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Immunity in the body

a. Eyes  Lysozyme
b. Skin  Fatty Acids and pH 3.5-4.5
c. Bronchi & Gut Layer Mucosa Layer  Secrete Mucus
d. Commensals  Normal Microflora  Compete nutrition with the pathogens
e. Vagina  Low pH, reaction of chemical compounds in Vagina

Some kind of Infection

1. Streptococcus  Outer membrane of cells, not inside the cell

2. Malaria  Plasmodium inside Erythrocyte
3. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis  Manage to get inside the Macrophage by endocytosis

Type of Immune Response

1. Innate: Non-specific, never change

2. Adaptive: Specific, always change depends on the pathogen

Non-Cellular Immune Component  Water, protein, electrolyte, homeostatic protein, ext.

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Myeloid Precursor (Non-adaptive) & Lymphoid Precursor (Adaptive)

Phagocyte: “Eating” The pathogen, Amoeboid, Granular Lysosome. Internalisation: Trapping the
microbes by amoeboid movement circulating the area.
a. Mononuclear Phagocytes  Kupffer, Synovial A cells, Dust cells, ext.
b. PMN: Neutrophil

Lymphocyte: Adapt

a. Sel B
b. Sel T Helper
c. Large Granular Lymphocyte (NK Cell)


1. Fab Antigen Binding Site

2. Fc  Phagocyte/Receptor Binding Site

Antigen  Molecule recognized specifically by immune system, B Cells or T Cells.

Antibody binds Antigen, one lymphocyte only has one type of antibody, and proliferate when induced by
its antigen  Clonal Selection & Proliferation
First Immunoglobulin/Antibody produced by B Cell after first time induced by Helper T Cell  IgM

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