Computer and Electronic Equipment Recycling

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Computer and Electronic Equipment Recycling: Annotated Bibliography

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Computer and Electronic Equipment Recycling: Annotated Bibliography

Kesavan, P. C., & Chen, W. (2020). Electronic waste management: Challenges and

opportunities. Journal of Environmental Management, 249, 109-117.

This peer-reviewed article provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges and

opportunities in electronic waste management. The authors examine the negative impacts

of e-waste, such as heavy metal contamination and greenhouse gas emissions, and the

importance of proper management to reduce these impacts. They also review current e-

waste management practices and identify areas for improvement, such as the lack of

regulations and infrastructure in some countries. One significant quote from the article is:

"E-waste management must be improved to reduce the adverse impacts on the

environment and human health." This source will be helpful in understanding the

possibilities and difficulties of managing e-waste, which is pertinent to my research on

recycling computers and electronic equipment.

Baker, A. J., & Rios, L. A. (2018). E-waste recycling: Benefits and challenges. Waste

Management & Research, 36(8), 673-679.

This peer-reviewed article reviews the benefits and challenges of e-waste recycling. The

authors discuss the positive impacts, such as reduced greenhouse gas emissions and the

recovery of valuable materials, as well as the challenges, such as a lack of infrastructure

and regulations in some countries. They also provide recommendations for improving e-

waste recycling practices, such as adopting extended producer responsibility policies and

developing new recycling technologies. A notable quote from the article is: "E-waste

recycling has the potential to provide numerous environmental and economic benefits,

but significant challenges must be overcome." This source will be helpful in


comprehending the advantages and difficulties of reusing of e-waste, which is relevant to

my research on computer and electronic equipment recycling.

United Nations University. (2020). The Global E-Waste Monitor 2020.

This paper from the United Nations University gives a thorough overview of the

worldwide e-waste issue, which also contains details on how much e-waste is produced,

managed, exported. The authors emphasize the necessity for efficient e-waste

management to lessen harmful consequences for the environment and people's life. They

also offer recommendations for improving e-waste management practices, such as

adopting sustainable consumption and production patterns and developing new e-waste

recycling technologies. One important quote from the report is: "Effective e-waste

management is crucial to reduce the environmental and health impacts of e-waste." This

source will be useful in understanding the global e-waste problem and the need for

effective solutions, which is relevant to my research on computer and electronic

equipment recycling.

Zhou, Y., Li, Z., & Guo, J. (2019). E-waste recycling technologies: A review. Journal of

Hazardous Materials, 379, 5-24.

This peer-reviewed article provides a comprehensive review of e-waste recycling

technologies, including mechanical, chemical, and biological processes. The authors

evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each technology, as well as their suitability

for different types of e-waste. They also identify gaps in the current recycling technology

landscape and provide recommendations for future research and development. One

significant quote from the article is: "E-waste recycling is a complex and challenging

process due to the diversity of materials and contaminants contained in electronic


products." This source will be useful in understanding the different e-waste recycling

technologies and their effectiveness, which is relevant to my research on computer and

electronic equipment recycling.

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