atomic ● The National Committee on Geological
Energy Commission to explore the uses Sciences was created in 1980 to advise
of atomic energy for economic government and private entities on
development. Marcos assisted 107 matters pertaining to geological
institutions in undertaking nuclear sciences (Executive Order No. 625, s.
energy work by sending scientists, 1980).
engineers, doctors and technicians to ● By virtue of Executive Order No. 784, s.
study nuclear Science and technology 1982, the National Science
abroad. Development Board and its support
● The Philippine Council for Agricultural agencies was reorganized and was
Research was also established to named National Science and
Support the progressive development of Technology Authority (NSTA) to provide
agriculture, forestry, and fisheries tor the central direction and coordination of
country. scientific and technological research
● The Council was attached to the and development.
Department of Agriculture and Natural ● The Mindanao and Visayas campuses
Resources for administrative purposes. of the Philippine Science High School
● Another agency was established by were established in 1986 to encourage
Presidential Decree No. 49, s. 1972 and careers in science and technology and
this is the Philippine Atmospheric, to be more accessible to the talented
Geophysical and Astronomical Services students in the
(PAGASA) under the Department of ● Mindanao and Visayas areas in
National Defense. Its function was to accordance with Executive Order No.
provide environmental protection and to 1090, s. 1986.
utilize scientific knowledge to ensure the
safety of the people. The Philippine Fifth Republic
National Oil Company was also created
to promote industrial and economic ● Under the Medium Term Philippine
development through effective and Development Plan for the years
efficient use of energy sources (P.D. No. 1987-1992, science and technology's
334, s. 1973). role in economic recovery and sustained
● In 1976, the National Academy of economic growth was highlighted.
Science and Technology was Science and technology was one of the
established and was composed of three priorities of the government toward
scientists with "innovative achievement economic recovery.
in the basic and applied sciences" to ● The first Science and Technology
serve as a reservoir of scientific and Master Plan or STMP was formulated on
technological expertise for the country. August 8, 1988.

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President Fidel V. Ramos' Term ● During his term, he was able to
establish programs that were significant
● In 1988, the Philippines was estimated to the field of science and technology.
to have around 3,000 competent ● In 1993, Science and Technology
scientists and engineers. During the Agenda for National Development
Ramos administration, the Department (STAND) was established. Among its
of. Science and Technology initiated a priorities were:
Science and Technology Agenda for ○ Exporting winners identified by
Development (STAND) which embodies the DTI,
the country's task development plan for ○ Domestic needs identified by
1993- 1998. Presidential Council for
● In 1998, a presidential task force was Countryside Development;
formed to deal with the overall problems ○ Support industries and
confronting Research and Development ○ Coconut industry development.
and Science and Technology ● Among the laws enacted by Congress
development in the country. It was during President Ramos' term was the:
tasked to formulate a Science and ○ Magna Carta for Science and
Technology development program that Technology Personnel (R.A.
would support the national development 8439);
goal of attaining a newly industrialized ○ Science and Technology
country (NIC) status by the year 2000. Scholarship Law of 1004 (R.A.
● The task force was composed of the No. 7687)
Department of Science and Technology, ○ Inventors and Inventions
Department of Agriculture, Department Incentives Act (Republic Act No.
of Trade and Industry, Department of 7459).
Transportation and Communication, as ○ The Intellectual Property Code
well as the adviser on public resources of the Philippines (Republic Act
and three academic institutions involved No.8293) was also enacted
in science and technology. which provides industrial
property rights, copyrights and
Another Science and Technology framework related rights, and technology
plan entitled Competence, Competitive transfer arrangements.
Conscience: the Medium-Term Plan of the
Department of Science and Technology President Joseph Estrada's Term
(1999-2004). Its six (6) flagship programs are:
1. A comprehensive program to enhance ● During their term of President Joseph
technology enterprises Estrada, two major legislations he
2. Integrated program on clean signed were the Philippine Clean Air Act
technologies of 1999 (Republic Act No. 8749 which
3. Establishment of a packaging R and D was designed to protect and preserve
center; the environment and ensure th
4. Expansion of regional meteorology Sustainable development of its natural
centers resources, and Electronic Commerce
5. S &T intervention program for the poor, Act of 2000 (Republic Act No. 8792)
vulnerable, and disabled, and which outlaws computer hacking and
6. Comprehensive science and technology provides opportunities for new
program for Mindanao. businesses emerging from the
Internet-driven New Economy.

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Philippines, which serves to improve
Science and Technology during President rice production and quality through
Gloria M. Arroyo's Term biotechnology and research.
● In 2014, gross domestic product (GDP)
● There were numerous laws and projects increased by 6.13%. The gross value
that concern both the environment and added (GVA) in agriculture and fishing
science to push technology as a tool to went up by 1.60%% and this accounted
increase the country's economic level. for 10% of the GDP increase. In an
This is to help increase the productivity effort to improve the efficiency of both
from Science, Technology and land and water, the Harmonized Agenda
Innovations (STI) and help benefit the for Science and Technology was
poor people. Moreover, the term presented to President Aquino in 2014
"Filipinovation" was the coined term and it included two crucial issues,
used in helping the Philippines to be an inclusive growth, and disaster risk
innovation hub in Asia. reduction.
● The Science, Technology, and ● On May 23, 2016, Republic Act No.
Innovation (STI) was developed further 19844, otherwise known as the DICT
by strengthening the schools and Act of 2015, was signed into law. Under
education system such as the Philippine this law, the Department of Information
Science High School (PSHS), which and Communications Technology will
focuses on science, technology and take charge of planning, developing,
mathematics in their curriculum. and promoting the national ICT
● One of the more known laws to be development agenda.
passed by her administration was the
R.A. 9367 or the "Biofuels" Act. This act
Lesson 3: Science and Technology and Its
promotes the development and usage of
Role in Nation Building
biofuels throughout the country. This
potentially enables a cheaper alternative
to gasoline as a medium in producing What Science and Technology do for us?
1. It helps us save time and money.
President Benigno C. Aquino Various contributions of science and
technology have helped us save time
● RA 10601 also covers research, and money. While science has given us
development, and extension (RDE), the knowledge of why baked or
promotion, distribution, supply, steam-cooked food is better than fried or
assembling, manufacturing, regulation, oily food, technology has gifted us with
use, operation, maintenance, and microwave and steam cookers that help
project implementation of agricultural us bake and steam-cook our food.
and fisheries machinery and equipment. Various objects like computers, modes
● In 2010, President Benigno Aquino was of transport, and washing machines help
considered the "father of Organic us save time and energy.
Agriculture" because of his work on the 2. Education. Science and technology
Organic Agricultural Act of 2010 (R.A. have made a significant contribution to
10068). the education field as well. Technology
● The International Rice Research has made education itself easier. It has
Institute (lRRI) is an international provided us with options like smart
research consortium, including the

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classes, multimedia devices, e-libraries, ○ Road transport used by
e-books, etc. automobiles;
3. Internet. Information technology, ○ Air transport which is used by
including internet, is an excellent gift of airplanes;
technology. With the help of internet, we ○ Water transportation which is
do not get only immense knowledge on used by ships and speedboats;
science and other subjects, but we also and
get to stay connected with our friends ○ Space transportation used to go
and family. to the moon. Technologies like
4. Provides us devices for comfortable automobiles, buses, and trucks
sleeping, quick cooking and fast have improved the way humans
commute. With the help of objects like move and how they transport
AC microwave and vehicles, science their goods from one place to
and technology have made our another.
sleeping, cooking, and commuting
process easier and faster. Technology has improved communication.
5. It helps us live a better life. While
science has made significant ● Communication is used for a number of
contributions in health by providing purposes. Both society and organization
treatment for various chronic diseases, depends on communication to transfer
technology has benefited us in receiving information. People use technology to
those treatments through various ways communicate with each other. Electronic
and devices like X-ray, scan machines, media like radios, televisions, internet,
operation devices, pacemaker, and and social media has improved the way
many more. We are also blessed with we exchange ideas which can develop
numerous exercising equipment, various our societies. In many countries, radios
health apps, online doctors and other and televisions are used to voice the
things that help us maintain good health concerns of society. They organize live
and life. forums where the community can
contribute through mobile phones or text
service systems like tweeter.
Impact of Technology on Society
Communication and technologies like
televisions. Radio and internet are used
Technology has improved transportation. to persuade, entertain and inform the
people about the various programs of
● Transportation is one of the basic areas the government. Small businesses have
of technological activity. Both society also used the internet and mobile
and businesses have benefited from the communication technology to grow and
new transportation methods. improve their business.
Transportation provides mobility for
people and goods. Transportation, like The World Wide Web
other technologies, can be viewed as a
system. It is a series of parts that are ● Has improved to be an enormous
interrelated. These parts all work information base from which information
together to meet a certain goal. can be retrieved by means of search
Technology has made possible all types images. Information from all around the
of transportation and these include world is housed on the web. With the
development of wed technology, the

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information can be organized in an making the decisions on the science
organized manner and relevant and technology prospects, choices and
information can be retrieved on priorities for the country. How can
supplying search things to web search scientists and technologists contribute to
engines. Digitization of information has achieving the multiple role which is a
been a major breakthrough in the world dire necessity for the economic
information technology. development of the country?
● Researchers, as creators of new
Technology has improved education and the knowledge, must focus their work on
learning process. nationally and globally important and
competitive areas of research which are
● Education is the backbone of every multidisciplinary nature.
economy. People need well organized
educational infrastructures so that they
The Role of Science and Technology in the
can learn how to interpret information.
Developing World in the 21st Century
Many schools have integrated
educational technologies in their schools ● The technological revolutions of the 21st
with the aim of improving the way century are emerging from entirely new
students learn. Technologies like smart sectors, based on micro-processors,
whiteboards, computers, iPads, and telecommunications, bio-technology and
projectors and internet are being used in Nano-technology. Products are
classrooms to boost student’s morale to transforming' business practices across
learn. the economy, as well as the lives of all
who have access to their effects. The
most remarkable breakthroughs ill come
The Role of Science and Technology in
from the interaction of insights and
applications arising when these
● Science and technology has been one technologies converge. Through
of the main driving forces of the breakthroughs in health services and
economic growth of nations. Most education, these technologies have the
developed countries have generated power to improve the lives of poor
new technologies with potential to result people in developing countries.
in dynamic economic performance. Eradicating malaria and cures for other
● Countries like India, South Korea, and diseases which are endemic in
Taiwan in the region have achieved developing countries are now possible,
much through science and technology allowing people with debilitating
and stand out as having demonstrated conditions to live healthy and productive
the absolute importance of science and lives.
technology for economic growth. These ● To promote technological advances,
countries are example for the developing countries should invest in
developing countries. quality education for youth, continuous
● lf scientists and technologists are to skills training for workers and managers,
contribute significantly to social and and should ensure that knowledge is
economic changes resulting in the shared as widely as possible across
development of the country, their role society. The state of science and
should expand beyond generation of technology determines the
new knowledge and assume the role of socio-economic progress of a country. It
advising the decision makers and finally is a wellknown fact that national

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progress is highly correlated to the science and technology
capacity of a country to produce local scholarships while President
industrial goods for domestic needs and Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
that industrialization is very much adopted policies focusing on a
dependent on the application of science national innovation system and
and technology. promoted technological
entrepreneurship under the
Medium-Term Development
Lesson 4: Government Laws, Policies,
Plan 2004-2010.
Plans and Projects Pertaining to Science
○ The most recent National
and Technology
Science and Technology Plan
2002-2020 is largely focused on
Introduction building technological
self-reliance. Meanwhile, the
● The role that science and technology Harmonized Agenda for science
has played in improving the life and and technology presented to
conditions of people in the world is vivid. President Benigno Aquino in
Because the Philippines is a developing 2014 highlighted two critical
country, the status of science and issues: inclusive growth and
technology in our country is still below disaster risk reduction.
par when compared with countries like ○ Critical technologies to address
Japan and USA. There is a great need these issues have been
therefore to enact more laws and developed and this include
strengthen existing ones to improve LIDAR processing, remote
science and technology including sensing and microsatellites
research and development in the (DIWATA1).
● Science and Technology Environment
Government Policies and Laws Pertaining
From 1986 to 2016
to Science and Technology
○ President Corazon Cojuangco
Aquino highlighted the ● To improve and strengthen science and
importance of science and technology including research
technology in achieving development, it is necessary that
economic progress. She helped government enact laws. Several laws
establish the Department of have been enacted by Congress since
Science and Technology 1958 to present. They are as follows:
(DOST) which formulated the
Science and Technology Master ➢ R.A. 2067 - "Science Act of 1958"- An
Plan 1991-2000. At that time, Act To Integrate, Coordinate and
the Philippines aimed to be a Intensify Scientific and Technological
Newly Industrialized Country Research and Development and To
(NIC) Foster Invention To Provide Funds
○ Succeeding presidents have Therefore and for Other Purposes
had their fair share of policies ➢ R.A. 3589 - An Act Amending RA 2067
geared towards improving the Modifying the National Science
sector. President Fidel V. Development Board, National Institute of
Ramos introduced laws on Science and Technology, and the
inventors' incentives and Philippine Atomic Energy Commission,

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Extending Tax Exemption, Privileges agreements, contracts and exchanges and
and Grants, Requests and Donations for storage of information through the utilization of
Scientific Purposes to Private electronic, optical and similar medium mode,
Educational Institutions and For Other instrumentality and technology to recognize the
Purposes enacted June 22, 1963. width and reliability of electronic documents
➢ R.A. 5207 - An Act Providing for the related to such activities and to promote the
Licensing and Regulation of Atomic universal use of electronic transactions in the
Energy Facilities and Materials, government and the general public.
Establishing the Rules of Liability for
Nuclear Damage and for Other ➢ RA 9513 "The Renewable Act of 2008"
Purposes. was passed by Congress to accelerate
the development of the country's
This Act was approved June 15, 1968 to renewable energy resources by
encourage, promote, and assist the providing fiscal and non-fiscal incentives
development and use of atomic energy for to private investors and equipment
peaceful purposes as a means to improve the manufacturers/fabricators/suppliers.
health and prosperity of the inhabitants of the ➢ R.A. 10175 - Philippine Cybercrime
Philippines and to contribute and accelerate Prevention Act of 2012 passed
scientific, technological, agricultural, September 12, 2012 An Act Defining
commercial, and industrial progress. Cybercrime, Providing for the
Prevention Investigation, Suppression
➢ Presidential Decree No. 49, s. 1972 and the Imposition of Penalties
established the Philippine Atmospheric, Therefore and For Other Purposes.
Geophysical and Astronomical Services ➢ RA. 10612 - An Act Expanding the
(PAGASA). Its function was to provide Coverage of the Science and
environmental protection and to utilize Technology Scholarship Program and
scientific knowledge to ensure the safety Strengthening the Teaching of Science
of the people. and Mathematics in Secondary Schools
➢ Presidential Decree No. 334, s. 1973 and For Other Purposes.
created the Philippine National Oil
Company to promote industrial and This Act shall be known as the Fast-Tracked
economic development through effective Science and Technology Scholarship Act of
and efficient use of energy resources 2018. It shall strengthen the country's Science
➢ RA. 8749 - The Philippine Clean Air Act and Technology education by fast-tracking
of 1999 was enacted by Congress on graduates in the science, mathematics, and
June 23, 1999 to protect and preserve engineering who shall teach in secondary
the environment and ensure the schools throughout the country. Towards this
sustainable development of its natural end, scholarships shall be provided to finance
resources. the education of talented and deserving students
➢ R.A. 8792 - An Act Providing for the in the third year of college and pursuing a
Recognition and Use of Electronic degree or training in the areas of science and
Commercial and Non-Commercial technology and to provide incentives for them to
Transactions and Documents, Penalties pursue a career in teaching in high schools in
for Unlawful Use Thereof and For Other their home regions.
Purposes passed in June 15, 2000.
➢ R.A. 10844 - An Act Creating the
This Act aims to facilitate domestic and Department of Information and
international dealings, transactions, assignment, Communication Technology (DICT)

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which was signed into law on May 23, To attain the objectives set in the STMP the
2016 following strategies were pursued: modernize
the production sectors through massive
In accordance with the law, the Department of technology transfer fromn domestic and foreign
Information and Communications Technology sources; upgrade the R& D capability through
(DICT) shall be the primary policy planning, intensified activitiesin high priority sector and
coordination, implementing, and administrative S&T infrastructure development such as
entity of the Executive branch of the government manpower development; and develop
that will plan, develop, and promote the national information networks, institutional building and
ICT development agenda. S&T culture development.

Science and Technology Agenda for National

Major Science and Technology
Development (STAND) Philippines 2000
Development Plans
● This plan was initiated during the term of
Science and Technology Master Plan (STMP) President Ramoss and it embodied the
country's technology development plan
● This plan was submitted to the in the medium- term, in particular, for the
President in March 1989 by the period 1993-1998. The STAND identified
presidential task force composed of the seven export winners, 11 domestic
Department of Science and Technology needs, three other supporting industries,
(DOST). Department of Agriculture (DA), and coconut industry as priority
Department of Trade Industry (DTI), investment area. The seven identified
Department of Transportation and export winners were computer software;
Communication (DOTC), as well as the fashion accessories; gifts, toys, and
presidential adviser on public resources houseware; marine products; metal
and three academic institutions directly fabrications; furniture; and dried fruits.
involved in S & T. The development of The domestic needs included food,
fifteen (15) leading edges to steer the housing, health, clothing, transportation,
country toward industrial development communication, disaster mitigation,
were: defense, environment, manpower
development and energy. Because of
1. Aquaculture their linkages with the above sectors,
2. Marine Fisheries three additional support industries were
3. Orestry included in the list of priority sectors,
4. Natural Resources namely: packaging, chemicals, and
5. Process Industry metals.Lastly, because of its strategic
6. Food importance, the coconut industry was
7. Feed Industry included in the list.
8. Energy
9. Transportation National Science and Technology Plan (NSTP
10. Construction Industry 2002-2020)
11. Information Technology
12. Electronics ● The Department of Science and
13. Instrumentation And Control Technology (DOST), with the mandate
14. Emerging Technologies of formulating S&T policies, programs,
15. Pharmaceuticals and projects in support of national
development priorities has remained,

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driven by these guiding visions stated in Benjamin E. Diokno during the opening
the NSTP mainly: of the National Science and Technology
○ By 2004, S&T shal have Week 2017, he stated that the budget of
contributed significantly to the DOsT has quadrupled in the last seven
enhancement of national years "from P50 billion in 2010 to P208
productivity and billion in 2017. The budget for research
competitiveness and to the and development grew by nearly 6X
solution of pressing problems. over the same period of time from P1
○ By 2010, the Philippines shall billion in 2009 to P5.8 billion in 2017.
have earned niches and This was disclosed in his speech during
become a world class the celebration of the National Science
knowledge provider and user in and Technology Week at the World
selected science and Trade Center in Pasay City on July 11,
technology areas, and shall 2017.
have developed a vibrant S&T ● In the 10-point economic agenda, the
culture. promotion of science, technology and
○ By 2020, the Philippines shall creative arts was included to enhance
have developed a wide range of innovation and creative capacity
globally competitive products towards self- sustaining inclusive
and services which have a high development. S&T must create an
technological content. avenue for development in various
sectors, such as in the economy. DOST
The 12 priority areas for S&T development are: Secretary Fotunato de la Pena identified
A. Agriculture, forestry & natural resources; the focus of the Department as
B. Health and medical services; technology transfer and
C. Biotechnology; commercialization thus ten percent of its
D. Information and Communication overall budget was allocated for
Technology technology transfer. This resulted to
E. Microelectronics generation of 1000 new intelectual
F. Materials, science and engineering: properties that can be adopted in just
G. Earth and marine services, one year.
H. Fisheries and aquaculture;
I. Environment; Major accomplishments of the Duterte
J. Natural disaster mitigation; administration are:
K. Energy; and ● Entry into the frontiers of space through
L. Manufacturing and service engineering. its support to the Philippine Space
Technology Program. DIWATA-1
Status of Science and Technology and Plans satellites which was launched in 2016
for Development under President Rodrigo was made by Filipino scientists who
Roa-Duterte were trained in Japan. The DIWATA-2
which will be launched in 2018 has
● The Duterte administration reassured its improved the capabilities to better
commitment to science, technology and monitor the country. This was made by
innovation sector. This was established another batch of Filipino scientists. This
in the increase in the budget of the space technologies can also be utilized
Department of Science and Technology in other sectors, such as in agriculture
(DOST). In a speech of President and disaster preparedness.
Duterte delivered by Budget Secretary

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● A Memorandum of Agreement between different questions that need to be
Russia and the Philippines regarding the answered and there are steps and
space program will soon materialize. actions that need to be undertaken.
● Republic Act 11035 "An Act Flourishing is the highest good of a
Institutionalizing the Balik Scientist human attempt to achieve his/her goal.
Program was signed into law by the It is a success as a human being when
President on June 15, 2018. This law he/she achieved it for the betterment of
would give more incentives to returning his or her life. The best life is one of
Filipino experts, scientists, inventors, excellent human activity. Eudaimonia,
and engineers who would share their literally "good spirited" is a tem
expertise in the country. connected by renowned Greek
● On telecommunication, Department of Philosopher Aristotle (385-323B.C) to
Information and Communication describe the peak of human happiness
Technology, National that can be attain.
Telecommunication Commission and
telecommunication companies have
agreed to standardize voice call charges
to P2.50.
● On weather, 271 new weather stations
were installed by the Department of
Science and Technology throughout the
country. The Zamboanga Doppler
Weather Radar System was also

Lesson 5: The Human Flourishing in Terms

of Science and Technology

● "Al the world's a stage, And al the men

and women merely players; They have
their exits and entrances, and one man
in his time plays many parts... -William


● Every living creature is meant to

become what it is meant to be. The
caterpillar is meant to become a
beautiful butterfly; a small seed into a
full-grown herb, bush or tree; and a
human baby into a mature person, the
person "who is fully alive, the glory of
God" in use Words of St. Irenaeus.
(Corpuz, 2015).
● As we grow and develop there are
different factors that affect Us, there are

Arellano, R.│12
Arellano, R.│13

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