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1. Be yourself while doing your best.

Being yourself will help you to give your 100% in everything you
do. Since you are not pretending, you can freely do whatever you want. (Collegiality)
2. Give yourself permission to make mistakes and be corrected. Everyone is not perfect, so don't
pressure yourself to be perfect in everything you do and listen to the people around you for them to
help you improve.(Experimentation)
3. Participate in the class. Participation of the students will help the community to have a
harmonious and child-friendly environment. (Involvement in Decision Making)
4. Raise your hand for concerns and suggestions. We should practice open communication for us to
have a harmonious relationship and environment inside our classroom. (Honest and Open
5. Allow me to know where you are going when inside the school premises. (Protection of What is

1. Conduct a meeting together with the concerned people, like the teachers, students, stakeholders,
and school head, to know what they need to do to solve problems inside the school.
2. Consulting a professional in the field for them to know if it is aligned with the school’s mission,
vision, and goals. Revising the school policy will help to further improve the school's management.
3. Providing parents and students with an orientation to the recently implemented school policies.

School heads should be more focused on administrative leadership since their major role is to
administer the school system. Administrative leadership focuses more on managing and organizing
the school for the betterment of its stakeholders, especially the students and teachers. It is more
important for a school head to improve their administrative leadership skills than instructional
leadership because, for me, during this chapter of their lives, they are focused on achieving the
mission, vision, and goals of the school, and improving administrative leadership can help them be

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