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SYSTEMS OF PARTICLES AND ROTATIONAL MOTION PRODI (VECTOR PRODUCT) OF The cross product of 2 vectors A and B is given by: Ax B = |Aj[Bl sine i here, fi is the unit vector perpendicular to the plane containing A and B. ‘The direction of vector product (whether up or down) is given by right hand thumb rule. Now, AxBeBxd NOTE: © 1x15 fil xi x sino° x A @ [xi xD =1x1x0xA (lil x lil x sin 90° x R) =0 =-k Similarly, jxj=0 & kxk=0 Similarly, Kxj=-i & > Ixj= lil x [jl xsing0°xk ° 1x1x1xk =k Similarly, jxR=i & Rxt=j Q. Find angle 0, if the magnitude of dot product and magnitude of cross product is equal. Sol. Given |¥.B]=|AxB| Now, A.B=|aljpicoso > [A.B xB=|alplsinea = |Ax xB AB cos = ABsind + cos 8 sin8 sin® cos8 tan 8 0 =tan*(1) +0 = 45° Q.1f€ =AxB, then find €.A and €.B Sol. -B = |c|[B| cos 90° = 0 Q. For a given vector A, find|A.A| and |AxA|. Sol Since the vectors have same direction, 8 = 0° |K.A| = |allalcoso’ = Ax Ax 1 =A? [Kx] = lallal sino? = ax axo Cross Multiplication of 2 Vectors IfA and B are 2 vectors such that: (Agi + Ayf+A, R)(Bi+ Byj+B, k) Aci(Byi+ Byf+B,R)+ Ayj(Byit Byj+B, K+ A, K(Bi+ Byj+B,&) AgBy OX 1) + AB, XP) + ARB, (1% R) + AyBe GX) + AB, GX) +A,B, (xR) + ALBy (RX1) + A.B, (RX) + A.B, (RXR) = (A,B, x0) + (A,B, xR) + (AB, X- 9) + (AyB, xf) + (AyB, x 0) + (AB, xi) +.B, xf) + (A,By x1) + @,B, x0) = 0+ (AxBy B) — ABs D ~ (AyBs B) +0 + (A,B. 1) + ALB — (AxBy 1) +0 = AyB,1— A,B, 1+ A,B.) A,B, J+ AxB, R— A,B, & = (AyBr—AzBy) 1+ CsBx— AxB,) I + (AxBy — AyBx) & = (AyB, —A,By)7— (AB, — A,B,) + (AxBy — AyBy) «B= (AyB, — A,By) 1 — (AyB, — A,B,)j + (AxBy — AyBy) K Matrix Determinant Method if k AxB=|Ax Ay A, By By By Note that every 2" column (in this case, j only) is negative due to (-1)* rule. — A,By) ~ j Z faa} x <= YS k Bx) (AxBy —Ay Q. Find the cross product of two vectors A=i-j+k and B=71+3j—5k. Sol. aig fi ik AxB=|1 1 1 7.3 -5i = [(-1x-5) - (1x 3) t [1 x -5) - A x DIF +(x 3)— (1x IK =[5-3]t -[-5)- 71 +13-CMIk = [2]i -[-12]j + [10] & =2i+12j+10k Q. Find the angle between two vectors A = Sol. Kasisajesk 61+8j7+10k Now, AxB =|Al[Bl sing i -f 6 > [G4 x 10) — (5 x 8)] i — [G x 10) — G x 6)]j +1G x8) - 4x OK = |V9-4 16+ 25| x [VI6F 64+ 100] x sind A of gk 5] = WFR x WoO Fa ~ [40 — 40] i — [30 — 30]j + [24 — 24] k = V50 x V200 x sind fi = [0] f — [0]j + [0] k = V50 x 200 x sine fi + 01+0j +0K= VI0000 x sind A +0 = 100 x sino (Taking Magnitude on Both sides] sind =0 > 6 =sin™*(0) +0 =0° NOTE: When the ratios of coefficients of the 2 vectors are the same, the 2 vectors are parallel hen B= Ae the 2 vect lel he when GP=Ge= GE the 2 vectors are parallel Centre of Mass Centre of mass of a body or a system is @ point where the entire mass of the body or system is supposed to be concentrated to describe its translatory motion and characterizes the motion of the whole body. For example, consider a wheel which rolls on a horizontal surface. Leta particle at ‘A’ be present on the rim of the wheel. It follows a complicated ‘cycloid’ path, as they are under the influence of both translatory and rotatory motion of the body. Similarly, another particle at “B” also follows a complicated path as shown in the figure. But a particle at °C’ present on the axel of the wheel follows a simple linear path. This point “C” represents the centre of mass of the wheel. This point ‘C’ moves as if the (otal external force is acting on it, The particle at the centre of mass is exhibiting only simple translatory motion. Consider an Indian club, projected up as shown in the figure. Different particles inside the club follow complicated paths as they are under the influence of both translatory and rotatory motion of the body. But 4 particle at point °C’ in the Indian club follows a simple parabolic path, as if the total external force (i. ‘gravitational force) is acting on the particle. This particle *C” represents centre of mass of the Indian club which exhibits simple parabolic motion. ‘The path of a particle at centre of mass point represents the motion of the body since itis similar to the path followed by a particle projected similar to the body. From the above 2 examples, we can say different particles in a body may have different complicated paths bbut a certain point of the body has simple pure translational motion. The motion of this single point represents the motion of the entire body. This point within the boundary is called the centre of mass or ‘centre of inertia. Position. of Centre.of Mass for. various shapes Shape of the Body Figure Position of Centre of Mass 1. Hollow / Solid sphere At the centre of the sphere 2. Circular ring At the centre of the ring 3. Circular dise Atthe centre of the dise 4, Triangular plate At the centroid 5, Square plate 6, Rectangular plate Lx Ter At the point of intersection of diagonals At the point of intersection of diagonals 7. Cone At 4° of its height from its apex on its own axis 8. Cylinder At the midpoint ofits ‘own axis Position of Centre of Mass when 2 particles ‘m,’ and ‘my’ are separated by a distance ‘d” ‘When 2 particles of masses “m,” and ‘m," are separated by a distance *d’, the centre of mass will be located at a point between them where m)r, =m; tp (where r: and rp are the distances of centre of mass from m, and m, respectively) here, m,r; = mgr, > mr, =m, (dr) & > m;(4~ 12) = mgry > mr, = mad = mr, & > myd—myr2 = mary > myn, + mgr, = md & > myrz + mgr, = md > ry(m, + ma) = mad & > rp(myrg +m) = mid a [pel “nm & 2am! Q. In the HCI molecule, the separation between the nuclei of the two atoms is about 1.27 A (1 A= 10" m). Find the approximate location of the CM of the molecule, given that chlorine atom is about 35.5 times as massive as a hydrogen atom and nearly all the mass of an atom is concentrated in its nucleus. B Ques 7.2 Pg. 178) Sol. m, im, +m = 35527 x 10-19 <—1274 > T¥355 cM (tu) H ———+—_ 1 G55) 35.5 = 3g 27 x 10-9) <— 11 KK = 1.23 x 10-1 m = 1.23 A ty =d—r, = 127-123 = 0.044 Coordinates of centre of mass of discreet system of particles m<— n> CEén> now, mr, = mr, = mi lke — X1] = malx, — xe] > m,x¢ — MYX, = Myxz — Mexe myxX¢ + Mpxe = MyxXz + MX, > xc (m, + mz) = myx; + m2xz ma + Ny Xe m, tmg NOTE: For ‘n’ number of particles arranged along x-axis myXy + MpxXz + Mgxy tet MAX m, +m; +m ++, J, 22mm c= Em NOTE: If the particles are arranged in the x-y plane, then the system will have 2 coordinates for centre of ‘mass. i.e. x-coordinate and y-coordinate. xc= = Myx + MX + MgX3 $+ MYX NCS ty ¥ iy my ++ Tg TMX =m; _ Mays + mayo + Mays ++ Man ¥ Ye mmm FM rn may) om: ( 4 =miyi Ye Cave) =m, om, (434) 1 (OC) = Vx)? + We)? Q. Find the centre of mass of three particles at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. The masses of the particles are 100g, 150g, and 200g respectively. Each side of the equilateral triangle is 0.5m long. (TB Example 7.1 Pg. 146) Sol. With the X and Y axes chosen as shown in Fig. 7.9, the coordinates of points O, A and B forming the equilateral triangle are respectively (0,0), (0.5,0), (0.25,0.253). Let the masses 100g, 150g and 200g be located at O, A and B be respectively. Then, m,X1 + maXz + M3Xy m, +m +m3 100(0) + 150(0.5) + 200(0.25)] gm (100+ 150 + 200) g mays + May2 + Maya mm; +m +My [100(0) + 150(0) + 200(0,25V3)] gm ~ (100 + 150 + 200) g 50v3 v3 1 450 "9 ™=3R™ ‘The centre of mass C is shown in the figure, Note that it is not the geometric centre of the triangle OAB. This is because the masses of the particles are not equal. Q. A wire of length ‘I’ is bent in the form of a circle. What is the change in the position of centre of mass in terms of ‘7? Sol. mm —_ |! ——— Change in pos, of centre of mass = radius () ‘ 1 Change in position of centre of mass = — ge in ps x Q. Two circular discs of same thickness and density but radii r; and rz are joined together as shown. Locate the position of centre of mass from the centre of the first disc. Sol. mass = base area (nr?) x thickness (t) x density (p) sm=nritp & m=nritp m Now, x; =—— m +m 3 artp Fy = (1 th) “aidtp+argtp ntpxr moe DOr Gea) (G+) Q. If the centre of mass of 3 particles of masses 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg is at (2, 2, 2). Then where should a fourth particle of mass 4 kg be placed so that the combined centre of mass lies at (0, 0, 0)? Sol. myx, + myx, + m3x3 Xe m, +m; +m 9 LAK +2 XH 3X ~ 14243 Xy + 2ky + 3xq a2 6 xy + 2x + 3x3 = 12 -@ Similarly, ¥1 + 2y2 + 3y3 = 12 24 + 222 + 32q = 12 myx, + MyXz + MaXs + MaXy m; +m + ms +m, a LX BLA2 Xa 43a HARK 1424344 (Xa + 2x9 + 3xa) + 44 10 »O=1244x, from (1) > 4x4 = 12 Similarly, ‘Thus, the particle of mass 4 kg should be kept at (~: of the system to (0, 0, 0). -3, -3) so as to bring the combined centre of mass Q.4 particles of mass I kg, 2 kg, 3 kg and 4 kg are placed at 4 vertices A, B, C, D of the square of side 1 m, Find the position of centre of mass of the particles. Sol. Assuming A as the origin, AB as x-axis and AD as y-axis, we have: my =1kg Df Ger)= 0) 2ke = (0) (9) = 0) Co-ordinates of their CM are: mMyXy + MyXz + MgXy + M4Xy om ny ma + my +My _~ MO + @M + BA + HO) ~ 1F24344 O+24340 ~LF24344 =>=05 =p 0sm _ Mays + mayo + mays + Maye you m, +m; +m, +m, _ MO + @O) +B) + ~ 1+24344 0404344 TF24344 7 07 =pe07m ‘Therefore, Co-ordinates of centre of mass (Xexs Yew) = (0.5 m, 0.7 m). Q. If the linear density of a rod of length L varies as = A + Bx, find the position of its centre of mass. Sel. Let the x-axis be along the length of the rod and origin at one of its ends, As rod is along x-axis, for all points on it, y and z coordinates are zero, y Centre of mass will be on the rod. Now consider an element an element of rod of length dx at a distance x from the origin, then dm =} dx = (A + Bx) dx Now, xem Sixt + Bddx > xe = OM RAs Bode Sp Axdx + J) Bxtdx Sp Axldx + [ Bxdx Ee (GA+ 281) xem = Z@A+BL) LGA + 2B1) ~ [Xow = "3 @A+ BL) NOTE: If the rod is of uniform density, then B= 0. 2 Constant = A. . _LGA+2BL) NOW. Sem "3 @A+ BL) LGA+0) SET ET Lx3A eM = 3X28 3AL Xem = Gq L Xow =F ‘Thus, if the rod is of uniform density, then the centre of mass is located at the midpoint of the rod. Q. If the linear density of a rod of length L varies as =“, where k is a constant and x is the distance of any point from one end, then find the distance from the centre of mass from the end at x=0. Sol Let the x-axis be along the length of the rod and origin at one of its ends. As rod is along x-axis, forall, points on it y and z coordinates are zero, ay Zz Centre of mass will be on the rod. Now consider an element of rod of length dx at a distance x from the origin, then Sexdm Now, xey = 27 fedm > Kem > Kem > xem = > Xow = > Xow, > Xow, ‘Thus, the centre of mass will be located at % L. Motion of Explosion of a Projectile (e.g. fire cracker) in mi Let us consider a projectile which explodes in air. Before explosion, the projectile moves along parabolic path, After explosion, different fragments move in different paths, but the centre of mass of the projectile continues to move in the same parabolic path. Parabolic path of the projectile Exploston \, Path of the CM Nof fragments \ \ Fig. 7.12 The centre of mass of the fragments of the projectile continues along the same parabolic path which it would have followed if there were no explosion. Explanation: The projectile follows a parabolic path under the action of gravity (j.c. carth’s gravitational force). Explosion of the projectile occurs due to the internal forces only ie. without any external force. ‘These internal forces cannot change the total momentum of the system although they may change the ‘momenta of the individual fragments. Thus the centre of mass will remain unaffected after the explosion and hence follows the same parabolic path, Q. From a uni of radius R, a circular hole of radius R/2 is cut out. The centre of the hole is at R/2 from the centre of the original disc. Locate the centre of gravity of the resulting body. (TB Ques 7.16 Pg. 179) Sol M (Mass of the disc) = Base Area x Thickness x Density aR? xtxp. mRtp m (Mass of removed disc) = Base Area x Thickness x Density G2) Re =n(5) xtxp \X D aRtp 4 _M 4 To find the change in position of centre of mass Y Let us assume the original centre of mass to be the origin in the x-y plane. Now, Mass of total part > M Position of CM > (0,0) Position of CM of smaller part > (R/2,0) ‘Thus, mass of the larger part = M~ M/4 _3M => ¥ Let centre of mass of larger part be located at > (-x,0) Now, xi tmx, Xe m; +m, Zoo+ (OG 3M | M ate Thus, new centre of mass is R/6 to the left of old centre of mass, Moment of Force (Torque) It is defined as the tuming effect of a force about a fixed point and is measured as the product of ‘magnitude of force and the perpendicular distance of the line of action of the force from the fixed point. Leta force F ” act on a single particle at a point P in x-y plane whose position vector with respect to the origin O is ras shown in the figure. ‘The magnitude of moment of force or torque of the force F is given by: =F (1 distance) +1 =F (sind) [Where 0 is angle b/w # and F] > t=rFsing >UsixF SLUNIT: Nm DIMENSIONS: [M' L’ T*] NOTE ‘The direction of “t’ is perpendicular to the plane containing r~ and F™* from point P. Q. A particle is projected at time t = 0 from a point O with a speed ‘y’ at an angle “6” to the horizontal. Find the torque of gravitational force on the projectile about the origin at time . Sol. ‘Now, x is the x-distance covered in time t x= vcos8 x t= veos8t ‘And, y is the y-distance covered in time t o-ig2 vsind — 5 et a P= (veosait (vsine -5xt?) j Now, t=°xF i j 1 =|veosot vsind ~>et eon 0 —mg (vcos@t x —mg) ~ (vsine— Fee xo)| g =mg vcos0t R Q. When a force of 10 N is exerted on the handle of a door can be just opened if the handle is at a distance of 50 cm from the hinges, find the torque applied on the door. Sol. = 0.5 x 10x sin 90° =5x1 =5Nm ‘Thus, the torque applied on the door is S Nm. NOTE: The perpendicular distance from the hinge is inversely proportional to the force required as torque is constant for a given hinge. tatix FL ‘When ris maximum, force required to turn the hinge is minimum and vice versa This is why doors have handles on the end and not in the middle for maximum ‘r’ COUPLE AND MOMENT OF COUPLE, ‘Two equal and unlike parallel forces whose lines of action are not the same constitute a couple. ‘The moment (or torque) of a couple is the product of either force with the distance between the forces. OR ‘Moment of the couple is the vector sum of torques produced by the two forces individually about a fixed point. The effect of couple on a rigid body is to produce rotation, Let F~ and ~ F™ be the forces acting on a body simultaneously at ‘A’ and ‘B’ shown in the figure. As the lines of action of these forces do not coincide, we say that a couple is acting on the body. Net force acting on the bod Hence, no translatory motion takes place. Let r; “ and r) “be the position vectors of points A and B about an axis passing through a fixed point 0. ‘The torque produced by the force at A about O is: maxFk ‘The turning effect is in anticlockwise direction and the direction of torque is normal to the plane. The torque produced bythe face at Bsbout Os axCA) ‘The turning effect is in anticlockwise direction and the direction of torque is normal to the plane but in ‘opposite direction. \Net torque produced by the couple about the axis: t=0+G RxF + mx (-F) RxF-yxF 3t=(h-%)xF >= - Fal * Il st adxF [Asad i Fal] Direction of resultant torque is in direction of torque produced at greater radius (in this case, %) Examples.of Couple © When we tun a door knob, we produce a couple on the knob. © When we wind a watch, we produce a couple to the winding key with our fingers. © When we use a screwdriver, we produce a couple on its head. © When we turn a tap, we produce a couple on its head. MECHANICAL EQUILIBRIUM OF A RIGID BODY A rigid body is said to be in mechanical equilibrium if it has both translational and rotational equilibrium, CONDITIONS FOR TRANSLATIONAL EQUILIBRIUM: If the vector sum of all the forces acting on the body is zero, then the body is in translational equilibrium. ive. Fa = 0. CONDITIONS FOR ROTATIONAL EQUILIBRIUM: IF the vector sum of all the torques about the given axis of rotation of the body is 7 rotational equilibrium. i. taa = 0. , then the body is in Q. A metre stick is balanced on a knife edge at its centre. When two coins, each of mass Sg are put on top of each other at the 12.0 em mark, the stick is found to be balanced at 45.0 em, What is the mass of the metre stick? TB Ques 7.17 Pg. 179) Sol. Mass of the coins (m) = Sg +Sg~ 10g Distance of coins from fulerum = 45 ~ 12 em =33 em Let the mass of the metre stick = M Distance of CM of stick from fulerum = 50 - 45 em =Sem For the stick to be balanced at fulcrum (equilibrium), net torques produced must be zero, ty =Fxd 50 Si. = mg x (45 — 12) I aa 1 = 10g x 33 Fxd 12am Som Mg x (50-45) koko 1 = Mex 45-12 cm Now, ut(Cn)=0 + 10g x33 -Mgx 5 = 10g x 33 = Mgx 5 + 10x33=Mx5 y= 1033 S5 > M = 66g ‘Thus, mass of the stick is 66g Q. A non-uniform bar of weight W is suspended at rest by two strings of negligible weight as shown in Fig.7.39. The angles made by the strings with the vertical are 36.9° and $3.1° respectively. The bar is 2m long. Calculate the distance d of the centre of gravity of the bar from its left end. Fig. 7.39 (TB Ques 7.8 Pg. 178) Sol. Sin particle is at mechanical equilibrium (it is at rest), horizontal component of T, and T; are equal. + T,sin@, = Tsin®, T _ sine, 7 7 sine, Ty _ sin53.1° 7 RT anaes 1, 08 T 06 Ty te -@ For rotational equilibrium, if the rod about its centre of gravity °C’, net torque = 0 sush A | + T, cos, (a) = 7 cos, (2d) Th cosh; | i _, Th_ 0853.1°(2~¢) | c T= cos369°@) — 4_ 062-4) 73> 8@ 4_3 @-a 735" @ (2-4) 16 @ > 9(2-d) = 164) + 18-9d=16d + 18= 25d a8 7 e535 + d=072m or 72cm Q. A car weighs 1800 kg. The distance between its front and back axles is 1.8 m. Its centre of gravity is 1.05 m behind the front axle. Determine the force exerted by the level ground on each front wheel and each back wheel. TB Ques 7.9 Pg. 178) Sol R, > Reaction force on front axle Ry > Reaction force on back axle Now, Ri +R,=W R =mg R 800 x 9.8 7640. N For rotational equilibrium of the car about its centre of gravity, = Ry (1.05) = R(0.75) w R= Ri G 73) »R=14R, -(1) Now, R, +R, = 17640 R, +14R, = 17640 > 24R, = 17640 17640 rr’ +R, =7350N Also, R, = 14Ry R= 14x 7350 +R, = 10290N Now, ASR; is the force exerted on both the front wheels, + Force exerted on each front wheel As Rz is the force exerted on both the back wheels, R, 10290 2 + Force exerted on each back wheel Moment of Inertia In translatory motion, the property of a body by virtue of which it opposes any change of state of rest or of uniform motion along a straight line is inertia, Similarly in rotational motion, the property of a rigid body by virtue of which it opposes any change in state of rest or of uniform circular motion about the axis of rotation is rotational inertia. A measure of rotational inertia is called moment of inertia Analytically, for a particle of mass ‘m’ rotating in a circle of radius *t’, Moment of Inertia about the axis of rotation (1) =m MOMENT OF INERTIA OF A RIGID BODY ‘The inertia of a particle only depends on its mass. But moment of inertia of a particle depends not only on its mass but also on its distance from the axis of rotation, DEFINITION ‘The moment of inertia of a rigid body about an axis is defined as the sum of the products of masses of different particles that are supposed to constitute the body and the square of their respective perpendicular distances from the axis of rotation, EXPLANATION Consider a rigid body of mass ‘m’ rotating about an axis OP. Assume that the body is composed of large ‘number of small particles of masses m,, m; ... my, They are at perpendicular distances t, 2 ... ty respectively from the axis OP as shown. Now, [= mye? + mye} +--+ mgr? e. sis Yim? ST UNIT: kg m? DIMENSIONS: [M' L? T°} ° NOTE; © Moment of inertia for a given body depends on the axis of rotation + Moment of inertia is dependent of angular velocity, frequency and time period of rotation of the body. Q Three particles of masses 1g, 2g and 3g are at a distance of 1 em, 2. em and 3 em from the axis of rotation. Find the moment of inertia of the system. Sol m=1g = lem m=2g 9 m=2em m=3g 9 y=3em ar? + mz} + mgr3 x12 42x22 43x 3? =148427 6 gem? Q. Find the moment of inertia of the system of 2 particles m, and m; about an axis passing through the centre of mass Sol. ann) Gt) mim, @ (m, + m2)? me meat( et =mime di (Giny) m, m, @ “im +m, Q.3 particles, each of mass 100 g are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side 10 em, Find the moment of inertia of the system about an axis passing through the centroid and perpendicular to the plane. Sol. m; ~ ms ~ 100 g~ 1/10 kg ‘Now, Distance from vertex to centroid of equilateral triangle (r) X median of equilareral triangle —em 10Vv3 Now, 1 = mgr? + mgr} + mgrZ = mr? + mr? + mr? 0“ i003 1000 = 10-3 kgm? Q. 4 particles, each of mass ‘m’ are arranged at 4 corners of a square of side ‘a’, Find the moment of inertia of the system about an axis passing through any side of the square. Sol. T= mgr} + mgr} + mgr} + mgry m(0)? + m(a)? + m(a)? + m(0)? =0+ma?tmat+o a a =2ma? : DU bh NOTE: In the above problem, if the axis of rotation is passing through the centre of the square, perpendicular to the plane, then moment of inertia ofthe system here, r= V2x5=— 2 v2 [= mr? + mr} + mgr} + mar =m() +m) 2 2 =2mat 1. Circular Ring Axis: Passing through the centre, perpendicular to the plane. Axis: Passing through the centre, perpendicular to the plane. Axis: Passing through the centre. 4, Hollow Sphere Axis: Passing through the centre, ‘mr? 5. Thin Rod Axis: Passing through the centre, perpendicular to the plane. me? 12 > eeoeo ‘The moment of inertia of a rigid body about any axis is equal to the sum of moment of inertia about a parallel axis passing through its centre of mass and the product of the mass of the body and the square of the perpendicular distance between the two parallel 1=I¢+mr? SPECIAL CASE: Moment of inertia of a thin rod about an axis passing through ‘one end of the rod: 13 Ig +mr? mi? ly? "a7" m(3) > ml? + ml? 12 4 > mi? + 3mi? 12 12 = 4mi? = mi? 12 3 Perpendicular Axis Theorem ‘The moment of inertia of a plain lamina about an axis perpendicular to its plane is equal to the sum of moment of inertia of the plane about two perpendicular axes perpendicular to each other in its own plane and intersecting each other at the point where the axis perpendicular to the plane passes. Ip = Ig tly Circular Ring 1. Axis passing through the centre, perpendicular to the plane Moment of Inertia (1) = mr? 2. Axis passing through any diameter By Perpendicular Axis theorem, L=ktly smr? = y+ ly 3 21g = mr? mr? oa 3. Axis passing tangential to the surface, perpendicular to the plane To b=mrt By Parallel Axis theorem, 1 E>: : 4, Axis passing tangential to the surface, parallel to the plane. By Parallel Axis theorem, 2 through the centre, perpendicular to the plane Moment of Inertia (1) ="=— 2. Axis passing through any diameter By Perpendicular Axis theorem, Ip =Ix+ly 4, Axis passing tangential to the surface, parallel to the plane. By Parallel Axis theorem, Ig + mr? T 2 mr mr? ois" + mr eee 5 1s 2 mm? Solid Sphere 1. Axis passing through the centre Moment of Inertia (1) 2. Axis passing tangential to any point parallel to the diameter By Parallel Axis theorem, Hollow Sphere 1. Axis passing through the centre Moment of Inertia (1) 2. Axis passing tangential to any point parallel to the diameter By Parallel Axis theorem, NOTE: Moment of inertia passing through the centre in a hollow cylinder is mr’ because it is a combination of a number of rings. Moment of inertia passing though the centre in a solid cylinder is (m2)/2 because itis a combination of a number of discs. ~ & RADIUS OF GYRATION (K) Radius of Gyration of a rigid body about an axis of rotation is the distance between the axis of rotation and a point at which the whole mass of the body can be supposed to be concentrated so that its moment of inertia would be the same with the actual distribution of mass. UNIT: metre (m) DIMENSIONS > [M° L' T"] Consider a rigid body of mass ‘m’ rotating about an axis of rotation 00", We can imagine that the total mass (M) is concentrated at a point P. The perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation to this point P is the radius of gyration (K). ‘The moment of inertia of the body about the axis OO" is equal to MK? This must be equal to the moment of inertia of the body with the actual distribution of mass: I Ym Radius of Gyration depends on the position of the axis of rotation and temperature (as temperature increases, value of K increases). Radius of Gyration (K) for different objects 1. CIRCULAR RING Mk? 3. SOLID. SPHERE = MK? . 4, HOLLOW SPHERE [= MK? 2 oo eMR? = MK? MR? = MK’ Q. Find the moment of inertia of a thin uniform rod about an axis perpendicular to its length passing through a point which is at a distance of L/3 from one end, Also find the radius of gyration about that axis. Sol. By parallel axis theorem, T= [e+ Mx? — > LISS MI? Ly? 1+) a u() — i a1 _ 3M? MZ a1 36” 36 tM 36 M2 9 Consider a rigid body consisting of ‘n’ number of particles, rotating with same angular speed («) about an axis OP. Kinetic energy of rotating body: liv? 2 2 KE myvf +5mavi +5 mavd ° Now, v=, Ve=1 0)... Veta Oo 1 1 # KE.= 5my(r0)? + 7malr200)? + KE = mp2? + mpr30? 2? = jpmirfo? + pmarjo? + F marge 1 acy? + mgr? 2 KRESS e%(mprt + mar} + mgr) ae rceetur(S me neo) met) Ke=2 2x1 As 1 S | ajo fpor= Yn 1 >KE=5 10? Q. A uniform rod of length ‘I’ is held vertically on a horizontal floor fixing its lower end; the rod is allowed to fall on the ground. Find that angular velocity at that instant of reaching the ground. Sol. L Potential Energy = Mg [ because thatis the height orem | 1 Mi? 1 Kinetic Energy = 5 1a* xu’ According to law of conservation of energy, aga 3x oi 2 38 Oo fe yu Motion of a Rolling Body KINETIC ENERGY OF A ROLLING BODY A body rolling without slipping possesses both translational kinetic energy and rotational kinetic energy. A o> v ro A D B ¥ Dl VR Translatory Rotatory = Rolling Motion Motion Body Kinetic energy of a rolling body = Kinetic energy due to translatory motion + Kinetic energy due to rotatory motion KES MVey? #2 0? =a MVew? +5 10% Now, Fraction of the total kinetic energy of the rolling body that is translational is given by: Live? KE vransiat 2 MVew’ 1 1 R? KE Rotational 1 2 K® kK Rak? +K? evo FMVow?(1+R:) (+R) me KE translational RP KEpotational __R? + K? Fraction of the total kinetic energy of the rolling body that is rotatory is given by: KERotatory KE translational R? 2 4K? — RP KERotational KERotational “RFK? R? + K? KERotatory ___K* KERotational__R* + K* Q. A solid sphere of mass ‘M’ and radius ‘R’ is rolling on a horizontal surface. Find the fraction of the total kinetic energy of rolling body that is translational and that of rotational. Sol. For Solid Sphere, K? = 2/5 x R? KEtransiatnat ——R?__ RP KEpotationat REF R? wate R24 ER? 2 2 KERotatory Ke sR gk 2 TEpvatonat RAR yas 2ya Dye? ‘Thus, 5/7 is the translational part & 2/7 is the rotatory part. Q. What fraction of the total kinetic energy of a rolling circular ring is translational? Sol. Fora circular ring, K? = R? KE ransiationat ___R RR? 4 KEpotationat —-RP+K? REFERER 2 Q. A hoop of radius 2 m weighs 100 kg. It rolls along a horizontal floor so that its centre of mass has a speed of 20 cm/s. How much work has to be done to stop it? CEB Ques 7.19 Pg. 179) Sol. Given: R=2m — M=100kg V=20 emis = 0.2 mis Fora circular hoop (ring), K?= R? From work energy theorem, ‘Work Done ~ Change in Kinetic Energy 1. of, >We 5 MVew?(1+57)—-0 1 = 5% 100x (0.2)? x (1 +1) 1 7% 100 x 0.04 x2 =4J ‘Thus, the work done required to stop the body is 4 J Q. Find the velocities of a particle of a rolling bod at A, B, C and D, given that ‘v’ is the velocity of centre of mass and also ‘v’ is the velocity due to rotatory motion. ALA’ AUC veavtv vRavnv av = ground, rolling down on an inclined plane PLE. atA mgh KE, atB " H 2 By law of Conservation of energy, mgh= $rnv#(1 + 2 —r > Q. A uniform solid sphere is rolled up a fixed rough inclined surface with an initial speed ‘u’. Find the maximum height reached by the sphere over the incline in terms of ‘u’. Sol. By law of conservation of energy: > 2 —s—> Tu? 0g ‘Time taken for.a rolling body to reach the ground (re) Now, by 2™ equation of motion: Now, a —s—> NOTE thatsin ‘sin@ i 8 Q.A solid cylinder rolls up an inclined plane of angle of inclination 30°. At the bottom of the inclined plane the centre of mass of cylinder has a speed of 5 m/s. {a) How far will the cylinder go up the plane? (b) How long will it take to return to the bottom? Sol. Given; 0=30° v=Sms" Fora solid cylinder: MR? Ko ‘Thus, the cylinder will go 3.75 m up the plane. (EB Ques 7.21 Pg. 179) Now, [ r l2x3.75(145) 10x sin30° 3 j2x3.75 x3 10x ‘Thus, time taken to return to the bottom is 1.5 seconds, Angular Momentum ‘The angular momentum of a moving particle about any point is defined as the product of linear momentum of the particle and the perpendicular distance of the line of motion from the given point Linear Momentum (B Angular Momentum (L) = # x B Angular momentum is a vector quantity Its direction is perpendicular to the plane containing rand P~. UNITS: kg m’ s“, Js DIMENSIONS; [M! L? T*] Consider a particle of mass ‘m’ moving parallel to the x-axis with a velocity ‘v”” and the particle is at ‘A” at an instant of time. The position vector of the particle OA isr™. Let “6” be the angle between the position vector r~ and momentum P~. The perpendicular distance of the line of motion from the origin is OB. The angular momentum of the particle about “0” is given by L = Linear momentum * perpendicular distance of the line of motion from *O" > L=mvx 0B From triangle OAB, 9 8 _ 08 sind= R= 3 0B=rsind + L=mvxrsind + L=mvrsin® m(F x ¥) From the definition of angular momentum, L = Linear momentum x Perpendicular distance of line of ‘motion from the point of rotation. L my X r= mvr mL on In the ease of uniform circular motion, L=mvr=m(ro)r [vv = re] =mreo te mr] Rotational kinetic energy JE AND ANGULAR MO TUM Torque in rotatory motion is analogous to force in translatory motion. In rotatory motion, the law corresponding to Newton’s second law of motion can be stated as “rate of change of angular momentum is directly proportional to the resultant external torque acting on it and takes place in ‘the direction of the torque”. Since k is made equal to one in any system of units, aL ar eo) [FL = 10] ) otsla This is the relation between torque and angular acceleration, To derive the relation between torque and angular momentum For deriving the relation in the context of a single particle, we differentiate L = # x P with respect to time, dg =x?) Applying the product rule for differentiation, Now, & a Bemé. Now, = and B=mi, do axPavxmi=m@xH=0 -() Also, [From 2nd Law of motion] - (2) Now, a 4 (x) Wey ah a at a er From (1) and (2): ah oe ext a dt oe ci o4g Gaott LAW OF CONSERVATION OF ANGULAR MOMENTUM “If there is no net external torque acting on a sy ‘constant both in magnitude and direction.” lem, the angular momentum of the system remains Proof: The resultant extemal torque acting on a rotating system is equal to rate of change of angular ‘momentum. dL Tet = If =0; Th au 0 Tee =O; Then As the differentiation of a constant quantity is zero, so L is a constant. L= constant ‘When there is no external torque acting on a system, angular momentum of the system remain constant. If toe= 0; — then L = constant Tw = constant 3 yey = hoz = hn, =Ibnz [ Where n is the number of rotations, and w xn] 1 [where Tis the time period, and T = :| Since Ic is constant, smaller the moment of inertia, greater the angular velocity and vice versa, EXAMPLES OF CONSERVATION OF ANGULAR MOMENTUM: » Suppose a man stands on a turn table with dumbbells in his stretched hands. The turn table is set into rotation at a constant angular velocity co. If the man now starts to bring his hands closer to his body, we will observe that the angular velocity increases gradually. The angular velocity becomes maximum ‘when the man folds his hands. This can be explained using the principle of conservation of angular momentum, According to this principle, if there is no extemal torque, L.= constant i ko ~ constant, Angular velocity is inversely proportional to the moment of inertia, As the man brings his hands closer to his body, I decreases. So w increases. A person rotating on a tum table 2 A diver jumps from a diving board with both the legs and hands kept far off from the body. The diver then brings the hands and legs closer to the body, moment of inertia decreases and angular velocity increases. The diver makes somersaults in air. When the diver nears the water, legs and hands are stretched so that moment of inertia increases and « decreases. A diver jumping from a spring board 3) If the polar ice cap melts and moves towards the equator, then the duration of the day increases. 4) ‘The angular velocity of a planet in its orbit around the sun increases when it is nearer to the Sun, as the ‘moment of inertia of the planet about the sun decreases. WORK-ENERGY THEORI ‘The work done by a constant torque acting on a body is equal to change in rotational kinetic energy. 1 io? t a? = 2102-0? W = 0 = F1o}—Z lot = 51 (3-03) BoB 1 = _7G-) Q. If the radius of the earth is suddenly halved keeping its mass constant; find its time period of rotation around its own ai Sol. When the radius of the earth gets reduced suddenly keeping its mass constant, the angular momentum of the earth is constant. = Iw = constant 2 aap? x 2% > SMR? x tant z 7 = constant since mass *M" is constant, +. R? e¢ T Now, the radius changes from R to R/2 oe @) + T= 6hours 24 hours z Q. Torques of equal magnitude is supplied to a hollow cylinder and a solid sphere, both having the same mass and radius. The cylinder is free to rotate about its standard axis of symmetry, and the sphere is free to rotate about an axis passing through its centre. Which of the two will acquire a greater angular speed after a given time? Sol. Moment of inertia of the hollow cylinder about its axis of symmetry, ic., 1 Ic = 5 MR? = 0.5 MR? ‘Moment of inertia of the solid cylinder about its axis of symmetry, i., 2 Te = EMR? = 0.4 MR? Moment of inertia of solid sphere < Moment of inertia of eylinder. So a is more for solid sphere, since = Ta ‘Thus, « is more for solid sphere in given time. Q. (a) A child stands at the centre of a turn table with his two arms outstretched. The turn table is set rotating with an angular speed of 40 rev/min. How much angular speed of the child if he folds his hands back and thereby reduce his moment of inertia to 2/5 times the initial value? Assume that the turntable rotates without friction. (b) Show that the child’s new kinetic energy of rotation is more than the initial kinetic energy of rotation. How do you account for this increase in kinetic energy? Sol. (a) Initial angular speed of the turntable, i.e. «= 40 rpm If ris the final angular speed of the turntable, applying the law of conservation of angular momentum, T,@;=Ir op (Where [and Irare the initial and the final moments of inertia) Clearly, we are given that Ir/ = 2/5, ic. h/1e= 5/2 Thus, w; 5 5% 40 = 100 rpm () Final KE ofrotation _ (1/2)IeoF _ ley (iy? _ hy Ope ==(¢) @ =i (As hen; = 1ye0p) Initial KE ofrotation ~ G/2yhaog ~ (i) * Mp If Up Q. A rope of negligible mass is wound round a hollow cylinder of mass 3 kg and radius 40 cm. What is the angular acceleration of the cylinder if the rope is pulled with a force of 30 N? What is the linear acceleration of the rope? Assume that there is no slipping. Sol. Given: M=3kg r=40cm=04m — F=30N Now, Moment of Inertia of a Hollow Cylinder (1) = Mr? = 3 x (0.4)? = 0.48 kg m? Torque acting on the cylinder (x) = rF = 0.4 x 30 = 12 Nm Ifa is the angular acceleration produced in the eylinder, TAN oe sads? Cae kgm “TANS Finally, a=ra= 04x25 =10ms?

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