Smart Sensor Lect3

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Unit 2

Smart Sensor
Smart Sensors – Block Diagram, Architecture & Applications

• Smart sensors are different from other types of sensors because they carry
out functions like ranging, calibration and decision making for
communication and utilization of data.
Features of smart sensors

• Self-calibration: Adjust the deviation of the output of the sensor from the
desired value.

• Communication: Broadcast information about its own status.

• Computation: Can compute average, variance and standard deviation for

the set of measurements.

• Multi-sensing: A single smart sensor can measure, temperature, pressure,

gas flow, humidity, infrared, chemical reaction, surface acoustic vapour,
HC-SR501 PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor) Sensor : Motion Detector

• Three pin device (Vcc, Gnd, OUT)

• Operates on DC power 5V – 12V.
• Consumes less than 2mA of current and can detect motion up to 7 meters
(21 ft)
• The sensor output goes HIGH when motion is detected and goes LOW
when idle (no motion detected).
• Pyroelectric sensor is covered by a plastic cap, which has array of many
Fresnel Lens inside. These lenses are curved in such a manner so that
sensor can cover a wide range. Fresnel lens focuses the infrared signals on
the pyroelectric sensor.

HC-SR501 PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor) Sensor : Motion Detector
• A pyroelectric sensor consists of a window to pass through infrared
radiation. Behind the window, there are two separate infrared sensor

• One responsible for producing the positive output and the other for
producing the negative output. The two electrodes are wired such that they
cancel each other out.

• When there is no movement around the sensor (ambient light) , both slots
detect the same amount of infrared radiation, resulting in a zero output

• when any object passes by, it first intercepts half of the sensor. This causes
a positive differential change between the two halves.

• When object intercepts the other half of the sensor (leaves the sensing
region), the opposite happens, and the sensor produces a negative
differential change.
HC-SR501 PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor) Sensor : Motion

• Inside module there is a passive infrared (PIR) controller IC – BISS0001. It

takes the output from the Pyroelectric sensor and does some minor
processing on it to emit a digital output pulse.

• By reading this change in voltage ( out pin goes high), motion is detected.

• This react to motion may be used to turn lights ON/OFF, blowing alarm,
enabling a fan, take picture of intruder etc.
Motion sensing Application

• Note :
After power up the circuit wait 30-60 seconds for the PIR to adapt to the infrared energy in the
room. The LED may blink a bit during that time. Wait until the LED is completely off

Power On Delay

• PIR sensors, after being turned on to go through the initialization sequence. At that time it learns
the ambient infrared signature of the environment and calibrating itself to the room

• False triggers are likely to occur during this calibration time, so any triggers during this time
should be ignored. Also make sure that there is not too much movement in front of the sensor
when it is undergoing self-calibration as this may interfere with the calibration process.
• When set, Wave a hand and watch the LED light up accordingly.

• This PIR output can be connected directly to a relay module to turn something ON/OFF based on
motion, or to the Microcontroller .
HC-SR501 PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor) Sensor : Motion Detector

Sensitivity Adjustment
• The PIR sensor has a potentiometer
on the back to adjust the sensitivity.

• This potentiometer sets the

maximum detection range.

• Sensitivity can be adjusted over a

range of approximately 3 meters to
• 7 meters (9 to 21 feet).

• Rotating the pot clockwise will

increase the sensitivity and thus the
range, and vice versa.
HC-SR501 PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor) Sensor : Motion
Time-Delay Adjustment
• There is another potentiometer
on the back of the PIR sensor to
adjust the Time-Delay.

• This potentiometer sets how long

the output will remain HIGH after
motion is detected.

• It can be adjusted from 1 second

to about 3 minutes.

• Turning the potentiometer

clockwise increases the delay,
while turning the potentiometer
counter-clockwise decreases the
HC-SR501 PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor) Sensor : Motion Detector

Trigger Mode Selection

• L – Selecting this will set the
single trigger mode.

• In this mode the output goes HIGH

as soon as motion is detected and
remains HIGH for a period
determined by the Time-Delay
• Further detection is blocked until
the output returns to LOW at the
end of the time delay.
• If there is still motion, the output
will go HIGH again.
• During delay period if any motion
occurs, will go undetected.
HC-SR501 PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor) Sensor : Motion Detector

• Trigger Mode Selection

H – Selecting this will set the
multiple trigger mode.

• In this mode the output goes

HIGH as soon as motion is
detected and remains HIGH for
a period determined by the
Time-Delay potentiometer.
• Unlike single trigger mode,
further detection is not
blocked, time delay is reset
each time motion is detected.
• If no motion, then output
returns to LOW only after a
time delay.
• Hence the name multiple
trigger mode.
HC-SR501 PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor) Sensor : Motion Detector

• Optional Components – Thermistor and LDR

• The HC-SR501 module has solder pads for two additional components.

• RT – This connection is for a thermistor or temperature-sensitive resistor.

Adding this allows the HC-SR501 to be used in extended temperature
range. This also increases the accuracy of the detector to some extent.

• RL – This connection is for Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) or

Photoresistor. Adding this component allows the HC-SR501 to operate in
the dark. This is useful for building motion-sensitive lighting systems.
MPU6050 : Position/ Orientation sensor

• The MPU6050 module consists of a 3-axis Accelerometer and 3-axis

Gyroscope inside it.
• Used to measure acceleration, velocity, orientation, displacement and
many other motion-related parameters of a system or object.
• The combination of gyroscope an accelerometers MPU6050 has six axes
sense with a 16-bit measurement resolution.
• This module also has a (DMP) Digital Motion Processor inside it to
perform complex calculations
• The module also has two auxiliary pins which can be used to interface
external IIC modules
• More than one MPU6050 sensor can be interfaced to a Microcontroller
using the AD0 pin.
MPU6050 Module Pinout
• The MPU6050 module has a total of 8
pins. In which at least 4 pins are
necessary for the interfacing.

• VCC : to provides power for the

• GND : Ground
• SCL : Serial Clock Used for providing
clock pulse for I2C Communication.
• SDA: Serial Data Used for
transferring Data through I2C
• XDA: Auxiliary Serial Data - Can be
used to interface other I2C modules
with MPU6050.
• XCL : Auxiliary Serial Clock - Can be
used to interface other I2C modules
with MPU6050.
• ADD/ADO : Address select pin if
multiple MPU6050 modules are used.
• INT : Interrupt pin to indicate that
data is available for MCU to read.
MPU6050 Module

• Ideally, when the sensor is static, the gyroscope values and acceleration
values should be zero on all axis.
• On practical applications, error should be taken into account and
correction needed to get more accurate readings.
• Microcontroller code is needed to read the values from sensor using serial
communication protocol to process further.

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