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Republic of the Philippines

Philippine Normal University

The National Center for Teacher Education
The Multicultural Education Hub
Prosperidad, Agusan Del Sur



Diendo, Kristah Myka E.

Detailed Lesson Plan in Music Grade 10

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

a. define and differentiate musical and musical play
b. watch and describe how the story in a musical play is presented in the video
c. appreciate musical play by watching a video excerpt

II. Subject matter: 20th and 21st Century MUSICAL and MUSICAL PLAYS
Materials: Laptop/computer, PowerPoint presentation, Speaker
Strategy: Lecture Method

III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Preliminaries
a. Prayer
Before we start our class, let us first have
a prayer through an audio-visual

Link: Lead Me Lord - Gary Valenciano (w/ lyrics) -

(Video presentation)
Good afternoon teacher!
b. Greetings
Good afternoon, class! We’re fine, teacher.
How are you this afternoon? Yes, teacher
It’s good to hear that!
So, can I expect your active and full
participation from your class?

Class, I will be you teacher for

this day. I am Teacher Myka.

None, Teacher
c. Checking of attendance
May I request the class secretary?
Is there anyone who was not able to join the
class today?

Wow! Very good.

2. Warm-up

Now, for your bodies to be prepared for

today’s activity, we will have a warm-up Yes, Teacher
exercise. I’m going to show you a video and
everybody should follow.

Are you all ready?

BANANA CHA-CHA by Momoland | Zumba |

KPop | TML Crew Jay Laurente - YouTube

Thank you for your participation class. I

hope this exercise really warmed-up your
bodies in today’s discussion.

3. Review
Now, to test your learning from the previous
discussion. I will ask you some questions
Yes, teacher
using a randomizer application. The
randomizer will identify who will be the one
to answer. The name that will appear on the
screen will answer the question.

Class, am I understood?

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation

Before we formally start our lesson, let us

first have an activity. This activity is called,
“Search and Move it!”
Yes, Teacher.

I have here letters in a box and all you have

to do is to search for the right word in
today’s discussion.
Everyone should participate in this activity.
Just please stand and encircle the word that
you have guess.
Am I understood?

2. Presentation of the lesson Listen teacher! Be participative!

IV. Based on the words that you have
encircle, our topic for today class is 20th
and 21st Century MUSICAL and

Yes, Teacher
a. Setting of standards

But before anything else, what should a

good student do if someone is talking?

Okay, a good student should

Listen carefully
Be participative
Okay? Can I expect that from you, class?

Very good!

3. Discussion Cycling race, teacher

(Present the lesson through a PowerPoint
presentation) The fitness components shown in the video is
cardiorespiratory endurance
It is stage, television or film production
utilizing popular style songs to either tell
a story or to showcase the talents of
writers and or performers, with dialogue

Musical Play
It is also called a musical comedy,
musical theatre, or musical. It I a form of
theatrical prformnc that combines songs,
spoken dialogu, acting and dance.

Evolution of Muical Plays

Ancient Times
Historians believe that musical theatre
began in ancient Greece about 2,500
years ago. The ancient Greeks staged
comedies and tragedies that included in
music and dance in open-air
amphitheatre. The dramas of ancient
Greece used dialogue, song, and dnce as
integrate storytelling tools.

To the Athenians, theatre was not merely

a place for entertainment, but a place to
honour the gods, so they dedicated their
theatre to the divine patron of agriculture,
theatre, win, and even joy itself-

Roman Empire
The ancient Romans were not above
borrowing good ideas, especially from

The Middle Ages

Traveling minstrels and roving troupes of
performers crisscrossed Europe, offering
popular songs and simple lapstick
comedy in exchange for coins, or for
food and lodging in the castles of wealthy

There were various types of music-

drama, each defined by specific content:
 Mystery plays were dramatizatins
of Bible stories.
 Miracleplays involved the lives
(true or fictional) of saints.
 Morality plays were illlustating
thee seven deadly sins.
 Folk plays involvef popular
myths, such as the legend of
Robin Hood.

Italian rediscovered ancient Greek drama
and, seeing the xtnsive use of choral
verswe, assumed that these plays were
originally all sung-through.

The music of Broadway was the popular
music of the western world.

Western Musical Play

Performances are combined with music
culminated in the integrated form of modern
musical theatre that combine songs, spoken
dialogue, acting and dance.

Some of Broadway and West End

Les Miserables
Miss Saigon
Beauty and the Beast

Any questions? Clarifications?

Great! I assume that you all understand our


4. Valuing
At this point in time, we will have
another game. This game is called
“Answer it”
The class will sing leron-leron sinta while
passing this mic to your classmate. Once
I say stop, the last person who holds the
mic will be the one to answer. Crystal?

Very good! Okay, let us now start.

What is Musical?

What is Musical Play?

Can you differentiate musical and

musical play?

Great! It seems that you really

understood our discussion.

C. Concluding Activities

1. Assessment
Now, to test your learning on today’s lesson, we are going to have an activity again. I
will divide the class in to three groups. The title of this activity is
We are going to watch the “Disney’s Alladin- A Musical Spectacular” and after that
you are going to describe how the story is presented through graphic organizer.
Group 1 will be the main characters
Group 2 will be the setting and
Group 3 will be the important events that happened in the play
Are we all set class? Crystal?

For your assignment, make a brief reflection on the musical play “Disney’s Alladin- A
Musical Spectacular” you just have watched. Write it on a one whole sheet of paper.
Are there any questions?
Goodbye class! I hope that you have learned something.

Thank you and God bless!

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