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San Mariano Campus

Sta. Filomena, San Mariano, Isabela

A Detailed Lesson Plan in


Prepared by:
Janus Dave B. Domingo
BSEd 2 – English

Submitted to:
Novalyn R. Vidal
Subject Instructor
A Detailed Lesson Plan in

I. Objectives
At the end of discussion, the students should be able to:
A. express insights about the importance of Editorial Board;
B. discuss the issues faced in campus journalism today;and
C. produce creative application about the lesson.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: The Editorial Board and Issues in Campus Journalism
B. Reference: Chapter 1: Campus Journalism
C. Materials: PowerPoint slides, laptop, pictures.
D. Value Integration: Courage,Honesty,Cooperation
E. Teaching Method: Inductive Method and Student’s Centered

III. Procedures
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
1. Preliminary Activities

 Greetings

Good morning, class! Good morning, sir!

 Prayer

Before we formally begin our discussion today let’s Dear Lord, We thank you for this
start with a prayer. Mark, can you lead the prayer? day and the many blessings we
have received. We ask that you
would bless the work that we do
here in our class and give us
patience, courage, and
perseverance to face whatever
challenges may come.
 Classroom Management

Before you take your seats, I want you to arrange

your chairs and pick up those trash that you may find
near you.
Okay, sir.
Is everything settled now?

Okay, thank you so much. Please take your seats Thank you, sir.

I would like to introduce our classroom rules. Kindly 1. Listen when someone is
read it Cromwell. talking.
2. Raise your hand to speak,
or to get up out of the chair.
3. Follow the directions when
first giving.
4. Be respectful to each other.

Do we all agree with the set classroom rules, class? Yes, sir.

 Checking of Attendance

Are you excited for a new learning experience Yes, sir.


I’m also excited to teach you our interesting topic for

today. But before that I would like to ask our class
secretary to kindly check the attendance for today’s Yes, sir.
class. Is that okay?”

2. Review

Do you still remember our topic last meeting? Yes, sir.

What was our topic last meeting, Princess? Sir, our topic last meeting is all
about the campus paper.

Exactly, Princess!
Again, what is a campus papers? Yes, Jomarie? Campus Paper is a free school
newspaper circulating in schools,
colleges, and universities in the
That’s right. Moreove, campus paper may be
mimeographed or printed, published or released by
an organization or school.

3. Motivation

In view of this, let us have an activity before we

proceed to our next lesson. This activity is called

For your groupings, kindly look the piece of colored

paper in your chair and find your groupmates based
on that color. Do you already find your group mates? Yes, sir

In three minutes, arrange the

Now, kindly read the mechanics of the activity shuffled letters taped on the
Lester. cartolina to form words which are
related to campus journalism once
done post the cartolina on the
board with the rearranged words.

Okay, choose a representative to get the envelope

here in front consisting the set of jumbled words that
you are going to arrange later on.
Representatives, get one envelope for your group.

We’re ready sir.

Are you now ready?

Hence, if that’s the case, then your three minutes

starts now.

Scrambled Words

Okay, it’s already time. Please ready your answers

now and post it on the board.

Thank you, sir.

Very nice! I am happy that you were able to finish
the task in a short period of time.
Let’s now check your answers. EMPLOYEES

Well done, group 2 you almost got the correct Thank you, sir
answer. Let’s give them a fantastic clap

4. Lesson Proper

Did you enjoy the activity that we did? Yes sir, we enjoyed it.
That’s great!

Now look at the words you formed, what do you think

is our topic today will be all about?
Sir, I think it is about the Editorial
Yes, Zaskia? Board and Issues in Campus

That’s right! Our topic for today is all about Editorial

Board and Issues in Campus Journalism.

So first, let us define what Editorial Board is.

Sir, the Editorial Board is a group
Do you have any idea about the Editorial Board? of people usually at a publication
who dictate the tone and direction
the publication’s editorial policy will
Yes, Mr. Abao
take at the newspaper.

Very good. You are correct. In addition to that,

Editorial Board typically consist of a group of
prominent people in the journal’s field.

Now, anyone in the class can explain the importance

of editorial board?
Sir, they identify the new topics for
commission, special editions and
Yes, Paul? advising on direction for the journal
giving feedback on past issues and
making suggestions for both
subject matter and potential

Precisely! Editorial Board also gives feedback on

past issues and making suggestions for both subject
matter and potential authors

How about the others?

They also approach potential
contributors and also help to
Yes, Julie? identify peer reviewers and provide
second opinions on papers(i.e
where there is a conflict between
Well said! Moreover,Editorial Board also endorse
the journal to authors, readers and subscribers and
encourage colleagues to submit their best work.

In view of the Editorial Board, there are editorial staff

which is a group of employees who responsible for
the preparation of the publication.

Who among you knows the members of the Editorial

Sir, they are the Editor-in-Chief,,
Associate Editor, Managing Editor,
Yes, EB? News Editor, Feature Editor,
Layout Section Editor and

Excellent ,EB!

Yes, sir.
Is this topic now clear to us, class?

Now we are going to discuss our last topic for today .

which is the issues in campus journalism. The word
you formed earlier in the ice breaker are some
issues that campus journalism faces today. But there
are the four biggest issues that belong to this.

Who can name these?

Sir, these are fake news, news
Yes, Kenneth? media industry is going broke,
technologies and profits.

Well said, Kenneth!

In addition to that the following information are

derived from this.
The flood of opinion and false
Kindly read the first issue, Jolina? information on the internet.
This collection of research offers
insights into the impacts of fake
news and other forms of
misinformation, including fake
twitter images, and how people
use the internet to spread rumors
and misinformation.

Thank you, proliferation of false information in any

printed matters or in social media is rampant.
Specifically, journalism become a way to execute the
so called “black propaganda”.

How about the second issue? Kindly read, Guian. The public doesn’t care about
quality journalism
People doesn’t care quality
journalism wherein it enables
communities to learn and share
essential information, establish
shared, accurate understandings
of key public developments, and
hold elected officials and
institutions to account.
Thank you. In addition to that, the public doesn’t
exercise their critical thinking in terms of journalism.
Instead, they easily engage or believe to any
information without scrutinizing its content first.

Next ,please do read the third issue.

Traditional media companies
Yes, John? need to adapt faster to new
Technology media tends to be a bit
more expensive than new media
but it has also the ability to reach a
broad target audience. If the
ultimate goal of the business is to
reach a broad range of people,
then new media may be the way to

Thank you. In addition to that, new media  has the

advantage of being well-established and having a
wide reach. It also generally has more credibility
than traditional media, as it is seen as being more
trustworthy and less biased.

Media owners have focused too

For the last issue, kindly read it. Yes, Elise! much on profits
The global media is all about
money is all about media and profit

Thank you Elise. In addition to that, media owners

does not become reliable all the time because they
tend to published article or post an information online
in an exchanged of money.

Well done, class! It seems that you have easily

understand our lesson. Do you have any questions, None, sir.
any clarifications?


There being no questions, let’s have a wrap.

What is the importance of Editorial Board in campus The Editorial Board is helpful in
journalism? identifying new topics for
commissions, special editions and
advising on direction for the journal
giving feedback on past issues.

Okay, very good how about the next question?

Sir, Editor-in-Chief, Associate

What are the positions that are present in an Editor, Managing Editor, News
Editorial Board? Editor, Sports Editor, Feature
Editor, Layout Section Editor, and

Excellent! How about the last question?

The flood of opinion and false
What are the four issues in campus journalism? information on the internet, the
economic model for news is
broken, public doesn’t care about
quality journalism and media
owners have focused too much on
5. Application

For us to assess your understanding

of the lesson, the same group will have to assign a
leader who needs to pick from the magic bowl a task
that each group must perform.
Group 1 – Draw one symbol about
Kindly reveal your group task.
the importance of campus
journalism in a certain school.
Group 2 – Construct a poem on
how to avoid misinformation in
campus journalism.
Group 3 – Portray a simple skit if
journalism doesn’t exist in our
society today.
Group 4 – Compose a jingle song
about the issue faced by campus
journalism today.
I’ll be giving you 10 minutes to plan and
accomplished the task given to your group . Our
grading system will be by group. So here are the
Yes, sir.
Is this clear, class?


This rubric assesses the presentation of the learners in their group activity. It focuses in a
both process; during the preparation and planning phase wherein accomplishing the
assigned task occur, and the output which is the actual performance/presentation. This
rubric also quantify the content, quality of presentation, and effectiveness of presentation.
Criteria Exemplary Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Score
(41-50) (21-40) (0-20)
Content: 50% Incorporate the Incorporate some The content of the
(Provides a concept of the concepts of the presentation is
brief summary lesson and lesson. not related to the
of the lesson) presented lesson.
Quality of The presentation The presentation was The quality of the
presentation: was easy to easy to understand presentation is
30% understand and but there were some vague and most
(Easy to clear. inaccurate part. of the part of the
understand and presentation is
accurate) unclear.
Effectiveness The start up to the The start was No creativity and
of presentation: end was outstanding but not originality at all.
20% outstanding. up to the end, or vice
(Creativeness versa.
and originality)

IV. Evaluation
Since you’ve understand the topic, let’s have now a
short quiz. Please bring out ¼ sheet of paper. Write
LOVE if the statement is true and write HATE if the
statement is false. Yes, sir!

1. The Editorial Board is a group of people

usually at a publication who dictate the tone Answer Key
and direction the publication’s editorial policy 1. LOVE
will take at the newspaper. 2. HATE
2. The flood of opinion and precise information 3. HATE
on the internet is one of the issue in campus 4. HATE
3. Government officials identify the new topics
for commission, special editions and advising 6. LOVE
on direction for the journal giving feedback on
past issues and making suggestions for both
subject matter and potential authors.
4. Associate Editor is the highest position in an
Editorial Board .
5. The public care about quality journalism.
6. Traditional media companies need to adapt
faster to new technology.

Let’s check your papers.

V. Assignment

For your assignment, make a research about the

functions of campus paper. Write it in your notebook
and we will be having a recitation next meeting. .
I hope you learn something today. Before we will
end our class, Jade can you lead the closing prayer
for today?
Yes, sir.

Well then, let’s call it a day. See you next meeting.

Goodbye, sir!

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