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Week 11

Structural engineering design project

Sample structural engineering design

Structural engineering is a sub-discipline of civil engineering in which structural

engineers are trained to design the 'bones and muscles' that create the form and shape
of man-made structures. The basic tasks of structural engineering relate numerical
quantities of physical forces to physical configurations of force-resisting elements.
Analysis is the process of determining forces in each element in a structure (such as a
beam) when the configuration of elements is already defined. Design is the process of
configuring elements to resist forces whose values are already known. Analysis and
Design are complementary procedures in the overall process of designing new structures.
After performing a preliminary design, the designer estimates the final configuration of
elements of a structure, but only until an analysis is performed can the forces in those
elements be known. After performing an analysis, the element forces are known, and the
elements can be designed (their configuration can be chosen) more precisely. The
process iterates between analysis and design until convergence is achieved.

A journal reviews on structural engineering project

Title: Structural Analysis and Design of Commercial Building for Earthquake Resistance
Author: Butcher
Date Published: 2015
Citation: Khadka, Binod & Dahal, Babin & C., Bishal & Bhattarai, Isha & Dangal,
Madhab. (2015). Structural Analysis and Design of Commercial Building for Earthquake
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structural engineering design Online materials/links
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Group Presentation of Proposed CE Proposal documents Google Meet
Project (Team Information and
Introduction, Scope, and Objectives)

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