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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Category: M/M
Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV)
Relationship: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Character: Peter Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Sheriff Stilinski
Additional Tags: Trigger Warning!!!, Alternate Universe - Dark, Alpha Peter Hale,
Kidnapped Stiles, Stockholm Syndrome, OOC Sheriff, Bad Dad
Sheriff, dead!Scott, Dead!Jackson, Knotting, Oral Knotting, Wall Sex,
Abusive!Peter, Childhood Trauma, Post Hale Fire, Revenge
Series: Part 1 of Stockholm Would Have A Field Day With This...
Stats: Published: 2013-08-02 Words: 5860

Stiles Can Never Win...

by kestra_troi


So in this AU Stiles has been kidnapped and mated by Alpha-Peter. This is just one more
awful thing to happen to Stiles in a string of traumatic events: his best friend Scott died, his
mother died, his father blamed him for it, he’s bullied and beaten, he gets taken by a blood-
covered Peter who then makes Stiles watch him murder the Argents. All the
Argents...They then live in mated bliss in a cabin in the mountains somewhere, totally cut
off from the rest of the world.

Stiles learns to accept his new reality and the love of his violent captor/mate. (Stockholm
syndrome like nobody’s business...) And he often muses about his life up til and following
his abduction.


So this was inspired by a story called Clever Boy by TriggerTinks...It is all their fault,
except not. Its all me, I know this...I like seeing Stiles suffer, I like him getting knotted, and
I like him wanting babies...what can I say?

TRIGGER WARNINGS no joke...Abuse, mentions of rape (though Stiles reframes them

in his head to cope), mentions of bullying, and lose.
This work was inspiredClever
by Boy by abluemountainashtardis

When Is Enough, Enough?

Stiles found himself alone in the bedroom. Peter had just hit him, slapped him hard across the face
a few times. Stiles had been on the phone with his father. His dad kept saying that he was coming
for Stiles, that he was going to save Stiles, take Stiles away from Peter, lock Peter up, put Peter on
death row. Understandably Peter got upset. Peter knocked the phone out of Stiles’ hand and
began slapping Stiles, yelling at him for listening to his father, for not defending him well enough,
for wanting to go away, to leave Peter all alone.

Stiles felt the bruises across his face and looked at the phone on the floor. I deserved it…he
thought…I should have hung up the phone the instant Dad stated saying those things. I should’ve
listened to Peter…He was right…Dad is just trying to break us up…saying all those things…why
doesn’t he understand…Peter took me away because he loves me! He hits me because I deserve
it…I mess up a lot, I need guidance…I love him!…Why can’t Dad see that?

Stiles decided then and there that he wouldn’t talk to his father again. If he can’t accept my
boyfriend, then he doesn’t accept me…he says he isn’t giving up…that he’ll find me and take me
away from Peter…why does he have to say things like that? He knows Peter listens to our calls…
he knows how much Peter loves me…how much I love him…He knows how possessive Peter is…
why does he have to make Peter angry?...why is he trying to rescue me? I’m happy where I am…
here with Peter. Why doesn’t he understand that?!

After calming down Peter returned to their bedroom and caressed Stiles’ face gently examining the
bruises he had just put there. "I’m sorry, Stiles. I’m sorry I hit you. Please forgive me..."

"You know I do. You were angry…I understand…you didn’t mean it…its my Dad’s fault…"

"Its just I can’t live without you. I won’t. I can’t even bear the thought of not having you in my
life. You’re my everything, Stiles! I love you. If I hadn’t met you I would’ve never recovered
from the fire. Without you I would’ve never been strong enough to kill the ones who killed my
family. It was my love for you that got me through the pain. You’re love healed me. When I was
healed I had to have you…To take you away from all the pain in your life, all the loss…Why
doesn’t he understand? Why is he trying to take you away from me? Why does he make me hurt

Stiles winced at Peter’s touch, but didn’t flinch away from it, he’ll make it better soon, he always
does, once he’s calmed down… "I don’t know…I’ve told him over and over that I love you, that I
want to be with you, but he doesn’t understand…I don’t want him to take me away. I wanna stay
here with you! You love me better than he ever did! You take care of me. You don’t hate me…
you don’t blame me for things I didn’t do…" Stiles began to cry. His dad had upset him for the
last time. "I don’t want to talk to him anymore! I don’t want him in my life anymore!"

Peter moved in closer to his lover and took Stiles’ face in his hands. "Then you don’t have to. It’s
just me and you, Stiles. Always."

"Promise?" Stiles asked quietly as his tears ran down his face.

"Promise." The veins in Peter’s hands turned black and Stiles face ceased to swell or to hurt. He’s
so good to me…taking care of me like this…and Dad would take me away…take this away…?

Stiles was sixteen when Peter took him away. Away from Beacon Hills and his father and his
school and his old life. Away from the pain and the loss. He keeps me safe…he loves me…if it
hadn’t been for him, I wouldn’t be here alive today…he saved me…

Stiles had been beaten up at school for as long as he could remember. The other kids mistreated
him because he was gay. Bullied him, slammed him into lockers, pushed him, kicked him,
anything and everything. And no one did anything about it…until Peter…Peter helped me…he
promised to kill anyone who hurt me and he did…that’s why we had to leave Beacon Hills…Peter
killed for me…he loves me! He holds me when I hurt…takes my pain away…kisses me...tells me
how much he loves me…

Stiles had at first been afraid of Peter, afraid of the power in Peter, as a werewolf. When Peter
came to Stiles covered in Jackson’s blood, Stiles had tried to run away from him. I was frightened
is all…I know now Peter would never hurt me like that…but back then I was scared…before then
I had never actually witnessed the wolf-Peter…Stiles mind wandered down memory lane. I was
volunteering at the hospital like me and Scott always used to do while our moms worked…I had
sat down next to a burn victim who was almost beyond all hope of recovery…the doctors said it
was a miracle he was still alive…somehow still able to function…they couldn’t explain it…I sat
down and talked to him told him all my troubles…Peter didn’t speak then…couldn’t have…the
doctors said he was in a catatonia, and would probably never come out of it…they told me not to
waste my time talking to the guy…he couldn’t answer…he would never recover they said…they
were wrong…All those days I came in, week after week, month after month, interacting with him
talking with him, watching him slowly heal until he was more man than burns…

Stiles had heard the same story from Peter’s perspective countless times over the course of the
year: "You would sit down next to me and talk…and talk…I thought you were so pretty even
then. With your perfect pale skin, and your lips, and your eyes. So beautiful. I knew then you
would be mine. I knew I would kill all those people who hurt you. Made you feel unwanted. You
were meant for me Stiles, you made me whole again…gave me a purpose. You made me want to
get better…"

Stiles at first tried to fight Peter, he didn’t understand the depths of Peter’s strength or
determination. Peter not only killed Jackson, but he also killed the Argents, all of them, the entire
family. Peter took Stiles with him when he slaughtered them. They thought they could take him…
just one wolf…but Peter was smarter than them… stronger…he kissed me with their blood on his
lips…I pushed him away…tried to…but he knew better…he grabbed me and held me, kissed me
savagely…bit my lips until I bled too…until I gave in to him…that first time…that first of many
times…He bit me, scratched me, hurt me all over that night…he had to…I was so stubborn,
defiant…but Peter knew what I needed…and when he finally pushed inside…I let him, I stopped
fighting…why wouldn’t I?... he was so strong, so powerful, so handsome…and he wanted
me…He. Wanted. Me…no one else ever wanted me…

Stiles often thought about that night and when looking back he realized Peter loved him even then.
He had said so…"they were going to take me away from you Stiles…they kept trying to kill me…
to put me down, but I wouldn’t let them…you’ll never lose me Stiles…never…you lost your
mother, you lost Scott, you even lost your father, but you will never lose me…I love you Stiles…
I’m going to take care of you…from now on…"

Stiles had cried that night more from Peter’s words than from…what he was doing…to me, more
scared of the intensity and depths of his love than anything else. Looking back…he did the right
thing…I was so alone then…sad…unwanted…if he hadn’t taken me out of that life, all that pain…
I would’ve gone insane…Stiles smirked at the thought…insane…that’s what I called him that
night…that’s what I used to think of Peter when he first took me away…I was wrong…he’s not
insane…he’s suffered so much because of the fire and having to kill Laura and what the Argents
did to Derek…he was right to kill them…

Stiles looked up at his Peter, the man he loved, as Peter slowly entered him. Its been almost a year
since that first time…I can’t imagine him not in me…not in my life…Stiles raised up to kiss Peter
as his legs wrapped around him tighter. Peter pushed them back down as he bottomed out in his
boy and whispered in Stiles’ ear, "I will kill anyone who tries to take you from me Stiles…" Stiles
shuddered, shut his eyes because he knew Peter could do as he threatened, as he promises…He
knew Peter wasn’t lying as he continued, "Anyone, Stiles! Even your father…if he comes for
you…I’ll end him…rip him apart in front of you…make you watch…fuck you over his corpse…"

Stiles opened his eyes and wrapped his arms around Peter’s body bringing him closer, as close as
possible…I need him closer…Peter began biting Stiles’ neck, with his human teeth. They had both
agreed that Stiles needed to stay human. Stiles ran his hands through Peter’s recently cut hair. I
liked it better long...Stiles pulled at Peter’s hair wanting to see his face and after making the
bruises on Stiles’ neck darker red, Peter complied and raised his head to look at Stiles.

Stiles looked into Peter’s beautiful blue eyes, and as he gazed back into those eyes Stiles
whispered, "I love you Peter. I don’t want to leave…if he comes for me…I don’t need him…I
don’t want him…All I want is you Peter…You…Ooooh, Peter! Fuck! FUCK!"

Peter lost it listening to Stiles giving me permission to kill his own father, if I have to…God I
LOVE this boy…"My sweet Stiles…you are so beautiful…fuck! FUCK! FUUUCCKKK!!"

Peter fucked Stiles until Stiles came all over himself. Peter came soon after, knotting his boy. As
his load continued to pump inside Stiles, Peter collapsed on top of the boy who in response
tightened his limbs around his Peter pulling him as close as possible. He loves me…he loves me so
much he can’t not knot inside me…him deep inside me…forever…

"I love you Peter." Stiles whispered rubbing his mouth against Peter’s scalp. Peters kissed Stiles’
shoulder and Stiles could just barely make out what he said, "I love you Stiles."

Peter stayed inside Stiles as long as he could, knowing my boy likes me being inside him…
showing him my love… But Peter’s cock eventually deflated leaving Stiles’ hole, but Peter stayed
on top of Stiles, until Stiles begrudgingly unwrapped his legs and arms. Peter laid down next to
Stiles, and wrapped his arms around his boy who turned on his side so they could spoon. Tears
welled up in Stiles eyes and slid down his face.

"What’s wrong Stiles?"


"Stiles…" Peter used that tone of voice that sounded both like a command and a threat all at the
same time.

"I’m sorry I know I shouldn’t lie, I just don’t know…why…"

"Shhhhh…" Peter cooed. "Shhhhhh, Stiles, its alright. He was your father. Its right to grieve him."

"I don’t want to…He never loved me…I hated him…why should I care…?" They continued to
speak as if Peter had already killed Sheriff Stilinski.
"Despite everything, he was your father. No matter how much he may have hurt you emotionally.
Even though you know he shouldn’t be…doesn’t deserve to be in your life…there will be always
be that dream of what might have been..."

"He never loved me…even before my mom died…he never really loved me…he never wanted
me…" Peter had a momentary pause before reassuring his mate.

"I want you Stiles. I always will. You were made for me. So perfect, so beautiful…I promise…I
promise I won’t hit you anymore…I promise." Peter, kissing Stiles’ neck kept reaffirming his
promise to stop the abuse, but Stiles knew better. He’s been making that same promise for
months…he will hit me again…and I’ll deserve it…and he’ll take away the pain…and he’ll fuck
me…he’ll tell me he loves me...and we’ll start the whole thing over again… Stiles twisted his head
so he could kiss Peter on the lips, want his tongue…want to taste him…taste his promises… when
Stiles pulled away to rest his head on his pillow he said almost inaudibly, "I know Peter. I trust
you… I love you."

It had taken half a year of Peter’s constant abuse and love to break Stiles down: to get him to give
up on being rescued or then of Peter ending the abuse. Stiles had resolved himself to stay in the
beginning as he was scared of what Peter would do to get him back. I accepted Jackson’s death,
he was an ass, he hurt me…he didn’t deserve to die like that, but …Stiles stopped himself…And
no one else should die because of me…Stiles knew and Peter often told him that if anyone or
anything came between him and his mate, mate meaning me… then violence would be the
response. The only response he knows…Over time Stiles came to understand that he couldn’t
leave Peter but for entirely different reasons…he needs me…he’d fall apart without me…I keep
him together…if he hits me he won’t hit anyone else…won’t hurt anyone else…I’m like a hero…
just doing my part to help make the world a better place…

It was nearly six months into having no contact with anyone or anything except Peter, when Stiles
realized that he had really, and truly, and fully fallen in love with his captor/protector. In the past
Stiles had held a secret attraction to Peter ever since he saw the man recovering in the burn ward. I
mean he was burned and all that…but even then there was something about him…a glint in his
eyes…especially after…that Laura thing…Stiles hadn’t known Laura, but the idea that Peter could
kill his own niece was still upsetting, so he chose to not think of it. He did what he had to…he
wasn’t himself…that was all his wolf…instinct…Peter is different…Over their year alone together
Stiles had grown to appreciate Peter’s snark, his capacity to be loving and gentle when he wants to
be, his quietness, his stillness even after being totally healed for months, Peter still spends most of
his time sitting staring off into space…in his own head…

It was about this same time that Stiles admitted to himself how much Peter’s body excited him and
how much he had come to enjoy the sex. He doesn’t scare me anymore…he’s not as rough with
me anymore…once I stopped trying to push him away…its like he’s a completely different man…
though he still hurts me, beats me sometimes…but life is a trade off…Stiles pondered as he
washed some dishes by hand…better he loves me and hits me than for me to be alone…I always
hated being alone…and I always felt so alone…Stiles honestly loved Peter, and he knew Peter
truly loved him back. He wouldn’t take care of me the way he does if he didn’t…he keeps me
safe…there’s a lot of bad people out there in the world…I’ve met a number of them already…
lived with them even…being kept apart, away from them isn’t so bad…Peter had furnished a nice,
remote cabin out in the mountains somewhere… He refused to allow tv’s, or radios, or computers
in his house. He said, "All that stuff is garbage…We don’t need it in our lives…"

Stiles had at first balked at the lack of technology, the lack of contact with the outside world, but
he came to see that Peter was right. Its his house, its his rules…the Internet is great and all, but
having Peter is better…So Stiles spent his time cooking, cleaning, reading the books that he had
begged for and that Peter had bought him as presents, see another piece of evidence…he wouldn’t
buy me gifts if he didn’t love me…he knew I would love those books, so he bought them for me…

Most of the rest of his time not spent wrapped around Peter getting fucked, he spent with their
kids: the dogs. This was yet another clue to Peter’s true, good-guy nature. He’s always rescuing
abused and runaway dogs…if he was a bad guy he wouldn’t care…They had five dogs that lived
with them: Boyd, Scotty, Ricky, Koko, and Calli. There had been others, but most of those had
had to be put down, while one or two ran away, chose to rough it in the wild. Whenever they lost
a dog it was heart wrenching for Stiles because he thought of them as family…as kids…our kids…
I’ve never been a dog-person before, but a year alone with Peter and I can’t imagine not having a
dog or two around…and its not like were going to be having any kids ourselves…human ones
anyway…Peter never begrudged Stiles or blamed him for the lack of progeny, he apparently
doesn’t think anything is missing from our little family…

"Honestly Stiles I’ve never envisioned myself as the fathering type. Procreating has never been
my dream or my happily ever after." So the desire for children if Stiles was being completely
honest with himself was his own thing. I want kids…I wanna raise somebody…to take care of
someone…I wanna do it right…I wanna love them like I never was growing up…Stiles was
lonely. For almost an entire year he had had contact with only Peter and his own father, but by my
own choice… Stiles had even phased his father out of his life calling less and less, leaving a
gaping hole in Stiles’ social life. Social life? What social life?...I mean I don’t even get to do the
shopping! Whenever we run low on food and supplies Peter goes into town to take care of it…I
don’t even know what town he goes to when he leaves! So maybe Stiles hadn’t been broken all the
way. There was still a part of him that still wanted, still needed interaction. More interaction than
Stiles could get from Peter or the dogs. What I need is a friend, someone to talk to when Peter is in
one of his moods…when he refuses to talk. Period. Stiles stifled a whimper…I miss Scott…I miss
my Mom…I miss people…

Peter was sitting in his armchair, thinking, what about Stiles couldn’t fathom. Peter had left and
been gone for a week and a half and had just returned this particular morning. After washing their
breakfast dishes Stiles came up behind his mate and draped his arms around Peter’s shoulders.
Stiles nuzzled at Peter’s scalp unobtrusively sniffing and scenting his mate.

"Peter…" Stiles whispered in a questioning and simultaneously complaining whine. Where have
you been? Where did you go for weeks on end? Peter had not in fact been gone for weeks, but
since he was the only human Stiles was currently speaking to, anytime Peter was away, Stiles had
mini-panic attacks from his rather severe abandonment issues. He had gone a little stir crazy
staying inside the cabin, never venturing out. He had learned the hard way the get a broken face
way to respect Peter’s rules even when Peter wasn’t there to punish him for disobeying, he nearly
broke my bones when I tried to run away down the mountain…I had never seen him so angry…
even when he killed the Argents he hadn’t been that angry…Regardless Stiles had been feeling
lonesome and alone while his mate Peter had been away.

"You need me to fuck you…" It wasn’t a question. Stiles blushed at Peter’s bluntness and a little
at his own brazenness…he knows me so well…

"I miss that. You hardly blush anymore. It makes you so pretty." Peter commented as he finally
exhaled and relaxed into Stiles’ arms. Stiles nuzzled his way down to Peter’s lips and when Peter
turned his head the two shared a kiss. A sweet, loving kiss that cemented in Stiles’ mind the truth
of their love.

"I missed you." Stiles indicated when he could pull himself off his mate’s lips, I was alone… but
he didn’t dare try to guilt his mate quite so directly. "You were gone soooo long."

"Couldn’t be avoided. Sit here in my lap I want to hold you."

"What am I? A two year old?" Stiles quipped before he could stop himself. He froze for a moment
scared of how Peter might react to his flippant remark. Sometimes he seems to enjoy my
sassiness…other times he hits me for it…This turned out to be one of the times when Peter actually
seemed to appreciate Stiles’ sass as he chuckled in the back of his throat and pulled his mate down
over his shoulder and onto his lap. Stiles went somewhat willingly I’m not that bothered by the
whole lap thing, least not as much as the him-being-gone thing… Stiles placed his head on Peter’s
and they clasped hands while they both adjusted to their new sitting arrangement.

"I need to scent you Stiles. I’ve been gone too long. I’m sorry."

Always speaking before thinking Stiles asked, "Sorry for being gone or for the scenting, cause
honestly you do smell gross." But despite his assertion Stiles still rubbed his face against Peter’s.
Peter chuckled, in his throat again, I’ve missed that as well…he’s been too subdued lately…he
needs someone else about the place to keep his wit sharp… Peter took over the nuzzling, his nose
eventually making its way down to Stiles’ throat, which Stiles immediately bared. Peter dived onto
that neck and began sucking on Stiles’ skin with gusto. The last marks I left are nearly faded,
gone…we can’t have that… Peter flashed back to a moment earlier in the year, when he came
home from grocery shopping to find Stiles masturbating while fingering the hickies Peter had left
on him. He needs me…even when I’m not here, he needs me to get off…

Stiles shuddered, "Peter…" Peter made a sound in his throat that seemed to imply his
understanding of Stiles unspoken need.

"Make’em deeper if you’re going to leave again." Stiles requested, half hoping Peter did anyway
just so I can get off later…

"I’m not going to leave. Again."


"Promise." Stiles believed his mate and Peter began to undress Stiles. "I need to touch more of
your skin…all of your’re perfect fair skin…" When Peter’s reaching fingers touched
skin a spark went through both men. They both needed this, and they knew it. A memory flew
into Stiles’ mind unbidden, he could hear his dad’s voice in his head: codependent…that’s what
my Dad said once…"you two are codependent… you two need to get away from each other"…
that cost me a few good bruises…though not as bad as when he mentioned Stockholm
syndrome…the bastard…he knew what was gonna happen to me…he liked the idea of me getting
hit…what could a guy like that know about love?...I love Peter and Peter loves me…

Back in the moment Stiles raised his arms so Peter could remove the shirt he was wearing. Stiles
then reached for his belt, but Peter stopped him. "No. Let me." Stiles stopped and withdrew his
hands. Peter slowly too slowly unbuckled the belt and drew it bit by bit through the pant loops
without even stopping his love-biting.

"Don’t get any ideas, Peter. You are not spanking me with that belt again…please." He added
quickly. Peter stopped his sucking. "Don’t push me Stiles. I like the idea of you squirming for an
entire day unable to sit, your ass is so sensitive…" Peter licked at the hickie he sucked on Stiles’
neck, Stiles spasmed, "…Or I could bite your ass and make you jerk off fingering the marks I
leave in you, you would like that wouldn’t you Stiles…" Again not a question, but that didn’t
really matter as Stiles was already hard in his pants. Bruises on my ass I can handle…it’s the ones
to the face I cant take…
Stiles whimpered as Peter palmed Stiles through his pants. Pushing buttons like he does, or used to
before he submitted to Peter, Stiles asked coyly. "Will you spank me Daddy?" Peter pulled up a

"How many times have I told you not to call me that? Do I need to whip your ass to get you to

Stiles cooed, "Ooooh Daddy yes please…" Stiles went on using his schoolgirl voice as he nuzzled
Peter, "…please mark me up Daddy…I need you to spank me…teach me a lesson…Ahh!" Peter
bit down on Stiles’ bottom lip and then latched onto Stiles’ entire mouth, nipping as they kissed.

"When I tell you to stop…" Peter commanded as he kept kissing his mate, "…you will stop."

"Yes, Daddy."

"Stiles!" Peter was up on his feet in a flash as his claws came out and ripped Stiles’ pants. He
grabbed Stiles’ arms and brought him to his feet so they were standing red eyes to brown eyes.
"What did I just say?"

Stiles took a breath before answering, knowing that he hadn’t yet quite pushed Peter to the hitting
point, "Not to call you Daddy anymore. But…"

"No buts, Stiles!"

Stiles paused a minute before taking the easiest road, "Not even my butt?" Peter’s hard glare
turned into a questioning glance full of confusion. Stiles continued, "I have a surprise for you…


"I need you to touch my ass, Daddy, feel me up…"

"Stiles why?"

"Please, Daddy-Peter?" Stiles pouted as he laid his head on Peters shoulder. "Please touch my ass
like only you can…" Peter still somewhat annoyed with his mate, obliged. He reached a hand
down to his mate’s firm yet supple ass and found his surprise. Stiles has lubed himself up…when
did he do that…? Peter who had been half hard this whole time was now totally hard, painfully
hard considering the tight pants he was wearing.

He groaned. "All wet for me Stiles?" Peter decided to play along just this once…as he tried to
adjust the hard-on in his pants. "Such a good boy you are for your Daddy-Peter, aren’t you?"

"Yes sir, I wanted to be ready for you…"

"How did you even know I’d be home today?" Peter asked forgetting the role-playing for a
moment. I didn’t even know.

"Just a feeling…" Stiles responded in kind, also laying aside the sex game, "…I just knew you
would be home today…I don’t know how…but, so when I woke up I made sure to get myself
ready for you…" But then he returned, "…Daddy-Peter."

Peter was in his head celebrating, a year…its taken a year, but he is finally feeling our mating
bond…he’s no longer fighting it…he really is mine…he really is being a good boy… Peter fiercely
grabbed and kissed his mate. Forcing his mouth and tongue onto and into his boy until both men
were moaning messes humping against each other.
As he pulled away to gasp for air Stiles begged, "Peter! Please!" Stiles’ ass was literally itching to
be filled. As Peter rushed to get his constraining clothes off, still macking on his mate, Stiles
continued, "Peter! I need you inside me! Please!"

Peter couldn’t stand not being inside his mate any longer and literally ripped off all his clothes, and
pushed Stiles front first into the nearest wall. With his hard leaking cock he humped his mate from
behind, his cock sliding between Stiles’ ass cheeks. "This what you want, baby?" Peter was
fighting back against his wolf, his fangs and claws just waiting to be released, Peter was losing the
battle as his fangs descended while he spoke, "This what you need? Me inside you…giving you
my cum?"

Peter wrapped his arms around Stiles’ arms and shoulders to pin the boy down, as his cock rested
at Stiles’ entrance. Stiles whimpered as he dug his nails into Peter’s biceps, "Please…give me your
cum Peter! Give me your babies! PLEASE!" They didn’t need hands, Stiles merely impaled
himself on Peter’s cock and Peter thrusted the rest of the way in.

Stiles lolled his head back and rested it on Peter’s shoulder as he moaned at being fucked full.
"FUCK!" he kept repeating mindlessly, as Peter pushed them up against the wall. Peter’s thrusts
were savage, as he lost control and wildly fucked his mate. But he needed more leverage, a better
angle. "Feet. Off. The. Ground. Stiles!" Peter barked out between thrusts.

Stiles complied, wrapping his legs backwards around Peter’s waist. All that stretching and yoga
finally paying off!!! Stiles thought as this new angle caused Peter to keep hitting that spot!! inside
Stiles. "There! THERE!! FUCK ME!!!"

Peter couldn’t do anything else. His wolf demanded his release and demanded to breed his mate.
An animal of lust Peter bit down on Stiles’ shoulder and fucked away. Stiles cried at the pain, and
it was enough to distract him from the burn of Peter’s knot pushing inside him. This was Stiles
favorite part. "Yeah! Knot me Peter! FUCK! Fucking KNOT ME! GIVE ME YOUR BABIES
PETER! FUCK!! GIVE THEM TO ME!!" Peter howled his release as his cock pumped out his
load into Stiles. Stiles squirmed and clenched loving the feeling of Peter inside him, the feeling of
Peter’s knot pressing against his prostate.

Though he could no longer thrust Peter kept swiveling his hips, making Stiles almost scream in
pleasure. "GOD! YES!! PETER!! FUUUCK!! FUUUUCK!!" Stiles’ nails were digging so hard
into Peter that Peter was actually bleeding a little. I just need…a little more…

So that’s what Peter gave him. "Cum for me baby. Cum for your Daddy-Peter." He whispered in
Stiles’ ear and swiveled one more time at just the right moment at just the right angle with the just
right amount of pressure to make Stiles cum hard unloading on the wall and floor in front of him.

When Stiles’ frantic, orgasmic clenching died down, and with his knot still inside Stiles, Peter
gently kneeled on the floor. The shifting causing Peter’s knot to move slightly, and tug a little,
making Stiles groan. Then Peter fell to his back, bringing them into a riding position with Stiles’
feet flat on the floor. This caused Stiles to yell from the knot being moved around. "PETER!" He

"Shhhh…" Peter shushed. "Lay down on me Stiles. Lie back." When Stiles obeyed Peter added,
"There’s a good boy. My good boy." Peter ran his hands over Stiles’ body focusing special
attention on Stiles’ nips and slightly swollen belly. Peter continued to coo into Stiles’ ear, "When
my knot goes down and my hard cock is still inside you, we’re going again. This time you are
going to ride me, the whole way…we are going to take our time with this one…make you earn
my knot…Would you like that Stiles? Get your belly even more full of my cum? Get you fat with
Stiles shivered and clamped down on Peter’s still hard cock, though his knot was ever-so-slowly
deflating. Stiles raised himself up and placed his hands on Peter’s sweaty chest. He undulated
once, riding his mate’s cock. He answered quietly, "Yes Peter. That’s what I want."

Peter and Stiles fucked a couple more times, ending with Peter knotting Stiles orally. It wasn’t one
of Stiles’ favorite things to do, so they always waited until the end to do it. That and Stiles was
usually so tired by that point he stopped resisting and also Peter was usually tired too, which
meant his knot wouldn’t last too long. Least not long enough to kill me…I hope… But Peter loved
knotting Stiles orally. I like seeing Stiles on his back, mouth open, lips stretched around me…
seeing him swallow and swallow as I pump a nice load down his throat and into his swelling
stomach…Which was another reason they waited until the end to do this. Peter had usually cum at
least three or four times, which meant he couldn’t drown Stiles with his cum, a fact Stiles

When Peter had shot his last load and they had finished their fuckings for the time being… they
laid in bed and spooned. Stiles had put a butt plug in his ass and Peter kept his arms around Stiles,
caressing his mate’s slightly more than slightly bulging belly. They dozed for awhile in this
position, with Peter healing his mate to keep away the achy feelings, until Peter started, "Time to
get up. Take the plug out and do your business. Its time for lunch."

"Just a little bit longer…" Stiles whined. But Peter’s good mood had apparently vanished. His
hand clawed out and Peter stabbed into Stiles’ meaty ass. "No, now!"

Stiles yelped and quickly agreed, recognizing his mate’s shifted mood. That was short…Stiles
thought as he limped to the bathroom, his ass bleeding slightly and soon to be leaking. I guess he
really doesn’t like to cuddle…funny…I guess…and Stiles tried to laugh, but no laughter came, not
even a giggle. He suppressed his feelings of anger and frustration at his mate for rudely, painfully
ending their morning sex session with violence. Tame as it may have been…he still hurts me to
get what he wants…I’ve stopped fighting back and he still hurts me…when will enough be
enough…? How much more submissive do I have to get? ...When will I, will we be enough?...

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