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VISVESVARAYA TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY BELAGAVI-590018 eatin, om TECHNICAL SEMINAR REPORT On “ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION” Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of Engincering in Civil Engineering for the academic year 2021-2022 ‘SUBMITTED BY SAMARTH MR 4PM18CV034 UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF MR. RAKESH M K pz,, rh.0) ASSISTANT PROFESSOR DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING PES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT SHIVAMOGGA-577204 PES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT NH-206, SAGAR ROAD, SHIVAMOGGA — 577204 (Affiliated to VIU, Belagavi & Recognized by AICTE, New Delhi) DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr. SAMARTH M R, of 8% semester bearing USN APMI8CV034 has satisfactorily completed the Technical Seminar on “ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION”, as prescribed by the Visvesvaraya ‘Technological University in Civil Engineering Course in partial fulfillment of the requirement leading to the award of Bachelor of Engineering during the academic year 2021 — 2022 Mr. RAKESH M K Dr. MN HIREMATH GUIDE HOD ACKNOWLEDGEMENT T have taken efforts in this Technical Seminar. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support of few individuals. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to them, I would like to take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to my guide Mr. RAKESH M.K, for their guidance throughout the work. SAMARTH MR. 4PMI8CV034 ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION ABSTRACT This report reviews construction process and new emerging robotic technology, Automation through robots is not a new concept. Many of the manufacturing and service sectors are adopting most sophisticated robots to increase productivity and reliability. Construction industry, which is most unorganized and labour-intensive industry, robots are employed to map the construction site, to lay bricks, to fulfil materials as required, to demolition of building, to security purpose, and to self-drive vehicles et . Reducing manpower, reducing construction lead time and construction costs thereby improving quality, work conditions, safety. SL. No. ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION TABLE OF CONTENTS Particulars Abstract Table of Contents List of Figures Introduction About Construction Robots Benefits of Robotics in Construction Industry Types of Robots Used in Construction Industry Advantages of Robots in Construction Industry Disadvantages of Robots in Construction Industry Summary References ii Page Number 14 15 ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION LIST OF FIGURES Fig. No. Title of the Figure 1.1 Robotics in Construction 1.2 Brick laying Robots 1.3 3D Printing Robots 1.4 3D Printer Setup 1.5 Demolition Robots 1.6 Demolition Robot 1.7 Human Controlled Mining Truck 18 Self-Driven Vehicles 19 Drones 2.0 Drones in Construction Site ili Page Number ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Construction Industry is one of the least automated industries that feature manual intensive labour as a primary source of productivity Construction is the process of creating or renovating a building or an infrastructure facility. The best-known example of which is the car industry, essentially, they replace workers engaged in intensive manual labour, especially for repetitive tasks. Whether it’s a new commercial construction, renovation or demolition, robots don’t yet play a significant role in any step of a building's lifecycle. The construction Business is a way behind, in adopting new technologies and robots in construction industry. After decades of using the same techniques and machines, construction robots are here to skyrocket efficiency and productivity within the industry. These robots are autonomous machines that complete tasks on construction sites. It’s possible to retrofit various heavy equipment machines with artificial intelligence to operate and perform duties like a human worker would. Although construction robotics and automation are highly beneficial to the construction industry, in terms of efficiency, cost-saving and timesaving, but still, it will not replace the manual labour force completely. sist the manual workforce and However, construction robotics id to a not replace them. So that the efficiency, productivity and accuracy of the cons ruction activities can be taken to a next level eventually making huge profits from the construction business. Department of Civil Engineering, PESITM ~ Shivamogga Page |l ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION Fig 1.1 Robotics in Construction 1.1.1 WHAT ARE CONSTRUCTION ROBOTS? After decades of using the same techniques and machines, construction robots are here to skyrocket efficiency and productivity within the industry. These robots are autonomous machines that complete tasks on construction sites, it’s possible to retrofit various heavy equipment machines with artificial intelligence to operate and perform duties like a human worker would. 1.1.2 WHY ROBOTS FOR CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY? Automation and robotics are the hot new trend in many different industries. To enhance efficiency and improve the safety of workers automation is an excellent solution for builders to increase operational efficiency and to cut down on costs. The scope of automation in the construction industry is quite broad, extending from initial planning stages to all the way to operating and maintaining the final structure. ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION 1.1.3 HOW IS ROBOTS CHANGING THE INDUSTRY? Today, robots do everything from paint automobiles on the assembly line to perform surgery on human patients. But one big industry that hasn’t yet been transformed by automation is the construction industry, which still utilizes humans to perform both the grunt work and the skilled labour required to erect houses and giant office tower. We are still in the early stages of this potentially drastic change to the industry, what we have seen so far looks promising, but only time will tell how effective robotics will be on construction job sites. They may prove to be the thing we've been waiting for to offset the growing labour shortage, or they may end up being more trouble than they’re worth. 1.2 BENEFITS OF USING ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Benefits of using robotics in construction industry are as follows, * Addressing labour shortages. * Delivering more efficiency and accuracy. * Producing higher levels of productivity. * Protecting workers from hazardous environment. * Shrinking operating cost and wasted materials 1.3 TYPES OF ROBOTS USED IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY L. Brick laying Robot 3D Printing Robot Demolition Robots Rwn Autonomous or Self-driven Construction Vehicles . Drones Department of Civil Engineering, PE’ ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION 1.3.1 BRICKS LAYING ROBOTS Making the construction six times faster than a bricklayer working on their own, investors are putting millions of dollars into developing robots for construction industry. A company called “Construction Automation” recently released a robotic product called “SAM 100”. The robot whose name stands for “Semi-Automated Mason” is reportedly capable of laying over 2000 to 3000 bricks per day, compared to a human that might lay just 400 to 450 bricks per day. SAM 100 is the first commercially available brick-laying robot and promises to accelerate jobs and enhance profits anywhere it’s used. This robot picks up the brick, puts the mortar on them, and places the bricks on the wall. » DISADVANTAGES + Destroys employment/ job opportunity for labours. Fig 1.2 Brick laying Robot Department of Civil Engineering, PESITM — Shivamogga P ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION » ADVANTAGES + Designed to collaboratively work with human ma + 50%+ labour savings + Increase productivity + Lower safety risks for your workers + Improved job planning 1.3.2 3D PRINTING ROBOT 3D printing is a method of manufacturing construction elements or entire buildings by means of a 3D printer printing concrete, polymer, metal, or other materials layer by layer. The most common type of printer is based on a robotic arm that moves back and front while extruding concrete according to the digital plans inserted through digital software's, 3D printing robots are not necessarily a new topic of conversation. It was way back in 2004 that the first 3D printed wall was created by a University of South Carolina Professor, Behrokh Khoshnevis. Now it’s pos ible to print entire houses in less than a day >» ADVANTAGES Faster construction * Lower labour cost * Fewer people mean more safe construction * Less material used * Environmentally friendly * New designs are possible as the 3D printer can create complex surfaces DISADVANTAGES © Limited Materials v * Restricted Build Size * Reduction in manufacturing jobs Department of Civil Engineering, PESITM ~ Shivamogga Page |S ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION Fig 1.3 3D Printing Robot Fig 1.4 3D Printer Setup 1.3.3 DEMOLITION ROBOTS Remote controlled demolition robots. Demolition robots are used in the construction industry to demolish building at the end of their lifecycle. These mobile robots are a relatively new form of professional service robot and a variety of end of arm tools such as breakers, crushers, drills, or buckets to break through building materials you can now control big powerful machines from a safe distance away. Department of Civil Engineering, PESITM — Shivamogga ROB rICS IN CONSTRUCTION These robots are typically used when a job is too challenging or time consuming for human workers to do it efficiently Fig 1.5 Demolition Robots Fig 1.6 Demolition Robot ™M Departn il Engineering, PEs ivamogga Page |7 ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION » ADVANTAGES * They are more powerful * They are ideal for tighter space * They address the health and safety concerns © Easy to operate > DISADVANTAGES * Operated only by experienced operators * Slow moment 1.3.4 AUTONOMOUS OR SELF-DRIVEN CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES Cars aren’t the only autonomous vehicle technology. Discover how driverless construction fleets, from dozers to dump trucks, offer many new benefits. Autonomous heavy equipment can help improve efficiency, productivity, and safety on jobsites. Even as more construction equipment becomes automated, the industry will still need skilled operators at the controls. These driverless vehicles deliver their loads more efficiently, minimizing delays and fuel use, and are controlled remotely by operators who exert more control over their environment and ensure greater operational safety. Another, smaller kind of autonomous or semi- autonomous construction vehicles are called rovers. They are able to follow workers around on the construction site carrying tools and materials. The autonomous vehicles operate by means of LiDAR sensors detecting obstacles in the surroundings, inertial measurement units (IMUs), and global positioning system (GPS) technology. This allows the vehicles to know their exact position on site, and typically a geofence prohibits the vehicles from operating off-site. The vehicles are often connected to other Department of Civil Engineering, PESITM ~ Shivamogga Page |8 ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION autonomous and non-autonomous vehicles on-site, allowing for coordinated actions. Fig 1.7 Human Controlled Mining Truck Fig 1.8 Self Driven Vehicles Department of Civil Engineering, PESITM — Shivamogga Pa ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION » ADVANTAGES * Improved safety as the operator is detached from the machine. + Improved labour productivity, as one operator can manage several machine * Autonomous construction vehicles can be tested within enclosed industrial settings. * Tight construction schedules enabled, as the machines can operate efficiently 24 hours a day > DISADVANTAGES * Potentially High initial investment * High maintenance cost * Requires skilled operator to operate the machine. 1.3.5 DRONE! Drones in construction industry allows contractors a chance to monitor any issue, track progress and development better plans on site by providing an unrivalled view of a site at a fraction of the cost, this has largely been related to various aspects of a construction project from deploying labour, material wastage, site inspection, and an overall return on investment Nowadays, security on construction sites is becoming a major concern to worry about lack of property security has given rise to increased thefts on construction sites, robotic drones programmed using artificial intelligence technology help to monitor construction sites for security purposes. It captures high resolution aerial footages and pictures of the construction site. Department of Civil Engineering, PESITM ~ Shivamogga Page 10 ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION Fig 1.9 Drones >» ADVANTAGES * Enabling better construction site monitoring * Document registry: Search tag and find equipment on site * Calculating length, width and elevation for roads and structures * Annotating images and maps for easier communication © Helps in transporting construction materials from one place to another. Ai Fig 2.0 Drones in Construction Site Engineering, PESITM ~ Shivamogga Pag ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION > DISADVANTAGES * Requires skilled drone operator © It can Couse some accidents in site: 1.4 ADVANTAGES OF ROBOTS IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY © Construction site safety: Implementing robots and automation on construction sites enables enhanced safety measures for the workforce. The robots can be controlled from a safer area, eliminating the need to physically access the unsafe location * Increased Efficiency: It results in greater work efficiency as the construction robots are designed and programmed for greater efficiency. * Enhanced Aceuracy: As compared to human labour, robots are highly accurate. The incorporation of robotics technology eliminates the probability of human errors, delivering highly accurate results. © Time and Cost Effi jency: As learnt, robots are faster and productive when compared to manual labour. It results in the completion of the task quick, eventually resulting in saving overall time and cost of the construction project. © Cost Effe: eness: There will be no lunch breaks, holidays, sick leave, or shift time allocated for robot's automation. It can be set to work on a repetitive cycle. Department of Civil Engineering, PE’ Page |12 ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION 1.5 DISADVANTAGES OF ROBOTS IN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY * High initial cost: Though robotics is cost-effective in the longer run, the equipment and machines do require a high investment initially. * Fear of Unemployment: There is a fear of unemployment among labours and robotics and automation has started replacing a notable amount of the workforce in the construction business, eliminating the manual process. * Maintenance: Robotics is after all a technology. At some interval, like every other technology, robotics requires maintenance to maintain its efficiency. It may sound easy but maintaining several robots can result in higher expenses. + Requires professional training: Robotics and automation is a vast subject, requiring professional training for implementing it in the industry. Adopting robotics for your project, you need to hire trained profes onals/operators. Department of Civil Engineering, PESITM — Shivamogga e113 ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION 1.6 SUMMARY The construction industry is a labour-intensive industry. Though the construction industry is not automated, the latest technology and advancement in the building construction industry such as Artificial Intelligence facilitates accuracy and quicker construction, saving time, money and other r sources, in the coming decade we will be able witness several different inventions in the field of construction automation and robotics that will completely revolutionize the architecture, engineering and construction business, as well robotics is very useful, although construction robotics and automation is highly beneficial to the construction industry, in terms of efficiency, cost-saving and time-saving. However, construction id to a robotic: t the manual workforce and not to replace them. So Ss that the efficiency, productivity and accuracy of the construction activities can be taken to a next level eventually making huge profits from the construction business. Department of Civil Engineering, PESITM ~ Shivamogga Page [M4 ROBOTICS IN CONSTRUCTION REFERENCES [1]. Kamel S Saidi and Alan M.Lytle, “Aimed to study on Robotics in Construction” Springer Handbook of Robotics, Vol.5, Number 4(2020), pp 1079-1099. [2]. Kalyani Sajanpawar and Shrishti Pachekar, “Aimed to study on Robotics and Automation in Construction Industry” International Research Journal of 2(2021), pp 104-109. ngineering and Technology, ISSN 2395-0056, Vol.8, Issue [3]. Juan Manuel Davila Delgado and Hakeen Owolabi, “Aimed to study on Robotics and Automated Systems in Construction” Journal of Building Engineering, Vol26, November (2019), 100868. [4]. Telmo Pereira and J. Norberto Pires, “Aimed to study on The Use of Robots in the Construction Industry” International Research Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, ISSN 2348-8367. Vol3, Issue 4(2014) Department of Civil Engineering, PE’ e [15

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