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1. In the above figures, there 3 opaque strips with very small holes of different shapes
as shown. If you obtain an image of the sun on a wall through these holes, will the
images formed by these holes be the same or different ?

2. Three torches A, B and C shown in the figure given below are switched on one by
one. Light from which of the torches will not form a shadow of the ball on the

3. Arya runs her toy car on dry marble floor, wet marble floor, towel spread on the floor
and newspaper. The force of friction acting on the car on different surfaces in
increasing order will be
a) Dry marble floor, wet marble floor, newspaper, towel
b) Newspaper, dry marble floor, wet marble floor, towel
c) Wet marble floor, dry marble floor, newspaper, towel

4. Explain why scissors for cutting cloth may have blades longer than the handles but
shears for cutting metals have short blades and long handles .
5. The handle of a nut cracker is 18cm long and a nut is placed 2 cm from its hinge. If a
force of 36 kg placed on the nut it will crack. Calculate the force which has to be
applied at the end of the handle to crack the nut.
6. Percent means that many ___________.
a. hundreds
b. hundredths
7. The branch of Mathematics which deals with numbers and the basic operations
between them is _______________.
8. Rohit was given an increment of 10% on his salary. His new salary is 49,753. What
was his salary before increment?
9. Which is faster 13km/h or 13m/s?
10. The population of a town increases by 15% annually. If the present population is

3,25,600 what will be its population after 2years?

11. A racing car covered 600km in 3 hours 20 minutes. Find its speed in metre per
second. How much distance will the car cover in 50 sec?

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