English-TO-2021 - 2022 - Google Forms

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3/2/22, 7:52 AM English-Try Out-2021/2022

English-Try Out-2021/2022
Subject : English Day/Date : Thursday, 24 February 2022

Grade : 6 (six) Time : 90 minutes (09.45-11.15)


1. Pray before doing your test.

2. Complete your identity on the form given.

3. Answer easier questions first.

4. Check your answers again before submit it.

5. Click Submit after answering all questions.

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* Required

1. Email *

2. Student's Number *

3. Name *

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4. Class *

Mark only one oval.

6 Makkah

6 Madinah

6 Arafah

6 Mina

6 Jeddah

6 Muzdalifah

I. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

5. 1. You dig holes with it. This is a .... * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. coin

B. spade

C. hole

D. hook

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6. 2. Pirates wear … to cover an eye. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. mask

B. scarf

C. eye-patch

D. wooden leg

7. 3. You can also fly in a microlight, which uses a … to the generate energy it 1 point
needs to fly. *

Mark only one oval.

A. solar panel

B. gasoline

C. motor

D. wind

8. 4. … is what a special fast type of train travels on. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. wind turbine

B. surfboard

C. monorail

D. cable car

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9. 5. Look at the picture carefully. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. pyramid

B. sphinx

C. tomb

D. chariot

10. 6. I wanted to watch the ... because the people who do that can pick up such 1 point

heavy things! But we couldn’t get tickets to that, either. *

Mark only one oval.

A. hurdles

B. weightlifting

C. wrestling

D. boxing

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11. 7. They wanted to get a new table for Grandpa so they went to the .... * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. chemist’s

B. grocer’s

C. carpenter’s

D. baker’s

12. 8. ... is what astronauts travel in when they are in space. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. Launch pad

B. Space capsule

C. Crater

D. Control panel

13. 9. The correct statement based on the picture is .... * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. This is a drill. We can use it to make a hole.

B. This is a paintbrush. You hold it in your hand when you're painting your room.

C. This is a saw. You use it to cut wood.

D. This is a hammer. You use it to put nails in the wall.

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14. 10. ... in the capsule can be difficult. You need a lot of practice! * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. Eat

B. To eating

C. Eating

D. To eat

15. 11. Look at the picture and complete the sentence. * 1 point

He brings ... books. They're so heavy!

Mark only one oval.

A. a lot of

B. much

C. a few

D. a little

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16. 12. We … food. We need to buy sandwiches because we’re still hungry. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. have many

B. have enough

C. have much

D. don’t have enough

17. 13. Choose the correct statement based on the text. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. In the future, we won't travel on electric monorails.

B. Children won’t use computer at school.

C. People will work less and they will have more free time.

D. People won't do more sport.

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18. 14. Put the words in order: transportation / use / future / will / the / electricity / 1 point
in / the / future *

Mark only one oval.

A. The transportation will in the future use electricity

B. The transportation will electricity use in the future

C. The transportation use will electricity in the future

D. The transportation will use electricity in the future

For questions number 15-16 read the text carefully.

These igloos are fantastic. How were they made?
The blocks of snow were made into a spiral shape and the spiral (15) ... higher and higher. The men made that little
tunnel as an entrance and then the last few blocks were moved into the igloo through the entrance and they were
lifted up to form the roof. Finally, the spaces between the blocks (16) ... with snow.

19. 15. The correct verb to complete the sentence is …. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. built

B. build

C. was built

D. was building

20. 16. The correct verb to complete the sentence is …. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. were filled

B. was filled

C. were cut

D. was cut

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21. 17. On Saturday morning, they … for London. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. is leaving

B. are leaving

C. is sitting

D. are sitting

22. 18. On Monday she … her grandma in Newcastle. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. visit

B. visiting

C. are visiting

D. is visiting

23. 19. Put the words in order: how / have / your / old / had / blue / you / bike / long 1 point

/? *

Mark only one oval.

A. How long have you had your old blue bike?

B. How long have you your old blue bike had?

C. How long you have had your old blue bike?

D. How long have you had bike your old blue?

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24. 20. The correct sentence based on the picture is .... * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. There won't be cities on the moon.

B. There will be cities on the moon.

C. There won't be cities under the sea.

D. There will be cities under the sea.

25. 21. I've been friends with Mia for two years. We often email each other. 1 point
Sometimes we talk about interesting films or our favourite novels. But I
haven't had an email from Mia ... the holidays. *

Mark only one oval.

A. to

B. from

C. since

D. for

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26. 22. ... you ever ... horse? Yes, I have. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. Have - ridden

B. Has - ridden

C. Have - rode

D. Has - rode

27. 23. Have you … studied Greek? No, I haven’t. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. have

B. has

C. ever

D. never

28. 24. We … finish our project tonight. Our teacher wants it tomorrow. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. mustn't

B. shouldn't

C. need to

D. don't need to

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For questions number 25-26 read the adverts carefully.

29. 25. What do you need to bring for the walking safari? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. rope, torch, gloves, and helmet

B. rope, torch, walking boots, and binoculars.

C. hat, binoculars, gloves, and helmet

D. hat, water bottle, walking boots, and binoculars.

30. 26. Where is the location of the cave trip? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. in Brazil

B. in Mexico

C. in South Africa

D. in Australia

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For questions number 27-28 complete the dialogue.

31. 27. The correct phrase to complete the sentence is …. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. could play

B. could watch

C. could go

D. could learn

32. 28. The correct phrase to complete the sentence is …. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. could run

B. could show

C. could see

D. could buy

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33. 29. The correct sentence based on the picture is .... * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

A. Climbing trees is hard.

B. Skateborading is exciting.

C. Cutting the trees is hard.

D. Reading books under the trees is fun.

34. 30. ... has always been part of our family tradition. My parents taught us from 1 point
an early age the value of taking vacations at least once a year. Though they
wished we could go for many trips annually, we were not well off financially
and my parents had to work creatively with the little they had, sometimes
saving the whole year for a single trip. *

Mark only one oval.

A. Reading

B. Watching

C. Travelling

D. Gardening

II. Answer these following questions correctly.

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35. 31. Complete the sentences with for or since. * 2 points

36. 32. Complete the sentences with have / has. * 2 points

37. 33. Complete the sentence with quantifier: a lot of / a few / a little. * 2 points

38. 34. Look at the pictures carefully. What sports are they? * 2 points

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39. 35. Look at the pictures carefully. * 2 points

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