Soal Les Kelas 9

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To Almahira Saqueena  

 You have been amazing!

You have always been the first responsive and helpful student

In your class.

 Thank you very much

for being an amusing girl.

 The class teacher, Mrs. Adrina

1.   From the text, we know that Saqueena is ….
A.        a creative girl 
B.        a competitive girl
C.        a enthusiastic girl
D.        a cooperative girl

The text is for questions number 4 and 5            



To: All students of SMP Berjuang

To hold the scout program,

 Our school will carry out online scout activities as follows:

·         Helping parents

·         Practicing roping

·         Making handicrafts from Recycling things 

·         Writing an article about preventing from Covid-19,

 These activities will start from:

January 21st to  May 29th, 2021

Please send all the tasks (your activities photos and file)

on the scout class on time.

For more information

  Contact Mr. Ilham at 08169436652.

2.   What is the writer’s purpose to write the announcement above?
A.  To ask students to have multi-talents. 
B.  To carry out the online scout activity program.
C.  To persuade students to join the scout activity program.
D.  To give information about the online scout activity program.

The text is for questions number 3 and 4.

Hi Melati,
Where are you going now? Our mom needs you to take her to buy some fish at Giwangan market. So
please come back soon. Mom is waiting for you now.
 3. Why does Ubaid send the message to Melati?
A. To ask her to buy some fish.
B. To ask her to come home.
C. To ask her to wait for him.
D. To ask her position.
4.  What will Melati probably do after reading the message?
A.  Coming home soon.
B.  Forwarding the message.
C.  Taking her mom to the market.
D.  Replying the message immediately.          
1. Arief: who won the Dermayon singing competition yesterday?
Dewi: I did. I won first prize.
Arief: well done. ….
a. I’m glad to hear that
b. You’re welcome
c. That’s too bad
d. I’m sorry
Jawaban: a
2. Adi: It's break time. Let’s go to the canteen. I need something to eat. I’m hungry.
Budi: That's a good idea.
Rudi: I think so. Let’s go there now.
The underlined sentence shows….
a. An opinion
b. A suggestion
c. An agreement
d. A disagreement
Jawaban: c
4. A: ….you had your lunch?
B: no, I have not.
a. Do
b. Does
c. Are
d. Have
Jawaban: d
5. Looks! Mrs. Nina….her motorcycle.
a. Is riding
b. To ride
c. Rides
d. Ride
Jawaban: a
6. Look outside, it ….now.
a. Rains
b. Raining
c. Is raining
d. Was raining
Jawaban: c
7. I was sleeping when she …., I did not meet her.
a. Is coming
b. Come
c. Came
d. Comes
Jawaban: c
8. When I arrived in Japan, it ….hard.
a. Raining
b. Is raining
c. Rains
d. Was raining
Jawaban: d
9. I have ….my task yet.
a. Did
b. Do
c. Does
d. Done
Jawaban: d
10. Edo : Happy birthday, Lia
Lia : Thank you Edo. You are the first person who congratulate me.
Edo : Oh really? Here is a little present for you. I hope you like it.
Lia : Thank you very much. You are really my best friend
Edo gives Lia a present because . . . .
A. she likes a present
B. she asks Edo to give it
C. she wins a competition
D. she is celebrating her birthday
Jawaban: D
1) Lina …… the match in Olympic Games. She is so sad.

A. won

B. lost

C. jumped

D. celebrated

2) I went to dentist yesterday because my ….. were in pain.

A. hands

B. fingers

C. teeth

D. ears

3) A : Can you help me?

     B  : Yes, of course. What can I do for you?

     A  : Please, ….. this bag to my room.

     B   : Yes, Sir.

A. bring

B. help

C. give

D. Has

4) This exercise was too ….. for me. I got score 100.

A. difficult

B. easy

C. expensive
D. high

5) Diana’s barbie is broken. Diana is very …… now.

A. confuse

B. sad

C. happy

D. charm

6) The teacher’s duty is to ….. the students in the school.

A. teach

B. play

C. make

D. work

7) Luna is celebrating her birthday.

     Now Luna feels ……

A. angry

B. dusty

C. easy

D. happy

8) Mia : Adi, your shoes are so fit in your …… . You look georgeus.

     Adi  : Thank you.

A. finger

B. lip

C. hand

D. feet

9) The clown is so …… . He makes all kids laugh and happy.

A. funny

B. quiet
C. noisy

D. disgusting

10) I am so hungry. So, I …… a meal .

A. prepare

B. walk

C. kick

D. wear

11) Rina : I want to wear my white gown to Amanda’s party. What do you think?

       Lisa   : I think the red one is better.

       Rina  : Ok. I will …… the red gown

A. wrap

B. go

C. wear

D. give

12) The carpet is …… . I want to clean it.

A. large

B. shiny

C. dirty

D. soft

13) A : When did you get up in this morning?

       B  : ……

A. I got up at 5.00

B. I had my breakfast

C. I was sleepy

D. I went to school

14) Tami : Where do you want move?

        Dikta : I want to ….. to Australia with my parents.

A. come

B. find

C. move

D. run

15) Katherine didn’t study hard. He didn’t ….. the exam.

A. study

B. give

C. pass

D. break

16) The gardener ….. the grass every Monday and Thursday.

A. cuts

B. plans

C. trains

D. comes

17) I can’t hear anything since my …… are sick.

A. eyes

B. ears

C. nose

D. mouth

18) Sugar is ….. , but honey is sweeter than sugar.

A. salty

B. small

C. sweet

D. smooth

19) Kathy is a ….. . She teaches Math in our class. Every students love her.
A. kind teacher

B. ugly teacher

C. arrogant teacher

D. emotional teacher

20) Lili                     : Do you have a ….. ?

        Shopkeeper   : Yes, we do. The fruit rack is right there.

A. persian cat

B. green apple

C. running shoes

D. drawing book

21) My mother is a nurse. She works in Harapan Bunda Hospital. She ….. the

A. thinks

B. ignores

C. helps

D. finds

22) Teguh : This fried chicken is my favourite.

        Hilda   : I like it too. This fried chicken is very …..

A. delicious

B. bitter

C. salty

D. dangerous

23) Something that you can find in your bedroom is a ….. .

A. blackboard

B. bed

C. stove
D. garden

24) Grant is a tailor. He makes ….. .

A. clothes

B. bag

C. belt

D. ice cream

25) My father always reads ….. everymorning .

A. radio

B. computer

C. television

D. newspaper


1) B. lost               11) C. wear                             21) C. helps

2) C. teeth            12) C. dirty                            22) A. delicious

3) A. bring           13) A. I got up at 5.00      23) B. bed

4) B. easy             14) C. move                          24) A. clothes

5) B. sad                15) C. pass                             25) D. newspaper

6) A. teach            16) A. cuts

7) D. happy           17) B. ears

8) D. feet                18) C. sweet

9) A. funny            19) A. kind teacher

10) A. prepare      20) B. green apple

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