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4505 Extra Extension Street, Fourth Estate Subdivision,
Sucat, Parañaque City
Tel Number: 8551-1981 / Tel Fax: 8997-9972


SUBJECT: Drug Abuse: Prevention & Rehabilitation

I. What do you mean by drug?

DRUG – pharmacological substance given as medicine; a natural or artificial substance that is given to
treat, prevent or diagnose a disease or to lessen pain.
II. What are the three kinds of drugs?
ü Dangerous drugs – refer to either prohibited drugs, which includes opium and its active components and
ü Regulated drugs – includes self-inducing sedatives and or any drugs which produce a physiological action.
ü Narcotic Drug – refers to any drug that produces insensibility, stupor, melancholy, or dullness of mind with
effects of delusions composed of substances such as opium derivatives and synthetic opiates.
III. What is drug use?
It is the moderate use of drugs for purposes of altering one’s personal state. When we take medicine to
cure headaches, fevers, colds, and other common illnesses, this is already considered as drug use.
IV. What is drug abuse?
It is the process of using any drug for purposes other than those for which it is normally intended or in a
manner or quantity other than directed or prescribed.
V. Who is a drug pusher?
Drug pusher – refers to any person who sells, administers, delivers, or gives away to another, on any terms
whatsoever or distributes, dispatches in transit, or transports any dangerous drug or who acts as a broker
in any such transactions.
VI. Who is a drug user?
Drug use – refers to the act of injecting intravenously or intramuscularly or of consuming by chewing,
smoking, sniffing, eating, drinking other means of introducing drugs into the physiological system of the
body. A drug user is the person who consumes the drug introduced into his body through the mentioned
VII. Is there a law that governs Dangerous Drugs?
RA 9165, otherwise known as “Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002”
VIII. What is the role of the students for drug prevention?
Ø ART IV, Sec 42 – Student Councils & Campus Organizations
o All elementary, secondary, and tertiary school student council and campus organizations shall
include in their activities a program for the prevention of and deterrence in the use of
dangerous drugs and referral for treatment and rehabilitation of students for drug
IX. Why is RA 9165 being taught?
Ø ART IV, Sec 43 – School Curricula
o “Instruction on drug abuse prevention and control shall be integrated in the elementary,
secondary and tertiary curricula of all public and private schools, whether general, technical,
vocational or agro-industrial as well as in non-formal, informal and indigenous learning
X. What are the different kinds of Dangerous Drugs?
1. Depressant Drugs “Downers” – reduce anxiety & excitement
a. Alcohol – it suppresses the activity of the mind & body of those who consumes it.
b. Barbiturates – prescribed medication for anxiety (nervousness / worry) & insomnia
c. Benzodiapines – are a prescribed medication for anxiety and for their tranquilizing (calming)
effect Examples include Valium, Atavan and Xanax.
d. Gamma Hydroxybutyrate-GHB (Rape Drug / Liquid Ecstasy) – a depressant drug associated
with sexual assault. It is odorless & tasteless; consumers of this drug often do so unknowingly.
e. Marijuana & Inhalants – a depressant and a minor hallucinogen. Some inhalants are also
depressants. Inhalants are Solvents (Rugby), gasoline, aerosols, etc…
2. Stimulant Drugs “Uppers” – increases alertness, excitement, activity, or interest.
a. Caffeine – if abused, over stimulates the central nervous system, therefore will cause visual
hallucinations, and may also lead to liver & kidney failure.
b. Nicotine (Cigarettes/Tobacco) – produces physical and mood-altering effects in the brain that
are temporary pleasing.
c. Amphetamines “Speed” – increases alertness & physical ability. They are often prescribed to
counter the effects of narcolepsy, a rare disorder marked by episodes of uncontrollable sleep,
& to help children with minimal brain dysfunction.
d. Methamphetamine “Shabu” – dramatically affects the brain & the rest of the central nervous
system, it is abused by many people who enjoy the “high” that the drug can cause.
3. Hallucinogenic Drugs “Psychedelics” – increases a person’s perception of color, sound, etc… creates
a. LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) - produces a distortion in the user's sense of reality, including
images, sounds, and sensations that do not really exist.
b. Marijuana (Cannabis) - It has psychoactive and physiological effects when consumed, usually
by smoking or ingestion.
c. Ecstasy - It is considered mainly a recreational drug that’s often used with sex and associated
with club drugs; increased awareness of the senses, feelings of openness, euphoria (Joy),
empathy (understanding), love, happiness, heightened self-awareness, feeling of mental
clarity and an increased appreciation of music and movement.
4. Narcotic Drugs – it relieves pain & produces a temporary sense of well-being.
a. Opium - The user experiences a rush of pleasure, followed by an extended period of relaxation,
freedom from anxiety, and the relief of physical pain. (Smoked, eaten, and mixed in liquid).
Made from the poppy plant.
b. Morphine - narcotic pain relievers. Morphine is used to treat moderate to severe pain. It works
by dulling the pain perception center in the brain.
c. Heroin - opiate processed directly from the extracts of the opium poppy. It was originally
created to help cure people of addiction to morphine. Will go into an alternately wakeful and
drowsy state. Affect the body's central nervous system almost immediately after it is used.
XI. What are the signs and symptoms of a person who uses drugs?


Loss of appetite Restlessness Hairs of the body stands
Presence of needle marks Nervousness Dilation of pupil and reddening of
Improper measurement of steps Insomnia Hallucinations or delusions
Slurred speech Anxiety Distortion of time & space
Mumbling speech Talkativeness Excessive giggling
Muscular incoordination Malnourishment Psychotic behavior
Drunk appearance

XII. What are the drugs commonly abused in the Philippines?

ü Marijuana
ü Amphetamines
ü Ecstasy
ü Barbiturates
ü Opium
ü Morphine
ü Heroin
ü Methamphetamine hydrochloride (“Shabu”)
XIII. What are the possible signs of drug abuse?
ü Change in school/work attendance or performance
ü Alteration of personal appearance
ü Sudden mood or attitude change
ü Withdrawal from family contacts
ü Withdrawal from responsibility
ü Unusual patterns of behavior
ü Unresponsive to environmental stimuli

ü Having a new or different set of friends
ü Becoming very sensitive
ü Staying away from home for long unexplained periods
ü Lying
ü Stealing
ü Becoming detached from family members obvious toxic state (drunk, delirious, incoherent, unconscious)
ü Changes in behavior and normal attitudes
ü Deteriorating performance (at school or at work)
ü Becoming involved in criminal activities (to raise money to sustain one’s drug addiction)
XIV. Effects & Impacts of Drug Abuse


Malnutrition Mental illness Anxiety Disrupted family life
Liver & kidney damage Impaired judgment Depression Disrupted friendships
Drastic weight loss Disorientation Confusion Financial problems
Vitamin deficiencies Paranoia (fear, Suspiciousness Inefficiency at work or
suspicion) in school
Insomnia Psychosis (fixation Marital separation
Heart failure Violent behavior
Dizziness Dangerous behavior
Nerve Damage
Sexual problems

XV. Why do people Abuse Drugs?

1. PEER PRESSURE - For the sake of “Pakikisama,” many drugs are used socially because of peer pressure.
2. WEAK PERSONALITY - Unable to cope with stress/conflicts. Some people use drugs like alcohol and
tranquilizers to try to control stress, or to relieve other uncomfortable feelings.
3. FRUSTRATIONS - Caused by personal, family or school problem.
4. POOR SELF-IMAGE - Low self-esteem. Feel better about yourself. Believe that you are unique, valuable,
capable, and lovable.
5. LACK OF PARENTAL/PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE - An age of permissiveness (liberalism).
7. CURIOSITY - For experiment or experience. Today’s young are curious and looking for “kicks,” “trips” they
say “pot” is cheaper than alcohol.
8. ESCAPISM - Desire to escape from reality. Young people are filled with fear, obsessions, anxieties and
feeling of inadequacy. They are saying “I want to belong,” but believe that opinions in life are not open
to them and drug represents a withdrawal from society.
XVI. Program for treatment & rehabilitation.
ü Sec 54 – Voluntary submission of a drug dependent to confinement, treatment, and rehabilitation
ü Sec 55 – Exemption from the criminal liability under the voluntary submission program
ü Sec 56 – Temporary release from the center; after-care and follow-up treatment under voluntary
submission program
ü Sec 64 – Confidentiality of records under the compulsory submission program
XVII. Penalties.
ü Sec 11 - Possession of Dangerous Drugs: Life imprisonment to death and a fine ranging from 5,000 pesos
to 10,000,000.00 pesos
ü Sec 15 – Use of Dangerous Drugs: minimum of six (6) months rehabilitation in a government center for
first offender.
XVIII. Government Agency that has primary concern about drugs.
ü The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) – under Sec 82, Art IX, it is mandated to carry out the
provisions of the Act, the PDEA, which serves as the implementing arm of the Board, shall be responsible
for the efficient and effective law enforcement of all provisions on any dangerous drug and or controlled
precursor and essential chemical as provided in the Act.

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