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Narrator: Once upon a time there is a happy family the family of Cambridge and

Carmen, they have three children, all girls are kyla, Andrea and their youngest sister meljane
they are happy together as if no problem can destroy them, in at night, they ate together at the
dinning table, after they finished eating they immediately went to the living room to watch
their favorite movie, just them mang canor received a call from the office because mang canor
was alone working to provide for hid family's needs.
First scene
Mang canor: hello good evening who's this?
Kaith:hello good evening I'm with the CEO of another company, I'm going to talk to you, but
because there are a lot of complaints and reports that I've heard and they told me that you're
not paying your debts and you workers are working because of the weakness of your company,
I'm sorry but you head to close your company as soon as possible thank you.
Mang canor: what!?-no-nooo!!
Aling carmen: Dear, what's going on with you?
Mang canor: our company is already bankrupt
Meljane: guys, what's going on here?
Mang canor: nothing, we're fine here Narrator A few day's ago the mang canor went bankrupt
and lost his job and soon he went crazy wondering what he could possibly do because they
didn't even have money to buy food. Mang canor scrolled through Facebook and at that
moment a friend of his chated on Facebook who sold drugs at a low price and he became more
interested in it and bought drug, he bought when he arrived he quickly went to their cr for try
and use it and he does it everyday.
Meljane: Dad, we have a family reunion this week at our school and we need to be together
because without I will be sad.
Andrea: Besides, me too you also need to go to our school tomorrow.
Kyla: Dad and I have a meeting the next day. Dad should attend.
Mang canor: why are you being so mean, you've been making noise for a while now please
don't disturb me and I'll sleep here you didn't do anything you're just being noisy.

Aling carmen: what's wrong with you canor. what's your problem?! and why are you
this, even your children you just drink, it's not the right time for our family canor wake up,
you're not the only one who's having trouble like this!!!
Mang canor: I'm sorry because you still sympathized with my problem, I used drugs so I couldn't
control myself, I'm sorry because I used dangerous drug's to avoid pain I feel I'm in trouble
carmen, I can't hide it from you anymore that it's still hard for our children to accept because I
don't have the money to buy your wishes and needs please forgive me.
Aling carmen: canor, I know the pain you will used feel because I am your wife and my children
are also struggling, so don't single out your problems because we are so family here.
Kyla: then we hope you go back to the way you used to be.
Andrea: And I hope we can fix our problem and return to normal life
Meljane: we miss you dad.

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