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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V - Bicol

Enhancing Students’ Conceptual Understanding in Science 8 Using

Contextualized Learning Activity Sheets
- An Action Research Proposal –

Teacher 1/ESP Coordinator/Guidance-Designate/


As the country continues to confront different issues brought about by the

coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the Department of Education

(DepEd) is addressing the challenges in the basic education for the school year

2020-2021 through its Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) under

DepEd Order No. 012, s. 2020. The BE-LCP aims to ensure the health, safety,

and well-being of the learners, teachers, and personnel in the time of COVID-19,

while finding ways for education to continue amidst the crisis (Tibon, 2020).

In line with this, the schools may adopt one or a combination of the

following learning delivery modalities: (1) face-to-face, (2) distance learning, (3)

blended learning, and (4) homeschooling. Through its field offices and teachers,

the DepEd sought to find out which among the range of off-school pedagogical
modes best suited students depending on their location in the archipelago, it

found out that most parents prefer the modular learning modality for their children

over other options. This, based on the initial results of the Learner Enrollment

and Survey Form (LESF), which showed that 8.8 million parents preferred

modular distance learning out of 22 million enrollees (Ciriaco, 2020).

Modular Distance Learning features individualized instruction that allows

learners to use self-learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital format/electronic

copy, whichever is applicable to the learner. Learners under Modular Distance

Learning can also use other resources such as Learner’s Materials, textbooks,

activity sheets, study guides, and other study materials (Malaya, 2020). The

SLMs were used by the students for the first two quarters of the school year.

However, for the third and fourth quarters, Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) will be

used by the students adopting this kind of learning delivery modalities.

The development of Learning Activity Sheets (LAS), according to the

Department of Education, shall be based on the Most Essential Learning

Competencies (MELCs) issued by the Central Office. The LAS shall be utilized

during the home learning sessions, the DepEd said. Activity sheets have

questions or activities, which the students either answer or perform a specific

activity (Castillo, 2020).

Sabino Rebagay Memorial High School, a small rural high school in the

municipality of Oas, is one of the 91 secondary schools in the Schools Division

Office of Albay who adopts modular distance learning modality. In the LESF

submitted by the parents before the start of classes for S.Y. 2020-2021, 297
parents out of the 398 enrollees in the school preferred MDL as the learning

modality of their children. At present, the teachers, parents and most especially

students are in the process of adapting to the new normal form of education. The

school received remarks from parents, teachers and students about the

implementation of MDL. One of the main challenges faced by the students in

Science is they struggle with self-studying using the SLMs and learning activity

sheets which leads to low mastery of learning competencies or worst, no-

mastery of such.

Even though Department of Education (DepEd) produced learning activity

sheets which are localized and contextualized, it is more useful if the content of it

is relevant and meaningful to the lives of the students relating it on the process of

learning to their locality (Dioneda, 2019). Contextualization is developing new

skills, knowledge, abilities and attitudes in students in presenting new subject

matter in a meaningful and relevant context (Ballesteros, n.d.). It is a diverse

family of instructional strategies designed to more seamlessly link the learning of

foundational skills and academic or occupational content by focusing teaching

and learning squarely on concrete applications in a specific context that is of

interest to the student (Mazzeo et. al., 2003).

The use of contextualization of content is supported by the three

principles. For the first principle, prior knowledge, it has been shown that

instruction with contextualized content can activate learners' prior knowledge and

promote more effective problem solving. For the second principle, promoting

conceptual change, contextualization of content in interactive classroom

engagement activities that motivates students with a concept's relevance can

improve learning. For the third principle, promoting metacognition,

contextualization of content helps students reflect on their learning to bridge

ideas from a familiar concrete context of an abstract concept so they can

recognize their own personal relationship to these concepts (Krause et. al.,


Considering the premises presented, the researcher aims to developed

contextualized learning activity sheets in Science 8 to ensure that the activities

presented to the students are appropriate to the needs of the learners and are

relevant to their lives. The value of localization and contextualization and its

contribution in education had been proven in the previous studies; thus this

action research determined the effect of contextualized learning activity sheets in

science of Sabino Rebagay Memorial High School Grade 8 students’ conceptual

understanding for the school year 2020-2021. This study focused only on the

fourth quarter and participants are the aforementioned students only.


The purpose of this study is to determine the relative effect of the

contextualized learning activity sheets in enhancing students’ conceptual

understanding in Science 8.

Specifically, this research sought to answer the following questions:

1. What contextualized learning activity sheets in Science 8 may be

developed to enhance students’ conceptual understanding?

2. What are the students learning insights using the contextualized

learning activity sheets in terms of understanding of concepts and


3. What is the significant difference between the students’ conceptual

understanding before and after the implementation of the contextualized

learning activity sheets?


1. Enhance the conceptual understanding of the students in Science 8


the contextualized learning activity sheets.


The contextualized learning activity sheets will be able to associate the

learning material with real-world application in students’ daily lives and relate the

content of the activities and the process of teaching and learning to the local

environment. It will be an opportunity to help students easily understand the

concepts presented in the LAS.

The contextualized LAS for Science 8 could at least alleviate the school’s

existing problem with the low mastery or worst no mastery in Science during the

modular distance learning modality. The students will use the contextualized LAS

developed by the researcher instead of the LAS produced by the Department of

Education. The implementation of the study is divided into three phases: Pre-

Implementation, Implementation and Post-Implementation.

The Pre-Implementation Phase involves the development and validation of

the contextualized learning activity sheets. This also involves the test

development which includes the pre-test and post-test. The test coverage was

determined based on the most essential learning competencies covered for the

fourth quarter.

The second phase is the Implementation Phase which will start with the

conduct of the pre-test to the students. Then, the developed LAS will be

distributed to the students. Students are expected to finish the learning activity

sheets within the given time frame which is usually a week. The LAS to be

distributed to the students are good for a week’s lesson. A student journal will

also be given to the students together with the learning activity sheets to reveal

the students’ learning insights.

The Post-Implementation begins with the conduct of a parallel post-test.

The students was also tasked to write their reflection and learning insights in their

journals. Students’ insights on concepts learned and experiences during

classroom activities after every lesson are reflected on this part. Entries served

as supporting data to qualitatively address the questions of the study. The results

gathered from the pretest and posttest will be subjected to statistical treatment to

determine whether there is a significant difference between the students’

conceptual understanding before and after the implementation of the

contextualized learning activity sheets.


This study will use the descriptive research method. Further, the

participants, sources of data, gathering methods as well as the statistical tool

vital to answer the research questions stated above are discussed below.

a. Participants and/or Other Sources of Data

 One intact class was utilized as the subject for the try-out of the

contextualized LAS. The participants of this research are the Grade 8-

Reverent students of Sabino Rebagay Memorial High School. The class

consist of forty-five (45) students. Purposive sampling technique will be

utilized since the sample/population shall be determined based on their

academic performance in science.

b. Data Gathering Methods

 This would start when the researcher administers the pre-test after the

research study was approved. The topics will cover the most essential

learning competencies (MELCs) for the fourth quarter in Science 8. The

pre-test is composed of thirty (30) items multiple choice questions with

four options to measure their conceptual understanding before the

conduct of the study.

 After the pre-test was administered to the participants, the contextualized

learning activity sheets will be distributed to the students. The distribution

of the LAS will be every Monday. The LAS that will be distributed will

cover the most essential learning competencies for one week. For every

LAS, a student journal which will require students to write their learning
insights and experiences while using the contextualized LAS will also be

given to the students. The students should be able to return the LAS with

answers on it the next week and then another LAS will be given to them.

 A parallel post-test will be administered after the end of quarter. Pretest

and Posttest were given to assess their conceptual understanding before

and after the implementation of the contextualized learning activity sheets.

The students learning insights and experiences in using the LAS will serve

as supporting data to qualitatively address the questions of the study.

c. Data Analysis Plan

 A pre-experimental research design will be used in this study. Both

quantitative and qualitative data were gathered to provide answers to the

research questions stated above.

 Pre-test and Post-test will be used to determine the significant difference

between the students’ conceptual understanding before and after the

implementation of the contextualized learning activity sheets. To make the

results of this study reliable, standard deviation, mean, t-test and

performance level will be used for analysis of data. The mean will be used

to get the average scores of the students on pretest and posttest. The t-

test compared the significance of the differences of the scores and the

responses of the students in the pretest and posttest. Additionally, the

performance level will determine the mastery level of the students before

and after the implementation of the study.

 A table will be used to show the difference between the students’

conceptual understanding before and after the implementation of the


 Additionally, student journals will be used to qualitatively discuss the

learning insights and experiences of the students in using the

contextualized learning activity sheets.



Attend coaching and October – Researcher, Draft of Action
mentoring of Action December Resource Research
Research proposals 2020 Speaker, School Proposal,
Head Certificate
Step 1 – DIAGNOSING- Identifying or defining the problem
Identifying the January- Researcher, Responses by
challenges March 2021 School Heads, the students:
encountered by the Teachers, narrative report
students in modular Parents
distance learning.
HRPTA meeting and March 2021 Parents, Minutes of the
Faculty Meeting Teachers, School HRPTA Meeting
Head, and Faculty
Researcher Meeting
Step 2 – ACTION PLANNING – Considering alternative courses of action
Consult the School Last week of Researcher, Planning Meeting
Head about the March 2021 School Head and Minutes
intention of the
conduct action
Draft Action Research 1st - 2nd Week Researcher Action Research
proposal of April 2021 Proposal Made
Submit Action 3rd Week of Researcher, Approved Action
Research Proposal April 2021 School Head, Research
PSDS, Division proposal
Developed 4th Week of Researcher, Contextualized
contextualized April 2021 Research Adviser Learning Activity
Learning Activity Sheets
Validation of the 1st week of Researcher, Revised LAS
Contextualized LAS May 2021 Teachers
handling Biology
for 5 years with
Master’s Degree
or T3, Research
Revision of the 2nd week of Researcher
contextualized LAS May 2021
incorporating the
comments and
suggestions of the
Step 3: TAKING ACTION- Selecting a course of action
Implementation of the intervention
Administer Pre-test to May 31, 2021 Researcher, Pre-Test
the participants of the Respondents, Distributed
study Parents, School
Distribution of the June-July Researcher, Contextualized
contextualized learning 2021 Respondents, LAS Distributed
activity sheets and Parents, School
student journal Head,
Administer Post-Test to July 7, 2021 Researcher, Post-Test
the participants of the Respondents, Distributed
Study Parents, School
Step 4: EVALUATING- Studying the consequences of action
Gather data based 2nd Week of Researcher Research data
from the collected July 2021 Gathered
result of the pre-test
and post-test and the
students journal.
Step 5: SPECIFYING LEARNING – Identify general findings
Analysis of gathered 3rd – 4th Week Researcher Research data
data of July 2021 and outcome
Present the result to August 2021 Researcher, Orientation of the
the stakeholders and Teachers, result to the
Teachers Stakeholders stakeholders
attendance sheet
Innovation/ Researcher, Action Research
improvement of the teachers used
study in the
succeeding school



Preparation of the Bond papers 5 reams 200.00
materials for the research 1000.00
Pencils and 150.00
File folder
materials 1,50.00
Implementation of the
- Distribution and retrieval transportation
of the contextualized LAS 400.00
& Student Journal

Data gathering, Bond paper 3 reams 200.00
interpretation of the -Letter and 600.00
gathered data and Legal Size
preparation of the
completed research
Book Binding

Fund Source: Personal Funding


After the research, it will be:

1. Communicated to the stakeholders as well as the colleagues for policy


a. Through the findings of this study, the parents and officials will be

informed of the efforts done by teachers to help their children have the

rightful education that they should get. This would encourage higher

support to their children to obtain better grades and to the school as main

service provider.

2. Published and a copy will be given to the Division of Albay, Planning and

Research Section;

a. This is to ensure the researchers are protected from any forms of

intellectual property violation.

3. Used for further improvements of the study as well as school overall


a. This would be a reflection for the researchers as to how or what ways

can be used to enhance the intervention done.

4. Submitted to other research conferences (if possible/ if any chance)

a. This would bring merit to the researcher and the division as a whole.

5. Share results of study in LAC sessions.


Ballesteros, J. (n.d.). Localization and Contextualization of Science Activities in

Enhancing Learners’ Performance.

Castillo, J. (2020). Difference between Learning Activity Sheets and Modules.

Retrieved from


Ciriaco, C. (2020). The impossible is possible: Covid shut down schools, but

learning goes. Retrieved from


Dioneda, I. (2019). Localization and Contextualization in Teaching Biology for

Grade 7 Students of Paliparan National High School for School Year 2018-

2019. Ioer International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 1 (3).

Krause, S. et. al. (2016). Effect of Contextualization of Content and Concepts on

Students’ Course Relevance and Value in Introductory Materials Classes.

American Society for Engineering Education. Retrieved from

Malaya, B. (2020). DepEd Distance Learning: Here’s what you need to know.

Retrieved from


Mazzeo, C., Rab, S. Y., & Alssid, J. L. (2003). Building bridges to college and

careers: Contextualized basic skills programs at community colleges.

Brooklyn, NY: Workforce Strategy Center.

Tibon, J. A. (2020). The New Normal in Basic Education. Retrieved from\
Submitted by:

Teacher I/ ESP Coordinator/Guidance -designate
Sabino Rebagay Memorial high School



Principal I

Public Schools District Supervisor
Oas North District



Name: _________________________________________ Date: ____________

Multiple Choices
Direction: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is not a digestive function?

A. absorption B. ingestion C. filtration D. assimilation
2. Which of the following shows the correct sequence of the digestive functions?
A. Absorption, ingestion, assimilation, excretion
B. Ingestion, absorption, assimilation, excretion
C. Egestion, absorption, assimilation, excretion
D. excretion, absorption, assimilation, ingestion
3. What is the correct order of steps in the cell cycle?
A. cytokinesis, interphase, mitosis
B. mitosis, interphase, cytokinesis
C. interphase, mitosis, cytokinesis
D. interphase, cytokinesis, mitosis
4. What phase in mitosis is shown by the diagram below?

A. Prophase
B. Metaphase
C. Anaphase
D. Telophase

5. How will increasing species diversity affect ecosystem?

A. It increase the efficiency and productivity of an ecosystem
B. It increase only the efficiency and not productivity of an ecosystem
C. It do not increase the efficiency and productivity of an ecosystem
D. It only increase the productivity of an ecosystem
6. You are exploring a rain forest. You spot a flying animal. You noticed it spends
the daylight hours hanging from a cave. You examine the animal and it has a thin
layer of hair. What order would this animal be placed?
A. fish B. birds C. mammals d. reptiles
7. The diagram below shows an example of a food web. Which is a primary

A. lizard
B. grass
C. grasshopper
D. snake

8. The scientific name for a large dinosaur is Tyrannosaurus rex. What is the
genus to which this dinosaur belongs?
A. rex B. dinosaur C. Tyrannosaurus d. animal
9. Three organisms on a food web have arrows pointing away from them and no
arrows pointing toward them. What can you infer about these organisms?
A. They are omnivores. C. They are decomposers.
B. They are herbivores. D. They are producers.
10. What organisms are involved in nitrogen fixation?
A. bacteria in soil C. parasites in soil
B. some types of plants D. autotrophs
11. Which human activity would be most likely to have a negative impact on the
A. Planting trees to control soil erosion
B. Limiting the use of chemicals that kill weeds.
C. Stopping the draining of swamps.
D. Burning coal and oil to generate electric power.
12. Which of the following is not an example of reduce, reuse, recycle?
A. Using worn-out clothes for rags.
B. Refilling plastic water bottles.
C. Throwing old toys in the trash can.
D. Taking aluminum cans to the school recycling center.

13. How do living things contribute to water cycle?

A. evaporation C. precipitation
B. condensation D. transpiration
14. If a homozygous black guinea pig (BB) is crossed with a homozygous white
guinea pig (bb), what is the probability that an offspring will have black fur?
A. 25 percent B. 50 percent C. 75 percent. D. 100 percent
15. What is the difference between anaphase of mitosis and anaphase I of
A. the chromosomes line up at the equator in anaphase I.
B. centromeres do not exist in anaphase I.
C. chromatids do not separate at the centromere in anaphase I.
D. crossing-over occurs only in anaphase of mitosis.
16. During meiosis, when does crossing over occur?
A. Prophase I C. Anaphase I
B. Prophase II D. Anaphase II
17. What does a Punnett square show?
A. all the possible outcomes of a genetic cross
B. only the dominant alleles in a genetic cross
C. only the recessive alleles in a genetic cross
D. all of Mendel’s discoveries about genetic crosses
18. What is called for a discrete group of organisms of the same kind?
A. Genes B. Community C. Species D. Column
19. What is called for the evolutionary process by which new biological species
A. Speciation C. Condensation
B. Evaporation D. Variation
20. Which of the following communities is more species rich?
A. Community 1
B. Community 2
B. Species richness is same in both communities
D. Neither of the two communities
21. In the water cycle, how does water leave the atmosphere and return to
Earth’s surface?
A. condensation C. precipitation
B. evaporation D. transpiration
22. Which of the following shows the correct order of events in the nitrogen
A. Nitrogen is in air, bacteria fix nitrogen, animals get nitrogen from
animals die and decompose.
B. Animals die and decompose, animals get nitrogen from plants, nitrogen
is in air, bacteria fix nitrogen.
C. Bacteria fix nitrogen, nitrogen is in air, animals get nitrogen, animals die
and decompose.
D. Nitrogen is in air, animals get nitrogen from plants, bacteria fix nitrogen,
animals die and decompose.
23. Which of the following list has the correct order of taxonomic categories?
A. Phylum, Class, Family, Species
B. Phylum, Genus, Class, Family
C. Kingdom, Class, Phylum, Genus
D. Class, Order, Family, Genus
24. The digestive system processes food into usable and unusable materials.
The usable materials are sent to the body's cells as food. What happens to
unusable materials?
A. It goes into the pancreas to await disposal.
B. It goes to the right ventricle to await disposal.
C. It goes into the large intestine to await disposal.
D. It goes into the small intestine to await disposal.
25. How many daughter cells are produced at the end of mitosis?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
26. What does the notation TT mean to geneticists?
A. two dominant alleles
B. two recessive alleles
C. at least one dominant allele
D. one dominant and one recessive allelle
27. What is the primary source of energy in all ecosystems?
A. plants B. bacteria C. the sun D. producers
28. What is the role of decomposers in the nitrogen cycle?
A. They release nitrogen gas into the atmosphere.
B. They release nitrogen during cellular respiration.
C. They use ammonia when they break down dead organisms.
D. They release nitrogen into the soil when they break down dead
29. If you made a chart showing all the organisms living in the local lake, with
arrows drawn between the various organisms showing the direction or pathway
of energy flow, what kind of chart would you have made?
A. energy pyramid C. food web
B. food chain D. ecosystem chart
30. How many chromosomes are in the human egg cell or human sperm cell?
A. 24 in each
B. 23 in the egg; 23 in the sperm
C. 46 in the egg; 23 in the sperm
D. 46 in the egg; 46 in the sperm

Name: _________________________________________ Date: ____________

Multiple Choices
Direction: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. All of the following are digestive functions, except:

A. absorption B. ingestion C. filtration D. assimilation
2. Digestion begins in the mouth. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
A. The tongue aids in the digestion of the food that we intake.
B. The saliva changes some of the starches in the food to sugar.
C. The tongue keeps the food in place in the mouth while chewing.
D. The digestive juices react more easily with the food when chewed.

3. Refer to the illustration above. Which of the following correctly indicates the
order in which these events occur?
A. A – B – C – D C. B – A – C – D
B. C – B – A – D D. A – C – B – D
4. What phase in mitosis is shown by the diagram below?

A. early prophase
B. late prophase
C. metaphase
D. telophase

5. Why is biodiversity important to ecosystems?

A. It allows animal to feed permanently from one type of plant.
B. It increases at each level of the food chain.
C. It helps populations adapt to ecological changes.
D. It reduces the number of insects in a given ecosystem.
6. Which domain contains organisms that are unicellular, prokaryotic, and can
cause illness yet also make food such as yogurt.
A. Eukarya B. Archaea C. Bacteria D. Protista
7. Which organisms from the Food Web is consuming the Insects?

A. Lynx, Hare
B. Shrew, Red fox
C. Lynx, Red fox
D. Hawk, Shrew

8. The scientific name for white oak is Quercus alba. What is its species name?
A. Quercus B. alba c. oak d. white
9. Which of the following consumers feeds on dead organisms?
A. herbivores C. carnivores
B. omnivores D. decomposers
10. Which type of organisms carries out most nitrogen fixation?
A. insects B. plants C. bacteria D. mammals
11. Which of the following activities does not have a negative impact on the
A. Burning of fossil fuels
B. Planting trees in a nature reserve
C. Using weedkillers for farming
D. Increasing the use of chlorofluorocarbons
12. Which of the following will you do to keep our environment clean and green?
A. use less energy C. use environment friendly technology
B. protect the wildlife D. all of them
13. How do living things contribute to water cycle?
A. evaporation C. precipitation
B. condensation D. transpiration
14. If a heterozygous black guinea pig (Bb) is crossed with a homozygous white
guinea pig (bb), what is the probability that an offspring will have black fur?
A. 25 percent B. 50 percent C. 75 percent. D. 100
15. What is the main difference between meiosis and mitosis?
A. DNA replicates during mitosis, but does not during meiosis.
B. During mitosis, sister chromatids separate; they do not during meiosis.
C. Mitosis makes genetically identical copies; meiosis does not.
D. Mitosis increases chromosome number in each cell; meiosis decreases it.
16. Which of the following happens during both meiosis and mitosis?
A. Crossing over
B. Random alignment of homologous chromosomes
C. Sister chromatids separate
D. Homologous chromosomes separate
17. Which term refers to physical characteristics that are studied in genetics?
A. traits C. generations
B. offspring D. hybrids
18. Which of the following refers to group of similar organisms that can breed to
produce fertile offspring?
A. Dichotomous Key C. Species
B. Taxonomy D. Binomial Nomeclature
19. What is the significance of species diversity?
A. Species interacts with its environment and thus perform certain
B. Species minimize interaction in environment, thus perform certain
C. Species never interacts with environment; it can live on its own.
D. Though species interact with the environment it do no perform any
20. How will a high biodiversity affect ecosystem?
A. It increase the efficiency and productivity of an ecosystem
B. It increase only the efficiency and not productivity of an ecosystem
C. It do not increase the efficiency and productivity of an ecosystem
D. It only increase the productivity of an ecosystem
21. In the water cycle, how does water leave the atmosphere and return to
Earth’s surface?
A. condensation C. precipitation
B. evaporation D. transpiration
22. In the levels of classification, what comes after phylum?
A. class B. family C. genus D. order
23. What is the primary source of energy in all ecosystems?
A. plants B. bacteria C. the sun D. producers

24. Why is it necessary for water, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen to be recycled
through Earth's ecosystems?
A. If they didn't recycle, there would be too much water, carbon and
and we wouldn't be able to survive.
B. These substances: water, carbon and nitrogen would be used up
become unavailable if Earth’s systems didn't recycle
C. These nutrients such as water, carbon and nitrogen aren’t necessary,
it is just the natural way of the Earth's systems.
D. If these substances wouldn’t be recycled in the biosphere, our
environment would be polluted.
25. What happens when food reaches the stomach?
A. Nothing. No digestion occurs in the stomach.
B. The food moves quickly into the small intestine.
C. Juices mix with the food and stomach muscles squeeze it.
D. The food is completely digested and is absorbed.
26. What does the notation Tt mean to geneticists?
A. two dominant alleles
B. two recessive alleles
C. at least one recessive allele
D. one dominant allele and one recessive allele

27. Which type of organisms carries out most nitrogen fixation?

A. insects B. plants C. bacteria D. mammals
28. How many daughter cells are produced at the end of meiosis?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
29. Which of the following statements best describes a food web?
A. Many individual organisms of the same species that live in the same
space and that share resources.
B. A system that is made up of a community of organisms and their
C. A black bear eats fruit and then spreads the fruit seeds through its
D. All life is connected by the transfer of energy among organisms
and their
30. What is the correct order of steps in the cell cycle?
A. cytokinesis, interphase, mitosis
B. mitosis, interphase, cytokinesis
C. interphase, mitosis, cytokinesis
D. interphase, cytokinesis, mitosis

Name: ______________________________________ Gr. & Sec. ___________

1. What science concepts did I learn today? Enumerate and explain it further.


2. What activity/ies in the learning activity sheets did I find interesting? Why?


3. How do I feel doing the activities using the contextualized learning activity

4. Do the contextualized learning activities I used helped me enhance my

knowledge in science 8? How?


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