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Marcie Sebastian


COMM 4010

Propaganda Assignment

Part I.

The 7 Propaganda Devices are:

a. Name-calling- it gives an idea a bad label, allowing the audience to reject or

condemn an idea without existing evidence.

i. Ex. Accusing someone of stealing. I chose this because people believe

someone’s word over the other person who was said to do the action.

b. Glittering generalities- associates something with a “virtue word” that is used to

make the audience accept and approve something without examining the


i. Ex. Tradition or Honor are few examples. This is because it stirs up

positive feelings.

c. Transfer- Works through a process of association, with the communicator’s goal

being to link an idea, product, or cause with something people admire.

i. Ex. An ad with a famous person on it. The product would be bought even

more rather than an ordinary person talking about the product.

d. Testimonial- Has a respected or hated person say that a given idea, program,

product, or person is good or bad.

i. Ex. Dr. Phil show. I chose this because on his show he puts testimonies of

people and their problems to set a scene.

e. Plain folks- The speaker attempts to convince his/her audience that he/she and

his/her behavior is good because they are the product of a “good, ordinary person”

i. Ex. A family that sits together eating a certain brand of food (like

spaghetti). It just shows how this is what a normal family would do at an

ordinary home.

f. Card stacking- applies the selection of arguments or evidence that supports a

position and ignoring those that do not; it involves the use of falsehoods,

illustrations, distractions, and both logical and illogical statements.

i. Ex. Hair products like Pantene. I chose this because it shows only the

good but what it has ingredient wise is bad.

g. Bandwagon- attempts to convince the audience that all members of a group to

which the audience belongs are accepting the program, and therefore the audience

should “jump on the bandwagon”

i. Ex. A football team that’s winning the season. I chose this because not

everyone is a fan until the success happens.

Part II.

Propaganda Campaign: Get into the REAL world with REAL ID

I decided to choose this because not only is the Real ID necessary in the upcoming years

but also it will catch people’s eyes into getting one. The types of propaganda are testimonial and

bandwagon. I think when someone has it and tells the benefits of having/needing one, it will

persuade people to getting there own as well. I chose bandwagon as well because it kind of ties

in with testimonial because there will be other people that will have this. Society works in many

ways but with bandwagon and testimonial put in play, it won’t be hard to persuade people in

getting their Real ID. I decided to choose this name because it catches people’s eyes when

bolded or capitalized and it would be a good catch phrase.

The ways I will be promoting this will be through social media and newspaper article.

Social media will be more for the younger audience that seems to not care much about real life

things but if posted on social media, it will catch their eye. Attached will be a nice flyer that will

have information on it as well as a link attached on how to get a Real ID. With the newspaper, I

will type up all the information that is required for people to know, the places to get the real ID,

the benefits, the importance of it, and how it will affect them years to come in a positive way.

Overall, I think this propaganda will be successful because not only will it be for both

parties (young adults and older adults) but the intent and eye-catching name will give them

reason to review this. A lot of people will be influenced because of the testimonies done and the

bandwagon that will be created. For it to be successful though, it must be carried out with

various people not just a few people.

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