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Assessment Details
Qualification Code and Title SIT40516 Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery Block/ Term/ Year
Unit Code and Title SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes
Assessment Type A1 – Knowledge questions Re-assessment YES NO
Due Date

Student Details
Student Name Student ID

Instructions to Students: Please read the following instructions carefully.

The purpose of this assessment is to assess your knowledge and skills.
This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.
To be deemed satisfactory in this assessment, you must write the answers to all written questions correctly or meet all the performance
criteria for activity based assessments by the due date.
Submission after the due date will result in a penalty fee.
Should you not answer the tasks correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and gaps in knowledge. You will be entitled to one (1)
resubmission in showing your competence with this unit.
If you feel the decision made by your assessor was incorrect please refer to your Student Handbook for information on assessment appeal for
the required steps to appeal the decision.
If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
Please refer to the College re-submission and re-sit policy for more information.
If you have questions and other concerns that may affect your performance in the Assessment, please inform the assessor immediately.
Please read the tasks carefully then complete all tasks.
To be deemed competent for this unit you must achieve a satisfactory result with tasks of this Assessment along with a satisfactory result for
another Assessment.
Remember, that it must be your own work and if you use other sources then you must reference these appropriately.
Submitted document should follow the given criteria. Font should be Times New Roman, Font size need to be 12, line spacing has to be Single
line and Footer of submitted document must include Student ID, Student Name and Page Number. Document should be printed double sided.
This is individual Assessment. Once you have completed the assessment, please provide the hard copy of the Assessments to your Trainer/
Plagiarism is copying someone else’s work and submitting it as your own. Any plagiarism will result in NYC.

For Assessor Use Only

Assessor’s Name
Assessment Decision: To be accessed as satisfactory in this assessment task, the student must address ALL assessment items/questions
All individual assessment tasks of this unit must be completed satisfactorily for a student to achieve an overall grade of competent for this

Student Declaration:I declare that I have read and agreed to Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have conducted a fair,
the instructions mentioned above and declare that the work valid and flexible assessment with this student and I provided
submitted is my own and has not been copied or plagiarized from appropriate feedback.
any person or source. I have been assessed in this unit and advised
of my result. I am aware of my appeal rights.

Date: / /
Date: / /

SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes– A1 1


Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions

Information for students

Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have acquired
during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:

 review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the Hospitality Works
Student User Guide

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

 submit a completed cover sheet with your work

 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

i Assessment information

Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the Hospitality Works Student User Guide.Refer to the appendix for information

 where this task should be completed

 the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task

 whether or not this task is open-book.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix C of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO
has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes– A1 2


a) List at least three food safety issues which you must consider when handling poultry. Describe
how you would reduce each risk.

Risk Strategy for reducing risk

Alterations in our farming industry and This might be solved by upgrading irrigation
manufacturing, including an increase in systems and growing crops that use less
foreign products. water. For instance, among the crops that
require the most water are rice and sugar

Environmental changes that cause food Cleanse your hands.

borne illness

Keep uncooked food apart from cooked food.

Food should be marinated inside the freezer,

not on the surface.

Cook the meal completely.

Food should be quickly frozen and


Keep food that is hot heat.

Food should be kept cool.

Modifications in consumer behaviours and Find out what the customer expects. Contact
tastes. consumers to learn what they are anticipating
and what's fuelling it from their viewpoint.

Involve Potential Clients.

Procedures and outcomes should be


Activate Your Executives.

SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes– A1 3

Take in consideration right now.

b) Describe three indicators which you would use to select poultry which is fresh.


a) Aesthetic & Fragrance: A reddish hue ought to be present on fresh chicken. Prevent visual
flaws that might detract from the chicken's flavour and authenticity, such as discoloration or
shell rips. The flesh of the chicken should be relatively robust when pressed upon and should
quickly regain its contour. The chicken should also be substantial. A fresh scent with a crisp,
balanced perfume is often a favourable sign.

b) Frizzler technology: The better option than water curing cooling is air refrigeration. Chickens
are moved through a succession of chill tunnels chilled with pristine arctic air as part of a
100% USDA Certified Pure air freezing technique, never being exposed to additives. The
final outcome is juicy chicken that burns more evenly and has a natural, unadulterated taste.
Also, the skin firms up to a wonderful golden-brown colour since it are not soggy.

c) Certification: Companies that want to sell their products as ethical must adhere to a number
of tight guidelines and regulations. The most popular and well-known organic programme in
the nation is the USDA's National Organic Program. The HFAC (Humane Farm Animal Care)
accreditation, which enforces standards for compassionate care at every stage, is another
achievement for top local agriculture.

c) Describe three indicators of quality which you would use to select poultry.


a) Appearance: Because customers equate look with authenticity and rely their purchasing
decisions on what they perceive to be the item's beauty, it might be said that image is the
most crucial quality characteristic of prepared or raw chicken. Because chicken meat may be
purchased with or without the skin, it is distinctive. Muscle type (dark or light meat), colour
variance, and colour flaws are the primary problems with broiler meat colour. Raw breast
flesh has a light pink hue, whereas raw thighs and legs have a dark red hue. The chicken
business has been negatively impacted by mottling, severe pallor (a condition similar to
PSE), or blackness, as well as cosmetic flaws such bruising, poor bleeding, haemorrhages,
bone discoloration, and other capillary issues with meat.

b) Texture: When it comes to user contentment with the delicious taste of chicken, consistency
is perhaps the most quality related aspect. The maturation of the collagen fibers, the stretchy
condition of the muscle proteins, oxidative factors, scorching degree, age, pace of rigour
formation, rate of refrigeration, and carving time are the main determinants of meat softness.

c) Flavour: Buyers also evaluate poultry meat based on its flavour to decide whether it is
acceptable. While eating, it might be challenging to discern between tasting and odour,

SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes– A1 4

although both are important to the flavour of fowl. Due to interactions between sugar and
amino acids, lipid and heat degradation, and thiamine breakdown, the aroma of fowl flesh
develops during preparation.

d) List three signs that poultry has spoiled.


a) Smell: Clean, unprocessed chicken will either have no fragrance at all or a very little one.
Toss away your chicken if it stinks strongly of anything, like rotting eggs or something sour or
pungent stench. To assess if chicken is safe for consumption, you must never rely just on
scent. Not everyone will detect a difference in the scent of chicken since each person's
sense of smell is unique. Therefore keep an eye out for further indicators of rotting.

b) Texture: The appearance of young, freshly chicken is shiny and a little soft. It must not have
a slippery, gooey, or greasy texture. When handling raw chicken, if your hands come away
with an adhesive gunk, the chicken has gone rotten. Compared to raw chicken, cooked
chicken is firmer and coarser. It's almost certainly safe to consume if you detect any textural
alterations, such as an increase in tenderness, dustiness, viscosity, or debris.

c) Date of procurement and expiry: It's crucial to look at the end date and take into account
when you acquired the chicken in addition to looking for obvious symptoms of rotting. First,
while buying chicken, constantly check the expiry date. There may be two times written on a
chicken bundle: a "pack date" and a "best if used by" date. The first is for producers and
merchants to use, not for customers, and it pertains to the day the chicken was prepared.

e) List at least three requirements for the safe storage of poultry. At least one requirement must be
the correct temperature range to store poultry at.


- The bottom of the freezer ought to be used to keep raw chicken in a basin or on a plate.

- The heat in your freezer should be between 38 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit or less.

- Pure, untreated fowl should only be kept for one to two days. It is no longer advised to rinse
chickens before grilling.

f) List at least two requirements for storing poultry to optimise its shelf life.


1) Tidying up the chicken: Although the scorching station provides a prime potential for
recontamination, the unclean condition of the chicks before they approach the unit must be

SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes– A1 5

addressed in any way feasible. Several plants have specific cleaners with revolving bristles
that scrape as much faeces as can from the epidermis and plumage to fix this problem.

2) Bird cooling: Pre-chilling and cooling are the two steps of the refrigeration process, which
need for a larger quantity of biocides to keep the presence of bacteria below reasonable
range. A water temperature that is less than the warmth of the corpses will aid in
accomplishing this.

g) Describe three safety techniques when using a boning knife to cut poultry.


- Use the dominant hand to grasp the boning tool.

- Curl your palm, pinkly knuckle, and ring finger from around base of the boning knife for a
secure hold.

- Constantly hold the weapon away from you when using a steak knife, not simply a boning

h) Describe four items which you should check before using a mincer to prepare poultry.


1) Grills: Foods are cooked on a heat source during the grilling operation, either explicitly,
passively, or a mix of both. Any degree over 300°F is good for grilling, while usual reheating
temps top out at 650°F. The exterior of the chicken is seared while barbecuing, giving the
flesh a delicious crust. The size of the chicken or the pieces determines the necessary
cooking process and the kind of smoking (frontal, indirect, or a mix). It's crucial to cook the
chicken to the right degree of desired consistency without overcooking it.

2) Knives: A boning knife is unquestionably the best tool to use for slicing raw chicken. This
specialised knife has the right shape and hardness for trimming fat and slicing around
tendons and nerves. Moreover, a boning razor has the weight needed for precision
positioning while also being manageable in the hand.

3) Ovens: With a microwave oven, chicken can be prepared without risk, but it can also cook
irregularly and expose chilly patches where dangerous germs can live. This is why it's crucial
to hide the meal as it cooks, flip or toss it once or twice, and ensure the chicken maintains a
safe body temperatures all the way through. Using a temperature probe, verify the indoor
climate at several locations.

4) Pans: For frying chicken, a large cast-iron pan is frequently used since it retains heat
effectively and may give the chicken a good sear. They can, however, be cumbersome and
challenging to clean. An excellent substitute is stainless steel pans and a skillet since they
are lighter and simpler to clean.

SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes– A1 6

i) Describe four mise en place tasks related to poultry which you can complete without affecting the
quality of the dish.


1) Study the shopping list or recipe: Before beginning to prepare your first ingredient at a
restaurant, prep cooks review the prep list for the day, which is often created by the sous
chef after taking stock of what is ready for today and what needs to be refilled. Also, each
line cook will assess the contents of their lowboy fridge and steam table to determine what
needs to be refilled. Then, they may decide what preparation work is most important and
prioritise it.

2) Assemble the equipment and components: Initiate your preparation as soon as you know
what you'll need. Collect all the necessary materials, apparatus, and cutlery, including all the
meals, a razor blade, a hacksaw (or boards, if you're going to be preparing raw meat, which
requires a distinct platform to prevent cross-contamination), a few rags or towels, and a
number of pots.

3) Gauge, rinse, and trim: Assemble the chicken, washed and chop all veggies as directed by
the instructions, pour out any moist or dry materials, and assemble or prepared any
seasoning or condiment mixtures.

4) Arrange: Put each item in its appropriate bowl or receptacle. Brass or silicone steam deck
trays are the norm in a food establishment, and you'll give them to the numerous chefs that
need the components.

j) Describe one task related to poultry which is not suitable to be completed during mis en place.


k) Define the following, poultry related, culinary terms:

 Barding – In order to keep a very lean piece of meat wet and delicious while grilling, this
technique involves adding oil to the flesh. Moreover, it gives the meat aroma.
 De boning – Deboning is the process of separating meat, chicken, or seafood from its
vertebrae with a specialised knife. It takes a lot of effort to become an expert in deboning, a
sophisticated gourmet talent that is essential to master in order to enhance one's cooking
 Marinating – It alludes to letting food—typically meat—soak in a marinade, which is a
savoury fluid. The practise of soaking has existed at least since the Medieval, when foods
were frequently preserved using acidic concoctions.

SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes– A1 7

 Mincing – This degree of cutting is the sharpest and is typically carried out with a stick
blender or a sharp chef’s blade. The use of pulverized food provides for the most flavour
contribution from the ingredient; typically, the vegetable is crushed so tiny that it "melts" into
the meal.
 Rolling – To give food a specific shape. For example, dough can be formed into ropes or
balls. The term "roll out" describes the mechanical flattening of a product with a rolling pin,
often a dough or pastry.
 Trussing and tying – Trussing is the process of tying a chicken with kitchen twine while
keeping the bird's wings and legs close to its body.

l) Describe two convenience products commonly used in poultry dishes.


Throughout a wide range of countries, customs, and faiths, poultry meat and eggs are among the
animal-derived items that are most often consumed on a worldwide scale. The intake of chicken
meat, eggs, and other animal-sourced commodities has dramatically expanded during the past
few decades. Demographic change, urbanisation, and wage growth in emerging nations have
been the main drivers of continued growth. Due to its widespread affordability, low fat content,
and lack of significant religious and cultural obstacles, chicken leads the meat industry.

m) Describe three cookery methods commonly used when preparing poultry dishes. Include a
description of how each method is used.


1) Roasting: Roasting is a method of cooking using dry heat in a small space. It is a simple
method that entails grilling the fowl on a rack in a roasting pan in a roasting tin. Choose
between whole or cut-up poultry. By using this technique, a juicy, soft white and dark flesh,
as well as a well-browned craggy outside, is produced in the chicken dish.


- Step 1: Set the oven to 400 degrees. You may either use whole or cut-up chickens. For a
neater presentation when cooking entire fowl, truss or bind the legs with twine. Rub oil,
butter, citrus, or a mixture of all three, inside and out. Again, generously sprinkle with your
favourite herbs and spices or Prime Time Butcher rubs inside and out. If desired, salt and
pepper can be included.

- Step 2: Put the chicken on a cookie sheet in a baking pan that has some liquid in the bottom.
Mix in chicken stock, chopped beets, shallots, and parsley.

SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes– A1 8

- Step 3: Put the fowl in the preheated oven and reduce the heat to 350°. It will take around an
hour and a half to roast a 3–4 pound chicken. Use an instant read thermometer to check that
your poultry is fully cooked and to monitor your progress. Insert the thermometer into the leg
joint of complete birds without touching any bones. Find the thickest section of the poultry
part to check the temperature. The minimum temperature should be 160°.

- Step 4: After the heat is stated, extract the fowl from the pan. If you want to cook the entire
chicken, let it 8 to 10 minutes to rest before cutting.

- Step 5: Make gravy using the excess moisture and veggies once the bird has been retrieved.
To enhance flavour and taste, dilute the water by creamy soups, sherry, lotion, or a slurry (a
combination of bread and wheat heated until bubbling).

2) Sautéing: Using a shallow pan and a little bit of butter or oil, the dry cooking method of
sautéing swiftly cooks or reheats food. To prevent overbrowning, the pan has to be moved
often. The pan must be heated to a high enough temperature to sear the food. The food is
crisp and moist as a result of this rapid procedure.

- Step 1: Add a tiny quantity of oil to your meat or poultry in a skillet and place it over an open
heat. (A cast iron skillet needs more butter or oil.) Before adding fat or oil, the pan must be
preheated over high heat. Oil needs to be hot enough to smoke at without burning. A food
fried in oil won't collect fat or oil if the temperature isn't high sufficient. Add spices of your
choice to meat or poultry. Consider dipping in flour for a Cabernet croquette or in egg and
croutons for a Piccata or Parmesan cutlet that has been sautéed. For more comprehensive
directions, go to the recipe in question.

- Step 2: Put the food item to the heating pan. Be careful to spread out the pork or poultry in
the pan in a thin line. High heat should be used to prepare the food. To first seal flavours and
create a golden brown crust, merely flip once. To ensure consistent frying, lower the heat on
your skillet to moderate. Look to see whether the griddle needs any additional purified butter
or oil.

- Step 3: Deglaze pan with stock, wine, or a favourite beverage for an instantaneous sauce.

3) Stir-frying: Popular and straightforward Asian cooking method known as "stir-frying" uses a
wok rather than a sauté pan. You may use it to make quick, scrumptious recipes that are
both aesthetically pleasing and delectable. Most stir-fry meals involve the cubing, slicing, or
shredding of vegetables and meat, which is then swiftly fried at a hot grill in a pan with a little
oil. The wok's additional heat strength and frying space are substantially larger than those of
a sauté pan because to its steel construction and form, which necessitates work flow of the
food. Moreover, you may simmer, stew, sauté, deep-fry, or superficial food in a wok.

- Step 1: To roast veggies, bring a small slow cooker of water to a simmer.

- Step 2: Vegetables should be cut into bite-sized pieces or thin strips. Vegetables should be
added to boiling water and cooked until almost soft. Vegetables should be drained, cooled,
and stored.

SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes– A1 9

- Step 3: Add ginger, garlic, and/or shallots, powdered, sliced thin or diced. Cook fast till you
can smell the additional seasoning.

- Step 4: Put the meat or poultry to the wok or pan and stir constantly until nearly cooked
through. Put the steamed veggies in the pan.

n) List one accompaniment and/or sauces commonly used with each of the following types of

 Chicken: Honey roasted carrots, Spicy lemon sauce.

 Duck: Root vegetables, Hoisin sauce.

 Turkey: Bay roasted smashed potatoes, Black cherry sauce.

 Game birds: Brandy, Soy sauce.

o) Locate at least two stock date codes and two rotation labels on poultry in your training kitchen’s
stores or workplace and take a photo. Interpret the information on each and explain it. Submit the
photographs with your explanatory notes to your assessor. Ensure that your notes include:

 when the item was delivered

 when the item was packed/prepared

 when the item is due for disposal

 how many days the item has left before it reaches its expiry date

 what the stock rotation details are for the item.

 What the storage temperature requirements are for the item.

- The item was delivered on 2/19/2023.
- When the product was packed 1/10/2023.
- When the item due to be discarded 2/25/2023.
- 6 days
- Date-in-date-out.
- 40 degree F.

p) Describe the common cuts of:

 Chicken

a) Tenderloin: The internal parietal tendon from the shoulder and ribcage is separated to
create a pedicle, a whole-muscle delicacy.
b) Thigh: Cutting the whole leg at the tibia and femur joint results in the creation of a thigh.
The patella and drumstick are taken out. The thigh is made up of the thigh and any
accompanying fat. There may or may not be oyster flesh next to the ilium.

SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes– A1 10

c) Drumstick: Splitting a whole leg through the tibia and pelvic articulation results in a snare.
One takes out the thigh. The kneecap and percussion make into the tambourine.

 Turkey

a) Bone-In breast: Just big-boned; not overweight. The whole turkey can be substituted
with a bone-in turkey breast for a hearty white meat dish without the extended cooking
b) Breast without Bones: Its lack of body shape should not be interpreted as an absence of
strength. The masonry home of the bird, the boneless breast offers a succulent, soft cut
that may be carved into any size or form. Smash it thin and roll it into a casserole if
you're feeling peckish.
c) Drumstick: Get on up for the crowd favourite! The long, slow cooking time required for
this dark meat cut is definitely worth it, though. Turkey legs are a traditional food that
has stood the test of time because they are tasty and tender.

 Duck.

a) Duck breast: According to Chamberlin, goose is a deeper flesh for fowl and should only
be prepared to medium-rare or medium (about 145°F on a meat thermometer). Begin by
piercing the shell of the duck breast to allow the fat to dissolve and the meat to cook
underneath. This will help when making our Duck Breasts with Port Minimisation Syrup.
b) Goose legs: The "most wonderful black meat," according to Chamberlin, is duck legs.
Duck comfit, a French culinary method that translates as cooking the duck in fat, is one
of the most well-liked ways to prepare duck legs. The first step in the procedure is to
cure the duck legs for one to two days in a solution of salt, juniper berries, bay leaves,
and garlic. The flesh on the duck legs is absolutely fork-tender and falling off the bone
after three hours of braising in duck fat after curing.
c) Whole duck: Treat a duck like any other bird whether roasting it over the weekend or for
a special occasion. It entails allowing the meat to come to room temperature for at least
30 minutes (so that it cooks consistently) and patting it dry with a paper towel (which
makes the skin crisp and golden brown). For about two and a half hours, roast the duck
on a rack, breast side up, until it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F. During the
cooking time, continue basting the duck with the extra fat.

q) Describe the essential characteristics of:

 Chicken

Chicken in good health are robust, assured, vigilant, and show off. Her gleaming wings and
vividly coloured comb are evidence of this. Farm fresh eggs with sturdy shells are also
routinely produced by a healthy bird. On the other side, picture drab, lazy, and poor

 Duck

The family Anatidae of aquatic birds includes ducks, which are distinguished by their wide,
flat bills and specially designed curly tails for paddling. Compared to their cousins, these
aquatic ducks are slimmer and have thinner throats (geese and swans).

 feathered game

About 5, 7, 9, and 13% of the fat in game bird meat, including that from sage, egret, rooster,
and dove, contains SFA.

SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes– A1 11

 Turkey

The ordinary fowl also has a thick, red, muscular decoration called a neck gaiter that
develops from the brow over the bill, a meaty bulb that extends from the neck, a clump of
fine, black, ciliated plumage called a mustache that protrudes from the bosom, and more or
less obvious leg spikes.

How do the characteristics of each poultry type differ from each other?


The two most crucial qualities for chicken and duck meat are consistency and aesthetics. Both the
original product choice made by buyers and their happiness with the finished piece depend greatly
on aesthetics. The most significant sensory characteristic that influences the evaluation of final
quality is roughness. Skin tone, meat colouring, prepared flesh fluffiness and visual flaws such scars
and blood clots are all characteristics of look grade. Unlike a chicken, a duck is considered a
swimming bird, but a chicken is not. The biggest distinction between a duck and a chicken is this. The
claws of a duck are naturally webbed. When it comes to swimming, webbed claws are advantageous
to ducks.


The Feedback Evaluation Sheet below is the assessment questions and tasks for each of the
assessment events that the student is required to complete. Assessors, tick ‘S’ if the student
achieved a satisfactory outcome for an assessment task and ‘NYS’ if the student does not meet these
requirements. Also, you are required to write comments on the quality of this evidence under the
‘Comments’ column. For your judgement on the student’s overall performance, tick ‘Satisfactory’ if
the student achieves a satisfactory outcome for all of the tasks or ‘Not-Yet-Satisfactory’.

Task Outcome Sheet

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions S NYS Comments
Question 1

Question 2

SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes– A1 12

Task Outcome Sheet
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions S NYS Comments

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10

Question 11

Question 12

Question 13

Question 14

Question 15

SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes– A1 13

Task Outcome Sheet
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions S NYS Comments

Question 16

Question 17

Feedback to Students:

Assessment Outcome  Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

SITHCCC012 Prepare poultry dishes– A1 14

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