Summary 2TH Week

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Class B


 First Speaker : Venna Syifa (Individual language learners differences)
 There are some factors which impact the language learner differences including
environment that affect in learning language. Moreover there are variables that make the
difference such as cognitive, affective and personality.
 First one is about intelligence, based on Genesse intelligence has no relationship with
communication skills but has relationship with academic language skills. Intelligence focus
intelligence quotion. The higher your IQ, the higher achievement we can get. For examples,
JK Rowling who master more than six languages.
 The second is language aptitude, which is capability of learning task and to learn general
ability. There is a test for aptitude namely MLAT (The Modern Language Aptitude Test)
 MLAT has four majors ability namely Phonetic, grammatical sensitivity, inductive
learning ability and rote learning ability
 Affective can be integrative motivation and instrumental motivation
 Attitude towards success, teacher and your own country
 The success of language learning is not only because the environment but also it has
many factors such as intelligence, aptitude, motivation and attitude.

 Second Speaker : DIAN SETIAWATI (Good language learners and what they do)
Good language learners are independent learner and creative, without guidance. They like to
practice, those who are not afraid to make mistakes. They always think creatively. There are
seven hypotheses of good language leaners from Rubin (1975) :
1. Attends to meaning
2. Monitor their own words
3. Practices
4. Prepared to attend to form
5. Not afraid in making mistakes
6. Learn from communication
7. A willing and accurate guesser
Good Language learners from Hammer (2007):
1. Willingness to listen
2. A willingnesst to experiment, they will be involved in activities
3. A willingness to ask questions
4. A willingness to think about how they learn
5. A willingness to accept correction
There is students who good learners, but she end her learning process in lowest achievement.
How it can happen? There are several other factors named personality variables besides previous
factors, Johnson(2001) :

1. Extroversion they like to make communication and introversion

2. Emphaty/age permeability and sencitivity to rejection
3. Tolerance of ambiguity
4. Cognitive style and field dependence/independence

 Learning style and good language learner

Good language learners are able to identify and they are flexible. Learning strategies and good
language learners have specific actions. By Lujan and DiCarlo (2005, p.13) cited in
Khodabakhshzadeh et al (2017) learning styles are visual, aural and kinesthetic. Learning style
according to Wood (2000), visual learners, sequential learners, kinesthetic learners, auditory
learners and global learners.
There are direct and indirect strategies :
 Direct strategies : Memory strategies, cognitive strategies and compensation strategies
 Indirect strategies : metacognitive, affective and social strategies

 Third Speaker : Melita Sari Purba (Learning Style and Good Language Learners)
Learning style is the way in which each learner begin to concentrate on process, absorb and
retain new and difficult information (Dunn and Dunn, 1992). Elements of learning style :
psychological, emotional, environmental and sociological. Learning style based on Willing
(1987) :
 Converger, nature solitary
 Conformist
 Concrete learners
 Communicative learner
Willing (1988), good variables language learners are better able to manage contextual than
poorer language learners. There are some implication for the teaching/learning situation :
 Instructional planning and presentation
 Teaching and learning environment construction
 Assessment
 The interaction of learning style and teaching style
The condition of our environment like sound, light, temperature, classroom design will also
impact or teaching learning process. There are some factors including motional preferences,
motivation, persistence, responsibity. Preferences : sociological preferences ( private, pair, team)
and physicological preferences; perceptual (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) , intake, time, mobility.

 Fourth Speaker : Irma Bahtiar ( Stragies and good language learners)

Language learning strategies according Carol (2008) is activities consciously chosen by learners
for the purpose of regulating their own language learning. Based on Oxford (1990) there are six
essential features in language learning strategies :
1. Strategies means both physical and mental behavior
2. Learning strategies must be at least partially conscious
3. Strategies are chosen by learners
4. Strategic behavior is driven by purpose
5. Strategies to regulate or control learner’s learning
6. Learning can use their skills as learning strategies
The journey of strategies. There are many researchers stating strategies of learning, there are two
kind of strategies, direct and direct. Teacher and students centered are included. It is proven that
good language learners are who use more frequent strategies.

 Fifth Speaker : Ilham Agung Prasetya ( Character Education in English Language)

 Character education is based on Damon (2002) an individual set of psychological
characteristics that affect that person’s ability and inclination to function morally.
 Values in curriculum : environmental care, love to read, religiosity, pacifism, honesty,
friendly/communicative, tolerance, respect for the attachment, responsibility, social care,
independent, democratic, curiosity, hand work and national spirit.
 Who responsible for character education : families, school environment, communities and
 School roles : Students and good characters to be human, school needs character education
and we need school is to build a moral society
Seven crucial issues in character education :
 What is relationship between character n value
 What is the nature
 What are the goal
 What are the psychological component of character
 What is the content of character
 What is comprehensive approach to character development
 How can school of education prepare effective character education

Teacher’s role according to Lickona (1999) in classroom practice, a comprehensive approach to

character education : Act as caregiver, create a democratic classroom environment, teach
character through the curriculum and use cooperative learning. Character education in English
language teaching : Approach, method, technique, strategy and English textbook.

Question and Answer

Asti -->Venna
Q : Integrative or instrumental, which is more effective?
A : Both are good, integrative motivation is more effective. We can talk with other people, if it is
instrumental sometimes we get tired.
Handi --> Dian
Q : As teacher we face different culture, how we can influence to be good language learner?
Good A : Language learner, they can use all of times effectively. If we have time outside.
Learning strategies can be taught, we can help students to know language learning, we can path
them to vocabulary and so on.
Novi --> Melita
Q : Is there any finding about kinesthetic children, do they have low IQ or even high IQ?
A : Every student has different learning style, every student can learn differently. Many students
are hyperactive, they are just normal. They are just uninterested.
Nadya --> Irma
Q : Strategies are chosen by learner,how to deal as teacher these kinds of differences?
A : Those strategies, can be applied in school and home. There is significant effect, the teacher
may give instruction reading novel, they may write and some write Indonesian first
Lia --> Ilham
Q : We can use character education by narrative text?
A : It is recount text, students can learn from other people’s experiences.

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