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Key Battles of the Revolutionary War

We’ve learned about the problems between the colonists and Great
Britain. Although they have tried to settle things with the King of
England, it’s been unsuccessful. During the 2nd Continental Congress,
they formed an army and named George Washington general. The
Revolutionary War has begun. Watch the video to get a quick
overview of the war.
Overview of the Revolution

Read a little bit about the key battles of the Revolution. Choose one
that interests you and you would like to learn more about. You will be
teaching your classmates about it!
Lexington and Concord
Bunker Hill

Once you have chosen the battle you will work on, complete
the Webquest, answering the questions as you go, to gather important
facts, pictures, and more.
Lexington and Concord Webquest
Bunker Hill Webquest
Saratoga Webquest
Trenton Webquest
Yorktown Webquest

Create a Flip teaching your classmates about the key battle you chose
to study. Follow the assignment guideline sheet to ensure that you have
included all the required components.

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Post your video to our Flip Classroom under the topic: American
Revolution Battles. Then view the videos of the other battles. Don’t
forget to share an encouraging comment with some classmates!

Let me know what you thought about this activity! I want to know
what went well and what you struggled with. Is there something you
wish would have been different.
Share your thoughts!

Want to learn more? Login to Sora and check out one of the many
books on the American Revolution and its leaders.

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