Hypermesh 120 Tutorials Pamcrash

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HyperMesh 12.0 Tutorials

PAM-CRASH Solver Interface

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HyperMesh 12.0 Tutorials - PAM-CRASH Solver Interface

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HM-4700: Using the PAM-CRASH Interface in HyperMesh

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The following PAM-CRASH tutorial is available:

HM-4700: Using the PAM-CRASH Interface in HyperMesh

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HM-4700: Using the PAM-CRASH Interface in


For this tutorial it is recommended that you complete the introductory tutorial, HM-1000:
Getting Started with HyperMesh.

This tut orial introduces t he HyperMesh interfac e to PAM- CRASH 2G. The following exercises
are included:

Load a prepared HyperMesh file

Select the Pam-Crash 2G user profile

Create c ontrol ca rds

Assign element types

Define materials

Define HyperMesh groups: sliding interface

Define a rigid wall

Creating boundary conditions

Create time histories

Creating a function

Creating a sensor card

Exporting a Pam-Crash 2G data deck from HyperMesh


Step 1: Load a prepared HyperMesh file

A prepared model with elements and nodes is included in the
<install_directory>\tutorials\hm\interfaces\pamcrash   direc tory. The file name of the
example is rail-dyna.hm . This is the basic example on which the t utorial is based.

1. Click File  > O p e n > M o d e l or

  click the O p e n M o d e l   icon.

2. Browse to the file rail-dyna.hm .

3. Click O p e n.

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Step 2: Select the PAM-CRASH 2G user profile

To use HyperMesh with a specific solver, the solver user profile must be loaded. Upon
opening, HyperMesh prompts you to select a user profile. Select the P a m - C r a s h 2G   profile.

Selecting the Pam-Crash 2G user profile sets the FE input reader t o Pam-Crash 2G and
loads the Pam-Crash 2G 2006 FE output template. It also loads a Pam-Crash 2G Utility
Menu with numerous tools specific to this interface. The graphical user interface is tailored
to Pam-Crash 2G users.

Steps 3-6: Create Control Cards for PAM-CRASH 2G

This section explains how to create control cards for the CONTROL SECTION of the PAM-
CRASH 2G deck.
Note: The settings of the control cards influence the default values for defining materials.
No PAM-CRASH 2G deck can be executed without error if control cards are undefined .

Step 3: Define the title card

1. Click Setup  > Crea te  > Control C a r d s. 

2. Scroll through the options to select t he Title subpanel.

3. In the TITLE / field enter This is my first PAM-CRASH example.

4. Click return.

Step 4: Define the output control cards

1. Click O utput C ontrol P arameters . 

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2. In the TIOD field, enter the value 0.005 .

3. In the PIOD field, enter the value 0.005 .

4. Click return.

5. Click End o f Run De finition.

6. In the TIME field, enter the value 0.06 .

7. Click return.

Step 5: Define the file optional keyword

1. Scroll through the options to select t he File Nam e   subpanel.

2. In the File field, enter rail-dyna.hm .

3. Click return.

Step 6: Define the time step optional keyword

1. Scroll through the options to select t he T im e s t e p C o n t ro l P a ra m e t e r s subpanel.

2. At the bottom of the card image click the SHELL_TIMESTEP_OPT   check box.

3. Set the Shell Criteria t o LARGE  (default) from the pop-up menu.

4. Click the switch below Thickness Term and set BEND  (default) from the pop-up menu.

5. Click return twice to exit the panels.

Step 7: Assign Element Types for PAM-CRASH 2G

Depending on the analysis requirement, the HyperMesh basic element type can be changed.
For example, a quad4 can be a SHELL or a MEMBR element. The tria3 element c an be a
TRIA_C, SHELL, or MEMBR element. The t etra4, the penta 6, and the hexa8 elements def ine
the SOLID elements of PAM- CRASH. Properties can be added for the select ed element type
by using the control cards.

1. Click M e s h > Assign > Element T y p e . 

2. Selec t the 2D & 3D subpanel and clic k q u a d 4 = and select SHELL from the pop-up

3. Click e l e m s   and select a ll  from the extended entity selection menu.

4. Click u pdate .

5. Click return to exit the panel.

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Steps 8-10: Define material and /PART cards for

Before proceeding with the tutorial you will rename the component tmp.

1. Right click the tm p  component in the Model Browser and click R e n a m e . 

2. Enter topbottom and click Enter .

Step 9: Define a Material Type 102

1. Right click in the Model Browser and click C r e a t e  > Material .

2. Clic k in the Name field and enter new mat .

3. Click C a rd Ima ge: and select MAT_2D .

Note: The template provides MAT_1D, MAT_2D, and MAT_3D dictionaries. Material
types from 200 to 230 are defined with MAT_1D. Materials types from 100 to 151
are defined with MAT_2D. Material types from 1 to 41 are defined with MAT_3D.
To switch the material type, use the card previewer.

4. Clic k t he Ca rd edit mate rial upon creation to activate the option, if not already done.

5. Click C reate  t o c reate t he material and edit the c ard.

6. Click the switch below Material Type and select T y p e 1 0 2   from the pop-up menu

7. In the Density field, enter the value 7.85e-9 .

Note: You can use the TAB or SHIFT TAB key on the keyboard to go to the next or
previous edit field.

8. In the Name field, enter This is a new material .

9. In the E field, enter the value 20000 .

10. In the Yield field, enter the value  250 .

11. In the v field, enter the value 0.3 .

12. Click return.

Step 10: Assign material and thickness to side and topbottom collectors
1. Clic k t he C o m p o n e n t   icon in the toolbar and open the update subpanel.

2. Clic k on c o m p s.  Place a checkmark next to the side and topbottom components and
click select .

3. Clic k on card image = and select Part_2D .

4. Clic k on m aterial = and select n e w m a t. 

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5. Click u pdate/edit .

6. Clic k on h =  and enter the value 2.5 (Note h corresponds to thickness).

7. Click return twice to exit the panel.

Steps 11-14: Define HyperMesh Groups: Sliding

Interface for PAM-CRASH 2G
This sect ion describes how t o define a self c ontac ting sliding interfac e. A second interface is
defined only for tutorial purposes.

The procedure below explains how to define a type 36 self contacting sliding interface.

Step 11: Define the group

1. Click B C s  > Create  > Interfaces .

2. Click n a m e = and enter self_impact .

3. Click t y p e = and select CNTAC36   from the pop-up menu.

Note that the card image is updated simultaneously.

4. Click interface color  and select a color.

5. Click create/edit .

6. In the SLFACM field, enter 1.0 .

7. In the TITLE field, enter the name:  This is the selfimpac t interfac e.

8. Click return.

Step 12: Add the slave components

1. Selec t the a dd   subpanel.

2. Click n a m e = twice and select self_impact .

3. Click the switch below slave: and select c o m p s  from the pop-up menu.

4. Click c o m p s  and select side and topbottom.

5. Click select .

6. Click u pdate .

If update is not clicked, no changes to the previous definition are made. No changes are
made to the graphics window, because the master and slave component list is not
Note: If you edit this interface with the card previewer, the master and slave set and
component definition are not shown; however, they are still defined in the add

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Step 13: Define an additional contact

This procedure explains how to define a type 34 master slave (element - node) contact.

1. Click B C s  > Create  > Interfaces .

2. Click n a m e = and enter masterslave .

3. Click t y p e = and select CNTAC34   from the pop-up menu.

Note that the card image is updated simultaneously.

4. Click interface color  and select a color.

5. Click create/edit .

6. In the SLFACM field, enter 1.0 .

7. Click return.

Step 14: Add the master elements and slave nodes

1. Selec t the add subpanel.

2. Click the switch below master: and select entity   from the pop-up menu.

3. Click the switch below slave: and select entity   from the pop-up menu.

4. After master:, c lick e l e m s  to highlight the box with the blue input cursor.

5. Select two elements on the model.

6. Click the upper right green a d d button.

7. After slave:, click nodes  to highlight the box with the blue input cursor.

8. Select two nodes on the model.

9. Click the lower right green add button.

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10. Click return to exit the panel.

You should now see the master elements (elements with x) and the slave nodes displayed
on the model.

Steps 15-19: Define a Rigid Wall for PAM-CRASH 2G

This section explains how to define a type 4 infinite rigid wall with a base node at -1.00, 0.0,

Step 15: Create a base node for the rigid wall

1. Click G e o m e t r y  > Create  > Nod e s > X Y Z .

2. In the X= field, enter the value –1.0 .

3. In the Y = field, enter the value 0.0 .

4. In the Z = field, enter the value 0.0 .

5. Click create   node .

6. Click return to exit the panel.

Step 16: Create and define the rigid wall card

1. Click B C s  > Create  > Rigid Wa lls .

2. Click n a m e = and enter rwall1 .

3. Click t y p e = and select RWALL from the pop-up menu.

4. Click rgdwall   color  and select a color.

5. Click s ize = and enter the value 100 .

This specifies the display size of the rigid wall.

6. Click create .

Step 17: Define rigid wall geometry

1. Selec t the g e o m subpanel.

2. Click n a m e = twice and select rwall1.

3. Click the switch after shape: and select plane   from the pop-up menu.

4. Click the toggle after s h a p e : and select infinite .

5. Click the switch below normal vector: and select v e c t o r. 

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6. Click the second switch and select x-axis   from the pop-up menu.

7. Click b a s e n o d e  to highlight the box with the blue input cursor.

8. Select t he created node in the graphics area.

You may need to to zoom out to see the node.

9. Click u pdate .

The rigid wall is now shown in the graphics area.

Step 18: Add slave nodes for the rigid wall

1. Selec t the add subpanel.

2. Click the switch below slaves: and choose nodes from the pop-up menu.

3. Click the yellow nodes button twice and select by id from the extended entity selection

4. Enter the value 1-21  and press En t e r. 

Note t hat 21 nodes at the interfac e of the rail and the rigid wall are highlighted. Also
note that one of the nodes was not selected.

5. Click the node that was not highlighted.


Click the yellow node   button and enter the value 1012  in the id field.

6. Click a d d .

The selected nodes are now set as slaves.

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Step 19: Add motion to the rigid wall

1. Selec t the motion subpanel.

2. Click the switch below name = and select components from the pop-up menu.

3. Click x com p = and enter the value 1.0.

4. Click the switch below type of motion: and select velocity from the pop-up menu.

5. Click u pdate .

6. Click return to exit the panel.

Step 20: Define attributes in the card previewer

1. Selec t the card edit icon .

2. Click groups   and select rwall1.

3. Click select .

4. Click edit .

5. Click the switch below Friction type flag and select No Sliding   from the pop-up menu.

6. Click the switch below Rigid Wall Descriptor – Plane Type  and select T y p e 4 from the
pop-up menu.
Note: The card previewer of the rigid wall changed according to the definitions made.
Now it is possible to define the mass and the initial velocity for moving rigid wall
with finite mass.

7. In the mRW field, enter 1.

8. In the VINIT field, enter 2000.0 .

9. Click return twice to exit the panels.

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Steps 21-22: Create boundary conditions for PAM-

This section explains how to create model boundary conditions.

Step 21: Create a load collector

1. Right click in the Model Browser and click C r e a t e  > Load C ollector .

2. Clic k t he Name: field and enter boundary conditions.

3. Clic k t he Card image: switch and pick none.

4. Click C olor  and select a color from the pop-up menu.

5. Click C reate .

The boundary conditions collec tor is now the current collect or. All loads created will be
placed in the boundary conditions collector.

Step 22: Specify the constraints

1. Click B C s  > Create  > Constraints .

2. Click lo ad types = and c hoose BOUNC   from the pop-up menu.

All constraints that are now created will be displacement boundary conditions.

3. Click n odes   and select by id   from the pop-up menu.

4. Enter the value 990-1011  and click E n t e r. 

5. Click s ize = and enter the value 10.

6. Click create .

The constraints are now added to the nodes.

7. Click return to exit the panel.

Steps 23-26: Create Time Histories for PAM-CRASH

For PAM-CRASH 2G, time histories may be defined for nodes, elements, and local coordinate
syst ems. For this exercise, you will only create time histories for some nodes and elements.
The operation is the same for any type of time history that is created.

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Step 23: Create a node time history card

1. In the Model Browser, expand the LoadCollector folder.

2. Right-click on Boundary C onditions and select Hide .

The display of loads is now off.

3. Click Setup  > Create  > Output Blocks .

4. Click n a m e = and enter node_thp .

5. Click the switch and select nodes from the pop-up menu.

6. Use the mouse to select a few nodes in the graphics area.

7. Click create .

The time history for nodes is now created.

Step 24: Create an element time history card

1. Click n a m e = and enter elem_thp .

2. Click the switch and select e l e m s   from the pop-up menu.

3. Use the mouse to select a few elements in the graphics area.

4. Click create .

Step 25: Review time histories entities

1. Click review .

2. Select elem_thp .

The entities associated with this time history are highlighted.

3. Click return to exit the panel.

Step 26: View the time history card image

1. Right click on the elem _thp output block  in the Model Browser and click C a r d E d it .

The time history card is displayed as it will look in the output.

2. Click return twice to exit the panel.

Step 27: Create a function

This sect ion describes how t o generate curves, which corresponds t o t he function cards /
FUNCT in PAM-CRASH2G. This curve should serve as a function for a logical sensor switching
on and off. At time=0, the sensor is on, at time=0.01 the sensor is switched off.

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1. Click XY Plots  > Create  > C u r v e > Single   C u r v e. 

2. Select m a t h subpanel.

3. In the x = field, t ype {0, 0.01, 0.1}  (including the brackets).

4. In the y = field, t ype {1, 0, 0}  (including the brackets).

5. Click create .

6. Click return

Step 28: Create a sensor card

Sensors are implemented as properties in HyperMesh. In this example we refer to the curve
defined in the preceding Help topic.

1. F rom t he Analysis page, select s a f e t y  and then select s e n s o r s. 

2. Click n a m e = and enter sensor .

3. Click c ard image = and select SENSOR   from the pop-up menu.

4. Click create/edit .

5. In the TITLE field, enter This is a logical function sensor.

6. Click the switch below Sensor type and select logical function switch from the pop-up

7. Click LC S   twice and select curve1.

8. Click return twice to exit the panels.

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Step 29: Exporting a PAM-CRASH 2G data deck from HyperMesh

This section explains how to generate a PAM-CRASH 2G input deck from HyperMesh.

1. Click File  > Export  > Solve r Deck .

2. In the File: field, enter rail.pc .

rail.pc  is the PAM-CRASH2G file you will create.

3. Check to ensure that the Template: field shows the Pamcrash2G2007  file.

4. Click Export .

HyperMesh writes the deck. A message in the footer bar will indicate when the process is

5. Click C lose .

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