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A Stiffness M a t r i x for the Analysis of

Thin Plates in Bending

Boeing Airplane Company

Summary ganizing t h e solution in matrix form with t h e use of

difference relations. These solutions have been applied
A stiffness matrix is developed for an isotropic rectangular
plate panel of uniform thickness for application to the analysis of primarily in t h e preliminary design area because of t h e
thin plates of variable thickness in bending. The convergence unknown limitations imposed b y t h e basic assumptions
characteristics of this matrix are demonstrated on simple problems and t h e difficulties associated with applying these solu-
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with known exact, analog, and experimental solutions. The tions to practical wings.
usefulness of the matrix in the determination of the elastic
characteristics of thin, low aspect-ratio wings is exhibited. Employing Rayleigh-Ritz methods, Duffin, Gustaf-
son, and Warner 3 obtained fair results in predicting t h e
modes and frequencies of constant-thickness plates of
Symbols various sweeps and aspect ratios. Extending these
a = length of sides of rectangle parallel to x axis, in, solutions b y t h e use of up to 14 parameters, Lubkin
aij = influence coefficients and Luke 5 obtained good results for 45-degree right
Ai = constants triangular plates despite problems occasioned b y poorly
b = length of sides of rectangle parallel to y axis,
conditioned matrices. T h e basic n a t u r e of t h e poor
D = flexural rigidity = Eh3/12(l - v2), Ib-in. conditioning of matrices when a large number of power
E = Young's modulus, lbs./sq. in. series terms are taken, and the difficulty of choosing
FZi = force in z direction at node i, lbs. suitable functions to m a t c h boundary conditions for
h = plate thickness, in. boundaries of irregular shape, m a k e t h e Rayleigh-Ritz
I = bending moment of inertia, in. 4
solution in this form unattractive for t h e solution of
kij = stiffness coefficient, lbs.
practical problems.
Mei = bending moment in 6 direction at node i,
in.-lb. Benscoter and MacNeal 1 presented the solution of
n = matrix order the plate equations in the form of first-order difference
N = matrix condition number relations which they used for the design of suitable
U = strain energy analog circuits. F u n g 4 broadened the difference a t t a c k
w = displacement
2 2 2
in z direction, in.
2 2 by first casting the plate equations in the form of two
WXx> Wyy, Wzy = b w/dx , d w/dy , d w/dxc>y, respectively
x, y, z = coordinate axes stress functions which permitted inclusion of variable
V = Poisson's ratio thickness and mixed boundary conditions, and yielded
X = eigenvalue of matrix moments directly. Williams 15 suggested forming the
<p = angular rotation about x axes stiffness matrix directly from finite difference equations
e = angular rotation about y axes of the fourth-order partial differential equation with
<T = stress, psi
variable coefficients, and considered the use of a digital
computer. In general, these methods require special
Introduction care in imposing boundary conditions correctly and are
not directly addressed to the solution of practical prob-
T H E SIMILARITY between t h e elastic characteristics
of plates and of low aspect-ratio wings has in-
creased t h e importance of being able to analyze thin
lems, in t h a t no cognizance is taken of local complexities
in t h e distribution or discontinuity of elastic char-
plates of variable thickness in bending. Solutions of acteristics.
t h e plate equations have been a t t e m p t e d b y imposing T h e direct formation of the stiffness matrix from
constraints on t h e streamwise deformations, b y using component stiffness matrices 1 4 is a method suited to
Rayleigh-Ritz methods, and b y directly attacking t h e the irregular geometry and boundary conditions found
differential equations b y finite difference schemes. in the practical structure. In this method t h e struc-
Reissner and Stein 10 constrained deformations to ture is regarded as an assemblage of parts. Each p a r t
linear expressions in t h e streamwise coordinate and is assigned a stiffness matrix relating forces and dis-
recast t h e plate equations in t h e form of two ordinary placements a t its terminals, which are called nodes.
differential equations for simultaneous solution. Later T h e stiffness matrix for the complete, connected struc-
Stein and Sanders 1 1 extended this formulation to include ture is obtained b y addition of the component stiffness
parabolic deflections in t h e streamwise direction, or- matrices. A given column of the matrix consists of a
Received April 13, 1959. Revised and received November
list of the forces a t each of the nodes for unit displace-
23,1959. m e n t of a given node in t h e direction of one of the coor-
* Research Engineer, Aerospace Division. dinate axes. Where two or more members have a
capability of t h e skin. T h e loss of shear-carrying
capability can be approximated b y multiplying t h e
torsional stiffness matrix b y one half before combining
it with t h e bending terms, since a shear flow analysis
would a t t r i b u t e half of t h e rigidity to t h e spars a n d half
to t h e skin panels.
T h e reader might suggest t h a t stiffness matrices other
t h a n t h a t presented here could be derived for t h e plate.
A matrix giving exactly t h e results obtained b y a finite
F I G . 1. Coordinate system.
difference representation of t h e fourth-order differen-
tial equation (with t h e use of t h e coordinates chosen
here) has been derived. In addition, matrices based
common node, forces are simply added. Boundary on t h e terms of a third-order polynomial in x a n d y de-
conditions and loading are expressed in terms of node scribing t h e displacement over t h e panel have been
displacements and loads. The inverse of the stiffness derived. While a n y one of these matrices is as valid as
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matrix is the matrix of influence coefficients. another, t h e matrix chosen for use will be t h e one t h a t
This paper will present a stiffness matrix for thin demonstrates t h e best accuracy for a given network
refinement. I n all three problems used in this paper
plates bending under lateral forces and edge couples,
to compare these matrices (problems on three plates of
suitable for use in the analysis of the elastic character-
uniform thickness) t h e matrix derived here gave t h e
istics of plates of variable thickness. Problems show-
best results.
ing the accuracy of solutions obtained with the use of
the matrix and relatively coarse nodal networks are T h e reader might suggest also t h e virtues of a matrix
included. The application to a typical wing problem associated with a triangular panel. Assaults on this
is illustrated. problem utilizing t h e third-order polynomial have
demonstrated t h a t when four triangles are used to form
a rectangular panel, t h e accuracy of t h e solution of t h e
Development of the Stiffness Matrix problem is much less t h a n t h a t obtained with t h e rec-
for Plate Bending tangular panel stiffness matrix developed in this paper.
T h e results of making u p a right-triangle stiffness
Since a stiffness matrix involving both moments matrix b y eliminating t h e fourth node in a rectangle
and forces is desired, the angles of rotation $ and 6 have been equally disappointing.
about the % and y axes, respectively, and the lateral
In deriving t h e plate stiffness matrix, t h e bending
displacement at each node will be chosen as the coordi-
curvatures will be obtained b y assuming t h e displace-
nates. Thus, identifying the stiffness with a rectangu-
ments along t h e edges of t h e panel as third-order
lar panel (Fig. 1), we see that a 12 X 12 matrix is re- polynomials. T h e bending coupling will be obtained
quired. This matrix will be developed by adding stiff- b y integrating t h e products of these cubics over a
ness matrices corresponding to each term of the bend- q u a d r a n t of t h e plate a n d t h e torsion term will be based
ing energy expression. on simple torsion of t h e rectangular cell. T h u s t h e
The expression of the bending strain energy for a displacement along line 1-2 (Fig. 1) is w r i t t e n :
plate of uniform flexural rigidity and isotropic material
is w = Azx* + A2x2 + Aix + .4 0 ]
wx = 6 = 3A&2 + 2A2x + Al > (2)
2 2 wxx = 2{ZA^x + A2) )
U = — ff [U'XX + Wyy + 2vWXXWyy +
T h e four constants of t h e displacement expression, Aif
2(1 - v) wxy2] dA (1)
can be evaluated b y requiring t h a t this function give
where D is t h e flexural rigidity, v is Poisson's ratio, t h e displacements a n d slopes of nodes 1 a n d 2 a t x = 0
the subscripts denote differentiation, i.e., wxx = and x = a. Then, in matrix form, t h e expression for
d2w/dx2, a n d w is t h e displacement function. the c u r v a t u r e becomes:
T h e four terms of t h e energy expression (1) m a y be
defined b y analogy with an elementary beam as t h e x (0i )
bending stiffness, t h e y bending stiffness, t h e bending
coupling, a n d t h e torsional stiffness, respectively. If
the x axis is along t h e chord and t h e y axis along t h e
span, scalars m a y be applied to t h e first a n d second wx2 can be obtained by multiplying (3) by its trans-
terms to approximate t h e effects on elastic response, of pose. The total strain energy contributed by wxx2
varying t h e amounts of chordwise a n d spanwise can be found by integrating the result over x between
bending material. Similarly, wing cut-out effects zero and a and multiplying by b/2, assuming that the
can be approximated. Normally, when cutouts are wxx2 term varies linearly with y. Then, invoking
made, additional bending material is placed in t h e spars Castigliano's relation, (d/dd)U = Fu differentiation
and ribs to replace t h e lost normal stress-carrying yields:

Db/a? 2a Sym. h to EI. This is evident if Eq. (11a) of reference 14 (page

3 6/a J Wl 811) is transformed so t h a t angular rotation and vertical
a 3 2a 02 displacement become the deformation parameters.
- 3 -6/a - 3 6/a_ \ W2 This identity makes it convenient to approximate shear
deformation effects in t h e plate analysis if they are
I t is of interest to note t h a t (4) constitutes an ele- desired.
m e n t a r y beam stiffness matrix, neglecting shear de- A matrix similar to (4) can be written in terms of the
formations, for a beam of width b/2, with Db/2 equal angular rotations and vertical displacements of nodes
3 and 4, and b y combining t h e two matrices one can get

M9l Db/a* 2a
K 3 6/a Symmet ric
Md2 a 3 2a 02
3 -6/a -3 6/a w2
0 0 0 0 2a (5)
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F« 0 0 0 3 6/a w3
MdA 0 0 0 0 a 3 2a
{ F2i J 0 0 0 0 -3 -6/a -3 6/aJ
If functions of the form of (2) are selected in the y direction as well, t h e y bending stiffness matrix can be written from
(5) immediately from symmetry and takes the form:

Da/V- 2b [ 01
3 6/b Symmetric W\
0 0 2b <j>2
0 0 3 6/b \ U>2
b 3 0 0 2b 03
3 -6/b 0 0 -3 6/b Wz
0 0 b 3 0 0 2b 04
0 0 -3 -6/b 0 0 -3 6/b_ W
, ± ,
To obtain the bending coupling energy, the transpose of wxx is multiplied b y wyy, integrated, and differentiated as
before. A product can be taken at each node, integration performed over a q u a d r a n t of the plate, and t h e sum of
the four products used to represent t h e coupling energy. For example, choosing wxx along 1-2 and wyy along 1-3 gives

D 2D,
- WxxWyy = —T [01 Wl 02W2\ X
2 ab
9xy 6x 6y \ /18xy 9x 12y 6\ /9xy 3x
ab a b / \ ab2 ab b2 b) \ ab a b ) \ab2 ab b2 Dl
lSxy 12x 9y 6\ /36xy 18% 18y 9\ /lSxy 6x 9y 3\
a2b a2 ab a) \ a2b2 a2b ab2 ab) V a2b a 2
ab a)
/ 36xy 18x 18y 9^
\ a2b2 a2b ab2 abj i Wi

9xy 6x 3y \ /lSxy 9x 6y 3\ /9xy 3x 3y \ / 18xy 9x 6y
) \ ab2 b2 ~b +
ab a b ab b) \ ab a ) \ "ob2 + ab + b2 ~
lSxy 12x 9y 6\ / 36xy 18x lSy 1 18xy 6x 9y 3\
a2b a2 ab a) \ a2b2 a2b ab2 ab) \ a2b a2 ab a)
/36xy 18x lSy 9N
\ a2b2 a2b ab2 ab/ > _

Integrating (7) from x 0 to a/2 and from y = 0 to b/2 yields

25 30/6 5 -30/6
vD 30/a 36/ab 6/a - 36/ab \Wi\
[01 Wi 02 W2\ (8)
L6 5 6/b 1 -6/b
-39/a - 36/ab 6/a 36/ab_ [Wo

Then, differentiating (8) with respect to each of the displacement coordinates and equating the result to the differ-
ential of t h e potential energy gives
A S T I F F N E S S M A T R I X 37

MBi vD/16 0 Symmetric 01

25 0
Fzl 30/6 30/a 72/ab 01
0 5 6/b 0 (9)
Fz2 0 -30/a - 36/ab 0 0 d2
5 0 6/a 1 -6/'a 0 w2
Fzi -30/6 0 -36/ab -6/b 36/ab 0 0 W3 j
Repeating these operations a t t h e three other nodes a n d adding together t h e matrices of t h e form (9) results in a form
of t h e bending coupling stiffness m a t r i x :

( vD/16
MBi 0
M<j>x 25 0 Symmetric
Fzi 30/6 3 0 / a 72/ab
M62 0 5 6/b 0
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M<j>2 -5 0 -30/a -25 0

FZ2 -6/b -30/a -72/ab - 3 0 / 6 330/a
MS* 0 -5 -30/6 0 1 6/b 0
5 0 6/a 1 0 -6/a --25 0
F* - 30/6 - 6/a - 72/ab - 6/b 6/a 72/ab 30/6 -30/a 72/a6
Md, 0 -1 -6/6 0 5 30/6 0 -5 6/6 0
-1 0 -6/a - 5 0 6/a 5 0 30/a 25
Fz, |_ 6/6 6/a 72/a6 30/ 6/a -72/a6 - -6/6 30/a--72/a6 -30

Considering t h e simple torsion of cell a-b, t h e curva-

t u r e can be defined a s : different nodal refinements to evaluate t h e accuracy
of t h e answers. Before applying E q . (13) to some
problems, convergence criteria will be considered.
J W2\
wxy = - [ 1 , •1, - 1 , 1 J (ii) Convergence could be evaluated b y obtaining a sta-
tistical value of t h e percentage changes in elements of
either t h e stiffness or influence matrices as t h e network
By premultiplication, integration over ab, a n d differen- is refined. Since t h e influence matrix is generally n o t
tiation, t h e stiffness form can be found as very sensitive to changes in elements of t h e stiffness
matrix a n d since t h e loads are usually t h e independent
FA 2(1-- v)D/ab 1 Sym. Wi variables, t h e statistical percentage would logically be
FJ •1 1 based on t h e influence matrix. If t h e influence matrix
•1 1 1 is to be calculated anyway, t h e N condition n u m b e r
1 - 1 - 1 1 introduced b y Turing 1 3 can conveniently b e found.
This n u m b e r is approximately proportional to t h e ratio
Expressions (5), (6), and (10) and (12) define all t h e of t h e m a x i m u m to minimum eigenvalues of t h e matrix.
components of t h e energy expression (1). Summing N o t only is it a useful n u m b e r for evaluating con-
these relations one finds t h e stiffness matrix for a thin vergence, b u t it is a measure of t h e susceptibility of t h e
rectangular plate. matrix to round-off errors in inversion. T h e N condi-
W i t h t h e change of displacement coordinates a n d tion n u m b e r is defined as
moment normalizing indicated in E q . (13) (see page
38), t h e elements of t h e matrix become nondimensional / J a ij / j R> ^
N (14)
quantities. T h e reader m a y also observe t h a t a given n I'-3
column of t h e matrix defines a set of forces which satisfy
the three equilibrium equations. where t h e atj are elements of t h e influence matrix,
This stiffness matrix is closely related t o t h e evalu- t h e kij are elements of t h e stiffness matrix, and n is t h e
ation of stiffness b y Levy's torque t u b e a n d b e a m matrix order. High N condition numbers are asso-
analogy. 17 Here, however, t h e Poisson ratio coupling ciated with poorly conditioned matrices. Matrices
has been retained, a n d a single matrix includes b o t h conditioned best h a v e N numbers of 1.0. Turing
bending and torsion. indicates t h a t typical values of N are of t h e order nl/2,
where n is t h e matrix order. T o m a k e valid compari-
sons of N condition numbers of solutions based on dif-
Convergence Criteria
ferent nodal refinements, it is evident t h a t matrices
When t h e exact solution t o a problem is unknown, it m u s t be of t h e same order and m u s t apply to t h e same
is usually necessary to compare solutions based on nodes.
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D = v = Poisson'.B P a t i o Down
12(1 - v2)

V o
23a to

-1 6P~2+6P2 a = v/16 >

3P +30Poc 3P+30P a ;72aXp SYMMETRIC
P = 2(l-v) w
MQ^/b 1 3a 3P~ 1 +6Pa 2 92b
P = a/b
-3a -30P"1a -25a
1 6F"2+6P2
-3P_1-6Pa -30P"1a -6p" 2 -72a--3 - 3 P - - 3C?a 3P+30P~ a
; *2
) = D/ab o
> (13)
MGVb 0 -3a -30PB 0 a 6Bx M
6 b w
M|) / a 3a 1 ' 3P+6P'* 1 a a 0 -6P~1a -23a 2
^-1 -1 2
u6 P + 6 P ~
2 >
-30Pa -3P-6P~ a 1
-6P2-72a-3 -6Pa 6P'1a 72a+B 3P +30Pa -3P-3OP a ;72a+p

^Vfc C -a -6Pa C 3c 30Pa 1 -3a 3P" 1 +6Pa 2 ©,b

4 >
H^/E —a 0 —6P """C -3a 1 3P+6P~1a 3a 0 30P~1a 25a 2
2 -2
6Pa 6P~~a 72a+f3 30Pa -3P-6P~1a -6P-72rx-3 -3P"" 1 -6Pa 30P_1a -6P-72a-P -3P~ 1 -30Po -3P-30P1a 6

Rectangular plates Bending K matrix

A S T I F F N E S S M A T R I X 39

1 2 TABLE 1
"T" In
m n
Poisson's ratio Coefficient of D/a2F Percentage error
3 4
ii 0.0
0.2 0.01225 5.603
0.3 0.01213 4.578
0.4 0.01202 3.612
F I G . 2. Simple plate problem. 0.5 0.01191 2.698

Matrix Convergence Characteristics tion symmetries, only one q u a d r a n t need be considered

in the solution. For the choice of the network of Fig. 2b
Eq. (13) will yield the exact result only for a problem
and t h e panel 1-2-3-4, t h e boundary conditions, loading
with a network t h a t is sufficiently refined, and the
conditions, and s y m m e t r y conditions are
measure of t h e usefulness of (13) is the refinement of
t h e nodal network required to obtain a given degree of
B.C.: 0i = 0i = Wi = 62 = 03 = w2 = ws 0
accuracy. T o demonstrate these characteristics, three
L.C.: M93 = Md2 = 0
problems on plates of uniform flexural rigidity will be
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S.C.: 6>4 = 0 4 = 0, Fz, = F/4:

considered first; exact solutions are known for two of
these, and for the third experimental and analog solu- T h e zero displacement conditions are imposed b y de-
tions are available. leting the corresponding columns of the stiffness matrix.
As t h e first problem, consider the square plate of Since t h e corresponding rows are expressions of t h e
Fig. 2a. This plate is of uniform thickness and has reactions in terms of t h e remaining three displacement
continuous simple supports on all four edges and a single coordinates and are not of interest in this problem, they
concentrated load at t h e center. Because of deforma- will be discarded. Then, since b/a is equal to one,
(14) becomes:

' M4>i
c 0 D <j)2a\

a 16a 2 Sym.
[M0a 0} = 32 (15)

F, L(-48 - 6 v) ( - 4 8 - 6 v) (224 + 40 v) Wi

T h e solution of these equations for w gives:

matrix obtained b y adding terms from t h e stiffness
(32 + IO Fa2 (16)
W\ = matrices for panels I, I I , I I I , and IV. T h e repetitive
32(16 - v)(5 + v) D
use of these simple operations—row and column dele-
Of course, in a practical problem, t h e numerical value tion, row and column reduction, and stiffness summa-
of Poisson's ratio will be known. T h e form (16) has tion—make this method readily adaptable to automatic
been obtained to show t h e effect on t h e solution of digital manipulation. Table 2 gives t h e solutions of
varying Poisson's ratio. Timoshenko gives t h e exact this problem for successively finer networks, compared
solution of this problem (page 158, reference 12) as with t h e exact answers, t h e eigenvalue ratios, and t h e
0.01 lQ0(a2/D). T h u s it would be hoped t h a t the choice A7 condition numbers. In obtaining these results
of Poisson's ratio would have little effect on t h e stiff- Poisson's ratio was taken as 1/3. Variations in
ness solution other t h a n its effect on D. Table 1 gives Poisson's ratio were found to have negligible effect on
the variation of the solution of Eq. (16) with t h e choice the solution obtained b y use of the finest network, as
of Poisson's ratio for this coarse network. was expected. For simplicity, t h e condition numbers
I t can be seen t h a t t h e error varies inversely with were identified with reduced matrices of order two.
Poisson's ratio approximately linearly, over a narrow As a second problem, consider a plate with the same
range. In forming t h e stiffness matrix for finer nodal geometry as t h a t of t h e first problem b u t with fixed
networks, stiffnesses are added as indicated in t h e edges. Timoshenko provides t h e exact solution in
introduction. T h u s for t h e breakdown shown in Fig. reference 12, page 2 3 1 : 0.00560(a 2 /D). T h e solutions
2c, t h e force required a t node 4 to obtain unit vertical obtained with t h e stiffness matrix are shown in Table 3.
deflection at 4 while no other nodes are permitted to T h e reader can observe the large error resulting from
rotate or deflect is an element of the overall stiffness the use of t h e 2 X 2 network. Even without t h e exact

Network Coefficient of D/a Error Percentage error A ir N condition no.
2X2 0.012093 0.000493 4.250 .— —
4X4 0.011881 0.000281 2.422 18.866 9.459
8X8 0.011703 0.000103 0.889 16.523 8.292
12 X 12 0.011654 0.000054 0.469 16.421 8.239


Network Coefficient of D/a2 Error Percentage error A A7 condition no.

2 X2 0.004213 0.001387 -24.759
4 X4 0.005738 0.000138 2.461 10.748 5.420
8 X8 0.005687 0.000087 1.552 8.899 4.506
12 X 12 0.005655 0.000055 0.978 8.805 4.460

answer available, the large difference between the

coefficients of t h e 2 X 2 and 4 X 4 breakdowns indi-
cates t h e inadequacy of t h e coarser network. This
problem also illustrates t h a t convergence to the final
solution is not always monotonic, as it was in the first
problem. In b o t h problems excellent answers are
obtained with coarse networks.
As the third problem, consider the square plate of
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uniform thickness shown in Fig. 3. This cantilevered

plate was tested experimentally b y Dalley. 2 MacNeal 6
presented the solution of this problem obtained from
an analog computer analysis. T o compare solutions,
the network t h a t M a c N e a l used (shown in Fig. 3) was
utilized in obtaining a stiffness solution. Fig. 3 shows
a comparison between the test, analog computer, and
stiffness solutions for deflection under a unit load at the
lower right-hand corner. A comparison of t h e fre-
quencies of t h e n a t u r a l modes is given in Table 4.
Accuracy in t h e prediction of modes higher t h a n t h e
second is not to be expected, since only nine stations
-EXPERIMENTAL are represented in t h e matrix iteration for modes.
D_ Table 4 shows t h a t t h e stiffness results are generally
better t h a n analog solutions obtained with the same
-ANALOG structural refinement.
FIG. 3. Cantilevered plate problem
Plates of Variable Thickness
A limited number of exact solutions for plates of
0. OF SYM.
variable thickness are known. T h e exact solution for
the circular plate whose thickness varies as a function
of the radial distance has been found. 12 Olsson 2 ob-
tained an exact solution for a rectangular plate of
linearly varying thickness in t h e form of exponential
integrals. Reissner's paper 9 presents a simpler deriva-
tion of Olsson's results. F u n g 4 has presented relaxation
,@ solutions for several simple problems, including one
of swept planform.
To demonstrate t h e accuracy of stiffness matrix
solutions of variable thickness plate problems, Olsson's
problem as particularized in Fig. 4 will be considered.
Again t h e square plate is simply supported on all four
IL= HZ. edges, b u t its flexural rigidity varies linearly with the
. SECTIONS© a/6 = a / 2 3 SECTIONS ( O a/6 = a/2
y coordinate from D0 a t the upper edge to 8D0 a t the
lower edge. T h e distributed loading imposed on the
FIG. 4. Olsson's problem.
plate varies in the same way as the flexural rigidity.
T h e networks shown in Fig. 4 were used in obtaining
stiffness solutions. For the flexural rigidity of a panel,
t h e average of t h e rigidities at t h e four corners of t h e
TABLE 4 panel was used. T h e exact and stiffness solutions foi
Solution First mode Second mode displacements and moments along the centerline are
Experimental 0.547 1.359 listed in Table 5.
Stiffness 0.526 1.200 In t h e solutions I the external work was defined by
Analog 0.501 1.126
assuming t h e deformation shapes to be linear between
A S T I F F N E S S M A T R I X 41


Deflection, (p Moment, d Moment,

Node Solution TrbDo/4q0aA 7r 3 /4 3 oa 2 — 7T 3 /4gofl 2

1 Exact 0.1996 0.837 0.563

36 Plate I 0.1891 0.678 0.452
36 Plate II 0.1966 0.718 0.468
72 Plate I 0.1938 0.790 0.499
72 Plate II 0.1964 0.799 0.502
% Error 72-11 -1.6 -4.5 -10.8
2 Exact 0.3106 1.265 1.212
36 Plate I 0.2949 1.131 1.013
36 Plate II 0.3048 1.169 1.039
72 Plate I 0.3003 1.219 1.091
72 Plate II 0.3043 1.233 1.099
% Error 72-11 -2.0 -2.5 -9.3
3 Exact 0.3264 1.483 1.673
36 Plate I 0.3141 1.338 1.414
36 Plate II 0.3239 1.363 1.445
72 Plate I 0.3191 1.425 1.516
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72 Plate II 0.3234 1.442 1.526 5.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00

% Error 72-11 -0.9 -2.8 -8.8 THICKNESS OF ALL RIBS AND SPARS • 14 in.
4 Exact 0.2724 1.500 1.748 COVER SKIN THICKNESS = .16 in.
36 Plate I 0.2597 1.333 1.451 F I G . 5. D e l t a , Biconvex w i n g .
36 Plate I I 0.2681 1.374 1.491
72 Plate I 0.2639 1.437 1.562
72 Plate I I 0.2676 1.455 1.573
% Error 72-11 -1.8 -3.0 -10.
5 Exact 0.1653 1.139 1.291
36 Plate I 0.1474 0.964 0.993
36 Plate II 0.1526 1.015 1.015
72 Plate I 0.1502 1.086 1.076
72 Plate I I 0.1525 1.103 1.083
% Error 72-11 -7.7 -3.2 -16.1

stations, whereas in the solutions I I parabolic shapes

between stations were assumed. I t can be seen t h a t
t h e refined evaluation of t h e virtual work had little
effect on the accuracy of the solutions.
T h e moments in t h e plate were calculated in accord-
ance with t h e expressions

MX = ~D(WXX + VWyy) Mv — D(Wyy + VWXX)


T o obtain t h e curvatures, t h e approximate equation

w>xxi = (wo ~ 2wi + w 2 )/(Ax) 2 (17b)

was used. This equation is more convenient t h a n one F I G . 6. Coarse nodal network.
of t h e form of Eq. (3), since in t h e present problem t h e
slope terms were not retained in t h e final matrix, in
order to reduce the numerical work involved in obtain-
ing a solution.

Typical Wing Problem

As an example of the usefulness of the plate bending
stiffness matrix, its application to a typical low aspect-
ratio wing problem will be given. T h e structural
geometry of this wing is shown in Fig. 5. A plastic
model of this wing was tested b y Zender 16 and t h e ex-
perimental results were compared with an analog solu-
tion performed by MacNeal. 7 In this case t h e analog
circuits were designed so t h a t t h e wing was treated as a.
collection of spars, ribs, and skin elements r a t h e r than
as an equivalent plate.
T h e wing is biconvex in cross section with a thickness
ratio varying from 6 to 10 per cent. I t is assumed to
be simply supported along the face of the body. E a c h
member of t h e orthogonal set of spars and ribs is rec- FIG. 7. Fine nodal network.


Node w* 17 Plates w{ 57 Plates Wi Exp w% Anal. Node a Exp. a Anal. o- 57 Plate

Load at Node 8
9 0.2958 0.3049 0.28 0.2863 a 0.75 0.780 0.54
8 0.2897 0.3001 0.30 0.2901 b 1.65 1.650 1.673
7 0.1631 0.1670 0.150 0.1574 c 1.50 1.500 1.554
6 0.1547 0.1574 0.15 0.1498 d 0.85 0.800 0.703
5 0.1316 0.1313 0.130 0.1268 e 0.05 0.150 0.077
4 0.0633 0.063? 0.06 0.0596
3 0.0596 0.0603 0.06 0.0574
2 0.0505 0.0499 0.05 0.0478
1 0.0393 0.0373 0.04 0.0354
Load at Node 9
9 0.3879 0.4099 0.39 0.3983 a 1.06 1.096 0.874
8 0.2958 0.3049 0.28 0.2863 b 1.80 1.792 1.860
7 0.2095 0.2169 0.22 0.2098 c 1.44 1.404 1.398
6 0.1646 0.1681 0.16 0.1571 d 0.69 0.671 0.549
5 0.1207 0.1202 0.12 0.1142 e 0.06 0.087 0.061
4 0.0800 0.0813 0.08 0.0795
Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY on September 12, 2013 | | DOI: 10.2514/8.8850

3 0.0645 0.0655 0.07 0.0614

2 0.0479 0.0474 0.05 0.0443
1 0.0339 0.0326 0.03 0.0301

tangular in cross section and the skin thickness is uni- of experimental and plate and analog solutions is given
form over the entire planform. T h e depths given in in Table 6. I t should be noted t h a t a full matrix of
Fig. 5 are the total wing depths, measured from lower influence coefficients was not obtained in t h e test. T h e
to upper outer skin faces. comparison represents t h e major p a r t of t h e test d a t a
To analyze this wing as a plate, the equivalent plate available. T h e excellence of the results is evident.
was first obtained b y computing the fiexural rigidity Since the plate equivalence solution neglects shear de-
a t every node of the network. For simplicity, the formations, the effect of shear m u s t be small in this
rigidity of a given plate panel was taken as the average problem.
rigidity of the four corner nodes of the panel. T h e
wing-plate rigidity correspondence was taken as
D = EI/{1 - P2)
(1) T h e stiffness matrix presented has been shown to
Because the spars and ribs constituted only a b o u t exhibit excellent convergence characteristics in t h e
three per cent of the bending material of the wing, the solutions of problems involving plates of uniform
inspar network was included b y augmenting the plate thickness.
rigidity by a fixed three per cent. In wing problems (2) T h e success with which this stiffness matrix has
where large spars and ribs are present, these can easily been applied to the analysis of a plate of variable thick-
be included by using spar and rib bending stiffness ness confirms its usefulness in this class of problems.
matrices (see reference 14). T h e use of these matrices (3) T h e direct generalization of this matrix to ortho-
is not restricted to orthogonal spar and ribs. A t the lead- tropic panels is justified on the basis of this study.
ing edge, flexural rigidities of the triangular panels were (4) T h e accuracy with which the elastic behavior of
taken as the average of the rigidities of the three nodes a thin, low aspect-ratio wing was predicted b y t h e
on t h e wing. Along the support line, wt and </>^ were equivalent plate solution verifies the latter as a pre-
required to vanish. A matrix for symmetrical loading liminary design approach.
a b o u t the airplane centerline was obtained b y requiring
t h a t the 0* vanish along this line. T h e solutions ob-
tained permitted vertical loads only. M o m e n t s across
the support line were calculated by the use of Eqs. (17). Benscoter, S. U., and MacNeal, R. H., Equivalent Plate
Solutions were obtained with the use of t h e nodal Theory for a Straight Multicell Wing, C.I.T., NACA T N 2786,
September, 1952.
networks shown in Figs. 6 and 7. In calculating the 2
Dalley, J. W., Experimental Values of Deflection, Stresses,
moments in the finer network, use was m a d e of t h e and Influence Coefficients for a Thin Square Plate Fixed Along
deflections a t stations closer to the support line t h a n One Edge, University of Texas, Defense Research Laboratory
t h e nodes in the coarser grid. Rept. 189, November, 1948.
T h e reader m a y note two other differences between Duffin, R. J., Gustafson, P. N., and Warner, W. H., Natural
Vibrations of Cantilevered Triangular Plates, Carnegie Inst.
t h e solution of this problem and those of the previous
Tech., September, 1952.
simple problems. In the coarsest-node network a 4
Fung, Y. C , Bending of Thin Elastic Plates of Variable Thick-
stiffness matrix for a rectangular plate panel was used ness, Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 20, No. 7, pp.
in conjunction with one for a square panel. In addi- 455-468,July, 1953.
tion, t h e finer network in t h e present problem implies Lubkin, J. L., and Luke, Y. L., Modes and Frequencies of
Wings of Triangular Planform, WADC T R 56-335, June, 1956.
a mathematical refinement in the nodal network and a
refinement in t h e structural description. A comparison (Continued on page 64)

Rubesin, M. W., and Inouye, M., A Theoretical Study of the Journal of the Aero/Space Sciences, Vol. 26, No. 8, pp. 508-514,.
Effect of Upstream Transpiration-Cooling on the Heat-Transfer August, 1959.
and Skin-Friction Characteristics of a Compressible, Laminar Ferri, A., A Review of Some Recent Developments in Hyper-
Boundary Layer, NACA T N 3969, May, 1957. sonic Flow, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, WADC T N 58-230,.
9 AD 155 822, (PIBAL Report No. 426), September, 1958.
Ferri, A., and Bloom, M. H., Cooling by Jets Directed Up-
stream in Hypersonic Flow, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, Lees, L., Convective Heat Transfer with Mass Addition and'
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Memorandum 42, May 1, 1958. Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn and its Application to Problems
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pp. 288-291; Academic Press, 1959. T N 57-369, AD 130 809, (PIBAL Report No. 392), August, 1957.
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Cohen, C. B., and Reshotko, E., Similar Solutions for the Hypersonic Flow Speeds, Jet Propulsion, Vol. 26, No. 4, April,,
Compressible Laminar Boundary Layer with Heat Transfer and 1956.
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Kramer, R. F., and Lieberstein, H. M., Numerical Solution of Heat Transfer in Dissociated Air, Journal of the Aeronautical
the Boundary-Layer Equations without Similarity Assumptions, Sciences, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 73-85, February, 1958.

A Stiffn ess M a t r i x ( Continued from page 42)

6 13
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Electrical Analogies, J. Appl. Mech., pp. 59-67, March, 1951. Quart. J. Mech. and Phys., September, 1948.
7 14
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Delta Wings on Col-Tech Analog Computer, NACA T N 3114, L. J., Stiffness and Deflection Analysis of Complex Structures,
December, 1953. Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 23, No. 9, pp. 805-823,
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licher Biegungsste'ffgkeit, Ingenieur-Archiv, Vol. 5, p. 363, 1934. Williams, D., A General Method {Depending on the Aid of a
Reissner, M. E., Remark on the Theory of Bending of Plates Digital Computer) for Deriving the Structural Influence Coefficients
of Variable Thickness, J. Math, and Phys., Vol. 16, 1937. of Aeroplane Wings, RAE Rept. Structures 168, November, 1954.
10 16
Reissner, E., and Stein, M., Torsion and Transverse Bending Zender, G. W., Comparison of Theoretical Stresses and Deflec-
of Cantilever Plates, NACA T R 2369, June, 1951. tions of Multicell Wings with Experimental Results Obtained from
Stein, M., and Sanders, L., A Method for Deflection Analysis Plastic Models, NACA T N 3813, November, 1956.
of Thin Low-Aspect-Ratio Wings, NACA T N 3640, June, 1956. Levy, S., Structural Analysis and Influence Coefficients for
Timoshenko, S., Theory of Plates and Shells, McGraw-Hill Delta Wings, Journal of the Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 20, No.
Book Company, Inc., New York, 1940. 7, pp. 449-454, July, 1953.


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