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1. ABDULMAJIID ABDELLA …………………………………………………..UGR/53680/13
2. EBISA FIKADU ……………………………………………………....................UGR/55123/13
3. NEFYAD MENGISTU ……………………………………………............…..UGR/53727/13
4. MESERET ABEJE …………………………………....................……….............UGR/54775/13
5. MAHILET MAMAR …….………...................................................................UGR/54069/13
Definition of Non-communicable disease
Non-communicable diseases(NCDs) are diseases that are not spread through infection or through other people, but are typically
caused by unhealthy behaviors.
NCDs, also known as chronic disease, are medical conditions that are associated with long duration and slow progress.
Most NCDs are non infectious and are the result of several factors, including genetic physiological, behavioral and
environmental factors
Addressing non communicable disease is a global priority as in a sustainable development goal, especially for adolescent.
However, existing literature on no communicable disease burden, risk factor and determinant and effective intervention and
policy for targeting this disease in adolescent, is limited.
This study develop an evidence based conceptual framework and highlight pathways between risk factor and intervention to
non communicable disease development during adolescent and continuing into adulthood.
Additional, the epidemiologic profile of key non communicable disease risk factor and outcome among adolescent and
preventative non communicable disease policy /law /legislation are examined and multi variable analysis is conducted to
explore the determinant of non communicable disease among adolescent and youth

NCD are one major challenges for public health iin 21 century not only in terms of human suffering they cause but also the harm
they inflict on socioeconomic development of the country.
Non communicable disease kill approximately 41 million peoples (71% of global deaths) worldwide each year
including 14 million peoples who die to young between the age of 30 and 70.the majority of Premature NCD death are
According to WHO projection the total annual number of death from non_communicable disease will increase to 55
million by 2030,if timely interventional not done for prevention and control of non communicable.
Non-commicable Disease in Adolescent and youth
• Adolescent and youth are one of most primary affected by NCDs
• Adolescent and youth people are tremendous resource that are overlooked in the fight against NCDs, yet they are natural
partner for preventing NCDs.
• The WHO estimates that 70% of premature deaths in adults are the result of behaviors begun during
adolescence and youth.
• Many NCDs are associated with behaviors that are established in adolescent and youth, including harmful use of
alcohol, tobacco use, sedentary lifestyle and an unhealthy diet, which disproportionately affects poor, vulnerable
and less educated section of communities

The risk factors of NCDs

Factors of self control management

 Tobacco use
 Alcohol use
 Physical activity
 Persons weight
 Food choice
 Dental health care

Genetics factors
 Family disease history
 Genetics inheritance
 Epigenetic changes
 Environment exposure based( e.g radiation)
 Toxic material mutation

Environmental factors
 Air pollution
 Weather change

 Sunlight(UV radiation)

sociodemographic factors

 age
 gender
 race
 ethnicity
 education income

Impacts of NCDs
 Economics:- reduced labor supply, reduced labor output, additional costs to employers
(e.g.productivity,insurance),lower tax revenues and etc

 Health systems:-increased consumption of NCD related health care, high medical treatment costs, heath system
adaption, and etc

 Household and Individuals:-reduced wellbeing, increased disabilities, prematuredeaths, savings and assets loss,
reduced opportunities and etc.
Some example of non-communicable disease
 Cancer
 Diabetes
 Heart disease
 Chronic lung disease
 Alzheimer`s disease
 Hypertension
 Asthma
 Mental health alments

Prevention for NCDs

 Policies and legislation

Policies and legislation to protect adolescent from harmful substance such as tobacco, alcohol and foods containing high level of
saturated fat, trans-fat, sugar and salt, are the corner stone of national programs to respect and fulfil adolescents rightsand
prevent behaviours that increase the risk of NCDs. Policies and legislation can limit young people`s access to, and use of such
product by creating and enforcing a minimum age of purchase, for example on tobacco and alcohol and by mandating public
place, school and other place where adolescents congregate.

 school
schools and other educational establishment provide important opportunity to prevent the behavior that underlie NCDs, and
can contribute to the prevention and referral of mental illness and violence.

 Families and communities

Families and communities play a key role in preventing and responding to NCDs risk behaviours during adolescence.
Arental monitoring and expectatation have sustential influence on an adolescence behaviour.
 Health services
Health services also have a role to apply when clinicians ask youth about tobacco and alcohol use, sexual behaviour and
diet and physical activity as parts of routine visits. Counselling and information can help young people avoid health risk.

 Information technology and media

Young people are connected to media and new information technology capable of reaching populations in a way never

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