Activity 1

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Quinto, Rochelle F.


Professional Salesmanship

Assignment #1

• What is selling?
➢ Selling is an art of trading goods and services with the exchange of money and the
aim to get a profit. This is the way of satisfying customers need where the sellers
provides goods and services that benefits their customers in any way.

• What is the role of personal selling in a firm?

➢ Personal selling helps the firm to directly identify their target customers and discover
the needs and wants of their potential customers that will help them provide goods and
services that will satisfy their potential market by the use of multichannel strategy via
personal selling.

• What are the different types of salespeople?

➢ The different types of salespeople are the distribution channel whose responsible for
the flow of products and services from the producer to user, trade salespeople whose
job is to sell to firms that resell products, missionary salespeople who works for a
manufacturer and promote their products and the manufacturer’s agents who are
independent businesspeople who are paid a commission.

• What are the rewards of a selling career?

➢ The rewards in selling are the independence and responsibility where many people
don’t prefer to spend long hours behind a desk, doing the same thing everyday, the
financial rewards where salespeople tend to earn more money the longer they sell and
the management opportunities where selling jobs provide a firm base for launching a
business career.

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