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As I proceed with the topics, I have realized how important the teaching of Mother Tongue subject and
the inclusion of this as a primary subject in curriculum. This may serves as the foundation of other subject
which may integrate the concept ad principles teaching this subject is a way to make the education quality
which varies in any methodologies and pedagogies. From this, it gives insight on how I will deal in my
future career as a teacher and it gives a viewpoint of what will be in the field of teaching.

2. In the Mother Tongue Based Language subject, there is an oral communication part which may
improves the communication styles of every pupils where in the learning competencies focus on the needs
of the pupils. This may enhance all the aspect of the pupils in terms of fluency and grammar which is very
necessary in grade 1 level. Moreover, the inclination of MTB in curriculum improves the understanding of
the pupils in very subject matter because of its complexity wherein the primary language of the pupils is
used as the medium of instructions.

3. As I remembered, the subject matter focus in areas like fluency, grammar and oral communication
which are under of literacy domains of grade 1 level that should be mastered. Moreover, the subject
matter premise the development of oral communication due to its understandability wherein the pupils
used their own first language as a medium of communication to express themselves knowledge, ideas
and emotions. Then, phonological awareness focus on the sound of alphabet because the grade 1 level
mainly focus on the sounding of letters and words which bridge in reading of letter and words. Then, book
and print knowledge is included in literacy domains of grade 1 level that needs to develop. After sounding,
the pupils needs to master phonics and word recognition that align to its grade level.

• Mother tongue is used in teaching all the subject except English from Kindergarten to Grade 3
• Mother tongues focus in phonics and phonological awareness
• It focuses in fluency of language
• It focuses on spelling, grammar and word recognition
• It focuses in book and print knowledge of Kinder to Grade 3
• It focuses in fundamentals skills needed by the learners
• It implies the mastery of mother tongue of the pupils
• It focuses in development comprehension in listening and reading
• It focuses in major domains that needs to be improve and develop properly
• Lastly, the subject develops the learners into the fullest that suggest the study skills needed that
align the competencies

4. From the subject, I viewed that the curriculum for Mother Tongue is complex but divides to its simplicity
wherein the teacher and pupil enables to understand its concepts and principles. This matters makes the
teaching and learning process which applies all the indication in education.

5. I like the inclination of Mother Tongue Based Learning in the curriculum because the understanding
level of the pupils will be higher wherein the medium of instruction is their own language such as tagalog,
bisaya or other dialect in the country. With this, the pupils easily understand the topics and other

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